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/lit/ - Literature

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9347957 No.9347957 [Reply] [Original]

What literature should I read before the draft? I'm not prepared.

>> No.9347964

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.9347974

My diary, desu.

>> No.9347978

Unironically? Meditations

Ironically? An aerospace engineering textbook

>> No.9347986

>tfw sickly
>tfw can't physically work or go to school
>tfw will never be drafted
Upside to everything I guess

>> No.9347990

>not serving your country

Honorless faggot.

>> No.9347997


>go out to fight in the war
>sharing tent with a fellow soldier who was so ruthlessly placed in the front of lines as me
>see a journal sitting nearby his feet
>ask him of it
>he tells me it's "his diary to be honest" and laughs
>realized he shitposted on a taiwanese woodworking analysis forum just as i did when i was young and naive
>fight back the tears when i hold his lifeless corpse in my arms thinking of the jokes we once laughed at

>> No.9348004
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>servility is honor
Stay haunted my friend.

>> No.9348007
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on the jews and their lies

>> No.9348010
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>> No.9348011
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>tfw 'comforting' the wives of 'heroes'

>> No.9348014

Serving your country during a time of war is the most literary thing you could ever possibly do. But I wouldn't expect you to actually know that, you NEET shut-in faggot. You probably don't even read.

>> No.9348018


The Things They Carried

>> No.9348019
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>honor is literary

On and on and on he goes, where he stops,

Will probably be where he began, in all honesty

>> No.9348021

General Mattis's reading list

Small Units Leaders’ Guide to Counterinsurgency – MCCDC (MCIP 3-33.01) (Ed. note, pardon the alternate online source, it is no longer available via FAS)

Closing Ranks – Leslie Susser, Jerusalem Post, 8 January 2007

Israel’s Lebanese War, A Preliminary Assessment – Dr. Martin van Creveld, The RUSI Journal, October 2006

Gates of Fire: Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae – Stephen Pressfield

The Village – Bing West

Ethics and Combat: Thoughts for Small Unit Leaders – Steven Silver, Marine Corps Gazette, November 2006

Twenty-Eight Articles: Fundamentals of Company-level Counterinsurgency – Dr. David Kilcullen

Blood Stripes – David Danelo

Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned Website – (PKI / CAC Card Login Required)

Winning the Peace, The Requirement for Full Spectrum Operations – MG Peter Chiarelli, Military Review, October 2006 (COIN Reader)

Tentative Manual for Countering Irregular Threats: An Updated Approach to Counterinsurgency Operations – MCWL (MCIP 3-33.02)

Learning Counterinsurgency: Observations from Soldiering in Iraq – LTG David Petraeus, Military Review, October 2006 (COIN Reader)

Seven Months in Ar Ramadi: Observations from 2nd Battalion 4th Marines - Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned Website – (PKI / CAC Card Login Required)

A Bell for Adano – John Hersey

Marine Corps Center for Lessons Learned Website – (PKI / CAC Card Login Required)

One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer – Nathaniel Fick

>> No.9348023
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>> No.9348034

More Mattis:

>Colin Gray from the University of Reading is the most near-faultless strategist alive. Then there’s Sir Hew Strachan from Oxford, and Williamson Murray, the American. Those three are probably the leading present-day military theorists. You’ve got to know Sun-tzu and Carl von Clausewitz, of course. The Army was always big on Clausewitz, the Prussian; the Navy on Alfred Thayer Mahan, the American; and the Air Force on Giulio Douhet, the Italian. But the Marine Corps has always been more Eastern-oriented. I am much more comfortable with Sun-tzu and his approach to warfare.

>> No.9348039

>not dying in sandland
>not an upside

>> No.9348041
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>that list

I find it remarkably easy to imagine Mad Dog using the Small Units Leaders' Guide to Counterinsurgency for cozy bedtime reading.

>> No.9348042


>Troops Sour On Mattis Nomination After He Releases 6,000-Book Reading List

>WASHINGTON, D.C. — A large number of active-duty troops once enthusiastic about the choice of James Mattis for Defense Secretary have since soured on the pick after the retired general released a 6000-book reading list he plans to implement for the entire DoD after he is confirmed, Duffel Blog has learned.

>Referred to by some as the “Warrior Monk,” the 66-year-old sent his reading list to the military’s entire email distribution list over the weekend. Most service members who received the 200-page email reported they were still in the process of reading it well into Monday morning.

>"For our current fights, the Pentagon Reading List provides a collection of readings to be read dependent on your grade and how long you have before deploying," Mattis wrote in the email. "This reading list is not all inclusive, and some commands may add additional books if they feel that 6,000 is not enough."

