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File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9351874 No.9351874 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on e-readers.

>> No.9351879

screens are the oblate jew

>> No.9351885

Not an argument

>> No.9351896

eInk for epubs, lcd for pdf
Amazon is a closed system that preys on its customers' lack of tech savvy
Kobo and Nook are good options
Calibre is helpful for organizing and converting ebboks, but not to/from pdf

>> No.9351903

>only decent Kobo is over $200
>Nook is dead

>> No.9351989

>Download any book I want, convert it to the right format and put it on my Kindle
I'm so preyed upon, my nigga.

>> No.9352037

>even here

>> No.9352445

literally free rare books on demand if you know where to look. also, you can read with one hand without bending the spine of a physical book. also aggregates your underlined passages, allows notes and bookmarks. also has a clock so you can check the time without looking away.

420% worth it imo.

>> No.9352518
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Almost every book worth reading is available for free online via .pdf or some other file variant. I can download, convert, and read anything I want for free.

Volumecucks are so busy shelling out cash on their paper stacks while I read in comfort.

>> No.9352592

Notes aren't really worth it on the lower-end models though; they tend to be sluggish.
Same goes for underlining/ highlighting.

>> No.9352732

Die in a fire. Which is not an argument before you feel the need to point that out, just a general hope most of us have about your future.

>> No.9354104


Exactly, but you are more tech-savvy than the vast majority of Amazon's customers, who can't handle anything but the closed format the company locks them in with

>> No.9354113

I literally just torrent books and put them in

>> No.9354120

>shops are preying on customers who lack the tech savvy to steal from them
Kek. I'm all for piracy, but at least try not to sound like a complete retard.

>> No.9354412

Chapter 1 and already 22% in the book?

>> No.9354421

Same here. It's easy as pie.

>> No.9354426

They're good if you're planning to visit some bumfuck nowhere with no electricity or take a really long trip, otherwise tablets are just as good. My e-reader is collecting dust because I can't be arsed to carry two deviced

>> No.9354431

Thinking of getting one of these. People are mentioning converting the filetype. Does amazon use their own file type, or is it .pdf? I'd expect them to have a filetype that allows all the fun page switching and UI stuff, and a .pdf would be more like just scrolling through pages, but I know next to nothing about this so I could be completely wrong.

>> No.9354435
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Why is my kindle sepia colored while everyone else's is grey. The picture doesn't show it well.

>> No.9354594

Are the shit tier e-readers like the Nook Barnes & Nobles and the Kindle Merit worth it at all or should I just save some money and buy the more expensive ones?

>> No.9354605

stop cumming on it
propertiary, use calibre no ereader except a expensive sony one can pdf correctly
if they are e -ink should be fine enough

>> No.9354609

They're not books and don't replace certain aspects thereof, but other than that there isn't all that much wrong with them.

What's holding you back?

>> No.9354617 [DELETED] 
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>stop cumming on it
good one

>> No.9354647

Misuse of "bait" meme, and oddly humorless. You a woman?

>> No.9354659

Excellent example of Islamic calligraphy.

>> No.9354660

Sorry. I don't come on here a lot.

>> No.9354666

Crewdson's photographs are so damn satisfying.

>> No.9354674

Well now I feel bad. I only posted that because I hate women because I have psychological issues. You shouldn't feel embarrassed or out of place. Everyone here fucks up and does dumb shit constantly. I'm so autistic I don't know how to buy pants so I have to devise special staggering systems to trick normies into thinking I have more than three pairs. Don't feel bad.

>> No.9354677
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Paperwhite has a great monitor but a piece of shit UI. At least the one I bought a few years ago.

The zooming is slow and not even gradual, just a few preset sizes. The scrolling is the same. The interface for choosing and organizing files is slow and in some cases counterintuitive.

The only things I like about it are

1) Glare free
2) No syncing bulshit like with iDevices.

>> No.9354679
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>> No.9354682

It's okay

>> No.9354705

>Does it allow you to read books?
>Does allow you to read the same words as someone who owns the book would?
>Able to obtain books (and rare ones) for free

Get one, OP.

>> No.9354711

you can get a kindle for $30 on ebay and download books

>> No.9354857
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>> No.9355075

Which ereader is that? Looks nice, I like the cover you have for it. No idea why it's sepia tho

>> No.9355102

t. eyelet

>> No.9355113

Kindle paperwhite. And thanks. I got it for christmas cause it keeps the front from getting scratched.

>> No.9355126

I also have a Paperwhite and I've been meaning lately to get a cover for it, is it comfortable while reading? I'm used to it as is, don't know if it's worth the purchase yet.

>> No.9355132

where the fuck are you torrenting books, bruv?

>> No.9355138

Use #ebooks on IRC. It has pretty much everything.

