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/lit/ - Literature

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9335095 No.9335095 [Reply] [Original]


>this is real and actually happening

>> No.9335107

I think it's fair to say that black people ruined the public image and practice of poetry. We need to be honest about the influence of black mediocrity on Western culture

>> No.9335108

Happening what?
Dumb hipsters be dumb hipsters, nobody actually takes slam """poetry""" seriously.

>> No.9335111
File: 182 KB, 441x463, 1491272659877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing worse about millennials than the sassiness. They're all sassy and FIERCE. It doesn't just make me mad, it gets beneath my skin and makes me feel sick inside.

They do it all the time too. I was browsing Fetlife earlier and every single girl has a profile blurb like
>I am the cold chill down your spine at night. I am a lioness seeking her hunter.. Catch me if you dare..

I can't take it. No one should be allowed to make me cringe this much. How does it not count as assault if you're making me cringe so hard I'm in pain? You're physically inflicting harm on me. I should be allowed to defend myself by hitting you.

>> No.9335116

>voluntarily eat shit
>ew its so gross!

>> No.9335122

I'm more alarmed by the subject matter, defending dumb, unsure speech as some kind of paragon of femininity and not just a symptom of a lack of confidence or being a dull idiot.

>> No.9335131

Can we drop that retarded fucking term? I'm 99.99% sure that YOU are a millennial. This self-flagellation attitude is almost as pathetic as white guilt. And if you're by chance not, you're just a stereotypical old grandpa whining about them youngsters. Get over yourself.

>> No.9335134

>I disagree with the thesis this work of art sets forth
>I will proceed to ignore its genre, historical context, and aesthetic merits
You're no better than the SJWs m8. The poem works on multiple levels.

>> No.9335139

this is so disjointed, non sequitur, and free-floatingly pissy that i would bet actual money it was written by a woman on her period

>> No.9335143
File: 929 KB, 1286x1286, 1491071814164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are it's merits, Anon?

>> No.9335144

I can only give it merit for how it uses the speech it advocates for through to the end, but other than that it's pretty normal for slam "poetry"

>> No.9335151

But FetLife Anon, nothing in the post you're replying to is disjointed.

>> No.9335152

Please defend the aesthetic merits of this poem.

>> No.9335153

Ooga booga we wuz kangz n shit fukkin wite pepl git out of mai lyfe

>> No.9335158

thanks for confirming my bullseye

>> No.9335201
File: 51 KB, 640x749, Tumblr slams slam poetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even Tumblr takes slam poetry seriously.

>> No.9335214


To start, see >>9335144.

Beyond this relatively small innovation, though, you have to understand the genre of slam poetry. It's a form centered around personal, subjective, stream-of-consciousness writing. The author relates a prevalent societal issue (the privileging of certain types of speech over others) to a personal anecdote (being interrupted).

From here, she uses a pretty comprehensive toolbox of literary techniques to illustrate why, in her opinion, both the act and the issue are unjust. She personifies her speech, relates it to femininity, draws the audience to sympathize with it, and then uses the language of bureaucracy (wait-listed, red pens, degrees) as a contrast. The shift is genuinely frustrating.

All the while, she develops a comprehensive list of her issues with the interruption.

Each line carries more than its own weight. In other words, it's an effective poem.

Admittedly, the performance is a bit one-note, but even though she's not the greatest speaker, she still knows when to speed up, slow down, change intonation, etc.

>> No.9335225
File: 48 KB, 300x300, MBDTF_ALT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lack Of Visual Empathy equates the meaning of L-O-V-E
>Hatred and attitude tear us entirely
>-Chloe Mitchell

Anyone care to parse that?

>> No.9335227

>practiced, unimaginative mediocrity and diligently delivered cliches make good poetry

Three centuries of philosophers of aesthetics and human creativity: "No"

I hire "effective" plumbers, not "effective" poets.

>> No.9335230

>nobody actually takes slam poetry seriously
I wish this were true. The sad truth is that slam poetry is more popular than traditional poetry these days.

>> No.9335243

Trips of truth. I wish the kink community wasn't filled with such insufferable people.

>> No.9335267

>thinking extended metaphor is unimaginative
>thinking relevant details are cliches
>not knowing how and why "effective" is used in a literary context

>> No.9335281

I suggest you do some actual readings in aesthetics. Maybe start with Coleridge. Your brain has been numbed by scholastic garbage, in terms both of content and your reflex assumption that you know anything because you can type embarrassing pretentious filler.

Respond to me however you like, but at the end of the day, you can either take my advice or not: Go learn some actual philosophy of poetry, or spend the rest of your life being a confused contrarian with no actual principles in epic e-arguments while I continue enjoying real poetry, at a level higher than you ever will. (Feel free to dig in your heels and spend the rest of your life a pleb now.)

>> No.9335677


This is like real life Metafilter. Horrible.


>> No.9335693

how are likes and y'knows keeping rape away from you

>> No.9335712
File: 79 KB, 540x591, Eric_Athur_Blair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh those terrible white men

>> No.9335769
File: 58 KB, 499x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. feminist high school English teacher

The poem is full of shit and you know it. Basically the UMMM SWEETIE TRY AGAIN ;) *sips tea* of "art" if you can even call it that.

>> No.9335854

Do you have a recommendation of a good philosophy of poetry book?

>> No.9335921
File: 17 KB, 720x533, BQqowsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read something about aesthetics
>not something I disagree with though, that's scholastic garbage
>also, analysis art is portentous filler when you do it

>you have to be a feminist to understand something a feminist says

wew lads

>> No.9335925

>analysis art
Meant "analysis of art"

>> No.9335947

is slam poetry making a comeback? did it ever leave? the past year I keep hearing more and more about it. friends going to readings, etc.

>> No.9335959

I think this is a beautiful piece of poetry.

>> No.9335960

It's something that dumb liberal kids in college really enjoy right now, but it has no place beyond that. I feel like that its just a fad that will die out within a few years.

>> No.9336013

she gives me a headache

>> No.9337797

but anon, I slam, jam, now scream like Tarzan...

>> No.9338048

I think it's safe to say that the Jews are to blame for this