>Among the top books chosen, Mattis recommended "No True Glory" by Bing West, "Battle Ready" by Tom Clancy, Sun Tzu's "The Art of War," ten of the most difficult books to read of all time, and The Bible. Marines, however, were only assigned four coloring books.

>"Four? Good Lord, that's unfair," said Lance Cpl. Anderson Malcolm, a Marine infantryman who proudly displays his "good enough degree" on his barracks room wall.

>> No.9348044
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>philosophy isn't literature

>> No.9348047

Honest to God Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.9348065

More of Mattis's require reading for the Marines:


No Starship Troopers?

>> No.9348071

I'm very confused. Didn't Stirner argue that spooks are okay as long as they are what you truly believe in or something?

>> No.9348072
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>tfw Trump is going to defend Christendom and defeat the Muhammadens

>> No.9348073


the spooks meme has long surpassed stirner

>> No.9348075

Hate Trump and his goons but Mattis is so patrish.

>> No.9348077
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>> No.9348080

similar boat, buddy. Im not too bad off but my thoughts were the same as yours when I saw this thread

>> No.9348111
File: 176 KB, 500x524, stirner'smonopoly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner actually said the exact opposite.

He argued they were useful as long as you recognize them for what they are. Giving up your life is pretty much the only thing that by definition cannot benefit you. Your corpse may be buried in some sandy shit-hole thousands of miles from your home after you've been tortured to death by lunatic Muslims, but hey, at least you defended "your country."

>> No.9348127

What's all this talk about a draft? Am I missing something? Can someone explain?

>> No.9348128

I see. That sounds kinda gay though. I think I'd rather believe in these spooks desu lad.

>> No.9348137

Trump continuing Obummer's legacy rather than ending it. It's not much to worry about in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9348140

Trump bombed a Syrian airbase and killed several Russians.

>> No.9348142

More baseless hysteria.

>> No.9348143

>That sounds kinda gay though. I think I'd rather believe in these spooks desu lad.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9348159

Waiting for some pleb to post Art of War. Every pseudointellectual chink that calls war an art will lose every war they fight, and they did.

>> No.9348162
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I for one commend trump. If a draft is initiated this means an end to all this self obsessed, and pointless pomo literature written by middle class young adults with no experiences outside their suburban cul de sac.

>> No.9348170

>warned russians
>nobody died
>blew up chemical weapons

>> No.9348172

Meme responses will get you nowhere.

>> No.9348175

Yeah, because no post-modern literature was produced by WWII, Korea and Vietnam veterans

>> No.9348181

Neither will responses that are originally idiotic. That post warranted a meme response.

>> No.9348182

I already posted about Mattis talking about that. Try reading the thread before posting.

I'll trust the greatest General of his generation over some NEET on /lit/ about Art Of War's relevance.

>> No.9348183

If anything, it's actually a far more effective foreign policy move than anything Obama ever did in the region. Trump said he was going to respond to Syria's use of chemical weapons, and he did. It's pretty cut and dry.

>> No.9348190


Half of the popular PoMo classics were written by war vets.

>> No.9348194

He wasn't talking about the weight, but about the balance of post-modern writing,

>> No.9348205

Stirner's edgy life philosophy still sucks.

>> No.9348215
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>> No.9348218
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>there are "people" on this board who would actually risk their life for people they've never met and who will live on without actually giving a single shit about you or your efforts

>> No.9348219
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Have you ever actually read Stirner? I don't know why I'm asking this, since you thought spooks were "OK when you truly believe in them or something," but it would definitely help to read up on the terminology you're trying to criticize.

Also, it's not a "philosophy" like e.g. Kant's where he builds a system. He takes pains not to commit himself to building a moral framework. He's one of the few philosophers to have the courage to do so, which is why Karl sperged out on him so hard


Ah, I see

>> No.9348222

Also know North Korea, really China, knows that the U.S. government could take some form of military action against expanding nuclear tests.

>> No.9348232
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>> No.9348236

But it sounds edgy and lame from the way you've described it. Maybe you should do a better job.

