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File: 844 KB, 1200x650, 1468092633928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9351206 No.9351206 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally nothing wrong with hedonism.

>> No.9351213


>> No.9351229

I agree. There's nothing that tells me i should have any reverence for anyone else but myself.

>> No.9351240
File: 163 KB, 625x465, Epicurus Bust 4 inches 3d printed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but normies have no idea how to maximise pleasure.

If you're sexually active you're already doing it wrong.

>> No.9351244

By that reasoning there is also nothing that says you should have reverence for yourself.

to the OP: Some people have more complex needs than just fucking and drinking. I lived a hedonistic life for three years, basicaly perpetually smoking weed and hanging out with friends. It got really empty after a while and now I'm trying to quit.

>> No.9351246

Even if you dick 'n dash?

>> No.9351248

Mindlessly seeking out pleasure isn't healthy and it isn't really hedonism

>> No.9351251

a substanceless life without meaning and worship of the material, a bad troll thread meant to post a faggy cuck image

>> No.9351255

>Hedonism = constant partying and casual sex
I hate normies so much.

>> No.9351256

Yes. There's the risk of disease and pregnancy that disturbs peace of mind and the risk of being found by the bitch in question that disturbs peace of mind.

>> No.9351264

>hedonistic means physical pleasures only
Stop posting, retard.

>> No.9351267

See >>9351240

The problem is you failed to maximize pleasure. When you started feeling "empty" you were no longer living a hedonistic lifestyle, by definition.

>> No.9351272


hedonism is basically just harmless middle class frivolousness

>> No.9351388

>not doing something because it's wrong

why tho

>> No.9351393

>living the aesthetic life
Have fun with your midlife crisis when your body starts falling apart. There are greater jobs in life

>> No.9351400

joys *

>> No.9351407


>> No.9351418

those people are not attractive though

>> No.9351421

These things need to be experienced. First the aesthetic, then the ethical, and then the religious. Read some Kierkegaard

>> No.9351475


>> No.9351503

never thought of it like that
how to maximize pleasure? someone must have written on this

>> No.9351517

>it's a virtuecuck gets assmad episode
every tiem

>> No.9351582

Disgusting racemixing propaganda.

>> No.9351597

Go post your cuck fantasies somewhere else

>> No.9351636

Not if you don't care about that shit

>> No.9351768

Monogomy is a social construct that limits freedom. By calling people cucks, you are perpetuating this arbitrary oppression upon people's sex lives. If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that you do indeed get sexually excited by the idea of a woman getting fucked by another man. This is the true red pill. I am a cuck and proud of it.

>> No.9351777
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>This is the true red pill. I am a cuck and proud of it.

>> No.9351787

>le soshul tonka truck meme
Language itself is a social construct, you fucking retard. That doesn't necessarily make it wrong.

>> No.9351813

Monogamy is a foundational institution central to the success of Western Civilization. It promotes an equitable distribution of resources among males, and promotes social cohesion and harmony among social classes. Polygamy leads to a small number of males controlling large harems of females, leading to constant in-fighting among males along with the devaluation of women to chattel.

>> No.9351821

correlation =/= causation.

>> No.9351824

lmao believing Kierkegaard

>> No.9351846

Nothing wrong with having fun from time to time but if thats the only thing you do it will fuck your health and you will not be able to have anymore.

>> No.9351868

>he thinks smoking weed and hanging out with friends is hedonism
yeah I see your problem

>> No.9351908

How does being hedonistic prove a substanceless life? Your favourite nationalistic poetry and art was written, no doubt, from a point of hedonistic lifestyle. And everything you own is material, you worship the material. If you even think for a moment that you enjoy how turning a page feels, or enjoy the satisfaction of how something opens, how you drink from a straw - basically, if you are living at all comfortably, you are dealing with the material, and borderline worshiping it.

>> No.9351915

>young men think they can understand this and skip straight to being as well informed and philosophical as Kierkegaard

come back when you're 70

>> No.9351981

Back to plebbit.

>> No.9352021


>using the pleb name, not epicureanism

>> No.9352102

Is this image supposed to make people mad?

>> No.9352110

not everyone can participate in hedonism equally so even if you're right from an individual perspective (which you're not lol) the effects hedonism has on society are negative (drives resentment etc)

>> No.9352136

>every individual's pleasure is maximized
>society is somehow worse off because of this

If someone is resentful, then they haven't maximized their pleasure.

Of course, the effort to maximize each person's pleasure isn't isolated. One person's pleasure will be dependent on the actions of others, so there will necessarily need to be some balancing of some sort. So it's probably more accurate to call for an "optimization" of pleasure rather than a maximization.

>> No.9352462

I'm mostly with Epicurus on this.

Sure, if you don't care about anything nothing matters.

>> No.9352492

Except that it destroys civilizations.

>b-but a destroyed civilization isn't optimized pleasure so it isn't Hedonism
Yes it is. If the pursuit of an end brings about an unintended result, the pursuit is still accountable. Hedonism is self-destructive trash, without exception. There are more important things than your immediate gratification, and simply saying "well because I want to be happy tomorrow, I'll plan ahead today lol" isn't an argument, it's a drunkard's excuse.

Hedonism assumes unlimited foresight, the ability to detect with exactness what excesses will cause misery later that outweighs the current pleasure garnered. Such foresight does not exist, particularly not in any group of hedonistic people. Therefore, it is better in every regard to structure society not around the pursuit of pleasure but around the functionality and perpetuation of society itself.

The only luxury you should afford yourself is the luxury of self restraint. If your appetites are ordered then you will be more content and less prone to shooting yourself working a normal job with a normal family than any epicurean will be doing coke off of a Thai ladyboy's stomach.

>> No.9352504

>and then the religious

snip snip christcuck rabbi shekelstein wants your foreskin

>> No.9352550

>Except that it destroys civilizations.
Give me one example of a civilization destroyed mainly by hedonism.

>> No.9352572

>>Except that it destroys civilizations.
yeah bu only numales care about civilizations and inside a society men love to strive for comfort while being torn apart between this love and their fantasy of devotion towards the society through their spook of lineage and submission of other people to their spooks.
society is driven by hedonism and built for even more hedonism, since hedonism is material comfort but also includes morality, aka ''I feel good about 'my choices, about doing this or that''.

Hedonism is bad only once there is a desire to stop being unhappy, because caring about morality and material comfort is precisely the way to generate unhappiness.

>> No.9352582
File: 273 KB, 450x450, spooks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximized sensual pleasure
>the "good"

This gets my vote for spookiest thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.9352587

>equitable distribution of resources among males
yes men are so impotent and crave so much a woman, that they rely on their little desire to create a rule to get a woman, then they get butthurt when they see that most women do not want them


>> No.9352611

Being enslaved to your passions is just as detrimental to the fufillment of your will and innermost desires as being "spooked" is.

>> No.9352642

"Happiness is the feeling that power increases - that resistance is being overcome." – Friedrich Nietzsche

Pleasure and happiness is two very different things.

>> No.9352649
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The West

>> No.9352667

>Monogamy sanctioned by the literal living God and Creator of all
>social construct bro

>> No.9352695

>Except that it destroys civilizations.
Denial of hedonism almost destroyed human life. It takes a lot of self denial to produce societies that produce nuclear weapons

>> No.9352712
File: 38 KB, 480x395, 1491596129468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9352744

>leading to constant in-fighting among males along with the devaluation of women to chattel.

