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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 178x230, Adorno small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9344992 No.9344992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*subverts western society
>nothing personal kid, white people are fascist

>> No.9344993

This board is utter shit.

>> No.9344999

It's some butthutt frogman who got btfo by a leftist in some other thread probably

>> No.9345014

Is this the new cultural marxism meme? Which writer's philosophy will be an elaborate plan to destroy the fragile white race next week?

>> No.9345020

Culture of blame, rooted in fear and desperation.

Sort yourself out.

>> No.9345022
File: 972 KB, 3840x2160, staring at op the faggot in 4k resolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not think you understand what "subverts western society" exactly means, and I have serious doubts about OP ever reading Adorno.

Basically if you /pol/lacks bothered to read him you'd probably agree with him on 90% of the things he says.

He warned people that there would be attempt to subvert tradition, to take away its meaning and this is something that should be protected/acted against. He also encouraged the future to develop from the tradition, not deconstructing it or "subverting tradition" as is so popular for any post-modern author or movement.

I hate this board.

>> No.9345032

>t. Adorno

>> No.9345041
File: 47 KB, 801x548, laydu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Civilization was a mistake.

>> No.9345051

If only they knew Adorno isn't too popular with contemporary leftist groups and movements because they consider him too 'conservative' and elitist. Shoot, why don't the ignorant /pol/lacks ever start a thread using Marcuse's picture? Why Adorno? I feel like it's all one giant, elaborate joke (this thread most certainly is an attempt at one).

>> No.9345054

technically it was the enlightenment that was the mistake

t. fan

>> No.9345055

I do agree, is there any counter-argument against the case that Adorno makes? It makes complete sense to me.

>> No.9345059
File: 82 KB, 1261x597, m349509534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural marxism conspiracy theories

When will this meme end?

>22 july 2011 spike

th..th..th..thanks breivik

>> No.9345060

The problem is that Western men don't know what to do with themselves anymore.

Prosperity has made us decadent fools.

>> No.9345063

re-apply kant

>> No.9345067

not "prosperity" but the ideology of freedom

>> No.9345069

Don't know what you guys are worried about. Our glorious post-racial globalist favela world village filled with rampant raping violent underworld crime and transnational upperworld financial fat cats who tell us all to check our privilege while mass rape and bombings occur is going to be great. At some point in the next 50 years there will be a complete breakdown in civil disorder, and then it is anyone's game. Can't escape in your jet when the fuel networks break down. Can't point and sputter on late night tv comedy about the current year when the power goes off. Won't be able to organize with mass public distrust, especially with ideologies that led to the breakdown.

>cannibal biker gang rolls up
>"what's your skill anon?"
>"ah, i was a b-b-bookish english lit major and grad student"
>loud guffaws
>"take his gf as a concubine and slit his throat"

>> No.9345077

Marcuse went out of favor with the radical left in the early 70's when he concluded that a student vanguard will never lead a revolution......by the early 80's the frankfurt school was largely seen as a quirk in the history of the humanities and had been superseded by post-structuralism and the the so called "post debates".......that's how out of touch /pol/ is.

>> No.9345086

b..b..b..b..but the cultural marxists of the 60's and 70's became teachers and brainwashed generations through state schooling

>> No.9345090

I agree.

People don't know what to do with freedom. Possibly because they are incapable of restraining themselves. Or because they feel continually hurried into production.

Abundance turned us into slaves who lack even the integrity to realize that they are slaves.

>> No.9345093

jokes on you faggot i don't have a gf and i want to die

>> No.9345099



also why we need to put everyone into labor camps and put us intellectuals in charge

>> No.9345100

Yeah I wish Adorno and Marcuse went redpilling people in the colleges but lo and behold nothing about modern deconstuction and spite of tradition reminds you of their writings

>> No.9345123
File: 6 KB, 257x196, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, the reverse pol pot argument. very interesting.

>> No.9345132

freedom isn't physical in the sense of boundary

it is a kind of the deontological freedom of substances, that people create objects of art for the effect that it creates in the society rather than the freedom promised by enlightenment

thus implying the society went wrong during or after the enlightenment due to this misdirection, that freedom tends towards totalitarian principles of serving as a means of another thing

>> No.9345151


the khmer rouge did nothing wrong emptying the cities of inner city faggots that had black framed glasses and killing them on an industrial scale, if we did the same today 90% of earth's problems would go away

>> No.9345154

ow. so edgy.

