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File: 695 KB, 1000x1483, bravenewworld-covfin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9347095 No.9347095 [Reply] [Original]

Why do liberals love 1984, but have brave new world?

>> No.9347098


>> No.9347100

Stop spamming this shit. Also get cancer and kys. Sage.

>> No.9347102
File: 33 KB, 480x362, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3Bicy50d2ltZy5jb20vbWVkaWEvQzhNOU9zSVcwQUVQN1M2LmpwZyJ9.XZUSbUs1ppjMcyyk0eczt8e7OUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le tolerant left everyone.

>> No.9347460

because brave new world is critical of hedonistic free market mass production capitalism and liberals are capitalist cowards

>> No.9347465

this. even the self proclaimed "socialists" buy macbooks and lattes like hotcakes. they most likely never have met a poor person except in passing on the street in daylight.

>> No.9347471

I'm a liberal, and I like both books.

>> No.9347556

1984 is easier for the liberal brain to comprehend and use as a sort of 'weapon' to justify their ideology. Brave New World is hated because it more accurately depicts their worldview as being more "hedonistic" which goes against their whole "I'm all about the world and others" ideology. Ironically, both books call them out.

>> No.9347718

Brave New World is a utopia

>> No.9347756

You've never met poor socialists. Believe me there even worse we call them chairos here in Mexico.

>> No.9347786

I have never met anyone who hated Brave New World, even among the granola Ivy league folks I know
Why does /pol/ constantly feel the need to be in an outrage over dumb shit like this? You posted this thread with a specific answer already in your head based on the 1-dimensional liberal strawman you've constructed, you don't want a real discussion at all
This is why we want you faggots to stay on your containment board

>> No.9347787

Because most everyone is happy in bnw. Liberals really hate happy people.

>> No.9347790

Brave New World is the dystopia they are helping to actually produce while they think they are heroically fighting against the dystopia of 1984.

>> No.9348335

I wish I lived where you live. All the liberals I know get mad when media has one character who is openly conservative, even if that character is to contrast the predominantly liberal characters or even just as satire. If my brother read Brave New World he'd probably pop a vein.

>> No.9348367

It's not about left vs. right, it's more along the authoritarian vs. libertarian axis. 1984 is an authoritarian dystopia, Brave New World is a libertarian dystopia. Yes, the government in BNW mandates all sorts of things, but the point is they don't have to since the people would willingly do so anyway.

>> No.9348427


>the point is they don't have to since the people would willingly do so anyway

You could easily argue that it's the same case in 1984, since the Party brainwashes people from birth to rat out anyone regardless of personal bonds. And it's not like stragglers aren't noticed and dealt with in BNW.

>> No.9348573

Where do you live exactly because I couldn't think of a single place like that.

>> No.9348574

Well everyone knows BNW is a utopia anyway

>> No.9348657

Since when do liberals hate Brave New World? Also, what's up with the meme that everyone left of center is a "hedonist"? Seriously, have this dumb fucking thread on /pol/. It's like none of you morons actually crawl out of the dungeon to interact with someone who has a different perspective. Or if you do, you stick your heads in the sand as soon as they begin speaking. I have plenty of conservative friends & family members and none of them would make the ridiculous generalizations I'm reading in this thread. Get back to your containment board.

Only good post.

>> No.9349012

Liberal here. I love Brave New World. Would've loved it more if Huxley had considered the possibility of nuclear weapons in his dystopic setting.

>> No.9349026

the structures of control used in 1984 are based in terrorization of the masses while in BNW they are based in saturization of pleasure. We have found the second to be more efficient but our society uses a bit of both. Why do you think terrorism and mass attacks are becoming more normalised in our most peaceful era?

>> No.9349027
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Brave new world connects to other, less fluffy realizations

>> No.9349060

>Also, what's up with the meme that everyone left of center is a "hedonist"?
It's not a meme, they either admit so themselves (either explicitly or implicitly) or they say they're not and then spend hours justifying the behavior of the average homosexual, or excuse bestiality, incest and so on.
Also, stop being ridiculous, the average liberal is far more sheltered and ignorant of the opposite stance than the average conservative.

>> No.9349069

BNW >>>> 1984

But Orwell's best stuff were his non-fiction.

>> No.9349073

Honestly? Kill yourself, you fucking faggot.

