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9353199 No.9353199 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, you like Stephen King.

>> No.9353216

I want this hand when i'm going to nofap :)

>> No.9353320

desu i feel pretty emasculated knowing normies read these 800 page horror novels as i plod through a 200 page novella

>> No.9353496

Long Walk is fun, Stand was okay I guess, everything else is kind of trash

>> No.9353515

>reading Stephen King when Ligotti exists
might as well read Koontz at that point, fucking christ

>> No.9353516

From his newer stuff I really enjoyed Revival and 11/22/63, but I'm just a sucker for any halfway decent time travel story.

>> No.9353538

I've only read The Stand. I made the stupid mistake of purchasing the extra long, extended cut, which just extended the wholly uneventful ending even further.

Lately I've been looking for something easy I might read on a plane and I've kept coming back to King. With IT coming out soon, I may see what the fuss is about with that.

>> No.9353546

Haven't read all that much of him, but i liked the girl who loved Tom Gordon

>> No.9353600

No I fucking don't, reading King is what I imagine having ADHD is like. 2fast4me

>Two pages into The Stand
>Already know the backstories and random anecdotes about every person at the gas stop

I honestly don't understand. If I read it with my inner voice I am required to do complete 180s in tone with every new sentence and if I shut it off and read properly I keep wondering why I should care about the inane details of doomed characters and why they're written so casually and poorly. Dickens does the same thing but it is always thematically relevant when he wanks on about irrelevant shit. Pynchon does the same thing but it's always funny or ironic or sad. King just wants to tell me about the cat this guy owns in the exact same prose as I would tell you about my boring cat and I don't fucking care.

And it's fucking infuriating because normally I'd just brush it off and say 'it's for plebs' but it makes me feel inadequate. Plebshit is plebshit because it isn't challenging or rewarding. The point is that anyone can read plebshit but you shouldn't. This is the first plebshit that I find immensely hard to read. Chad and Stacey are reading door stoppers and I can't make it ten pages in without sperging out.

>> No.9354557
File: 192 KB, 650x820, the-monkey-stephen-king-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad has this book and as a kid I was always freaked out by the cover. That and Skeleton Crew always freaked me out.

>> No.9354572


I enjoyed but saying that there was a trailer park on the other side of that swamp she avoided was a cheap trick. He did this a few times in the later DT books too.

SK has an awful habit for writing something to the effect of "Look at them being happy, they never saw each other or were happy again".

>> No.9354980
File: 400 KB, 960x1473, mr_mercedes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone on here read this? I'm sort of interested on his take on crime fiction. Worth picking up a cheap paperback of, or no?

>> No.9355197

wtf now this thread makes me hate stephen king

>> No.9355489

This. I don't even dislike King as such, just vastly prefer Ligotti, Padgett, Negarestani, even Clive Barker and Koji Suzuki.

>> No.9355587

Reading Duma Key right now. I always enjoy his characters.

>> No.9357233

Long walk was pretty good.

>> No.9357240
File: 56 KB, 401x599, The_Stand_Uncut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>800+ pages
>went away with nothing

haven't been back since