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/lit/ - Literature

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9334353 No.9334353 [Reply] [Original]

the fifth sentence on the 31 page of the book you're currently reading describes your mental health.


>> No.9334559
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There are times when even the vanquished feel courage rushing back to their hearts, and the conquering Danaans fall.

>> No.9334583

>Tho' young, he was shrewd enough to smoak that what they were after was his Plainness, including an idea of his Innocence, which they fail'd to notice was long, even enjoyably, departed

>> No.9334713
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Most of what they said interested David only vaguely.

>> No.9334733

"The cup was emptied and would never be filled again."


>> No.9334739

D-don't judge me t-t-too harshe, /lit/...

>But it was no use, His mouth came down on hers and he kissed her with a hard, desperate passion.

>> No.9334749

>'Why not?'

How dull

>> No.9334754
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So no such judgment, and all is well.

>> No.9334787

exactly what i expected from /lit/ards

>> No.9334918
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"Their education is still unfinished".

>> No.9334947

>A chap can pass himself off as God Almighty, the Virgin Mary, the Pope, the King of England, His Imperial Majesty or St Wenceslas, although the chap who said he was St Wenceslas was tied up naked all day long and lay in solitary confinement.

Such deep, /lit/.

>> No.9334964

For in this respect we are all of us in some measure fastidious: we are seldom contented with a jejune and naked exposition even of the most serious subjects, some of the seasonings of art, some ornaments of style, some splendor of diction, are of necessity to be adopted; even some regard is due to the harmony of numbers, and to the gratification of the ear.

(an 18th century lecture on poetry)

I had to cheat a bit, this sentence starts on page 31, but then goes onto the next.

>> No.9334986

what kinda YA bullshit are you reading?

>> No.9335013

5th sentence on the 31st page.
>Implying there is ever a 'need' for a man to abuse a woman.
Fuck that shit; I'm not a feminist! That line is from the thought process of a feminist in the book! Sometimes it is thoroughly justified for a man to hit a woman; I've been in that situation myself, and if those events were to ever transpire again then I'd do the EXACT same thing again! I'll smack a bitch! It's not my fault that it feels so God damn good to put an uppity feminist in her place...

>> No.9335034

In a way it is this
statistical perfection that dooms it to death.

>> No.9335046


cucked by your own mental health.

>> No.9335047

Branded to Kill, the novel?

>> No.9335053
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"Science has succeeded in so far analysing man that we know already that choice and what is called freedom of will is nothing else than--"

Just underground my shit up. Fits pretty well though. Does anyone else feel disillussioned by the knowledge science has brought us especially in regards to things like free will or mysticism and religion? I wont say that I feel depressed as a result but at least hollow and kind of angry.

>> No.9335058

>b.b.but why you squeal like one honey?

>> No.9335060

Nothing is more destructive to Earth and spirit than "human progress".

>> No.9335072

>But the old rendez-vous in the city centres survived: indeed it was already quite a business even to shift them a little distance, for nstance from the Pont Saint-Michel to the far end of the same brdige in 1667, or fifty years later from the rue Mouffetard to the nearby courtyard of the Hôtel des Patriarches (May 1718).
Wow, that's eerily accurate

>> No.9335089

>I saw and got to know men who were saints, if there are saints in this world; I saw and spoke to savants, crapulous and uncrapulous ones; I listened to men who had the divine fire in their bowels who could have convinced God Almighty that they were worthy of another chance, but not the vice-president of the Cosmococcus Telegraph Company.

>> No.9335094

The most painful part is, it's my own fucking book, I'm probably about 20% finished writing it...

I'm confused; squeal like one what? Anyways, yeah, when I struck said bitch she quickly recoiled back at the sudden realisation that actions can and WILL have consequences. She then curled up in fetal position on the couch as though she were the victim even though she was the one who attacked ME. Can't stand uppity feminists...

>> No.9335101

If you're not a pig, then why you squeal like one?

>> No.9335121

Humanity should have stayed in the jungle tbqh

>> No.9335135

"And now I was once more delivered from the most miserable of all conditions of life and what to do next with myself I was now to consider." -Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

>> No.9335148
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Her last note, found on her and addressed to her husband and son, might have come from the sanest person on this or that earth.


