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/lit/ - Literature

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9341627 No.9341627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We all know that the vast majority of /lit/ hates videogames, but what does think /lit/ about Pen and Paper RPGs and Boardgames?

>> No.9341645

I Play dnd, I'm a Dungeon Master so it gives me a proper excuse to practice my descriptive prose, and I get a free test audience. It's not the most impressive of hobbies, and the literature connected with it isn't all that complex, but at least it gets me writing something. But as to real literary value, I don't think it's that fruitful of a hobby, D&D is at it's core, derivative of generic high fantasy bullshit that it'll never move away from.

>> No.9341662

rpgs are basically just an excuse to argue with all the other egocentric losers you know.

>> No.9341873

fun for virgins

>> No.9342240

I've been playing D&D for years, recently I've been trying to get my group to play some other games, like Shock Social Science Fiction and Microscope, they're more collaborative storytelling games than hack and slash high fantasy stuff.

We tried Dawn of Worlds the last two weeks, a collaborative world building game. It fell apart when one player got upset that we weren't playing by the rules (as he understood them). Whole thing went to shit, sadly.

>> No.9342289

I used to play D&D until whenever I played with friends, it devolved into autistic arguments over "worldbuilding" and "setting". I'm still friends with those guys, but I can't stand playing TTRPGs with anybody I respect. It's honestly on-par with arguing scripture at this point

>> No.9342586

I think chess is really interesting to play casually. I think it'd get ruined if I tried to get into the memorization/preparation elements.

>> No.9342665

>It fell apart when one player got upset that we weren't playing by the rules (as he understood them).

I feel like this is the natural conclusion to all collaborative story telling exercises.

>> No.9342668

never got the hold of it

>> No.9342672

It's gender fiction. It is inferior.

>> No.9342675

oh my god i hope this is bait

>> No.9342796

Why? I think is the most decent post in this thread.

>> No.9343321

I recently formed a group with 5 others who have no experience, including the DM, while I have experience playing the game as an exhausting series of computations.

I'm slowly convincing them that character development is more interesting than obsessions over battle strategy (minutiae that are ultimately ignored), but members of the group either base characterization off doorstopper genre fiction sagas or anime. But we're all pretty good friends, so it's not bad.

DnD doesn't have to be a derivative of derivative fantasy, it can be a vehicle for something interesting if you get the right people together. I'm not convinced the structure of DnD itself necessarily limits it to bullshit.

>> No.9343376


>> No.9343379

Underrated post

>> No.9343499

I enjoy rules-light, open-ended tabletop RPGs (Apocalypse Worlds, Paranoia, /tg/ homebrews), especially as a GM. They give you a jumping-off point for all kinds of adventures and stories and put the focus on GM creativity, character development, and PC interactions

Rules-heavy and very setting-specific games like older D&D editions and pathfinder are just a step above multiplayer videogames

A lot of the experience depends on the group of course, but in general "role-playing" > "roll-playing"

>> No.9344161
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>updated my journal...

>> No.9344244

Sounds gay as fuck you nerd

>> No.9344555

I wish you weren't so mean, anon

>> No.9344730
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That's why I've been DMing for many years. Have a game tonight.

>> No.9344853

Thanks friend

>> No.9344858

like video games but for boring assholes.