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/lit/ - Literature

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9339229 No.9339229 [Reply] [Original]

What got you in to reading /lit/
How many books have you read
How did reading affect your life?

>> No.9339248

The french history. /300/, more versed in ancient french history than others, a bit like a talesreader s

>> No.9339274
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I can't remember a time when I did not read.
Probably well over a thousand by now.
>I felt always as though I were hanging over a void; up there everything that had ever happened to me seemed unreal, and worse than unreal - unnecessary. Instead of joining me to life, to men, to the activity of men, the bridge seemed to break all connections. If I walked towards the one shore or the other it made no difference: either way was hell. Somehow I had managed to sever my connection with the world that human hands and human minds were creating. Perhaps my grandfather was right, perhaps I was spoiled in the bud by the books I read. But it is ages since books have claimed me. For a long time now I have practically ceased to read. But the taint is still there. Now people are books to me. I read them from cover to cover and toss them aside. I devour them, one after the other. And the more I read, the more insatiable I become. There is no limit to it. There could be no end, and there was none, until inside me a bridge began to form which united me again with the current of life from which as a child I had been separated.

>> No.9339376

I appreciate it's suggestion but the quotes rather cheesy.

>> No.9339421

About 2 years ago when i got so close to getting kicked out of highschool because of my cs:go addiction.
Uninstalled that shit, around same week the yearly book fair near to my school reminded me that i had nothing else to do besides hw, so i gave it a chance.
>In the 100's
Reading was probably the only thing that got me into university.

>> No.9339724

I think I heard Dostoevsky mentioned in another book I was reading so I picked up Crime & Punishment and after that it kind of took off from there. I don't know exactly how many books I have read, a fair amount I guess. I think it's definitely had a positive effect in my life. At least I can't imagine my life without reading at this point.

>> No.9339801
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I can't remember
I don't know

>> No.9340021

Surrealism. Aurelia was the first book I got into in high school and I just continued to dive into other classics.

>> No.9340031


1: Crushing loneliness
2: ~300
3: IJ unironically made me switch from railing oxycodone and coke all day to suboxone, culminating in me becoming totally drug free six months after

>> No.9340226


>> No.9340243

>boredom as a kid + a desire for good stories.
>gave me a ton of enjoyment and fulfillment, makes me appear smart to others, and a qt lit gf. definitely one of the biggest positives in my life

>> No.9340262


that greentext made me puke, thanks faggot

>> No.9340451

For every book I've read, I watched dozens of films and tv series.

>> No.9340461

It's from Tropic of Capricorn, maybe you shouldn't be such a pleb.

>> No.9340483

>Tropic of Capricorn
Wow, that totally changes everything, mane.

>> No.9340572

Not a lot.
I learned things.

>> No.9342703

Eleanor Cameron's The Court of the Stone Children when I was 10. I loved it and love it still. Started collecting books at 14 and have been reading and collecting ever since. I just love it-- for pretend reasons both practical and mystical. It has chatacterized my life completely.

>> No.9344231

my mom i guess
probably 250-300
made me smart and hate everyone a lot

>> No.9344797

It was an escape from life. Enjoying it just came naturally to me.

I have started reading again because I want to expand my mind/quit relying on easily accessible forms of entertainment.

I also want a /lit/ boyfriend.