So why is it that women in monogamous China were treated worse than women in polygamous Arabia

>> No.9352871
File: 729 KB, 737x598, 1488860183058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedonism is obviously false because "pleasure" and "pain" don't exist primarily, they are forms to perceive primary things. Therefore one cannot maximize "pleasure" without maximizing "pain".
Also, hedonism denies self-improvement. If you claim that the improvement is a form of pleasure, then you have redefined "pleasure" as what can be understood as "virtue".

tl;dr it's pseudophilosophy for bored middle class people

>> No.9352877
File: 714 KB, 610x432, EXkYK9N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i passed up a mfm threesome like 5 years ago. still regret it

>> No.9352885

Yes, there is, because it denies the concept of suffering as inherently part of reality, and nothing great can be produced without suffering

>> No.9352892

>Monogomy is a social construct that limits freedom
not a bad thing per se
try again

>> No.9353061

only betas believe this

>> No.9353112
File: 431 KB, 600x605, Slaanesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9353184

>promoting settling for mediocrity
>implying life alone is valuable
Doing coke and fucking traps for several years before blowing your brains out is an infinitely worthier enterprise than wageslaving to raise your wife's children. Live fast and die young, you turbocuck.

>> No.9353198

It is a solution to suffering. It sees the concept of suffering and rather than seeking to address it, it does his best to hide it or drown it in sensory pleasure. I would say it isn't wrong, but just misguided because it doesn't lead to any substantially lasting state of happiness for the individual and can become a net negative for everyone involved.

>> No.9353227
File: 279 KB, 898x790, 1477404366666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /lit/'s opinion on paying for sex?

>> No.9353239


>> No.9353253

If you make it public then yes there is.

>> No.9353287

Hello, Jordan. I think you're right and a cool guy.

>> No.9353316

Those poems come from people who have lived a non-exclusively hedonist life. Also I don't think it is fair to compare artists with other people: most of them (especially in the past, in more conventionsl times) lived off their craft and (as importantly) their impressions: living a dissolute life, more often than not, was the optimum condition for them to reach their goal. That's their prerogative, virtually no other profession values so much your internal life, your feelings and your platonic ideas.

Transvaluate those values mate.

>> No.9353323


Probably because they could always buy or kidnap more women from abroad.

>> No.9353324

>nothing great can be produced without suffering
only partly true.
and why do you have to produce something great?

>> No.9353548

kek, this

>> No.9353582
File: 52 KB, 1200x900, face of mercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bully fellow anons

>> No.9354664

>this projection
just because these are the only two options you are able to pick from in your shitty life doesn't mean this applies to everyone. women won't cuck you if you aren't a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.9354708

Without pain there's nothing to give value to pleasure.

Read like 5 pages of Plato before you shoot your mouth off about something you don't know.

>> No.9354712

I fear to raise my children in this hedonistic culture.

I can understand why cults are appealing when faced with this dilemma.

>> No.9354732


Stay scared /pol/lack.

>> No.9354741

hello dude bro

>> No.9354755

Well, That is technically hedonism; Every individual is limited by their resources but hedonism only implies living for pleasure; It doesn't mean living like Emperor Nero. Constant weed and porn and beer is hedonism for all I care.

>> No.9354840
File: 62 KB, 209x277, Might_is_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural law is eternal. Hedonism is punished with extermination of your genetics. Struggle, fight and cultivate your genetics or else suffer being conquered by those who do.

>> No.9354864

wtf i hate hedonism now

>> No.9354865

"wrong" is not the problem. You're preaching to to wrong crown if you want us to insist there's an objective morality. However, hedonism will lead you to a point where you've spent a lot of time and energy fucking up your body and developing very few insights or skills and leave you much more stimuli addicted than say, if you chose to read books and be more sexually selective and keep the drug use limited to caffeine when you need momentum and weed when you don't.

>> No.9354868
File: 20 KB, 243x346, march of the titans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. All civilizations are destroyed by demographic replacement. Japan and Germany were bombed to the ground in 1945 yet, because they retained their racial homogeniety, they rebuilt their culture and thrived again.

Rome, Egypt, Ancient Greece, Persia etc all fell never to return because of racial replacement. The bitter pill is because of the importation of slaves and "guest workers".

The best example is Japan. Imagine if you imported millions of arabs or africans into Japan. What would happen to Japanese culture in 200 years? All that would be left would be the dead skeletons we see today in Egypt and Hellenic Greek structures.

In short, Hitler was right.


>> No.9354869
File: 31 KB, 526x300, 1491662785146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highly promiscuous lifestyle is punished with extermination of your genetics

>> No.9354920

Are you using your vital life energy to breed strong children or are you using contraception and just expending yourself? A good example is French women, unfaithful, overly sensual, hedonists. Compare their effeminate sons to the towering Germans. A race who has always been noble and their women monogamous.

Polyamoury is only good for men because they can have more children. Especially useful after war when the women outnum,ber the men. In polyandry you see less children but increase in sexual diseases.

Might is right puts forth arguement that primative European tribes were polyamourous men (many wives) while the women were virtuous and polyandry looked down upon undere threat of expulsion. Only in Christian ruled society do women gain power to divource men and practice polyandry.


>> No.9354947

The inevitable extinction event will BTFO your genetics.

So you might as well do as you like, there is no winning at life.

>> No.9354957
File: 76 KB, 750x505, Refugees-Welcome-sign-germany-RuptlyYoutube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German women are xenophile sluts and their men are obedient cucks, lad.

>> No.9354973

>I agree, but normies have no idea how to maximise pleasure.
>If you're sexually active you're already doing it wrong.

>> No.9354982

>4 inches

There's your problem

>> No.9355002

>justify hedonism
sort yourself out

Modern Germans are not Germans. You have to go back 100 years to understand the different evolution of the French vs Germans.

>> No.9355045

Appeal to nature

>> No.9355057

>racially homogeneous
>racially homogeneous
>racial homogeneity having any meaningful impact on culture

>> No.9355059

Appeal to facts, buddy.

>> No.9355065

Sexual activity leads to net suffering, in my opinion. The negative effects outweigh the positive ones.

Which is probably the reason why sages throughout the ages have ultimately come to the conclusion that it is better to refrain.

>> No.9355076

There's nothing wrong with being sexually active. Focusing your whole around it is what's damaging.

It certainly is. It's a bad form of it, but it is hedonism.

>Spiritual pleasure isn't connected the body's chemicals at all. [An angel told me so]

They think it's funny that you get stiffies at the sight of BBC

>> No.9355089

>racial homogeneity
Always kek when clueless retards start to present their ignorance as fact. A difference between a Bavarian and a Frisian is about as big as between a Fleming and a Swede.

>> No.9355095

>Sexual activity
what about a pleasure such as masturbation?
It is still considered as sexual activity, right?

>> No.9355097


>Compare their effeminate sons to the towering Germans. A race who has always been noble and their women monogamous.

But germans are autistic, can't get laid, and are not breeding at replacement rate anon. It seems your ideas are completely fucking idiotic.

>> No.9355108

>nobility depends on slapping meat together
Being a brainlet must be fun

>> No.9355117


>LARPing as virtuous and ascetic people who are spiritually enlightened on a fucking anime forum for masturbation enthusiasts


>> No.9355119
File: 2.76 MB, 2583x1942, Monkish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just asking to see how far gone the lad is?