>> No.9335157

It'd be funnier if that were a bottle of jelly and there were jelly marks instead of pills

>> No.9335164
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>"maybe they didnt even have any mythical vignettes in their heads"

>> No.9335205

>This is, on its surface, a dry country.
Apt I guess.

>> No.9335256

>On the old schist of a tombstone in the Congregational churchyard back home in Mingeborough, Massachusetts, the hand of God emerges from a cloud, the edges of the figure here and there eroded by 200 years of seasons' fire and ice chisels at work, and the inscription reading:

>Y'all crazy, this a tomb
>Nigha what??

>> No.9335338

He passed his hand over the brown wash rag of a back.


>> No.9335360

God's own firedrake.

>> No.9335362

>Het was een lange, hoge ruimte met blanke muren.


>> No.9335369

>To you alone, so harken diligentiums.

>> No.9335453

He's saying that you're nagging like a woman. Which I do agree with.

>> No.9336185

She stood up shakily and then the wind jerked her sideways, scraping her along the concrete and right off the edge of the bridge.

>Well, fuck.

>> No.9336211

>The first feature of the Gameboard to report is its unitary nature.

I'm doing okay

>> No.9336214

Are those their fata which we read in sibylline between the fas and its nefas?

>> No.9336260

>He had started out as a deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan line going out to Canada.

>> No.9336444

"It didn't seem fair."


>> No.9336477

>I wondered if this woman had ended up smashed to death along some city avenue.
Should I be concerned?

>> No.9337053

>(One still hears that pebble crusted laughta, japijap cheerycherrily, among the roadside tree the lady Holmpatrick planted and still one feels the amossive silence of the cladstone allegibelling: Ive mies outs ide Bourn.)

Send help I don't understand any of this.

>> No.9337076

not a coyote, nothing.

>> No.9337098
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'Listen, are you okay?'

>> No.9337102

These were the prime in order and in might; The rest were long to tell, though far renown'd, Th' Ionian Gods, of Javan's Issue held Gods, yet confest later than Heav'n and Earth >>9334353
Thir boasted Parents: Titan Heav'n's first born With his enormous brood, and birthright seiz'd By younger Saturn, he from mightier Jove, His own and Rhea's Son, like measure found; So Jove usurping reign'd: these first in Crete And Ida known, thence on the Snowy top Of cold Olympus rul'd the middle Air Thir highest Heav'n; or on the Delphian Cliff, Or in Dodona, and through all the bounds Of Doric Land; or who with Saturn old Fled over Adria to th' Hesperian Fields, And o'er the Celtic roam'd the utmost Isles.

(John Milton - Paradise Lost and Other Poems)

>> No.9337113

"We must also qualify the word revolution when discussing this change."

>> No.9337124
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>Stillbrook said: 'A brandy-and-soda was good enough for him'
I actually have been drinking a good deal these days...

>> No.9337156

It was a capital painting, by an artist of some note, in an old-masterish store that suited the subject and was reminiscent of much Spanish, Dutch, late Middle Ages work.

>> No.9337194

"'I was brought up as nothing.'"

(Harry Mulisch The Discovery of Heaven)

>> No.9337214

Gould's comments highlight the fact that the role of Jewish academics in opposing Darwinian approaches to human behavior has often occurred with a strong commitment to a leftist political agenda.

>> No.9337218

>On the other hand, the incidental, irrelevant, negligible consists in the empirical residue that, since it possesses no immanent intelligibility of its own, is left over without explanation even when a science or group of sciences reaches full development.

sounds about right

>> No.9337243
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We have already remarked that this way of thinking at the same time culminates in a style of painting that is absolutely monochromatic; for it is ashamed of its schematic distinctions, these products of reflection, and submerges them all in the void of the Absolute, from which pure identity, formless whiteness, is produced.

>> No.9337286
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>She must have seen the tears that plopped down into my dessert dish of meringue and brandy ice cream, because she pushed over her own untouched dessert and I started absently on that when I'd finished my own.

Too accurate

>> No.9337311
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It is certain that Tacitus greatly exaggerated the dimensions of the native army in these wilds, where they could have no prepared magazines

>> No.9337339
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"Training and practice are imperative."