>> No.9349127

The older I get the more I wonder what the fuck Huxley's problem was. BNW represents a wonderful state of being far flung from the overtly chaotic manner of the universe - a cocoon; a bubble without violence of malice. Like the 90s.

Also, Brave New World's finer points are predicated a lot on scientific advancements, which is something a lot of liberals don't like to criticise (even if they consider some practices unethical). Politicians, like those espoused in 1984's authoritarian world, are fair game in comparison so I imagine it's an easier book to dig.

>> No.9349136

Ladies and Gentlemen, a prisoner who enjoys his cell.

>> No.9349139

>NW represents a wonderful state of being far flung from the overtly chaotic manner of the universe
The west deserves a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.9349150

>But Orwell's best stuff were his non-fiction.
True that.

The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years' time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman
Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. This last type is surprisingly common in Socialist parties of every shade; it has perhaps been taken over en bloc from. the old Liberal Party. In addition to this
there is the horrible--the really disquieting--revalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the
impression that the mere words 'Socialism' and 'Communism' draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, 'Nature Cure' quack, pacifist, and feminist in England. One day this summer I was riding through Letchworth when the bus stopped and two dreadful-looking old men got on to it. They were both about sixty, both very short, pink, and chubby, and both hatless. One of them was
obscenely bald, the other had long grey hair bobbed in the Lloyd George style. They were dressed in pistachio-coloured shirts and khaki shorts into which their huge bottoms were crammed so tightly that you could study every
dimple. Their appearance created a mild stir of horror on top of the bus. The man next to me, a commercial traveller I should say, glanced at me, at them, and back again at me, and murmured 'Socialists', as who should say, 'Red Indians'. He was probably right--the I.L.P. were holding their summer school at Letchworth. But the point is that to him, as an ordinary man, a crank meant a Socialist and a Socialist meant a crank. Any Socialist, he probably felt, could be counted on to have something eccentric about him. And some such notion seems to exist even among Socialists themselves. For instance, I have here a prospectus from another summer school which states its terms per week and then asks me to say 'whether my diet is ordinary or vegetarian'. They take it for granted, you see, that it is necessary to ask this question. This kind of thing is by itself sufficient to alienate plenty of decent people. And their instinct is perfectly sound, for the food-crank is by definition a person willing to cut himself off from human society in hopes of adding five years on to the life of his carcase; that is, a person but of touch with common humanity.

>> No.9349152


>tfw no noble savage gf

>> No.9349207

Nothing wrong with being a prisoner; free room and board, and you don't have to pay taxes.

>> No.9349210

liberals hate Brave New World?

>> No.9349222

Because it's horribly written and filled with horrible characters that don't have a single redeeming feature that makes them interesting. The ideas present in the book might hold some interesting commentary, but the book as a whole provides not a single moment of enjoyment.

>> No.9349232

not when you're a prisoner for life.

>> No.9349236

Hey you get free books in prison too. Its like my everyday except I don't have to work.

>> No.9349243

Thats sad.

>> No.9349251


1984 only appears to be easier for the liberal brain to comprehend.The world they advocate for is basically just 1984 if we're being honest.

>> No.9349253

Is it as sad as a sysphean life that we are all condemned to?

>> No.9349261

Yes. Don't try to justify yourself.

>> No.9349283

Justify myself? All you've offered are emotional anecdotes. Whose to say I wouldn't br happiest in prison, or that you live any better outside of it. Life is like one big prison, but we get to choose our own walls. I want one of mine to have a cell door, and is that so sad?

>> No.9349318


>> No.9349330

Ok, how are you doing anon?

>> No.9349336

Bad, but at least I'm not happy about it.

>> No.9349361

But how could you say you're bad if you were happy about something? Would it not be true that someone who is happy can be allowed their happiness regardless of our outside interpretation?

>> No.9349371

It is another anon uses a democratic socialist's criticism of the left as his own

>> No.9349375

Sometimes you are happy when you shouldn't be. This is done to by outside sources often and deliberately.

>> No.9349380

But what does it mean to be happy when you shouldn't be? Who can be the arbiter of happiness but oneself?

>> No.9349387

Where are you getting this? I just hate the way huxley writes.

>> No.9349403

If you are fooled into happiest, when it is not in your best interest to be happy, you are not truly happy.

>> No.9349442

So you would say that true happiness is happiness when it is in your best interest, and that there is such a thing as false happiness?

