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/lit/ - Literature

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933340 No.933340 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to write a fantasy novel, but the millions of sagas that already exist kind of make me doubt if it's even worth it. I've only but a fraction of what really exists, and somehow feel there's nothing truly original I could bring to the genra...
What kind of advice/opinions do you have?

>> No.933346

"I've only read a fraction of what's out there"

>> No.933345


>> No.933351

Yeah I noticed, sorry, english is not my first language.

>> No.933366

The more you read the more you'll find that the same kinds of themes just get rehashed over and over again.

Your best bet is to find shit that pisses you off in the real world and then put that in space or in some exotic locale you've copy/pasted out of some obscure shit written 50-60 years ago.

>> No.933375
File: 283 KB, 472x341, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone copies off of everyone.

Just write the story you want to write, the consequences be damned!

>> No.933386 [DELETED] 


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>> No.933387

Everything feels the same, just with a different name, a slightly different story... Wheel of time, jewel of something, sword of this and that... How can there be a market for the zillions of fantasy novels out there? Especially when it's just rehasing some story over and over again?

>> No.933393

Go to /co/. We have loads of recommendation charts for graphic novels.

>> No.933399


This. Write the kind of thing you'd like to read. Anything else is being a hack. You might still suck, but at least it will be honest suck.

>> No.933405

TinTin is truly one of the apexes of 20th century literature.
Disagree and you have no heart.

>> No.933410

Because the people who read sci-fi and fantasy novels don't have the hang-up all the classics-fags have about shit being unoriginal. . . They're not going to read every fucking sci-fi novel or fantasy series just to figure out who copied who. They just read it for fun.

>> No.933411

I do love tintin, so pure and so enjoyable. There is something about those stories that just made them awesome.

>> No.933412

Might I suggest the following idea

Scientists have figured out how to time travel. They go back in time to the dinosaur age. They bring some dinosaur eggs back with them. They hatch. Shit goes crazy. Dinosaurs rule the planet once again, but this time they talk in Spanish (has to be Spanish). Shit gets even crazier.

Enter the sequel.

>> No.933413

It's not worth it. Fantasy now is all an imitation of Tolkien, or else an imitation of Le Guin. Write about the town where you live, AS THOUGH IT WERE an invented landscape of your mind. Good luck!

>> No.933414

Here's an idea, just become a drug dealer instead. You'd be doing the exact same thing.

>> No.933421

Yeah I guess that's pretty much it, but was just thinking, what makes something really stand out?
Like harry potter just exploded when there were loads of similar stuff around?

>> No.933423


If you are wondering why spanish, it will be a metaphor for Americans of how the mexicans are invading us (just like the dinosaurs).

>> No.933420
File: 64 KB, 432x530, dream-kadath.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say read Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath or similar stuff. No elves, no dwarves, no horseback riding swordmen, just unbridled imaginative dreamlike vistas.

>> No.933427

who's le guin?

>> No.933442
File: 169 KB, 475x442, 1268197663864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple of twists you can turn that into Dinoriders en espangol then make billions off turning a cartoon into a movie.

Fuckin do it.

>> No.933451


Ursula Le Guin.

Seriously, don't write that shit.

>> No.933453

The problem with this is that whoever comes first sets the stage, everyone else aftewards just copies.

>> No.933456

Write George R.R. Martin but with even MORE sexual deviancy. It will be a hit.

>> No.933460


Why not?

>> No.933462


Except if you write real novels rather than genre shit for pedophiles.

>> No.933469

Yeah. Thoughtfully researched (at least the later stories) and cinematic, their minimalistic approach is both charming and surprisingly complex when one dives beneath the surface.
When I read a TinTin album I feel like every frame was handled with the uttermost care and devotion you wont find in any other work except maybe the perfectionist works of Kubrick.

>> No.933470

dont bother, fantasy novels are trash that nobody worth talking to reads.

>> No.933479

and racist.... herge was a nazi sympathiser.

>> No.933490

If you're a good writer and a smart person, just put some time into really creating the world you want to write about.

It'll turn out alright.

Really, all you can do is write what you want to and see what happens. Everything's been done before.

If you were to write something truly original, then you'd change literature forever and a bunch of other people would imitate you. But that's something you can't really count on.

>> No.933491


You're a phoney.