>> No.9355127

>but modern brainwashed Germans are different from Natsoc Germans
Really blew my mind there.

>> No.9355145

>tfw you realize that in modern times, the idea of virtues, cultural values, tradition and strong family is near extinct
>now countries and their histories are not what they were, and what they appear to be anymore, especially the multicultural ones
>hedonism is widely accepted now
how does one be part of the hedonism without bringing damage to yourself in anyway, or at least minimizing the damage?
Does Epicurus have anything about this?

>> No.9355155


>walking wilfully into extinction is noble

I understand why Nietzsche fucking hated teutonism.


The guy I responded to said:

>A race who has always been noble

Lrn2working memory.

>> No.9355161

Why would you want to be part of it?

>> No.9355164

>walking willfully into extinction
That would be suicide.
Or do you mean the extinction of my genes?
In that case
>Identifying with a bunch of chemicals and colors

>> No.9355195

Because it seems that it will not be diminishing in popularity any time soon, and as following a lifestyle that isn't as hedonistic is seen as odd.
I wish to know how to use it without destroying myself and losing control.

>> No.9355213
File: 46 KB, 850x400, quote-nature-intended-women-to-be-our-slaves-they-are-our-property-napoleon-bonaparte-105-76-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think hedonism has peaked and people are beginning to return to nationalism, tradition and virtue as we speak. It will take time for the normies to catch on though.

The rise of the Alt Right way of thinking is a good example. Its basically a off breaking of the more logical types of society that have an understanding of history and philosophy. These things are always led by men because women are group animals that go with where the flock around them is going.

Honestly I get disgusted when I see females pose as alt right and start asking for donations so they can upload shitty youtube videos just repeating what we already know. Sadly there are many cucks who actually pay them and tell them how beautiful they are etc.

The zenith of wisdom regarding women can be summed up in this Napoleon quote.

>> No.9355226

Theres Germans then theres Germans under Jewish control aka present day Germans and Weimar era Germans. Left alone the Germans are Godlike.

>> No.9355238

>delusional virginal teenager: the post

>> No.9355240

I think masturbation is alright when you strike the right balance. Complete abstinence might cause suffering by making you sexually frustrated. Overindulgence can also cause suffering though. And pornography is a problem for most people since it's an artificial and infinite source of arousal, causing a lot of people to burn out like a lab mouse with a cocaine dispenser.

Of course people are almost always sexual beings and there is no denying this, but I think the best way to channel this aspect is to either abstain completely or masturbate when the need strikes without the aid of pornography.

Read more Epicurus, butters.

>> No.9355260

This podcast does a good job explaining:


The ethics one specifically adresses this I believe.

>> No.9355265

Ironically Napoleon was tremendously cucked.

>> No.9355268

>spouts unsupported aphorism
>thinks this is an argument

>> No.9355270
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Cuckold numale reaction: the post

>> No.9355281

Natural selection is a spook, anon.

>> No.9355282

>quoting a cunt-sniffing manlet thinking with his dick half the time as an authority on women
wew. it's fucking astonishing how autistic teenagers manage to flaunt their complete ignorance every time.

>> No.9355284

>it's an actual 14 year old
This site is 18+. Please, leave.

>> No.9355316

Not an argument

>> No.9355362

Calm down, my property.

>> No.9355366

I can't help but feel that our civilization is in a decline. I know we are doing better than ever on most easily measurable factors (wealth, longelivity, health, education...), but I think the damage is in much subtle, harder to asses areas. Two of my friends recently got on antidepressants. This hit me hard, as I realised how many people suffer from depression and hide it. Society is more and more ironic and nihilistic. We are high on freedom, but happiness comes from hard work and sacrifice. When we finally burn the last things connecting us with the past, the "anachronic" "outdated" "blind" "opressive" "superficial" tradition, we will end up with nothing: no framework, no reference, no wisdom from the countless generations before us.

God is dead.

>> No.9355371

>monogamous China

China was not a monogamous society. Wealthy Chinese men had concubines who were socially recognized as his sexual partners and were expected to bear children from him. This is nothing like the monogamy found in Christian Europe.

>> No.9355376

>womyn r simply infirior
>cuckold numale
>not an argument
Is this your first day on this funny maymay exchange forum for cool guys, bubbah? Fuck off.

>> No.9355377

Baby talk. Depression is nothing but repression. Expression of true self is cure. Also tradition.

Being a lemming slave is depressing and rightfully so it should be.

>> No.9355378

Stacy.. honey.. it's okay.. keep letting guys fill your physical holes, because it won't last for long, but inevitably you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that a penis will never fill the deep void inside of your vapid being.

>> No.9355380
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See >>9355076
>There's nothing wrong with being sexually active. Focusing your whole *life around it is what *can be damaging.

>I think hedonism has peaked and people are beginning to return to nationalism, tradition and virtue as we speak. It will take time for the normies to catch on though.
You would think that of course.
Using any kind of pleasure to distract oneself during these dark days of late-capitalism isn't going away anymore than the decay of capital and the environment.

>> No.9355385
File: 506 KB, 500x775, butterfly, the cunt 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, who cares about what you think.

>> No.9355404
File: 90 KB, 960x516, 12313651_1522165934743312_8077746038449547919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek is it a female? Thats really sad when girls attempt to be men intellectually despite the fact they've never invented nor added anything to philosophy. They simply dont have the compacity just like male trannies dont have the compacity to give birth.

Lo, thou art abomination!

>> No.9355408

the revolution is coming any day now guy i swear we didn't immanentize the eschaton

>> No.9355417

Just don't give the brainlet any (You)s, it'll crawl back to /his/ for the reddit-tier hugbox eventually.

>> No.9355428

You're not a very good writer so I'm not positive what you're trying to say, but it seems like you're just trying to put forth some variant of "beta nerdz r mad cuz they can't get no pussy lolz".

>> No.9355435

It makes me feel like shit. can't get past that ol super ego

>> No.9355439
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Funny, I dress more like your idealized girls.

Is /his/ full of anarchists?

>> No.9355455

We can't all participate in hedonism equally. We can't all have beautiful women, we can't all have others bringing us food to our tables or cleaning our rooms or making our clothes. Two things follow:

1) It is unjust for the society that we should prioritize pleasure in such a way that will certainly make some of us wish to "subdue" as many people as possible in order to maximize their satisfaction

2) It is not a good strategy for the individual, knowing that the gain of pleasure is a sort of competition where only a few can win, and those are very often decided by factors that don't depend on the individual or reflect his merit, such as beauty, inherited wealth, luck.

>> No.9355462

Why are you an anarchist?
It doesn't strike me as a scalable solution to population of ~7 billion. Don't yearn revolution, it almost always ends in bloodbath and chaos.

>> No.9355467
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>> No.9355470
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Yes I bet you dress splendidly.

>> No.9355488
File: 827 KB, 2122x3765, 1894-bacchante-william-adolphe-bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current situation is a chaotic bloodbath and only promises to get worse.

Anarchism is the most sensible alternative. You probably see as naturally brutish, but it is the system that's grown up around us that's made us this way. Within a generation or two, an anarchist culture will breed some far better people.
If we let it.