>> No.9345161
File: 17 KB, 296x413, GeorgLukacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's not commodification and alienation

>> No.9345168

You managed to be more edgy than /pol/

>> No.9345171
File: 167 KB, 612x505, 9c4bd288498c76591dd5858cf9414d0d0c735608f8af109804f236dc75bf3eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9345191

it is but the cause is antithetical to enlightenment

>> No.9345196

>Basically if you /pol/lacks bothered to read him you'd probably agree with him on 90% of the things he says

Well yeah no shit. Much of the Frankfurt School is just repackaged 19c reactionary thought (Baudelaire, Balzac, Nietzsche, etc) in pseudo-Marxist language. All of the Frankfurt School came from very wealthy, bourgeois backgrounds. They retained their parents' disdain for poor people, but gave it a left-wing spin. It's not surprising that the Frankfurt School became popular with American coastal elites, especially at our universities

>> No.9345221

Pol Pot had the right instincts. Intellectuals as a class are more damaging to society than capitalists. The irony is that it was Western intellectuals who put these ideas into his head.

>> No.9345236

>shitposting nerd with no survival skills fantasizes about the violent downfall of society

What's your skill, anon?

>> No.9345238

Of course it is.
The worse board

>> No.9345264

We require intellectualism far less than competency. Automation is making us worthless but we become more valuable to the system of objects the more worthless and pathetic we become.

I would prefer to be alienated from alienation. Capitalism supplies no morality but socialism pretends to supply too much of it. Every herd has some reason to be a herd.

>> No.9345266

I wouldn't be surprised if /pol/ is way more read than /lit/ gives them credit for, they employ extensive knowledge of postmodernism and Marxist/psychoanalytic film theory

I've also seen several posters on their Christian generals discuss Theology at a graduate level.

>> No.9345326

ive never seen a /pol/tard get marxism right. it's all positions made by secondary literature. there are a few /lit/ters who have at least read kapital.

>> No.9345329

>I wouldn't be surprised if /pol/ is way more read than /lit/ gives them credit for

I would

>they employ extensive knowledge of postmodernism and Marxist/psychoanalytic film theory

I think you're confusing "extensive" with "easily regurgitated soundbites that confirm their predispositions"

I've come across a couple of posters who seem half knowledgeable over the passed few years.... but generally they abhor intellectualism and displays of original thinking or intelligence.

>> No.9345350
File: 44 KB, 659x581, pollack spergs jew reading list (partial screenshot).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've also seen several posters on their Christian generals discuss Theology at a graduate level.

Also the threads where anons ask for legit sources on Jewish elites. It's like asking the history department of an Israeli University.

>> No.9345359


>they abhor intellectualism and displays of original thinking or intelligence

more likely that they abhor people with sticks up their asses

>> No.9345372

Adorno's expressed intention is to disempower the heretofore established direction of the history of western philosophy. It's not a conspiracy theory - /pol/ may treat it as such, and likewise all y'all reactionaries may call them out on it, but its not. Its literally the aim of his philosophy

>> No.9345388

Wasn't Adorno's whole shtick about how jazz was capitalist trash and classical music was superior?

That's about as far from /pol/ style cultural Marxism as you can get

>> No.9345397


Any time the left does anything either in secret or out in the open, and people notice or call them out, this noticing and call out becomes a "conspiracy theory".

>> No.9345413

To continue, because all of you faggots are so paranoid about /pol/ that you will embrace ignorance to display your hatred of them ---

"Society in its present form... is based not, as has been ideologically assumed since Aristotle, on appeal, on attraction, but rather on the pursuit of one's own interests against the interests of everyone else."

Adorno is in outright revolt against the trajectory of western thinking. From his persepctive, the end of the road was Auschwitz - a complete relapse into barbarism for western civilization. If our moral, ethical imperative is to avoid another such relapse, we need to completely reassess the foundations of western thought that led to the death camps.

So fuck you knee-jerk anti-/pol/ crusaders for acting like you know shit

>> No.9345418

Reminder "conspiracy theorist" was coined by the CIA to discredit people who guessed correctly.

>> No.9345424

you can't have cultural marxism without ZOGs n shit.

>> No.9345452

Adorno is still extremely influential, at least in the colleges I've ben to. His aesthetics are still the consensus.

>> No.9345530


Western society =/= white people

also I always find it pretty funny that all of these people who claim to hate racism so much are perfectly fine with clumping together many different races into just "white people"
Pretty much no different from calling everyone in Asia Chinese or everyone in South America Mexican

>> No.9345637

I agree.

Tortoise shell framed glasses master-race.

>> No.9345658

Your analogy is backwards you stupid Swede

>> No.9345798

Habermas is still around

>> No.9345818

>Pretty much no different from calling everyone in Asia Chinese or everyone in South America Mexican

yes because there is a whitepeopleistan and all the white people aren't just people with a white skin.
Those who aren't racists tend to not believe in the concept of "race".

>> No.9345829

Frankfurt School were pure evil. Adorno and Walter Benjamin were satanists.


>> No.9345838


>Those who aren't racists tend to not believe in the concept of "race".

yeah exactly
everyone who fights against racism is actually racist
a classic self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.9346566

Looking forward to seeing a single constructive counter-argument to this post from Marxist faggots.