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9355464 No.9355464 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an ugly soul or a beautiful soul, /lit/?

>> No.9355484

A beautiful soul--and I suffer more for it. The more that I explore my own soul, the more I realize that everything beautiful is just masking pain.

>> No.9355493

>only having one soul


>> No.9355497

I don't know. I don't think it's ugly, but how would I tell? I doubt people with horrible souls believe it of themselves.

>> No.9355504

Females with horrible souls do tend to believe that they're angels. They'll make you believe it for a while, too.

>> No.9355558

Bit o' both I reckon

>> No.9355583

There's no such thing. My inner self is well, froggy.

How I appear to others doesn't effect me nearly as much as it used to.

>Knows a duplicitous person
>Happens to be a woman
Poor damaged little froggy creeps

>> No.9355590
File: 110 KB, 500x775, butterfly, the cunt 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how I appear to others doesn't effect me nearly as much as it used to
Said the ugly cunt.

>> No.9355600

Oh, I know plenty of terrible men as well. I've just noticed that females are generally more prone to fall victim to the angel complex.

>> No.9355625

And so you give the men with angel complexes a free pass and/or you create a special exception with just how the women behave.

There's a difference between all men and women, but that's also true of all individual people. Wise up already.

>> No.9355634

You certainly are a bitchy cunt.

>> No.9355651

I've read a lot of virtue and Stoic philosophy. I want to believe I have a good soul. I'm not materialistic, polite, and I help people whenever it is possible, even at the expensive of myself.

However, I have mental illnesses and my mind always looks for reasons to hate people and I judge them fiercely. It is an automatic response, and I have tried to suppress it over the years but I can't. Do you think I am an evil person?

>> No.9355656

You are a man, right?

>> No.9355681


I'm really not sure.

>> No.9355730

Yes, why?

>> No.9355739

>plugs ears

>> No.9355740

probably a piece of shit that should be strangled out of life, i'm not a good person

>> No.9355743


>> No.9355754
File: 506 KB, 500x775, butterfly, the cunt 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from the yapping cunt
You're a funny abomination.

>> No.9355756
File: 20 KB, 500x220, tumblr_n1fvfdA05D1rurwh4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the ugly-beautiful meme
I have an exuberant soul. I overflow, I grow, I spread my energy like hot sticky cum over anything that strikes me. I have an erotic soul.

>> No.9355763

This, bipolar masterrace

>> No.9355775

I sold my soul to a demon a long time ago. I call her my wife.

>> No.9355776

I don't think you are evil then. Just a troubled person, like so many others.

>> No.9355815

Beauty and ugliness are in the eyes of the beholder

and my self-loading makes my soul ugly as fuck

>> No.9356379

We all have beautiful souls. We're fragile, though, and we seem to get corrupted quite easily.

>> No.9356389

"Shipmates, have ye shipped in that ship?"

Queequeg and I had just left the Pequod, and were sauntering away from the water, for the moment each occupied with his own thoughts, when the above words were put to us by a stranger, who, pausing before us, levelled his massive forefinger at the vessel in question. He was but shabbily apparelled in faded jacket and patched trowsers; a rag of a black handkerchief investing his neck. A confluent small-pox had in all directions flowed over his face, and left it like the complicated ribbed bed of a torrent, when the rushing waters have been dried up.

"Have ye shipped in her?" he repeated.

"You mean the ship Pequod, I suppose," said I, trying to gain a little more time for an uninterrupted look at him.

"Aye, the Pequod - that ship there," he said, drawing back his whole arm, and then rapidly shoving it straight out from him, with the fixed bayonet of his pointed finger darted full at the object.

"Yes," said I, "we have just signed the articles."

"Anything down there about your souls?"

"About what?"

"Oh, perhaps you hav'n't got any," he said quickly. "No matter though, I know many chaps that hav'n't got any, - good luck to 'em; and they are all the better off for it. A SOUL'S A SORT OF A FIFTH WHEEL TO A WAGON."