The only reason to read Herge is to laugh at the thick-lipped nigger drawings in Tin-Tin in the Congo.

Yes. What this guy said.

If you want your audience to consist of people whose crotches stink of Nachos and who masturbate into beer glasses in their room, then knock yourself out, but your life should be worth more to you than that.

>> No.933494

Don't you think it's possible to write a true novel, something that actually stands toe to toe to other classics, and still be considered a true fantasy story?

>> No.933498

'Uttermost' is not the same as 'utmost'.

Stop having a misused lexis, stop having a misused life.

>> No.933513

It's been done and it's called The Lord of the Rings

>> No.933515


Wow, way to be a closed-minded elitist shithead.

Novels in the fantasy can genre use escapism in addition to all the other themes that non-fantasy books can draw from. So basically, you can have a novel that makes as big of a statement AND gives the reader the pleasure of escapism by writing within the fantasy genre.

>> No.933521


No dummy, he's your better. He's your daddy.

'Novels in the fantasy can genre use escapism'

Novels in the fantasy genre can turn you blind because they're just masturbation for the lonely and neckbearded.

>> No.933522
File: 69 KB, 410x573, Tintin_cover_-_The_Calculus_Affair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he wasn't. His work often caries an anti fascist undertone.
If you are referring to his early caricature laden work such as Tintin in the Congo, they were pretty much just children of his time, a product of youthful inexperience. When he was called out on it, he showed genuine desire for change and made damn' sure that he researched the cultures he wrote about hence, often by traveling the globe personally.
Pic reltated,

>> No.933525
File: 138 KB, 352x262, Haddockgrabssomeass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People read it to see this handsome devil.

>> No.933526


No, it is in no respect possible.

The fantasy genre precludes real human insight.

>> No.933537

tintin always was a poor mans asterix

>> No.933544
File: 41 KB, 306x475, The_Twelve_Tasks_of_Asterix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asterix was bit of a hit and miss at times.
TinTin, discounting a couple of books, was not.
Pic related though, one of the funniest animated comedies ever to be put on film.

>> No.933546

whos talking about films you pleb.

>> No.933557

I am. I also liked some of the graphic albums mind, but that film is golden.

>> No.933581

Oh, link very much related. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI5kwSap9Ug

>> No.933584

Tin-Tin is a poor man's George Lincoln Rockwell.

>> No.933596

And the Smurfs the educated person's Che Guevara am i rite?

>> No.933642


The Smurfs are perhaps the only truly successful Fascist comic-book series. Seriously, it's Fascism on the Confuscian scale - everyone knows their role and obeys the Papa, the leader.

>> No.933654

Nah man. They're the victims.

>> No.933663


Even if you write something truly original to yourself. Somebody somewhere will find a reason on how you weren't in fact original.

So just deal with it.

>> No.933668


Of course, writing about human beings rather than elves gives you a headstart on those fags.

>> No.933684

Don't be afraid to experiment. Write everything that pops in your head down, no matter how irrelevant.
I'd help you out but I'd rather not share my own original ideas before I execute them. Just follow your instinct and you'll do fine.

>> No.933702


Unless your instinct is to write about elves, because that would mean you're a child murderer.

>> No.933737

Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer yes or no you sonofabich!

But yeah, elves have been done to death but with a bit of work you could show them from a fresh perspective.
Might I suggest researching Norse mythology and portraying them in a similar light, possibly even in a modern setting.

>> No.933811


I'm not married.

There's nothing to do with the fantasy genre that hasn't been done.

Write about reality.

>> No.933828

Reality is, therefore everything within it has and is already happening. Every literature ever created is strictly fantasy in its broadest sense; That includes autobiographies and history books.

>> No.933840


>> No.933848

What is the author or the OP pic?

>> No.933851

Who is the author of the OP pic?

>> No.934008

As long as you don't flood whatever world you build with cultural ripoffs, eg. How the Belgariad is a bunch of transplanted cultures renamed, you're doing good.
Start simple. Don't worry about details about the world, write about three or four people and what they did that makes their story special. Not every main character has to be the chosen one or even that special, most real heroes were just people who did the right thing when their moment came.

>> No.934109


No, you wrong, pedophile faggot. Fantasy is not literature, literature is literature, eat shit.

>> No.934139
File: 83 KB, 412x351, Typical 4chaner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks he's trolling.