>> No.9349449

Yes but not quite.

>> No.9349463

But then wouldn't it be so that being in prison is not only what makes me happiest, but also would be in my best interest; and being outside of prison may be dangerous, and wouldn't you then say this is some sort of false happiness, since somehow you have been fooled into thinking that it is better?

>> No.9349494

Being a prisoner is not in your interest long term. May as well just die, in fact death might be in your best interest

>> No.9349504


It's more like they're using 1984's means with Brave New World's ends in mind.

>> No.9349507

I think it's a bit of both

>> No.9349508

How can death possibly be in my best interest? And how could being a prisoner not be in my best interest in the long term? Death is something I naturally avoid, since its consequences are unknown to me. Since I can't possibly factor an unkown into my process of determining what is in my best interest, then I can never say it would be in my best interest. Of the first point, I already evinced in my previous post that prison contained all the amenities for me to be truly happy and therefore it is in my best interest.

>> No.9349527

What's the point of living in a cage when death is inevitable. If there is hope for escape you may as well just end it. Unless you want to delude and lull yourself into a false sense of happiness, becoming a bad joke, a parody of man.

>> No.9349531

But as I said before we are all living in cages we can only escape in death. But you shouldn't kill yourself, since you've been given this life you have an obligation to live it out. Its like a dog, running away from its master, you can't die until the universe is done with you.

>> No.9349533

And while we're at it you might as well live happily in the prison of life.

>> No.9349550

You make me sick. I don't think I can even see you as human.

>> No.9349551

Ad hominem

>> No.9349616

I don't care.

>> No.9350013

>decent people

>> No.9350044

>people on my side are better on average because of this sweeping baseless generalization
>the average liberal loves incest and bestiality and will bend over backwards to defend it
I really can't comprehend the level of mental gymnastics /pol/acks go through on a daily basis to come up with this shit

>> No.9350052

He was obviously quoting Gorge Orwell you moron

>> No.9350057

>they either admit so themselves (either explicitly or implicitly)
>Either admit to or act like hedonists
Were you planing on providing any sort of evidence for this belief or are we just supposed to be persuaded because you've said it again?

>spend hours justifying the behavior of the average homosexual, or excuse bestiality, incest
kek. did you compare homosexuality to bestiality and incest? Seriously, how many liberals have you encountered who support bestiality and incest? I've never met anyone in my entire life (outside of anonymous users on 4chan) who endorse either of these behaviors. How can you think this? You sound like some psychotic evangelical preacher or something. Jesus, dude.

>> No.9350080

Most people I know are socially liberal (i.e. live an let live), and they wouldn't dream of defending bestiality or incest. Liberals have some of the dumbest people on earth, but they are far from representative.

>> No.9350333

>the average liberal loves incest and bestiality and will bend over backwards to defend it
Where did I say love? Are you illiterate? I said excuse, as in "there's nothing bad with them".
>kek. did you compare homosexuality to bestiality and incest?
No, I grouped together with the others as "hedonistic stuff that liberals make up excuses for" you too seem unable to read and understand a text.
>Seriously, how many liberals have you encountered who support bestiality and incest
Didn't say support either, I said make excuses for. And plenty of liberals I've met when pressed on the issue either makes excuses for bestiality.
live and let live is precisely the reason why so many of them defend bestiality and incest. I didn't say they all defend it.

>> No.9350340

Also, you guys are free to find me a liberal who doesn't defend hedonism when pressed on the issue. A liberal who actually has the balls to say "yes, the average lifestyle of a gay man is degenerate". Can't find it.

>> No.9350414
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>A liberal who actually has the balls to say "yes, the average lifestyle of a gay man is degenerate". Can't find it.
Okay, I'll bite. Let's have a conversation about this. How would you characterize the "average lifestyle" of a gay man and what specifically do you find to be degenerate?

>> No.9350455
File: 20 KB, 390x310, one hell of a ghost story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is degenerate about? Because people told you it is? Because it says so in a dusty old tome? Because you personally dont like it? Because "muh white children"?

>> No.9350809

It's not a matter of how I characterize it, it's a matter of what it is. High partner count, high rates of mental illnesses and drug addictions/use, widespread extreme fetishes and so on.