"What are you jabbering about, shipmate?" said I.

"He's got enough, though, to make up for all deficiencies of that sort in other chaps," abruptly said the stranger, placing a nervous emphasis upon the word he.

"Queequeg," said I, "let's go; this fellow has broken loose from somewhere; he's talking about something and somebody we don't know."

>> No.9356416

Hahah! NICE! *high-five*

>> No.9356435

It might have been beautiful if I had had a brain to go with it.

>> No.9356554

during the day my exposed soul is that of young Japanese school girl Yika Marushi, but when the sun sets I transform into the power Ikakku, powerful shapeshifter. As time passes I begin to notice parts of each soul blending together as I begin to make friends and battle the evil Osaga Clan.

>> No.9356599

i like this post

>> No.9356605

I'm a 5th dimensional being of pure light that works at a grocery store.

>> No.9356612

A little of both, obviously. Probably more beautiful than ugly. Perhaps sad more than either.

>> No.9356805

anyone who claims to have a beautiful soul is naturally ruled out from having a beautiful soul

the only true beautiful souls are the souls who are naive to their own beauty

>> No.9356809


>> No.9356813


I'm pretty sure these people annoy the fuck out of more people than they please.

>> No.9356831

I just think beauty is an idea that has to be imposed by a separated party, and the further someone is from knowing their worth, the purer that worth becomes because there's inherently less intentions attached

>> No.9356846


Except I don't think a person can not know their self-worth without hating themselves, and this is proportionally true to their worth.

>> No.9356851
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I'm just hoping to have enough damage control to stop going full Underground Man.

>> No.9356870

I guess ignorance of self-worth would be a better way of describing what I mean, definitely not actively self-loathing (which imo is much worse than self-gratifying), just someone who is blissfully unaware of their beautiful impact on others and the world around them

>> No.9356889
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I'm an artist. This is what am I at my core: essentially elitist, but also exceedingly philantropic.
I really can't tolerate most people, it may be that I'm actually autistic, but they just make me excessively angry, so that I always retreat to isolation to calm myself down and stop being so frustrated.
At the same time this is not enough for me not to care about their well-being. I'm genuinely concerned about my fellow man, and I give most of my money (I live a very frugal life cause of it) away to charities. I simply can't stop myself from doing it. It's not about congratulating myself, it's just that I know, in a very personal, subjective way, that this is the right thing to do.
At heart I think that I'm really ethical, without being excessively principled and dogmatic. I don't really have a system in place, but I still trust my intuition enough for me to always see a ''right thing'' to do. Imo, unless you're in a place of power, where compromise may be necessary, knowing what is the right thing to do is that easy.

is this a beautiful soul? I'm pretty sure that some people could criticize it as weak, which I don't think is an aspect of beauty. Give me your opinion.

>> No.9356894

Beautiful. If I were a girl I would date me, seriously.

>> No.9356925

you sound like you have a schizotypal personality anon

>> No.9356936

>you sound like you have a schizotypal personality anon

I just have a very low tolerance for people I don't like. I find myself many times just storming out of conversations cause of it.
That said I don't think I have any such problem, I just think I have strong reasons to value philantropy even over this misoginy. These are actual human beings, should I really think that I should not care about their well-being only because they don't like the things I like? That's lazy.

>> No.9356987

I think you need to better accept and be at peace with the fact that a majority of people don't think completely logically about their views and are very much products of their environment

You'll more than likely find people who have very different opinions on a variety of issues than yourself, but instead of storming off and getting emotional, press deeper, ask WHY they feel a certain way about something so you can better understand their situation and where they come from

And if nothing comes of it, just accept that you're different people shaped by different environments

