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/lit/ - Literature

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9334873 No.9334873 [Reply] [Original]

Does literature need to feign importance in today's society or would writers be better off writing books that appeal to a general audience? Does the esoteric nature of literature keep the average person from reading regularly?

>> No.9334900

there are just better forms of entertainment now. literature changes with technology, albeit slowly, like serialised fiction when newspapers became popular. I think a writer has to write what they want. once the work is out there, that's a matter of taste.

>> No.9335313

But books have been around for thousands of years, though they've been relegated to niche status compared to television and movies. Is it just because we used to read the same books together over and over for all those years? Its almost like people have constructed a bubble where literature has to exist because of centuries of historic texts that are written in extinct dialects nobody uses anymore.

>> No.9335352

>its almost like people have constructed a bubble where literature has to exist because of centuries of historic texts that are written in extinct dialects nobody uses anymore.

yes, that's called high culture. a prestige hobby usually doesn't have much function by definition. most classics were not the popular books of their day. literature is almost always curated after the fact.

>> No.9335709

Someone would need to be committed enough to write 200+ pages and thats why literature has veered off the rails from its place as a main source of entertainment. Its a lot of work for people more accustomed to different forms of art today.

>> No.9335719

is that the guy from last of the summer wine

>> No.9335760

what? I didn't catch your point.

>> No.9335848

its Charles Bukowski, an American poet

people are lazier than they used to be

>> No.9335876
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podcasts are the new marketplace of ideas

also modernity are a mistake

>> No.9335882

laziness is a derogatory phrase for efficiency

text isn't necessarily the best way to spread memes

>> No.9335904

that's not true. studies millennials read more than any other generation alive.

>> No.9335916

>they've been relegated to niche status compared to television and movies
they really haven't, just hang around better people

>> No.9335937

So am I wasting my time getting into reading? Are podcasts more effecient for information/ideas? I've been wondering this of recent

>> No.9336292

i would say books are still the best source of in-depth information but for dialogue and crosspolination other more spontaneous exchanges of ideas are superior.

>> No.9336301

Great Courses Plus if 19.99 a month doesnt frighten you. If it does pirate what you can.

>> No.9336306

Podcasts are literally worthless, unless you're fine with having no real education apart from a couple hundred fun facts. There is no structure in it.

Learn how to read books mroe often.

>> No.9336358

if you don't find it fun then you shouldn't read. yolo n shit.

>> No.9336369


no, good reading develops you inner person, your mental landscape, your interior world

i mean, its like
life is shitty enough but "getting into literature" gives you a higher quality of existence

>> No.9336488

No, I think there are a few factors:

>Talented people are writing for higher-paid media
>The classics of their time are generally not widely read
>Modern literary fiction seems uninteresting. Do we really need another novel about an angsty upper middle class Jewish guy, or the adventures of a bunch of bohemian hipster types in Brooklyn, or another immigrant novel about the (insert race here) experience in New York? Who gives a shit?

>> No.9336530


This is the foundation of most pessimist thinkers by the way. From life-affirming ones such as Nietzsche all the way down to moody mofos such as Cioran and Leopardi, they all think the same thing.