>> No.9355148

Don't buy a new one. You can get used kindles that work perfectly fine and are in great condition for under 30$. Also, they are fragile. If you plan on carrying it in your backpack or putting stuff on top of it, don't. Their screens break all the time and there is no real way to fix them. It is nice being able to pirate books and not have to deal with bluelight and guilt from staring at a computer screen all day, but, again, e-readers break all the fucking time. If you have a good library I would not waste any money on an e-reader.

>> No.9355173

Yeah I think it's comfortable. I hold it pretty much like a regular book. You can fold the front cover over the back if you want.

>> No.9355178

Could be a sample that's only a few select passages.

>> No.9355274


>> No.9355327

I stare at screens all day already.

>> No.9355507

that's why you get an ereader instead of a tablet

>> No.9355560

I bought kobo aura one a month ago. Worth every penny. 8"is soooo much fucking better than 6" shit

>> No.9355579

obligatory that's what she said

>> No.9356325

I had the Kobo Aura One for almost 6 months. I liked it at first, but eventually all the bugs and battery issues forced me to sell it. Even all the updates didn't really fix most of the issues. It still crashed or restarted occasionally and the battery percentage indicator dropped by 10% every few hours for no apparent reason. The battery life itself was relatively bad (13-15 hours of reading at less than 10% brightness, no wifi). The thing was sluggish in general. Epubs are straight up broken with the ridiculous 2 second page turns (kepub works much better, but still not as fast as kindles).

I ended up selling it 2 weeks ago for 190 euros and got a Kindle Voyage for 150 euros.

I miss the larger screen, but at least I don't have to deal with all the bugs, crashes and restarts plus I can easily read with one hand now. I hope Amazon releases a slightly larger reader later this year, but not 8". I feel like 7" would be the perfect size as long as it has page turn buttons on the bezels.

>> No.9357345

Interesting, I have no such issues...

>> No.9357395

Hm, also no such issues.

>> No.9357453

buy a cheap e-reader and download a "glare-free" app

>> No.9357527


>> No.9357539

It's true what they say, you haven't really read the book if you read the ebook.

>> No.9357568
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>reading the guardian

Their writers flip-flop on everything from sexual harassment to the EU.

Also I find my comprehension has gone up since I've started using a Kindle.

>> No.9357595

get a case?

>> No.9357599

yeah, because you've read the ebook...

>> No.9357632

I tried reading ebooks,but I always find myself just kinda glazing over,not taking in anything. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.9357639

also saves on a lot of space when travelling

>> No.9357652


>> No.9357664

Fuck that chick looks pretty cute
Would cuddle.

>> No.9358038


>> No.9358049

What is that?

>> No.9358061

It's an IRC network. There are many, therefore when someone tells you to join the room #ebooks they also should specify it.

Do young people no longer use IRC?

>> No.9358091

Is that an example of the flip flopping? It doesn't seem like a very good one.

>> No.9358104

libgen you fucking faggot

>> No.9358109

>otherwise tablets are just as good

>> No.9358112

>Do young people no longer use IRC?

#bookz on undernet is ok.

>> No.9358117

Damn i needed this thread.
Poorfag here, i'm thinking on getting the normal Kindle touch but i can also spend a bit more of money for getting the Paperwhite Kindle. The thing is, is paperwhite actually better than the normal kindle?. From what i've read it just lets you read comfortably at night, so i'm not sure if it is worth it.

>> No.9358142

>Do young people no longer use IRC?
It's all discord now.

>> No.9358144

Go to Mobileread.com. Plenty of people with these issues. If you read more than 3-4 hours a day, you will eventually run into these issues. Again, the recent updates fixed some of these issues, but not all of them. Kindle software is far more stable and polished and it always has been.

>> No.9358147


ahh, the IRC facebook
fucking hate it

>> No.9358167

It's definitely worth it. Not having a frontlight is a pain in the ass. It simply looks better (hence the name paperwhite) and you never have to worry about ambient lighting. I used to have a regular kindle. I always had to sit very close to my desk lamp to get a good contrast on the screen, otherwise the screen would look grey. It's similar to paper, but nowhere near as good. With paper you only need a little bit of light and you're good, but with an ereader you need much more if you want the screen to look good.
The best combination is Paperwhite with the light at 8-12 and some ambient lighting.

>> No.9358181

Its just a cleaner alternative to something like teamspeak, why do you hate it? I can't even see the comparison of it to IRC really.

>> No.9358186

the rules it's set up by promote faggotry, all the extra features are only a detriment.
I guess if you are a homosexual and play video games it's good for that

>> No.9358270

I was hesitant at first but am pleasantly impressed with my kindle.

>> No.9358279

Does that still exist? The website is always down for me.

>> No.9358286

Amazon has no quality control for screens. It is known that you should order 4-5, pick the one with the good screen, and return the rest. It sucks, but their readers are the best, if you get one with a good screen, which only takes effort, no money, thanks to their amazing customer service.

