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/lit/ - Literature

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9339549 No.9339549 [Reply] [Original]

So far I haven't been unable to understand how to improve my writing, yet lit told me I simply need to read and write a lot.

It seems so far, ineficient to me and a poorly explanation, at least in so extended.

So far, even if I have improved yet beyond my wild imaginations in a few days of heavy practice, I haven't been unable to put in words why this happens, who knows, maybe are the neural networks improving it's conections, similar to how muscles become bigger when put to pressure.

So far, even if my attempts have been unfruitful to explain why I've improved so far, so far beyond my wildest imaginations, in a couple of days, but I've been able to device, using my thinking and though some exercises that maybe able to expand my literary knowledge and writing skills.

So far, I've come up with these ones:
>Writing poetrhy
>Writing original thoughs
>Copying pages of famous authors

Am I correct in my understanding and therefore I've understood as is applicable a way to improve or am I still clueless, a damn clueless taco nigger shitkin that wont be able to ammount to nothing and will die alone in my niggertaco shithole?

>> No.9339554

Google words you don't understand and note them down if you feel you can't memorize them at first blush.

Should boost your attempts anon.

>> No.9339575
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How long have you been practicing these things? I've been writing almost every day for two years, so far a novel, a novella, many scripts and a collection of short stories. Various drafts. Throughout each of these I have had very very minor changes, but now, 2 years/~350,000 words layer, I can look back and see quite an improvement from when I was starting out.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.9339581

is been a couple of weeks so far.

>> No.9339588
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Give it a bit longer ..

>> No.9339597

yeah, but I would like a rational approach rather than simple do a bunch of grinding like a fucking retard.

>> No.9339604

this is the work of writing desu

>> No.9339611

there must be a way, though.

>> No.9339631

Yes. Based on your post I can tell you, without a doubt, that, not only do you lack the capacity for improvement, you lack the capacity for full fluency in your native language.

Not only that, you are also whiny and employ too many unfunny memes. You think you're having a bit of cheeky bantz there at the end with 'niggertaco' but it just adds a new miserable layer to a post already layered in misery.

Fly away, back to /pol/ now. All that awaits you here is the alien, impenetrable face of the Zionic thrall.

>> No.9339658

Why so triggered my dream redd¡tor friend?

You seem unable to answer a simple question and yet you come triggered with meme BS and meme buzzwords to insult me.

>> No.9340041

Chances are, you spend more time on 4chins than you do actually consuming literature. All of the talented and notworthy authors of the past and present read in their spare time.

>> No.9340074

there is.a way. write everyday, even when you don't feel like it. at least for 1-2 hours, then write some more. day in and day out.

>> No.9340085


"improving your writing" takes years

>> No.9340120

Be sure to edit your work, and be hard on yourself, faggot.

>> No.9340122


YOU improve YOUR writing by working on it YOURSELF.

Stop looking for others to do it for you.

>> No.9340171

>poorly explanation
>at least in so extended
>maybe are the neural networks improving it's connections
>that entire fourth paragraph... Holy shit OP say what you have to say and be done with it, Jesus
>copying pages of famous authors (who told you this is a good idea? It's not. Instead, maybe read a book or two by the same author and, without having the book open: write. If you're meant to be then you'll write in the author's style naturally. Do this often enough and you'll develop your own style.
>that entire last paragraph

Look, OP. You're obviously foreign or illiterate or both. Read. Read more. What have you read? Sure you should write, too. But you need to read. Start with Stephen King or the Greeks, I don't give a shit, but read, for the love of God, because this post is so poorly written that it may be the best bait of all time and I've just been had.


>> No.9340251
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>consuming literature

and this is why I never come to this board, jesus fucking christ

this is gonna sting a while, thanks for ruining my day

literally books-make-u-smart grade autism. can't make this fucking shit up


>> No.9340315

cringepost of the day

>> No.9340552

Just be yourself

>> No.9341247

Show don't tell.

>> No.9341286
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How can one even tell if they're improving? I've been writing for years, and aside from less spelling mistakes it all looks the same to me.

>> No.9342671

>rational approach
>practice to get better
>not rational

Have you literally never played an instrument or done math problems or learned any skill of any kind

>> No.9342781

There's no secret approach that will effortlessly make you a good writer. It's a lot of work, and if you're not prepared for that, it's best to not even try. That said, there is more to it than "hurrr just write lots." You must learn to distinguish between good and bad writing. The best way to do this is to read constantly: Read with purpose, and analyze the text. Understand the function of each word in its sentence, each sentence in its paragraph, and each paragraph in its chapter. Learn to recognize when a word or sentence or paragraph doesn't function as it should, and how and why that is. Once you can distinguish good writing from bad, you should write. When you write, you write with purpose; have a goal in mind, and think about how every word works to accomplish that goal. Then critique your own writing like you have learned to do with that of others. Tear it apart and reassemble it, multiple times, keeping in mind your original purpose, altering it when necessary. Repeat this process for years and years, and you'll be on your way.

>> No.9342832

Your problem is that you're not really interested in being a writer. You can't just try something for two weeks and say you're not improving. It takes a lot of work to write a book, and an even bigger amount of dedication to make it an actually decent story. The biggest secret to writing is that there really isn't a secret. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a quack, and the faster you get over this, the faster you'll improve. Not because of some esoteric BS, but because you'll stop wasting less time posting on taiwanese basket weaving forums and more time on actually writing and practicing.

>> No.9342872

>>9342671 gets it.

Jesus christ, anon, it's called deliberative practice. Basically, pay fucking attention to what you're doing, why it works why it doesn't. Get outside feedback occasionally, but mostly pay attention.

>> No.9342909

>I want to write
>but I don't want to read
Never gonna make it.

>> No.9342954

Slow down. Pay attention. Dissect what you read. Extract style approaches. Experiment with them. Leave the writing alone for a while. Go back to reading and dissecting. Take your experiment out again. Dissect it. Edit it.

Repeat for a decade. You're now a writer.

>> No.9342959

Slow down.
Pay attention.
Dissect what you read.
Extract style approaches.
Experiment with them.
Leave the writing alone for a while.
Go back to reading and dissecting.
Take your experiment out again.
Dissect it.
Edit it.

Repeat for a decade.
You're now a writer.

>> No.9343022


>> No.9343044

Slow down.
Pay attention.
Dissect what you read.
Extract style approaches.
Experiment with them.
Leave the writing alone for a while.
Go back to reading and dissecting.
Take your experiment out again.
Dissect it.
Edit it.
Repeat for a decade.
You're now a writer.

>> No.9343051

>Slow down.
>Pay attention.
>Dissect what you read.
>Extract style approaches.
>Experiment with them.
>Leave the writing alone for a while.
>Go back to reading and dissecting.
>Take your experiment out again.
>Dissect it.
>Edit it.
>Repeat for a decade.
>You're now a writer.

>> No.9343074

Is English your second language? This post reads horribly. Good god...

>> No.9343169

>Slow down.
>Pay attention.
>Dissect what you read.
>Extract style approaches.
>Experiment with them.
>Leave the writing alone for a while.
>Go back to reading and dissecting.
>Take your experiment out again.
>Dissect it.
>Edit it.

>Repeat for a decade.
>You're now a writer.

>> No.9343277

I know the secret to being a good writer.

I will not share it with you. "Good" is relative; the more good writers there are, the less good they will seem. I must preserve my position.