>> No.9348243

>not being a pacifist

>> No.9348244

>'Do not think that I am jesting or speaking figuratively when I regard those persons who cling to the Higher, and (because the vast majority belongs under this head) almost the whole world of men, as veritable fools, fools in a madhouse. What is it, then, that is called a “fixed idea”? An idea that has subjected the man to itself. When you recognize, with regard to such a fixed idea, that it is a folly, you shut its slave up in an asylum. And is the truth of the faith, say, which we are not to doubt; the majesty of (e.g.) the people, which we are not to strike at (he who does is guilty of — lese-majesty); virtue, against which the censor is not to let a word pass, that morality may be kept pure; — are these not “fixed ideas”? Is not all the stupid chatter of (e.g.) most of our newspapers the babble of fools who suffer from the fixed idea of morality, legality, Christianity, etc., and only seem to go about free because the madhouse in which they walk takes in so broad a space? Touch the fixed idea of such a fool, and you will at once have to guard your back against the lunatic’s stealthy malice. For these great lunatics are like the little so-called lunatics in this point too — that they assail by stealth him who touches their fixed idea. They first steal his weapon, steal free speech from him, and then they fall upon him with their nails. Every day now lays bare the cowardice and vindictiveness of these maniacs, and the stupid populace hurrahs for their crazy measures. One must read the journals of this period, and must hear the Philistines talk, to get the horrible conviction that one is shut up in a house with fools. “Thou shalt not call thy brother a fool; if thou dost — etc.” But I do not fear the curse, and I say, my brothers are arch-fools. Whether a poor fool of the insane asylum is possessed by the fancy that he is God the Father, Emperor of Japan, the Holy Spirit, etc., or whether a citizen in comfortable circumstances conceives that it is his mission to be a good Christian, a faithful Protestant, a loyal citizen, a virtuous man — both these are one and the same “fixed idea.” He who has never tried and dared not to be a good Christian, a faithful Protestant, a virtuous man, etc., is possessed and prepossessed [gefangen und befangen, literally “imprisoned and prepossessed”] by faith, virtuousness, etc. Just as the schoolmen philosophized only inside the belief of the church; as Pope Benedict XIV wrote fat books inside the papist superstition, without ever throwing a doubt upon this belief; as authors fill whole folios on the State without calling in question the fixed idea of the State itself; as our newspapers are crammed with politics because they are conjured into the fancy that man was created to be a zoon politicon — so also subjects vegetate in subjection, virtuous people in virtue, liberals in humanity, without ever putting to these fixed ideas of theirs the searching knife of criticism'

>> No.9348246

Look forward to it, /lit/!


Greatest writers, artists, and leaders, all born from chaos.


>> No.9348257
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My country is USA and its full of niggers, spics, dunecoons and liberals. Not risking a damn thing for these subhumans.

>> No.9348258

Most would. Most do doesn't change the fact that it's a spook though...

>> No.9348260

You know he hates these "macho" nicknames, right?

>> No.9348263


It's no longer your country, friend.




>> No.9348268


>sitting inside a cubical in an intelligence office doing reports is being a war veteran

>> No.9348270

He does like Chaos, though. 'Colonel Has An Outstanding Solution'. So your call on whether that counts as macho or not I suppose.

>> No.9348287

Karl Marx - Das Kapital
Michael Herr - Dispatches
Bloods: An Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Soldiers
Empire of Capital - Ellen Meiksins Woods

>> No.9348343


Agree with the AoW thing, but I've never understood the "you can only trust people who have been in war or were successful in war to give advice on strategy and war." It's faggotry you see on /k/ and it is self-refuting, as a lot of the authors on Mattis's list (or lists you see elsewhere on military sites) either haven't been in war, didn't serve at all, or weren't outstanding in combat. Bernard Brodie served in the naval reserves in a desk job and never saw combat, yet is considered by many to be one of the greatest American strategists ever. John Boyd is similar. He served as a pilot without once getting in a real air combat situation. Yet he is considered a top strategist. Many of the top contemporary living strategists, like Colin Gray and Edward Luttwak, never served in the military at all. Clausewitz got his ass kicked several times over, and even left the Prussian army to fight for the Russians for a bit. Yet his unfinished work is considered the greatest. Machiavelli is similar. His sole ethos that underpins his Art of War is from leading and organizing a local militia, which eventually was thrashed by the Medici.

Half the time this is /k/-tier dick-comparing boasting. Either the ideas in the books are good, or they are not. The background of the author shouldn't have any play in it.

>> No.9348435

Read The Art Of War and The Tao Te Ching and learn how to destroy your enemies by doing nothing.

>> No.9348584

What about the other half?

>> No.9348593

Knowing that you faggots might get wiped out in a war makes me sad. I guess you're my people.
Read whatever scripture works for you.

>> No.9348604

Brecht's plays so you become anti-war and decide to not join.

>> No.9348612

>nobody died

Then why are the russkies buttmad?

>> No.9348618

The Tartus, and Putin opposes American influence in Syria.

>> No.9348625
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Might is Right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gppaJq2ibyI

>> No.9348643

As a Swiss and American citizen, I simply don't care.