>> No.9358300

A cheap e-reader wouldn't have glare though

>> No.9358315

in airplane mode, my kindle has amazing battery life, i charge twice a month maybe?

honestly the only downside i've found is that i can't loan books out anymore because my friends don't have ereaders

>> No.9358324

What do you want a larger screen for? Do you read manga or pdf?

My only problem with the Voyage is a lack of a proper cover for it.
Origami is a pedestal attached to the reader, which may be desirable for some, but I think the majority of cover users want hecking protection and Origami does not offer that whatsoever.
Third party covers are made with inferior craftsmanship and from inferior material, compared to the wonderful Paperwhite Amazon cover. It's baffling, that they didn't just redesign that so a Voyage fits inside it.

There's apps, so they could read on their phone, if they want to.

>> No.9358331

They moved to skype years ago and are now migrating to discord.
And mind you, these are already the nerdy kids. The others use instagram and snapchat.

IRC hasn't had a significant influx of new users in at least 5 years.

>> No.9358353

I found a single solitary player on lambdaMOO last week.

>> No.9358368

Discord is fine. It lacks some features, but it works and looks like an upgraded IRC. Unlike Skype, which makes your IP public, it's as anonymous as you want it to be.

>> No.9358381

what are good discord servers???

>> No.9358390

They're good for traveling and not much else imo. I find the whole UI on my Kobo pretty infuriating but it's super convenient on-the-go.

>> No.9358391


>> No.9358419

no thanks i quit that shit

>> No.9358449

i won't ever fuck with ebooks until formatting is 100% consistent.

>> No.9358585

changed to .me

>> No.9358849


>> No.9359084


So you like cgi photo, eh, devil?

>> No.9359163
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$300 amerifat dollardoos for a e-reader

they're kidding right?

>> No.9359254

A friend of mine had a minor problem in the screen and got a new one, so I got his kindle with the little crash for 20 bucks. Thing is: it can read pdfs just fine, maybe a bit wonky depending on how poorly scanned the file is, but still, nothing out of the ordinary. Why is that?

>> No.9359259

Little crack*

>> No.9359284

>I can't even see the comparison of it to IRC really.
The reason it gets compared to IRC so often is because a lot of communities that were running perfectly fine moved to Discord for no apparent reason.

>> No.9359301

>chapter 1
>32 %
Fucking babbys first book

>> No.9359355

>What do you want a larger screen for?
Mostly being able to fit the same number of lines per page and words per line, but with a larger font. I agree a larger screen is fairly useless for most people. I liked the 7.8" screen on my KA1, but I can definitely live without it. What else can Amazon improve upon other than a larger screen?

>> No.9359403

A larger screen is not a straight up upgrade. It makes the device heavier, which sucks, and it's clunkier to hold. It also won't fit into more jackets or pants than a smaller device.
There's also an optimal length of text lines beyond which legibility decreases.

I want them to give the thing faster processors, so it becomes more responsive and can skip through text faster. They would have to improve the energy density of the battery to accomplish that without decreasing its life time. They should also improve the quality control on their screens, so buying a device is no longer a lottery. More storage would be nice for people who read manga on it, though those folks might want to use something with a larger screen, but a larger screen probably wouldn't be worth it for the book readers, and the market for dedicated 200$ manga reading machines is fairly small I bet.

>> No.9359542

Thinking of buying the Kindle 7 because it's rather cheap and I don't have much money.
Anybody have it? Does the Smart lookup work with torrented books or does it only work with books from Amazon/other retailers?

>> No.9359664

If you ever travel, you have this tiny, literally pocket sized (with non skinny jeans) device to read all the books you want.
Are you low on money? Pirate all the books you want and add them, the screen doesn't tire the eyes, different font size and type options, long lasting battery, it has a fucking black and white browser in there too if you ever need it. Are the words too hard for you? Don't worry, just highlight it and it will give you the dictionary definiton, or open it in wikipedia. Decent bookmarking, note-taking and highlighting system, not as good and quick as a smarthphone, but more centralized and easy to look through than pen and paper.

Cons:Not as many font options as other devices, and in general formatting options could be better, the smell of old electronics is never as good as the smell of an old book, the feeling of holding a book in your hand and working through it from start to finish is more rewarding than tapping a screen until the end.

>> No.9359674

though i will say, i always turn off the page number/percentage counter on the bottom of my kindle and it's a new experience to not have any sense of my "place" in the book, many an ending has crept up on me in a marvelous way that a physical book could not allow.

>> No.9359900

X-Ray doesn't, the other functions do, at least on a Paperwhite and Voyage. I don't know how different the software of the baseline Kindle is.
I do not recommend buying a reader without backlight though.

>> No.9361219

That thing is hideous. Who signed off on that bezel?

