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File: 13 KB, 220x316, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9336820 No.9336820 [Reply] [Original]

How do you start reading and understanding this guy.

>> No.9336823

You read Hegel's wizardry then you just read him, it's not complex.

>> No.9336838

anything that starts with 'you read hegel' sounds really complex to be desu with you

>> No.9336840
File: 48 KB, 354x521, bawerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not spending your time with dat shit.
Actually various writers already refuted his whole theory. Just sit and read.

>> No.9336874

First, you must be an adolescent. Next, you must have a sense that you have been treated unfairly by life and that you deserve more.

>> No.9336885

well it helps to smoke a lot of weed

a whole lot

>> No.9336911

~~~~~meme line~~~~~~~~~

OP, start with his essay 'Wage Labour and Capital', it's 30 pages and could be described as a condensed Capital, and easy to follow. Then you will see how wage labour and capital are dependent on each other, and how unskilled workers necessarily must be exploited for capital to grow

>> No.9336914

itt: people who haven't read Marx.

Reading Hegel would help, but it's hardly necessary. Also, the Hegel you'd need to read is Philosophy of the Right and Logic.

Honestly just pick up Capital and open to page one. It's not very hard. You don't really need all that background

>> No.9336924

Just read Vico desu, Marx simply inverted part of his ideas and then added hegelian wizardry and contemporary materialistic memes

>> No.9336937

Just read Das Kapital. He writes about economics and makes sure to explain most of it in the books themselves. Just keep in mind that he is a Hegelian. So most of his philosophical arguments are based on Hegelian thought. Reading a short introduction to Hegel would probably suffice to understand what Marx mentions.

>> No.9336952

Read secondary texts. Only an autist would actually slave their way (lol) all three volumes of Capital

>> No.9336957

And don't intend. Life is short and I'll not spend it trying to read and make my own analysis of something that has been being studied by people who dedicated their lives in it in order to refute him.

There are many other things moar important/interesting. ssr, anon.

>> No.9337038

Carson McCullers, is that you?

>> No.9337041
File: 58 KB, 650x429, 42725279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>austrian brainlet

>> No.9337048

>Next, you must have a sense that you have been treated unfairly by life and that you deserve more.

Literally everyone on this site

>> No.9337062

This is a great reading list, which explains an order in which to read Marx

>> No.9337066

~~~~meme line end~~~~~

everything above this line and below the other line are meme opinions and should be disregarded.

>> No.9337095

dubs confirm, just read Mein Kampf and blame Jews.

>> No.9337225

he's pretty easy once you get a basic understanding of marxism. read wage labour and capital, it's fairly short but detailed. the communist manifesto barely covers anything specific.

>> No.9337232

Well the best way to start is to steal another persons' copy of his books.

>> No.9337237

i know you're trying to joke and imply that communism is stealing (it's not) but a lot of people actually have taken my marxism books. they're always interested.

>> No.9337319
File: 48 KB, 368x600, 9780393090406_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The German Ideology is a pretty good place to start. He does a really good job in laying out historical materialism in the first chapter, but the rest of the book is basically just him shitting all over Stirner, so feel free to skip it if you want.

Pic related is also a great place to start.