>> No.9355510

You don't know what LARPing means

>> No.9355518
File: 56 KB, 500x500, IMG_7823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

《Destroy Whole World!》
The world is totally filled with the vampires and parasites.There is no way to save it.Destruction of all-races ,,nations,governments,parliaments and congresses,kings,banks,economies,religions,mass media,universities and schools,factories,entertainments industries and the other all the organisations-
is the only way remained.There must be remained Only One Race,Race of ZIGMA. Race of ZIGMA is composed of Samurais and Girls.Destroy all the pseudo men and all the Women ! Pseudo men are parasites and women are the vampires. Dec 21,2016

>> No.9355523
File: 100 KB, 446x576, Alexander_the_Great_Bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alexander the Great, reflecting on his friends degenerating into sloth and luxury, told them that it was a most slavish thing to luxuriate, and a most royal thing to labor.

>> No.9355542

notice how she is more likely to aproach to the black "person".

>> No.9355559

>noticing how women fuck dogs, eat poo and miscegenate when their men don't absolutely control them in healthy societies

>> No.9355567

Let's be real: we are way too deep in capitalism to get out in our lifetimes. People who have power want to keep capitalism breathing since it's necessary for their wealth and power. The only semi-possible way out of this is a massive automation / post-scarcity economy as a natural development of capitalism.

I'd say that scandinavian model is much more sensible solution that we should strive for, because it's actually attainable.

The real question is: why do you think that roots of our society problems lay in the wealth distribution?

>> No.9355573
File: 141 KB, 1200x900, Hikikomori,_Hiasuki,_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hikkimoris are the only true hedonists

What Westerners stereotype as hedonists are really just following a deluded cult of status associated shows of enjoyment

>> No.9355582

National socialism is the final solution.

>> No.9355639

how interesting that the leader of an empire would tell people to accept what happens to them and just bea gud citizen

>> No.9355676

>I'd say that scandinavian model is much more sensible solution that we should strive for, because it's actually attainable.

I disagree that's it's obvious that the Scandinavian model is attainable, at least on a national scale in the US. You can't just divorce the socio-economic and ethnic history of a country. These are not linear time-invariant systems that you can copy and paste. Order matters, initial conditions matter.

It seems to me that the Scandinavian model arose mostly out of necessity. Loose band of isolated communities that were ethnically homogeneous and living in harsh environmental conditions resulted in a culture of interdependence that was high in trust.

Thus it makes sense how a socialist system can work when you have a high trust society (i.e. its more likely that your money/labor going to society is going to things that you also value and you can trust that the money will be used well and put towards things you care about). You'll also notice that low trust societies tend to have bad outcomes as well (e.g. most middle east nations). It may not correlate perfectly, but there does seem to be a pretty obvious semi-casual link (hard to work with/for the fucker next to you if you don't trust him, yeah?).

In short, the Scandinavian model is just National Socialism minus the ethnic purging, because there were no other ethnicities to purge.

>> No.9355677

>a massive automation / post-scarcity economy as a natural development of capitalism.
They don't want it. They reject it at every turn. They'll try to make solar their property with the next fascist to come along, and I hope people will finally react.

Capitalism rewards sociopathic behavior. The worse you are the more successful you become. Everyone above one amorphous class rung is looks down on those below them, some more slightly than others. They look up to those that make more money. Even if they don't like them personally, they want what they have. This is the nature of the class struggle. It's a big nasty game and only the worst people win. If it's not stopped, we don't get that sustainable resource based economy. We die.

If they don't read Epicurus, even they start to suffer from sloth. Look at this guy. He looks like he could snap at any minute.

>> No.9355686


He was telling them to get off their asses and work. Success is no excuse to become lazy and hedonistic

>> No.9355691


>In short, the Scandinavian model is just National Socialism minus the ethnic purging, because there were no other ethnicities to purge.

Jesus fucking christ man.

1: Read up on national socialism.
2: Read up on the nordic model.
3: Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9355696

You can site all the reasons the US didn't go Scandi, but there's no real excuse for it.

That said, the US switching to that isn't a real solution either. The wealthy would just work to take back the redistributed wealth and cut the people's "rights" etc., all while the "developing" world was sucked dry just the same.

>> No.9355698

fantastic argument mi familia

>> No.9355700

Without greatness, life becomes frivolous and meaningless. A world that devalues and hates its own glories for small "happiness" is a world that has forgotten what it is to be alive.

>> No.9355704


nordic model only works because of racial homogeneity so he's largely right

>> No.9355706

>(Sat)15:22:06 No.9355691
>(Sat)15:23:14 No.9355698
Wow, back from wikipedia that quick, hu?

>> No.9355723


There is no point to presenting a counterargument. What you have said is completely and utterly meaningless. I expect nothing else from a /pol/tard, but god fucking damn it, you're on /lit/ - do better.

Here's a hint. Try reading a bit about trade unions, with a particular focus on how trade unions work in the nordic model and in national socialism.

>> No.9355726

Beware, disgusting dyke, your autism is showing.

>> No.9355729


Please leave butterfree alone

>> No.9355731


Yeah, I've heard /pol/acks say that to me a thousand times. It's never been presented as anything but an unfounded assertion.

As a matter of fact, Scandinavia has been significantly ethnically heterogenous since the 70's. Yet the model still works.

>> No.9355758

Are you seriously this stupid?

And let's see how long that's going to last for Sweden.

>> No.9355760


Actually it is a fact, Milton Friedman wrote an article about it years ago.

"Scandinavia" is a region, not a country. You need to be more specific if you want to refute anything. And define 'works'. I wouldn't say it's "working" right now in Sweden.

>> No.9355761

Fine, I accept the argument that my last statement was pants on head retarded, regardless I believe the rest of my post to be more or less correct still.

>That said, the US switching to that isn't a real solution either.
Basically what I was trying to get at in the first part of my post.

But I think the key here still if trying to figure out how to increase trust within society, and it's not obvious (at least to me) how you get at this problem in a way that will actually work (e.g. not just telling people to be more trustful because reasons).

>> No.9355773


I have a cuck fetish and I am proud. He will not divide us!

>> No.9355777

>It's a big nasty game and only the worst people win
>Capitalism rewards sociopathic behavior
Factoid and pretty much a nice soundbite that retard anti-capitalists use freely. What you actually mean is Machiavellian, not sociopathic.

Capitalism rewards those who actively join in and remain consistent first and foremost.
Sure, having somewhat sociopathic tendencies is good for business, but if you were a full blown sociopath, you would do worse without a doubt. There is a fine balance.
Good businessmen are able to read into what their customers want at their core, able to pick up on it, they are still able to empathise. They're all Machiavellian, but not all sociopathic.

>> No.9355791

I'm too socially inept to be a hedonist.

>> No.9355805


>Are you seriously this stupid?

Saying that national socialism is the nordic model + ethnic cleansing is about as retarded as saying that national socialism is marxism + flags. It's so wrong that it is hard to even begin, but here's a good starting point: >>9355723

>And let's see how long that's going to last for Sweden.

Fuck I hate /pol/acks. Sweden isn't Scandinavia. Denmark and Norway function fine, are ethnically heterogenous, and have been for around half a century. Sweden went overboard.

This is besides the point. My original notion was that the nordic model works even in ethnically heterogenous countries, namely Norway and Denmark. I never said there was no upper limit for this ethnic heterogenity, merely that homogenity was not a prerequisite for the model working. Why do I even bother with this? Fuck, I wish /pol/acks would just die from ass cancer.