>> No.9350814

>le stirner memes

kys reddit fag

>> No.9350840

You seem to confuse hedonism with "not living as a puritan conforming to my exact values." Nobody but you alt-right cunts refers to other lifestyles as degenerate.

>> No.9350862

>You seem to confuse hedonism with "not living as a puritan conforming to my exact values."
No I dont', I'm not a puritan in the first place nor I have a problem with people with different but compatible values.
>you alt-right
I'm not alt-right, although I sympathize with them. They're far too populist and, in general, modernist for me.
>refers to other lifestyles as degenerate
I don't refer to "other lifestyles" as degenerate, just the ones which fall under hedonism or other negative frameworks. Among these we can find the lifestyle of the average homosexual in the west.

>> No.9350865

>degeneracy is an objective quality
Holy shit you guys are delusional.

>High partner count, high rates of mental illnesses and drug addictions/use, widespread extreme fetishes and so on.
None of the gay men and women I know fit these categories. You have the same impression of gay people as a 70 year old Baptist preacher would. Go outside.

>> No.9350867

That's really dumb. The only way to argue that 1984s message is anything other than liberal is to argue that it is radically leftist. Orwell was never even close to being a conservative, and the only reason you might think that would be because the popular understanding of the book was distorted during the Cold War for ideological reasons.

>> No.9350870

>It's not a matter of how I characterize it, it's a matter of what it is.
Actually, it is a matter of how YOU characterize it because "degenerate" is a value judgement. The fact that you don't realize is a pretty big red flag (that you are a moron).

>high partner count
>high rates of mental illness
>drug addiction
>extreme fetishes

Do you have a problem with homosexuality? Or just things that you perceive to be related to homosexuality? Also, suffering from mental illness is not "degenerate". There was no moral choice made to be mentally ill. Did it ever occur to you that some of these things directly stem from the way that people like you dehumanize and marginalize them? (And lump them in with people who fuck animals and relatives.)

Hypothetical: Married gay couple, not addicted to drugs, sane, sex in missionary position. Any problems with this?

>> No.9350875

>Holy shit you guys are delusional.
>moral realism is delusional despite being a well accepted stance (in fact the most common one) among philosophers who study meta-ethics
Yes, anon, you're very smart.
>None of the gay men and women I know fit these categories.
>Go outside
Anon, do you always base your opinions of physical reality on personal anecdotes or are you a moron just when it comes to this subject?

>> No.9350876

The harsh truth

>> No.9350890

>Actually, it is a matter of how YOU characterize it because "degenerate" is a value judgement
And? Values are objective, in fact I disagree with the fact-value distinction in the first place.
>Do you have a problem with homosexuality?
As in, is homosexuality per se immoral? No, it's inferior to heterosexuality, sure, but it's not immoral per se.
>Married gay couple, not addicted to drugs, sane, sex in missionary position. Any problems with this?
Yeah, I think fag marriage is an absurdity. But let's rephrase it as a "monogamous couple". No, not a problem, in fact if every gay was like that I wouldn't care at all about the subject. Also, what's with the missionary position? Who cares in what position they have sex?

>> No.9350902

There is no purely rational way to justify being against incest as such (rather than for contingent empirical reasons) without simply making "incest is wrong" or something similar a first principle in your reasoning.

So it makes sense that liberals, insofar as they are committed to a certain sort of free-thinking enlightenment rationality, would occasionally come to the conclusion that incest in itself is ok. I have never seen anyone provide an argument against incest itself (rather than arguments related to genetic disorders or to power dynamics that make consent impossible) other than "it's icky."

Conservatives who made the slippery slope argument about being permissive about homosexual sex acts were right in some sense, because the same reasoning that says, "you can't condemn homosexuality just because it grosses you out," would also say the same thing about incest (and potentially bestiality).

>> No.9350913

>There is no purely rational way to justify being against incest
There is, you can't find one because your moral system is based on autistic things like utility.

>> No.9350915

>And? Values are objective, in fact I disagree with the fact-value distinction in the first place.
Okay. Describe why sexual promiscuity is objectively degenerate.

>No, it's inferior to heterosexuality, sure, but it's not immoral per se.
How so? (By which I mean, how is homosexuality inferior?)

>Also, what's with the missionary position? Who cares in what position they have sex?
You mentioned fetishes. Obviously, you care what other people do in the bedroom. That's why I mentioned it.

