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/lit/ - Literature

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9348561 No.9348561 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finished another chapter

How's YOUR writing coming, /lit/?

>> No.9348595

I've got four poems that are at least half decent. Might get 10, self publish it and give my girlfriend a copy

I full well know I wont sell a single copy to anyone

>> No.9348596


Started the current book in last November, slow but steady daily progress, close to 193,5k words now. Maybe two weeks left on it, then I will revise another project before coming back to this one. My main issue is that I do a lot of first drafts and then forget about them, but at least I am realizing it now, so I'm trying to get better at that.

>> No.9348600

I already finished my book over 6 months ago. Nothing happens when you finish a book. You just wasted a bunch of your time for something that no one will appreciate or read.

>> No.9348631

>not trying to get it published

>> No.9348633

Coming up with characters, events, general structure and names.

>> No.9348639
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13/16 chapters completely finished.
Chapter 14-15 just needs to be read through (hopefully)
Chapter 16 gonna get done today.

Exciting times.

>> No.9348650

do you guys use any site for writing?

>> No.9348662

Pastebin is good if you want to share something with /lit/

>> No.9348693

What type of books is /lit/ writing?

>> No.9348717

I'm writing a kind of historical fantasy novel that involves my protagonist journeying with a friend and a guide across the world of Niflheimr, all to reach the city of the dead and beg a favor from Hel.

It's the second in a series, and I'm going through the first draft now.

>> No.9348738

Good. I'm writing a novel about a man from the not-too-distant future who constantly complains about the feminization of man and believes in strength and self-reliance. When given the opportunity to travel back in time he chooses to live tens of thousands of years in the past, when men were men, where he could finally live freely as his true self, his barbaric self, only to realize that his ideas about hunter-gatherer societies were mistaken, and that rather than relying on brute strength, people cooperated with one another, frowned upon selfishness, and displayed acts loving warmth and tenderness to one another. In the end he learns an important lesson: the leftists were right about people all along.

>> No.9348758


I'm trying to write a proto-punk revisionist novel set in japan in the year 803 from the perspective of a neckbeard loser from /pol/. it's coming along alright but i'm not going to show it to anyone.

>> No.9348775

Making steady progress. Not exactly hitting all the word count goals yet but I can deal with that when I finish writing out the story, as that's by far the most daunting part.

>> No.9348858

I've got my gameplan sorted out anon. Write the book and...

>try to get published
>cast actors online and make a cheap audiobook / theatre of the mind adaptation of the book
>adapt book into stage play and run it myself in the city, then film said stage play in action
>find artist to commission or partner up on the story and have them draw it into comic book / webcomic panels

Something will have to give eventually.

>> No.9348860

writing is for nerds

>> No.9349038


and youre a real shakespeare

>> No.9349044

shakespeare's a nerd, nerd.

>> No.9349171

Psychonaut in deep ocean.

>> No.9349353

179th day of sodom so far
think im done soon

>> No.9349382

Taking a break from my high fantasy universe to start on a new scifi satire novel today, and feeling good about it. Chances are they are all crappy though, but still not fully ashamed to have wet dreams about getting published and topping charts yet

>> No.9349543

Is there a point to this? Most good writers don't tell anyone about their book until they're finished, or very close to it.

>> No.9349934

No major publisher will publish this, it is too good. And they are overrated anyways, what are they gonna do, try and put it in bookstores? I already tried that and not one response.

>> No.9351019

Second chapter

>> No.9351051

I can only come up with shit tier gimmicky plots, I've been writing whatever that comes to my mind and I think I've managed to write good passages, stuff that could be a worth-a-shit short (really short) story, but I don't know how to write fiction really. How does someone create something like 2666 for example, I really can't understand how someone manages to sustain something like that. Just end my life, famiglios

>> No.9351583

That's not true at all. It's useful to talk to people about your book because hearing your own ideas out loud, and then hashing them out with others, invariably helps improve them. Almost no book was ever hurt by dialogue about it.