>> No.9357968

you sound like Françoise in the search of lost time
<< "I came to recognize that, apart from her own kinsfolk, the sufferings of humanity inspired in her a pity which increased in direct ratio to the distance separating the sufferers from herself. The tears flowed from her in torrents that when she read in a newspaper of the misfortunes of persons unknown to her were quickly stemmed once she had been able to form a more accurate mental picture of the victims. One night, shortly after her confinement, the kitchen-maid was seized with the most appalling pains; mamma heard her groans, and rose and awakened Françoise, who, quite unmoved, that declared all the outcry was mere malingering, That the girls wanted to "play the mistress." The doctor, who had been afraid of some such attack, had left a marker in medical dictionary which we had, at the page on which the symptoms were described, and had Told us to turn up this passage to discover the first aid to be adopted. My mother Françoise sent to fetch the book, warning her not to let the markers drop out. An hour elapsed, and Françoise had not returned; my mother, supposing That She had gone back to bed, grew vexed, and myself Told me to go to the library and fetch the volume. I did know, and there found Françoise who, in her curiosity to know what the indicato marker, begun had to read the clinical account of these after-pains, and it was violently sobbing, Now that it was a question of a prototype patient with-whom she was unacquainted. Acts each painful symptom Mentioned by the writer she would exclaim: "Oh, oh, Holy Virgin, is it possible that God wishes to wretched human creature to suffer so? Oh, the poor girl! "
But when i had called her, and she had returned to the bedside of Giotto's Charity, her tears at once ceased to flow; she could find no stimulus For That pleasant sensation of tenderness and pity with Which she was familiar, having moved to Been Often enough it by the perusal of newspapers, nor any other pleasure of the same kind, in her boredom and irritation at being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night for the kitchen-maid; I know that at the very sight of those sufferings the printed account of which had moved her to tears, she relapsed into ill-tempered mutterings, mingled with bitter sarcasm, he is saying, that when she thought we were out of earshot:
"Well, she should sono stati careful not to do what got her into this! She enjoyed it well enough, I dare say, I know she'd better not put on any airs now! All the same, he must have been a godforsaken young fellow to go with the likes of her. Dear, dear, it's just as they used to say in my poor mother's day: frogs and snails and puppy-dogs' tails, and dirty sluts in plenty, smell sweeter than roses in young men's noses when the heart is one-and-twenty. ">>

>> No.9358064

God, I'm looking forward to Moby Dick

>> No.9358088

Souls don't real.

>> No.9358100
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I know right? I don't even have a wife. I just thought it would be something cool to say. xD

>> No.9358105

How kafkaesque

>> No.9358314


>> No.9358349

who cares

>> No.9358639

Neither, but it is vast and acidic.

>> No.9358794
File: 457 KB, 1280x1117, https___i.warosu.org_data_sci_img_0075_56_1443453865778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all one soul and it sure is beautiful.

>> No.9358829

>hateful, lazy, selfish, greedy
>have stolen, cheated, lied, damaged the property of others, and done pornography for pay
>regularly break the law
>asocial and antisocial
>no friends, disengaged from family, no pets, an isolated and selfish existence
>unironically think most people should be shot and the world would be better off with a good plague to wash the scum out
>only help others if it benefits me
>go through sexual interests like tissue paper, have led people on just to fuck and dump them
>have used and exploited people
>quick to fight, naturally a bully

>most people like me and think I'm sweet and nice

I'm a piece of shit. As long as you're attractive and seem nice on the outside, you get pretty far on that.

>> No.9358913

Not ugly, bitter.

>> No.9359922

>you get pretty far on that

Youre just egotistical, proud. But also (if not some nonce, 3rd person entity) self-honest, and more like what others are more than willing to miss, in themselves.

>> No.9359934

My mysanthropy is not of this kind: as I said I don't really tolerate other people, I just don't really enjoy their presence, and at times things that they say just make me want to storm out, but never out of hate.
In that situation I would have actually took care of that maid, while being sure of always saying the right thing in order to don't put more pression on her.

>> No.9359949

>collective soul includes serial killers, people involved in genocides, pedophiles, psychopaths, everyone evil you can imagine

Yeah, so beautiful.

>> No.9359953

my soul has herpes