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/lit/ - Literature

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9357277 No.9357277 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Christian novels?

>> No.9357321

Letter To A Christian Nation by Sam Harris

>> No.9357350
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>> No.9357380


Les Miserables (if you count a deist as Christian)
East of Eden

>> No.9357383


>le Tolkien was a Catholic Author meme

I forgot about that part where the hobbits roasted Hugenots

>> No.9357494

Anything by Dostoyevsky
Tolstoy's later stuff (although it's pretty heretical)
Gulag Archipelago

Weird I can only think of Russian orthodox authors off the top of my head at the moment

These are good
Of these, only Silence is written by a Christian

>> No.9357512

Most of Bernanos.

>> No.9357673

whats his best

>> No.9357680

i was going to suggest A Case of Conscience by James Blish, but i could never decide whether Evertchi was actually an agent of Satan or if he was just an asshole Lithian, and if the planet blew up because those idiots couldn't build a working fusion reactor with any safeties, or if it was the priest's exorcism.

>> No.9357690

J.F. Powers' Morte D'Urban

>> No.9357706

you can't fuck up with sous le soleil de satan, at least
also léon bloy

>> No.9357711

le desespere is bloys best?

>> No.9357716

I don't know, I don't read

>> No.9357747

The Divine Comedy is good, not really great and amazing, but its good.

>> No.9357884

This. He's more a mad old pagan than anything (and the better for it).

>> No.9357895

Anything by Taylor Caldwell

>> No.9357897

The End of the Affair by Graham Greene.

>> No.9357914

The Bible

>> No.9357920

120 of sodom
beyond good and evil
story of the eye

>> No.9357928

Mr. Blue by Myles Connolly

>> No.9357931
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>> No.9358140

Also Diary Of A Country Priest -- at least I've found it's his most widely read book. All the others are pretty hard to track down desu.

Mr. Blue is a shit book, do not read.

Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
The Desert Of Love by Francois Mauriac
All of Graham Greene's Catholic novels are pretty good also, the best being Brighton Rock and The Power And The Glory.

>> No.9358210

Are you stupid or American?

>> No.9358218

This is the current state of /lit/.

>> No.9358240
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The Way of a Pilgrim

>> No.9358248

>Mr. Blue is a shit book

How would you know? You haven't read it.

>> No.9358480
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The Solar Cycle by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.9358512

Why did you post twice? Are you trying to make it look like more people are agreeing with you?

>> No.9359132

Or maybe people agree with Tolkien more.
Take a look at the afterlife in LotR.

>> No.9359204

What? That person replied to the same two people, with the same response, twice, within two minutes.

>> No.9359461

> novels

>> No.9360209
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>> No.9360240


>> No.9360247

my diary, desu

>> No.9360311

Newfags detected. Do yourself a service and at least pick a biography of his or two. He, and his work is thoroughly Catholic. Now, you many have caught a wild theory or two from the nethers of this forum, but no serious scholar ever even looked at it. In fact they're all universal in proclaiming him Catholic author.

>> No.9360318

lol are you actually mad about people shitposting about tolkien

>> No.9360392

Mad over a person exhibiting imbecilic behaviour? If you two examples that never lurked before took a hint from mockery directed at you, you'd see that attempt at 'shitposting' failed on every level. Now take a hint and do read a book or two, so you'll do better next time you try it.

>> No.9360479

lol, yes, I'm the only person outside of elderly syndicated Catholic columnists who has ... it's a cloying moralistic tract, not a novel with any of its own artistic merits. And its overt religiosity isn't even deployed in an engaging way: it could've been written by or about a Buddhist and it wouldn't have changed anything. Fuck this book.

Oh and also, to OP, don't forget your poetry.
Canterbury Tales
Gerusalemme Liberata
Orlando Furiosio
Le Chanson de Roland

Look especially to the last few for lots of good bits about slaughtering "paynims" (pagans) (Muslims) (Mohammedans) (Arabs).

>> No.9360522

No idea about the other two, but Chanson and Canterbury aren't Christian poetry. They are written by Christians, but that's it. Other themes prevail.

I can recommend Huysmans. En Route is brilliant. Not preachy and grounded.

>> No.9360550
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At least half the books on this list portray Christianity in a positive light.

>> No.9360686
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is there any Christian-kino? something that makes me believe in God, i'm an atheist but not a fedora edgylord, i just want a good reason to believe

>> No.9361221

Tristram Shandy is the most genuinely anti-modern, Christian novel there is. The sermon in book II is the heart of the whole thing.

"We trust we have good conscience..."

It's also extremely funny and sad at once. Check it out.

>> No.9361642
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The Young Pope. Beautiful show that made me start going to church again.

>> No.9361696
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>> No.9361769

>In 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of cinema, the Vatican compiled a list of 45 "great films". The 45 movies are divided into three categories: religion, values, and art.


>> No.9361821

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.9361842

Damn the Vatican is Patrician as fuck

>> No.9363236

is it i have heard it is very modern. i would like it if it weren't

>> No.9363509

Jesus Christ Superstar is a fantastic film


>> No.9363933


Nah it's counter-enlightenment. The book is basically an attack on the notion that we can "reason our way" through life, and on Locke in particular. It's definitely avant garde but not at all inaccessible. The "philosophy" of the work, "Shandyism", is basically one of Christian tolerance and charity towards others.

>my uncle Toby had scarce a heart to retaliate upon a fly.

>—Go—says he, one day at dinner, to an over-grown one which had buzzed about his nose, and tormented him cruelly all dinner-time,—and which after infinite attempts, he had caught at last, as it flew by him;—I'll not hurt thee, says my uncle Toby, rising from his chair, and going across the room, with the fly in his hand,—I'll not hurt a hair of thy head:—Go, says he, lifting up the sash, and opening his hand as he spoke, to let it escape;—go, poor devil, get thee gone, why should I hurt thee?—This world surely is wide enough to hold both thee and me.

But more important than all its philosophizing it is laugh-out-loud funny. It's not an easy book to describe because it is truly sui generis.

>> No.9364125

Kinolicious list

>> No.9364212

>Patrician as fuck

Well no shit...

>> No.9364214

>Brideshead Revisited

Worst ending ever. It's like he suddently remembered his faith, and had to write every character into it not to dissapoint the pope...

>> No.9364528

Not that guy, but I'll check it out
I'm intimidated by the size of the book, though

>> No.9364538

sigrid undset's writing

>> No.9365258
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>> No.9365265

Hugo was actually Cathlic until his death bed I thought, in which he renounced his faith and saw to it his children would not be buried in a Catholic cemetery or something

>> No.9365267
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Christcucks btfo

>> No.9365269

How was Tolstoy heretical?

>> No.9365281

>not really great and amazing
>one of the most important works in the western canon by one of the top 4 most important authors of the western canon is "good, not really great or amazing"

>> No.9365511

Didn't believe in the Resurrection desu

>> No.9365536

Harris can't even BTFO David Hume, he doesn't touch the Gospels.

>> No.9366868

Really? I have to read that

>> No.9366909

wow really? thats pretty bad how in the world did he justify that? thats basically not believing in Christianity