>Actually it is a fact, Milton Friedman wrote an article about it years ago.

That Friedman wrote about it does not make it a fact. That you say it is in fact a fact does not make it a fact.

>"Scandinavia" is a region, not a country. You need to be more specific if you want to refute anything. And define 'works'. I wouldn't say it's "working" right now in Sweden.

See above. Works as in there is wide support of it.

>> No.9355812

more like it only works due to a specific set of cultural memes

>> No.9355814


I'm sure there is 'wide support' when everyone in Sweden has been steadily brainwashed by the media and government schooling for the past three decades. Their own minister of education called the Swedes stupid and ignorant about the world around them.

>> No.9355817

The "Nordic model" that milquetoast liberals worship is only feasible in Nordic countries, ie countries with abundant resources and a relatively low population. The price of it is breeding a population of lazy, unambitious, feminized drones.

>> No.9355825


How is it possible for /pol/acks to have such terrible working memory? How is it even possible to function on a primarily text-based imageboard with absolutely no reading comprehension whatsoever?

To reiterate:

>Fuck I hate /pol/acks. Sweden isn't Scandinavia. Denmark and Norway function fine, are ethnically heterogenous, and have been for around half a century. Sweden went overboard.

>This is besides the point. My original notion was that the nordic model works even in ethnically heterogenous countries, namely Norway and Denmark. I never said there was no upper limit for this ethnic heterogenity, merely that homogenity was not a prerequisite for the model working. Why do I even bother with this? Fuck, I wish /pol/acks would just die from ass cancer.

>> No.9355835

>ethnically heterogenous

>> No.9355838

>If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that you do indeed get sexually excited by the idea of a woman getting fucked by another man.
If I am honest with myself, i realize that i get sexually excited by the idea of women getting fucked by me. It is an impulse and a subconscious desire. I feel envy of other men fucking other women. I feel not sympathy but a force to compete with them and have it all. Don't try to justify your fetiches with other people.

>> No.9355839

>Norway functions fine

Gee I wonder if they have some sort of nationalized industry that covers the expenses of all their socialist extravagance...

>> No.9355849

End capitalism, end the state.
You change the way people think. A net positive would result.

Or Kissingarian. Same sociopathic behavioral model.
>Capitalism rewards those who actively join in and remain consistent(ly sociopathic) first and foremost.
Yes, I know.
"...but if you were a full blown sociopath, you would do worse without a doubt.
Ah yes, only the craftiest sociopaths. Good catch.
You are wrong. You have a broken system teaming with greedy shits doing terrible things, and you pretend that it's all just human nature. The system is the problem.

>> No.9355850


>maybe if I keep repeating my talking points people wont notice that there is absolutely no argument in there - I know, I'll add an insult to it too

Oh, by the way, speaking of feminized.

Scandi avg height: 188cm (6'2 in your retarded system)
American avg height: 175 (5'9, LMAO, in your retarded system)
Scandi avg dick length: 6 inches
American avg dick length: 5.1 inches, LMAAAAOOOOOOOO

>> No.9355851


until your dick stops working in which case you realize that your hedonism was just an excuse to ignore nihilism.

>> No.9355854

>2017 anno domini
>admiring those who live a hedonistic lifestyle
>wanting to live a hedonistic lifestyle
Why would anyone want to live a hedonistic lifestyle? It's empty. Sure, you get to have fun and all of that, but it's not enough for me.

The ideal in my mind is to try and focus all energy into doing something productive for humanity. That is what you should be aiming for at least. To spend your life focused on the "great passion", to change the world and go down in history forever for doing so.
Not everyone can do this, obviously, so there has to be a great number of those who lead shallow hedonistic lives to keep the wheel turning. It's their part of the bargain... they trade "having fun" for everything else that me and you find valuable.
It's the most noble way to live -- trying to better a humanity which you despise or dislike in some way. To spend your precious time trying to better a species which you feel no real connection with.

>> No.9355855

Not an argument

>> No.9355856

nordic model is.fucking.gqrbagr

t. finn

>> No.9355868

>Sweden isnt Scandinavia

yes it is

>> No.9355871


>The american squeaked from below, fumbling with his hands at his small and mutilated penis


>> No.9355872

I think he's trolling. All three countries were homogeneous prosperous societies for quite some time before the multi-culture meme hit them. Even here in Denmark it's starting to crack a bit because of it, and Sweden is just the perfect example of what happens when you swallow the whole thing without not once stopping up and thinking about what's going on.

>> No.9355873

>the system is the problem, humans without the evil system would be in le perfect harmony with everything
Are you retarded? How do you think "the system" can exist in the first place without human nature? Anybody who takes these idyllic Rousseauian ideas seriously in 2017 is guaranteed to be an idiot.

>> No.9355894

butterfly is a woman and therefore her conscious thoughts are automatically retarded

>> No.9355895

You are a full blown ideologue.

But I honestly find it cute how you want to fight for the good and prosperity for everyone. Misguided but admirable.

>> No.9355912

It unironically is human nature though.
It's just been fine tuned to such an extent that its face value appears otherwise.
You're not a successful capitalist businessman or women, you don't see the things that go on behind closed doors.
You aren't in the meetings. You aren't anywhere near to where the action is taking place.
You read in an article, or Wikipedia everything you know about such things and speak on them as if you're an expert. You are simply not, and I'm not saying you have to be to criticise capitalism, but you certainly do to come to a conclusion.

There is nothing inherently wrong with capitalism as far as I can see. I'd wager that you, and pretty much everyone else who says the opposite, only complain because it is you and them who isn't winning.
Anti-capitalists in the west are hypocrites of the highest calibre. I wouldn't be able to call you a retard without capitalism as I'm doing right now.

Being Sociopathic is different to being Machiavellian, you dunce.
>only the craftiest sociopaths
There are probably very few sociopathic business owners. There are likely more sociopathic middle managers than board members, etc. You don't understand what you're talking about.

>> No.9355914


He says, while posting on a fucking anime forum for masturbation enthusiasts.

>> No.9355925

>Implying successful people don't post on here
Billionaires post on here

>> No.9355932

Post proof of one(1).

>> No.9355934

>You socialists are all stupid utopians!
For hoping for a better future. As opposed to the reactionaries who dream of regressing to the past, especially the idealized past. It isn't really utopia we seek, it is eutopia. A better world.
Believe me, if a stateless resource based economy brought some dystopia, people would change it. You're only afraid of the future, you degenerate slob.

Human nature is malleable.

Start with the Greeks. Find your reason to live.

I read this over twice. There's nothing there to comment on really. You're a dunce (I never said what Machiavellianism was) and don't want to learn from someone with real world experiences other than your own. You know nothing. Heal thyself.

>> No.9355947

>>There's nothing wrong with being sexually active. Focusing your whole *life around it is what *can be damaging.
Avoiding it is better. It's the source of all drama.

>> No.9355948

/biz/ had some lawyer with 15millions in savings

>> No.9355951
File: 1.03 MB, 1744x860, zimbabwe-banknotes-1-billion-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start being jelly

>> No.9355953

Quite easy to find the proof too, and he's a billionaire.