>> No.9350919

>all of my opinions are objective facts and degeneracy as a value is objective
You're gonna have to back this shit up laddie

>> No.9350922


>> No.9350939

Not that guy, but if values are objective, then if you say "it's degenerate" and I say "it isn't degenerate" is it both degenerate and not degenerate? Or is it degenerate FOR you and not degenerate FOR me, in which case it is in fact a matter of how YOU (and I) characterize it.

Or did you mean to say: "my values are objective"? Because if that's the case I just cannot accept that principle, and so I'll get everyone who agrees with me together and you can get everyone who agrees with you together and we'll try to kill each other and whoever is left can say that their values are objective since there will be no one to disagree.

>> No.9350948

>Okay. Describe why sexual promiscuity is objectively degenerate.
Being highly promiscous requires you to behave towards your sexual partner in a way that is purely interested in obtaining pleasure, you don't really have a time to develop a bond between the two of you which would make the both of you grow and become better people. In other words, a high partner count requires you to behave hedonistically, hedonism is wrong because pleasure isn't the ultimate good, pleasure is just a proper accident of following virtue.
>How so?
Well, I'm an atheist so I take a teleonomical rather than teleological approach to studying morality. Still, fertility is clearly one of the point of sex and homosexual sex is necessarily sterile, in other words, it can not - by definition - pursue every feature of sex.
>You mentioned fetishes
Fucking doggystyle is one thing, eating feces is another. We can agree on that, I hope.
Do you agree that objective moral facts exist in the first place? Because if you don't, I won't even try to argue that a specific thing is objectively morally wrong.
Same as above.

>> No.9350950

Insofar as I have a coherent moral system, I would say its centered more around freedom than utility (Kant, Hegel, and so on).

But I'm curious, what principle would you start with to arrive rationally at "incest is wrong," other than "if something seems icky to me (or even to most people), its wrong"?

>> No.9350951
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>and so I'll get everyone who agrees with me together and you can get everyone who agrees with you together and we'll try to kill each other and whoever is left can say that their values are objective since there will be no one to disagree.

>> No.9350954

slippery wet dog poop on the stairs
slippery wet dog poop in my hair
slippery wet dog poop on the grill
slippery wet dog poop what a thrill

>> No.9350959

following the how so explanation. Since it can not practice every virtue of sex, and heterosexual sex can (at least in theory of course), homosexual sex is inferior to heterosexual thing in the same way that a tool that can do A, B and C is inferior to one that can do A, B and C as well as the other one but it can also do D (provided of course a,b, c, and d are all positive things)

>> No.9350982

>But I'm curious, what principle would you start with to arrive rationally at "incest is wrong"
In virtue ethics, roles, the feature of roles and so on are fundamental to understand how to behave in a morall correct way. If you can show that incest violates the feature of roles, say family roles, you can show that incest is immoral. As you can guess, this isn't something I can explain in a few sentences, it's quite a long thing, virtue ethics are a far more laborious deal than utilitarianism or deontology.

>> No.9350989

This >>9350959 completes this >>9350948

>> No.9350993

first good post

>> No.9351002

kek. great post. I think he meant something like "objective moral principles exist outside of what is culturally or subjectively defined". The problem is, he probably believes himself to have the true moral judgement on any act (because otherwise he would change his belief to match what is true). So yeah, it seems he did mean something like "my moral values are objective".

>Being highly promiscous requires you to behave towards your sexual partner in a way that is purely interested in obtaining pleasure, you don't really have a time to develop a bond between the two of you which would make the both of you grow and become better people. In other words, a high partner count requires you to behave hedonistically, hedonism is wrong because pleasure isn't the ultimate good, pleasure is just a proper accident of following virtue.
It amazes me that you don't realize this argument is completely circular. You assume, from the start, that "virtue" (in this case a substitute for "chastity" or "monogamy") is the ultimate good. Your argument already presupposes that the moral judgement is true.

>Still, fertility is clearly one of the point of sex and homosexual sex is necessarily sterile, in other words, it can not - by definition - pursue every feature of sex.
You mean reproduction, not sex. Is oral sex between a monogamous heterosexual couple "inferior" as well?

>Fucking doggystyle is one thing, eating feces is another. We can agree on that, I hope.
Yes, we are in full agreement.

>> No.9351005

Meant to quote.