>> No.9361236

The best e-reader and only one worth purchasing has no 3mm headphone jack, so all your audible purchases are worthless now.

>> No.9361259

>ads shoved in my face
>go to install custom OS onto tablet
>Amazon aggressively pushes OTA updates with anti-root
>"I'll just roll-back to a previous version of OS without anti-root updates and"
>anti-roll-back code written to flash memory specifically designed to render tablet useless on detection of circumvention

today: my shitty $40 amazon tablet
tomorrow: ???

>> No.9361325

Thanks for warning me before I also bricked my Kindle.

I hate that OS but I guess that's just how it will be.

>> No.9361354

No need to decide between a tablet and an ereader, get yourself a Onyx Boox and you can have the best of both worlds

Seriously, e-ink devices should start coming with android

>> No.9361596

What does lit use to find epubs of languages like japanese/korean?

>> No.9363017


>> No.9363032
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>> No.9363036

Adding on to this anon's question. How do I find spanish epub or mobi files.

>> No.9363065

Anyone that reads books on a eletronic device is a fucking degenerate

>> No.9363104

>not literally wearing the same clothes every day until they fall off your body

>> No.9363122
File: 1.51 MB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_20170409-054244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a Galaxy Tab S, any tablets that have AMOLED screen would do. The Tab S3 would be coming out soon.

>> No.9363127

Beta as fuck

>> No.9364403

The color can change depending on the lighting, it looks warmer if held up to a lamp and almost LCD like cool blue if held up to a TV.

>tfw have never connected my paper white to the internet and I don't get ads
Why are you going online with an e-reader?

>> No.9364418
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We're all frinds here.

>> No.9364480

I am pretty pissed since my Kindle updated. It used to have a nice little progress bar at the bottom of each book's thumbnail that was a good visual representation of its size, but they did away with that.

>> No.9364577

Is the Nook pretty much drag and drop with the SD card?

What a fag.

>> No.9364599

>not just having one(1) pair of normal looking jeans and always wearing those
>Inb4 what about when they get dirty
You think I leave my cave every day?

>> No.9364632

What about for audiobooks?
Even with the Audible discount $20-40 dollars is BS.

>> No.9365365
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>> No.9366590

The best thing is, that it's objectively inferior to a Voyage, so if you aren't a sucker for the weird ass design, you will never want that over the cheaper model.

I was so incredibly disappointed. I hope their next reader will have a good cover for a normal model at least. I'm glad Oasis was at least spared Origami cancer.

>> No.9366595


Don't fall for this bait.

I'll explain if anyone cares.

>> No.9366632

The whole scam of audible is to use the credits you retard.

>> No.9366705

Library genesis
Gutemberg project

>> No.9366708

t. brainlet

>> No.9366711

explain to me senpai

>> No.9367130

I appreciated this comment

>> No.9367243

I have an old kindle DX. I use it regularly. I can download thousands of classics to it for free. I tend to use it in bed. The battery life is phenomenal.

I think my favorite feature is that it saves where I left off between devices. So I can be reading in bed, and then turn it off when I go to sleep, and if the next day while at lunch, or out in the world I have a few minutes, I can use the Kindle app on my phone to pick up where I left off. I find the paper white screen to be so much easier on the eyes that I use it whenever carrying the DX around isn't inconvenient.

>> No.9367305
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Can recommend Tolino for Eurofags

>> No.9367320

>special staggering systems to trick normies into thinking I have more than three pairs
I do this with my t-shirts. All of my shirts are Quiksilver shirts from middle/high school (I'm 27 and finishing up my PhD now), and it's a source of embarrassment wearing them, but I'm even more afraid of people commenting if I suddenly change my attire significantly. I have a couple shirts where the logos were either subtle to begin with or have simply faded disproportionately, whereas others are still quite prominent. To minimize the problem, I wear my two faded/missing-logo shirts on Mondays and Fridays where I'm most likely to run into peers or attend classes, and have to remember which one I wore on one day so I wear the opposite the other day. Tuesday through Thursday I wear my other shirts, but I perform more lab work on those days which means I can just wear my lab coat for the most part.

>> No.9367434

have been using a battered old kindle for 6 years now. read hundreds of books, paid for zero. no regrets.

>> No.9367444

I hate Europe.

>> No.9367598

Thanks. You're amazing!

>> No.9367604

And we hate you

>> No.9367631

And all is going according to plan
~every leader in the world

>> No.9369048

Where do you guys pirate your books from? I'd like to check out a few sports books before buying them. Mainly history of baseball stuff but Amazon's chapter preview doesnt really give me much.

>> No.9369140

epubgratis dot org

>> No.9369758


>> No.9369803

Absolute bullshit.

>> No.9369880
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>no explanation given

>> No.9370296

Pleb detected! Pleb detected!