>There's nothing there to comment on really
Because you have no argument
>You're a dunce
Not an argument
>don't want to learn from someone with real world experiences other than your own
Projection, I'll bet

Try again fucko. You're using a name on an anonymous imageboard as well. Why? This isn't Tumblr

>> No.9355958

>As opposed to the reactionaries who dream of regressing to the past
>It isn't really utopia we seek, it is eutopia.
Are we Reddit now?

>> No.9355963

Martin Shkreli
Donald Trump Jr
Markus Persson

And probably many more who don't disclose it.

>> No.9355967

No. Have a lot of sex. Compare the first time you fuck, a middle time, and the last time you've fucked. Did the same about of stimulation get you off equally each time, or did you need more and more? Hedonism is great, but pleasure has a limit before more is needed. And more. And more. Until eventually you're Donald Trump. Or you're Paul Walker.

>> No.9355978

>confusing adrenaline rush and love of high speed, extremely complex machinery with hedonism
>Thinking a good hearted businessman turned president of the people is a hedonist

>> No.9355982

>Start with the Greeks. Find your reason to live.

I feel you swallowed the whole pill. I wonder how you see yourself.
Do you consider yourself ideologue? When was the last time you have changed your opinions on economy/politics? Can you imagine someone convincing you that capitalism is the right way to go?

>> No.9355989

There was a rich Swiss guy a while back, he posted proof but again, not actually a billionaire.


He wasn't a billionaire when he started. He could have quit after he made it big. Or of course he could still be shitposting on /v/ like a true manchild.

Shkreli is a millionaire, and never heard of Jr. I googled him and expected it to be the little one.

But honestly though, if you guys were millionaires, you'd still be coming here. I know I would.

>> No.9355991

>He wasn't a billionaire when he started. He could have quit after he made it big. Or of course he could still be shitposting on /v/ like a true manchild.
But he's still a billionaire and he still posts here. I'm failing to see your point faggot.

>> No.9356004

>good hearted

>> No.9356005

>He could have quit after he made it big.
He posted on /pol/ several times during the election and even tweeted pictures of him replying to people.

>> No.9356008

>brought a wiffle bat to play baseball
>Shuffled off
>Struts around in clown shoes. Says "fucko"
Oh, I get it. You're the entertainment.

>For Eutopia (unlike Utopia, which is really Ou-topia, or no place) is merely your own place perfected.
Hmm. I was told a slightly different definition. That utopia was perfection, but eutopia was simply better.

Stuff your reddit ad

I've gone from Christian-conservative to this in a long slow arch through my life. I'm sure of what I speak of for the most part. Now comes the strategy. Capital is nonsense and the main agent of the evil we see in the world.

>> No.9356011

How do you know he isn't?
All evidence points to the fact that he is.
You could argue that he gave up a hedonistic lifestyle for presidency. He could have lived the dream until death but he chose to try and become president which is obviously a stressful job and will probably kill him or at least shave years off his life.

>> No.9356012

A billionaire now, I know he posted when he wasn't, but the previous post was talking about billionaires who are posting "now".

Didn't know that. Nice.
The "meltdown" he had a while back on twitter where he shit-talked all those sissies was good fun.

>> No.9356025

>Can't refute anything so deflects in a ridiculously desperate way
Nice try, retard. Capitalism is here to stay babe, and you're benefiting from it right now.

>"Wahhhh I hate capitalism its sooooo unfair!! ppl in afdrica are like starving n stuff!!! we shud let in refueegees n become muslim otherwise ur raycis capitalist pig!!!!!"
*throws away half eaten food*
*benefits from modern medicine*

Posted From My iPhone

>> No.9356026

>A billionaire now, I know he posted when he wasn't, but the previous post was talking about billionaires who are posting "now".
He posts now. Your very post is responding to someone who just told you that he posted during the election which was only a few months ago and he was still a billionaire then. He likely still posts now.

>> No.9356066

>Nice try, retard. Capitalism is here to stay babe, and you're benefiting from it right now.
Still nothing. I'm hardly telling you that anarchism will rise up and win.
>...we shud let in refueegees n become muslim otherwise ur raycis capitalist pig
This is neoliberal BS, anon.
>Benefits from modern medicine
I'm working class in the US, so no, the insurance company is benefiting

>> No.9356178

the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.
synonyms: self-indulgence, pleasure-seeking, self-gratification, lotus-eating, sybaritism;
the ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.

Paul Walker died pursuing his hedonism and Trump is so lost in his own pursuit of it that he doesn't see himself anymore. Just his image.
Two reasons are here that state hedonism isn't a sustainable existence, each covering opposite extremes of the spectrum on reasons why it isn't. Or do you not understand hedonism?

>> No.9356230

>Paul Walker died pursuing his hedonism
Not really. He was a lifelong fan of powerful cars, no one knows the reasoning except for him, but he's dead now. What's hedonistic about that? He was driving down the street and crashed, an accident... it hardly makes him a hedonist just because the car he crashed was powerful or expensive. Is everyone who dies in a road accident a hedonist? Or do they have to be driving a Porsche? Retard.

>Trump is so lost in his own pursuit of it that he doesn't see himself anymore. Just his image.
Well then that's not hedonism is it?
As I said, Trump gave up his somewhat hedonistic lifestyle for presidency. He can no longer be a hedonist. You don't know what you're talking about, just blabbering on about someone you happen to personally dislike.
The only one of us who doesn't understand hedonism is you.

>> No.9356266

Have you driven a powerful car? Have you even gone over 120mph in a car? You do shit like that because it's a rush--it's incredibly intense and when it's done the high afterwards is ecstasy. It's a hedonistic indulgence, especially if he was drunk. (News Flash!)
>sensual self-indulgence

Trump has so far taken more tax-payer funded actions in his first few months of term that Barack did all 8 years. He runs the position like a business, and is enjoying the massive profit of presidency and entrepreneurial wealth. And he fully indulges in all of his wealth, as informational leaks have revealed.
>The pursuit of pleasure

You're trying to pull this whole "you aren't in their head, so you don't know" fag and it's not great because you eventually realize that it's fairly easy to understand how someone thinks based off their interests. That, or you really don't have great reading/literary comprehension.

>> No.9356269

"Actions" was supposed to be "vacations".
Trump has taken more vacations.

>> No.9356716
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top kek. How did you find out the trip poster is a grill? of course trip posting is a womanly thing, but thats not enough to really know.

>> No.9356755


This nigga really looks like Lee kuang-soo.

>> No.9356760

>Complete abstinence might cause suffering by making you sexually frustrated.
yeah normies cannot think of a life without sex and they even claim that sex is necessary

>> No.9356766

"The Scandinavian model" is just Jewish communism enforced upon a defeated nation. The whites there pay up to 70% tax so that they can supply blacks and Arabs with housing and more than comfortable free living. The fruits of which are the highest tape rates and crime in all of Europe.

How amazing! The people's spirits are broken for they are just slaves under the Jewish plan!

Oh but muh Bernie kike sanders made it sound oh so exotic to America ears by using the term "Scandinavian". Fools!

>> No.9356786

You are most naive and unaware of the situation in Scandinavia. Varg vikernes, a native Norwegian says that they live under a communist system. For you to actually believe they live under a nazi system just shows how much you need to take a sharp blade to your throats with full force.

>> No.9356800

>Nordic countries
>racial homogeneity
I'm fucking raging at the level of American idiocy. I hope Russia nukes you all.