>> No.9351031

>It amazes me that you don't realize this argument is completely circular.
It's not, anon, the formal structure of that argument is a deduction, and deductions aren't circular. Now the premises are found through abduction rather than deduction, but adbuctions aren't circular either.
>virtue" (in this case a substitute for "chastity" or "monogamy"
No, virtue isn't used in that sense. Pursuing virtues would lead you to monogamy but monogamy isn't a virtue in and of itself.
>You mean reproduction, not sex.
Reproduction is a crucial feature of sex, that's why I phrased it like that.
>Is oral sex between a monogamous heterosexual couple "inferior" as well?
Sure. Again, not immoral per se, just inferior to the full act.

>> No.9351044

>The problem is, he probably believes himself to have the true moral judgement on any act
Nice strawman, by the way. When have I behaved so uncharitably towards you that you feel the need to do it to me?
No, I don't have the true moral judgment of any act, I'm not all-knowing.

>> No.9351049

Which is probably why people don't refer to then nearly as often

>> No.9351057

Sure, but what people find easy to do is not an indication of what is true. Also, there were times (and places) in which a virtue ethical understanding of morality was the only thing around. In fact, it was the only type of understanding possible given how moral language was constructed.

>> No.9351097

>It's not, anon, the formal structure of that argument is a deduction, and deductions aren't circular. Now the premises are found through abduction rather than deduction, but adbuctions aren't circular either.
If chastity isn't a virtue in itself, which virtue(s) compel you to chastity? Either way, there is a very strong ideological bias to the supposedly "objective" reasons you've given. A bias that you have not articulated persuasively and which is a premise of your argument.

>Reproduction is a crucial feature of sex, that's why I phrased it like that.
>Sure. Again, not immoral per se, just inferior to the full act.
So, to summarize your views on sex, any sexual act besides heterosexual sex for the explicit purpose of biological reproduction is objectively morally inferior to some degree?

>No, I don't have the true moral judgment of any act, I'm not all-knowing.
So, you believe that moral truths are objective. But you also believe that you personally do not have the true moral judgement of any act? How is it possible for you to make moral judgments, then? That is, if these moral truths are inaccessible to you?

>> No.9351648
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Superior dystopia coming through

>> No.9352723

lol. obviously not in the writers opinion which is why his last book, "The Island", was the utopia counterpart to Brave New World.

>> No.9352731

>Liberals really hate happy people.


>> No.9352737
File: 118 KB, 313x475, 76171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior dystopia coming through

>> No.9352750

both of those are worse though

>> No.9353094

>If chastity isn't a virtue in itself, which virtue(s) compel you to chastity?
When have I said that you should be chaste? Not continuously sleeping around isn't the same as being chaste.
>A bias that you have not articulated persuasively and which is a premise of your argument.
Well, you can't really expect me to build the entire case for virtue ethics on here, it would take ages, I can't write a book. I might suggest a few authors, that I can do.
>So, to summarize your views on sex, any sexual act besides heterosexual sex for the explicit purpose of biological reproduction is objectively morally inferior to some degree?
Pretty much, yes.
>But you also believe that you personally do not have the true moral judgement of any act?
No, I said I don't know the true moral judgment of *every* act, not that I don't know it of *any* act. I can easily explain why raping kids is wrong, I can't as easily describe, say, the good life in its entirety. And it's not that these truths are inaccessible, as in there's some necessary condition that blocks me to access any one of them, it's just difficult the more complex the act we're talking about is.

>> No.9353728

Lurker here, how does one enjoy Brave New World? I feel like both of these books are written so that the stupid can feel smart. Halfway through BNW now any tips to enjoy this book?

>> No.9353847


>> No.9353865

In the end, liberals want to eventually legalize pedophilia and cannibalism. I can hear them already

>> No.9353871

I dont understand why more people don't like Ayn Rand's Anthem. I think they hate her based on her other books. But Anthem is honestly a top-tier dystopia work

>> No.9353872

But by the same reasoning, homosexuality violates the roles of men and women and of sex

>> No.9353905


Brave New World just isn't an entertaining book.

>> No.9353930


This. It has interesting ideas, but it's just not very fun to read as a story.

>> No.9354506

Yes, I agree. What ideas am I looking for? How do I know what to pick from the book?

>> No.9354673

>homosexuality violates the roles of men and women and of sex
Not really, homosexuality is just a matter of attraction, it's not a behavior.