>> No.9337429

Safely out of range, he turned and shouted: 'Report and be damned to ye!'


>> No.9337486
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If everything was material, and the world was a plenum, which is to say there was no truly empty space, only places filled with very thin matter, it was hard to see what room there was for God.

>> No.9337494

>'Well then, let us dine together.'

Pretty much lucked out

>> No.9337568
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"He knows I'm insane," he said.

>> No.9337619

I just got the best one. No one can beat this.
Jesus' Son, pg31, sentence 5
"He'd wasted his entire life."

>> No.9337884

"Comes the question are these the facts of his nom-
inigentilisation as recorded and accolated in both or either of the
collateral andrewpaulmurphyc narratives."

>> No.9337968

"I wasn't going to annoy her, I intended no harm; I bet she loves her lieutenant, it never occurred to me to force myself on her."

>> No.9338024

"The boys at the high school seemed painfully immature, and it was difficult - especially with her stepfather's strictures and curfews - to establish much of a relationship with with the young college men she met at lectures and rallies."

not a bad starting point, even though im straight male. its sort of who i am.

quote is from "contact" by carl sagan.

>> No.9338038

>One still hears that pebble crusted laughta, japijap cheerycherrily, among the roadside tree the lady Holmpatrick planted and still one feels the amossive silence of the cladstone allegibelling: Ive mies outs ide Bourn
I read it out loud a bit do my dad, and began to take on an irish accent. its just an experience. youll never understand it. god bless you for trying to read it. what a beautiful, crazy man.

>> No.9338040

winning the internet forever. god bless you for wasting your life. we all have. now you know it.

>> No.9338059

The author has no self, the literary character has no self, and the reader has no self.

>> No.9338078


>> No.9338080
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"At the age of six the child can no longer ignore those sordid details which even an adult would find revolting."

>> No.9338134

"Look, P.T.," I said at last. "Why don't you move to Australia?"

>> No.9338135

"Right," he told her, "maybe."


>> No.9338139
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Ain't I a horny fella, quite much THE horny fellow feller?

>> No.9338147

>The control is put inside

>> No.9338157

>Chloe's bedroom was a shadowy cell.

Fair enough

>> No.9338162

>The Roman emperor Nero used opiates to kill Britannicus, whose throne he usurped in AD 55.

what could it mean?

>> No.9338268

>"He does chores for them, guards the house at night, and goes hunting grouse during the day, and that's how he lives."

Fair enough, my life is somewhat dull.

>> No.9338533

these threads are spoiling books i am to-read, as well as the one i'm currently reading. please stop these at once.

>> No.9338536

"She understands him well enough not to say a thing."

>> No.9338556

This is not going to be a volume of memoirs about my own life.

>> No.9338573

Faith, here's an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God's sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven.

>> No.9338720

>and there he is, in love, with something extraordinary bound to happen, with signs and portents and all the cannons firing at once.

>> No.9338726

>the chap who said he was St Wenceslas was tied up naked all day long
hot, i wish we still did that kind of thing to people, but only the ones i find attractive

>> No.9338728
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"The two are hunched over the table, writing in the backs of paper napkins, a Scotch and a martini placed respectively in front of them"

Can some genius here interpret this one?

>> No.9338736

You're clearly on the edge of being skitzed to fuck. Multiple personalities are emerging but not yet distinguishable from their host.

>> No.9338764

"Even for small and intimate gatherings it was from among them only that Mme de Guermantes could choose her guests, and in the dinners for twelve, assembled around the dazzling napery and plate, they were like the golden statues of the apostles in the Sainte-Chapelle, symbolic, dedicative pillars before the Lord's Table."

>> No.9338787

>He hesitated.
Fuck that's on point

>> No.9338793

"Carefully, shrewdly, Narcissus dug deeper; the vein had been found."


>> No.9338795

"We're awfully sorry we had to kill your parents and eat them."

>> No.9338804

"During the period of controlled globalization underpinned by nationalistic policies between the 1950s and the 1970s, the world economy, especially in the developing world, was growing faster, was more stable and had more equitable income distribution than in the past two and a half decades of rapid and uncontrolled neo-liberal globalization."

>> No.9338808

"Those who did not depart were assimilated."