>> No.9356814
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Long story short: I never said. Remained silent on the issue for something like a year, but anons pry, assume and started hitting on me, so I said that I wasn't into men. Didn't feel like lying. I started to have the most fun I ever had on 4chin. Been anonymous for years before, always felt lonely. Anon aggression brought this.

Companionship is the most important aspect. Sex less so, but don't go without masturbation

>Jewish communism
Shoot yourself, you brain dead

>> No.9356822

Norway isn't fine you fool. Varg, an actual Norwegian with a high iq, says it's one of the worst communist systems in Europe and even though the wages are high it doesn't matter because every thing there is taxed to death you actually end up with less money then you would living in socialist France, which he does now.

Fuck You Americans.

>> No.9356828
File: 566 KB, 900x900, 1479249200592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEE why is my thread infected by namefags?

>> No.9356834

Yes! Tell these burgers how fucking wrong they are. These faggots actually consider themselves intelligent above others. *shudders*

>> No.9356847


You need to read up on the quakers. As a minority they literally dictated the form of the modern US market system. They are the origin of fixed prices, customer service, not cheating everyone you meet, etc.

>> No.9356890

Hedonism, dipstick.

You an Ancap who wants to return to Quaker values or something?

>> No.9356899

Here woman

Let an actual Norwegian with an iq you couldn't dream of tell you how "muh Scandinavia socialism" really is.

>oy vey he called Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky and Lennon, the pioneers of communism (or what You burgers relabelled socialism) Jewish!
You really are a silly fat bitch lemming. You see now why women are incapable of original thought? It's a waste to send such beings to school because they will never add anything but burden.

Your only job as a woman is making babies. But you shouldn't because you're abomination so just drink some drain cleaner and fuck off.

>> No.9356901


just another fool who gave historical insight to one who desires the comfort and security of labels.

>> No.9356942
File: 37 KB, 260x402, Creation and the Environment | An Anabaptist perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desire the comforts of knowledge, bby. Quakers interest me to some extent.
Do you have a book rec on this? One for you.

>> No.9356954
File: 43 KB, 640x607, 1445400899824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody PLEASE help me get out of the perpetuate cycle of emptiness that is hedonism.

I absolutely LOVE cock and sucking cock and being fucked by cock and in spite of all the methods of self improvement I've gone over for the past year (reading, working out, doing martial arts, meditating, going outside, socializing, etc) I am definitely a much more healthy and well-rounded individual but I have this insane burning desire for dick. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.9356963

Are you a useless woman or just a corrupt faggot? The fatal bolt has been shot regardless. The wages of sin in nature is always death. Even if you have children they will be overcome by mightier men of Valor and inslaved to serfdom where they will perish turning a masters mill.

>> No.9356970
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>> No.9356983


>tfw no qt femboi to buttfuck while you read a book together over his shoulder and smell his hair that you made him use girl shampoo for

>> No.9356984

>the bible
Oh how perfect! The very source of European degeneration.

Here leper https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gppaJq2ibyI

>> No.9357142

I hope this thread stays alive long enough for me to come back and annihilate your ideology.

>> No.9357282

>Within a generation or two, an anarchist culture will breed some far better people.
>If we let it.
why do you think so?

>> No.9357323

>only one girl on the right is attractive.

>> No.9357327

Not that anon, but volatility always brings with it change. Almost like reshuffling the deck, new cards rise to the top and others end up at the bottom. If the shuffler is clumsy or not paying attention, or maybe he does it on purpose, then cards may be dropped on to the floor and blown away by the breeze.

I don't know about anarchism, but volatility is definitely coming.

>> No.9357329

>what is pair bonding mechanism

>> No.9357335

Sure but that's not it.

>> No.9357344


Why is this always the go to argument for whores?
Read: "Just let women be whores if they want to, or if they've been indoctrinated so greatly by all forms of media that they believe this is actually a good thing then dude, like, just let them! Fuck humanity and the future, dude! It's all about living in the now and like, who cares about the tomorrows of humanity?"

People like you need to be shot.

>> No.9357614

Soon my friend. There be many a civil war a brewin. Kiss democracy goodbye along with womens rights. All the Christcuck nonsense that has infected White males will be forced die and then will arise the Ubermensch.

>> No.9357803

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.9357819

Because "people" keep giving (You)s to worthless attention whores.

>> No.9357844

In what way does a number of women wanting more than one sexual partner in their lifetime impact the 'tomorrows of humanity', and to what degree?

>> No.9357868

Are you dumb?

>> No.9357874

This answer tells me everything I needed to know.

>> No.9357913
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Here's something to get you going, brainlet.

>> No.9357919

I don't know if you've noticed, but Japan is facing a demographic collapse. One that is likely already past the point of being reversed. Obviously there's more to a successful civilization than mere demographic homogeneity.

>> No.9357926
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>links autistic virginal pasta
>calls others a brainlet
/r9k/ pls go

>> No.9357927

Which books argue that there is literally nothing wrong with hedonism? I think every book I've read that broached the topic concluded that is a flawed philosophy because it completely lacks meaning/purpose, and asceticism is always preferable. Would be interesting to read the opposing viewpoint.

>> No.9357930

Look up the woman who started her own business and decided to hire exclusively women.
You're not a hole, are you?

>> No.9357936

Yes this ahistorical, unevidenced 4chan post is certainly an adequate answer for an unrelated question and I think I might save and respost somewhere else so I don't have to actually think about anything, only act as though I do. Thank you very much, sincerely.

>> No.9357937

No problem, hole.

>> No.9357938

>Look up the woman who started her own business and decided to hire exclusively women.
So? There's plenty of retarded people around. Again, fuck off to your bastion of virginity, autismo.

>> No.9357939

Forgot to call me fat and a loser, Jessica.

>> No.9357941
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>everyone who doesn't share my specific type of mental disability is a woman

>> No.9357945

>everyone who doesn't share my specific type of mental disability is a woman
Ironic considering woman and mental disability. Don't you have some netflix to binge?

>> No.9357950

Sounds like alphas are the problem honestly, not women. Cull the betas and civilization cannot be sustained. Cull the women and civilization cannot reproduce. Cull the alphas and women select from the most appealing men available.

>> No.9357960

Put your trip back on butterfly

>> No.9357961

besides that it's privilege

>> No.9357978

In a good society, alphas are able to lead the betas towards greater heights. The modern "Chad", image-obsessed and sex-crazed, is more similar to a woman than a true alpha.

>> No.9357991
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Alphas were always around, and betas strove to be alphas, but the key thing is women themselves knew their greatest asset was the fact they could become mothers one day. They protected that, and so did their families, because being a mother, a good mother, was basically the most respectable and greatest thing for a woman to achieve. Today it's all about """equality""". I remember a clip from a Jordan Peterson lecture where he talks a bit about this. How today, women go to university and want a great career and once they hit thirty, or over, and want to settle down, no prince charming is there. Women look for equals or above in terms of social standing whereas for men it's equals or below. So to a man, it doesn't matter if the woman has a high-paying prestigious job. And then additionally, men in their thirties can easily get women in their twenties. Why go for women in their twenties? Because, quite literally, they're young. They're more physically attractive. So while these women are jumping around in their twenties doing university and then "focusing on their career", they're also jumping from man to man because "it's just like, sex, and stuff, it's healthy, I have time, I'll settle down when I meet THE one".

To the hole in the thread: read The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar if you genuinely want to start figuring out why you're a dumb hole.

>> No.9357994

This changes the meaning of the argument in the screenshot though. I could argue that in a good society women won't just select the alphas but that doesn't matter, because in this society both alphas and women are image-obsessed and sex-crazed, and betas have a different approach to this same issue.

>> No.9358016

>the key thing is women themselves knew their greatest asset was the fact they could become mothers one day.

With alphas. Without alphas they pick men of higher social standing, which is occupied by betas.

No alphas, no problem.

>> No.9358024

Alpha/Beta/etc. is a stupid system to judge social success, it's way to simplistic

>> No.9358025

>trolley thread gets wiped
>/r9k/ central stays up
really makes you think

>> No.9358029

It is but I'm arguing on the terms used in the screenshot, using the 'evidence' to come to a more suitable conclusion. Also the post I replied to previously outlines a different and contradictory problem to the one in the screenshot.

>> No.9358035

'Alphas' are needed. I don't have the picture but it's like the anon who compared how women view one another and how men do. How men see James Bond and want to be like him, they want to climb the mountain, whereas women see an attractive woman and talk shit about her, proclaim wherever they are is already the mountain top. If all 'alphas' were 'culled', some of the 'betas' would rise to become the new 'alphas'.

>> No.9358042

>If all 'alphas' were 'culled', some of the 'betas' would rise to become the new 'alphas'.

Isn't that the whole point?

>betas strove to be alphas

>> No.9358077
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>> No.9358086

How on Earth is that the 'point'? If 'alphas' were 'culled' then simply a new hierarchy would be formed of the 'betas' who were able to most adequately fill out the now gone 'alphas' shoes. A new group of 'alphas' above the mostly same group of 'betas'. Back to the beginning.

As for the striving part, there's a short video of Zizek talking about this but I can't find it. I think it's one of those with the white background. His example is of women when they say "oh if only I were a couple of kilos lighter I would be perfect", but then when they lose a bit of weight there's a new goal for perfection. In Zizek's eyes, his woman is already perfect with that alleged extra weight, but for the woman there is this idea of elusive perfection to achieve. And that's the same general point with 'betas' striving to become 'alphas'. It's not that 'betas' are inherently inferior to 'alphas', the way a 'beta' strives to become more than what he is is admirable and attractive in its own right. Or at least it used to be, right? Nowadays it's not really like that, it's all buried beneath layers of irony and a genuine general contempt for people who try and fail instead of accepting and admiring the attempt in the first place. I don't fully agree with the initial picture you replied to, but I think the main takeaway is the anon's overall point on the relationship between female sexuality and how it affects the society at large.

>> No.9358095

Robert Nozick, Pleasure machine

>> No.9358102

the point is an 'alpha' is whatever women decide it is.

>> No.9358126


But actually, the defining characteristic of a beta is that he doesn't change, he prefers spending his time on 4chan talking about how women are terrible and masturbating to anime.

>> No.9358139

>Back to the beginning.

Not really, since you're solving the issue of competition for women. The problem outlined in the image is that competition over women results in war, war results in betas being killed off (for some reason alphas are absent... let's assume they're officers, even though alphas are supposed to be conquering), lack of betas means civilization is unsustainable, therefor women shouldn't be allowed to select for alphas because it will result in the collapse of civilization. The other solution is to just kill these alphas to prevent the competition, because women are going to select for alphas regardless.

Then the other argument is that women end up single looking to settle but can't, so there really should be no competition for women because that's where the betas come in. So really there is no issue is there? Just betas are dissatisfied until they're 30 because they think everyone else is having all this sex with each other, and women are dissatisfied after 30 because they think there is still someone out there who might be better.

>> No.9358190

Nobody's responding because we all hate you.

>> No.9358201

It would be more accurate to say that the characteristic of the 'beta' is that he wants to be like the 'alpha' but there is something preventing him from becoming one. It's not that he isn't trying, as if he is content with his situation, he wants to move up but there is something he cannot overcome. See what I wrote with Zizek.
Like the other anon said, the alpha/beta system isn't that good at describing it all. If we're taking what you said, then that would fit into a category of a broader system, so like 'omega'. I don't remember what the others were. And if we're really to push things to the limit, someone like that, a hikikomori, couldn't even be put into a category because he isn't even part of the social structure. He's fallen so far down the ladder he's not even on it.

I guess if we're going to go about it that crudely, then sure, halving the male population in a country would effectively mean that more 'betas' ended up married. And obviously you'd have to keep everyone in the country and not allow foreigners to come in. Sure, then the issue is ""solved"". Or, you know, the awful meme known as modern "feminism" that goes directly against human nature and biology could be shut down and stabler societal and cultural values could be brought back instead of everyone being more miserable.

The value of a woman goes down with her age(main attribute: looks), the value of a man goes up with his age(main attribute: societal worth). Just because a woman is in her thirties and single doesn't mean the vast majority of 'betas' want to throw themselves at her in the hopes of a relationship. If anything what happens is that some of the 'betas' who are around these women's age will know that they are desperate and because of that have a much easier time fucking them and leaving than with women in their early twenties. The important thing is these men still want women who are a decade younger, the women in their twenties, and the fact that these men are older means they are worth more to the younger women. The problem is everything has been moved up, and in the end women are the ones who lose out. There was a study which showed that for women the age of their preferred partner was someone who was older than them up until a woman hit her mid thirties, then it was roughly same age or older, whereas for men it was generally within the twenty range all the way up to even their forties. Some other study or whatever it was said that the generation who are in their twenties today will have the highest rate of women who will never marry, if I remember correctly.
Obviously there's going to be 'betas' who are going to settle for some dumpster who has five kids with five different men, but all of this is just the overall situation.

>> No.9358287
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>caring about the lifestyles of others
>caring about the fetishes of others

>> No.9358304


The survival of the fittest thing isn't about who is strongest or anything. It's about who outbreeds who.

>> No.9358328

he died at 42 tho?

>> No.9358339


He hasn't given up anything. The costs of his dealings are just taxpayer funded now. His obesity will kill him faster than being the president will.

>> No.9358407

See >>9354755
You're overselling hedonism, my boy.

>> No.9358809


How is the West destroyed? You have at your immediate disposal tools that people in the past could only dream of. But the thing they had but you lack is knowledge. You can't do anything independantly without a figure head ordering you too.

>> No.9359042

unless you're the girl who enjoys getting doubleteamed why the fuck would you enjoy crossing swords with some other fucker

>> No.9359131

What the fuck? Is it the nineties again?

How are there still people insecure enough to fear that having one threesome one time's going to make them gay?

There's a girl there, and you're fucking her. It's not gay, but who cares if it is, you pathetic ringworm of a man.

>> No.9359162

Irrelevant. Threesomes are degenerate.

>> No.9359168

>muh degeneracy

>> No.9359170
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Hedonism is the way of the weak man. A real man has duty, he has priorities that he has to fulfill. Being interested only in immediate pleasure is the way a child would think.

>> No.9359172

I hate being alive in this time.

>> No.9359174


>> No.9359175
File: 72 KB, 1127x1015, spooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak man
>real man

>> No.9359182

A real man wastes his life. Gotcha.

>> No.9359200

lmao, give me one example of a history course you've passed

>> No.9359220

>philosopher's stone in the background