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File: 12 KB, 320x325, But+25+5+is+20+because+steel+is+heavier+than+feathers+_62ed846639ae28cadd49ee28ac63b33b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9332886 No.9332886[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about accepting your failure in life. I'm at 24, I'm still living with my parents and have no education. I have a dead end job that is just a painful experience. My life is just running between my fingers and I'm not even having fun with it.

>> No.9332900

my diary desu

>> No.9332906


Your life actually sounds far better than mine does, comparatively speaking.

What I would do for such a lucky life -- he even has a job! Get a load of Mr. Bigshot ova here.

>> No.9332908


>> No.9332912

Am I supposed to feel grateful for my life or pity for you. I'm not good with social dilemmas.

>> No.9332919


>> No.9332925
File: 405 KB, 1200x843, houellebecq3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its better to find books that provide escapism rather than making you feel better about your shit life....I'm like you but 35 and unemployed. I'm reading westerns at the moment and find that it provides incredible relief from brewing on my own predicament. before that I read most of Solzhenitsyn

I think the idea that a single book can change your mindset and sort your life it is the preserve of weak willed people who buy into self-help or new age books.

reading is just entertainment. plato is just a bit of a laff

>try not going down the route of reading books that do nothing but reinforce shitty perspectives you may have of the world and the people who inahbit it. You'll end up killing yourself

>> No.9332928


A little of both.

Personal aside: I'd never in my life make a thread this blog post. Just so you know. Fucking get on with it, already. You aren't nearly as hardly done by as you think.

>> No.9332934

I'm 30 and in the same boat.

But no job.

>> No.9332936

go to college. you're too white and privileged to be unhappy

>> No.9332938

I'm a 35 yr old quadraplegic, unemployed virgin

>> No.9332941

> youngster with a job

get a load of this guy with his luxury problems

>> No.9332942


>listening to anon still in their 20s cry about their """"problems""""

>> No.9332948

my diary desu

>> No.9332949

go to fucking school anon jesus christ

>> No.9332966

>anon goes to cry at fuckup central about his problems
>suddenly realizes that he is practically a normie by the standards of these guys

op you think you know suffering but you are like little babby

>> No.9332982

Zen mind beginners mind

>> No.9333022

You haven't suffered enough.

>> No.9333039

I can't believe people unironically say shit like this.

>> No.9333097

he's 24 with a dead end job and he still has support from his parents
schooling is literally his best course of action, and if not schooling then some sort of vocation

>> No.9333123

let's all just kill ourselves

if we burn in hell, at least we'll burn in hell together. it can't be much worse than this place desu

>> No.9333135

My life is the same except I actually tried to get a degree and got fucked out of it through literally no fault of my own, and I'm getting laid off next week. I'm also disabled :^)

I accept my current lot in life but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to endeavor to improve it over time.

Small steps senpai

Oh, do you pay rent? Because I pay rent to my mom. If you're asking where my dad is, he's living with his boyfriend, kek.

>> No.9333171

i'm in a similar situation except i HAVE a degree (in computer science) and i'm unemployed.

i managed to make it through the degree despite being majorly depressed and mentally ill (disorganized thoughts, paranoia, mood swings, anxiety, dysmorphia). the work wasn't even hard in hindsight (i had been programming since i was a kid so i had a knack for it) but i was so depressed and stressed out that i basically had to completely isolate myself for 5 years in order to graduate.

by the time i did, i was completely burnt out, my social skills were completely gone, and i was 5 years older. i can't look at code without wanting to puke, and can't go outside without having a panic attack. i seriously want to die and think about suicide constantly. like at least i have a degree, i guess, but i graduated 3 years ago at this point so i basically think it doesn't mean anything at this point.

>> No.9333176

woah I didn't know you guys were actually retarded

>> No.9333200

delete this

>> No.9333226

delete this

>> No.9333256

25 and in rehab, go to CC, and save while you're at your parents. Set long term goals and work towards them. Go live your life, or be happy in your misery.

>> No.9333276

self pity is pathetic
kys beta, kys kys

>> No.9333279

Sad reality. Except my diary is full of links to some quality fap

>> No.9333280


>My life

Sure. If you mean your current state of being is "your life" imagine what you think life will be when youre 95 and you're a diarrhea away from prostate failure.

>> No.9333287

jokes on you, i'll kill myself long before that, or probably die on account of the countless things i've done in my youth that have shortened my lifespan

>> No.9333307

Something I think a lot of people could work on is to not get into suffering contests whenever someone presents themselves as feeling despair or being in a situation subjectively felt as unforunate or insufferable. Instead of jumping straight to "LOL ARE YOU KIDDING I LOST ALL FOUR OF MY ARMS IN 'NAM, KID" why don't you actually listen and realize that suffering is not an isolated problem but inherent in all of our lives and it would profit us better not to compare and compete when it comes to suffering but to understand and offer whatever you feel is pertinent words of wisdom. If you think you've "been through the ringer" way more than most people, then you ought to be grateful for the emotional intelligence you undoubtedly have gained through experiencing and survivng such circumstances and not use that as something to leverage against others in a childishly competitive spirit. I can sympathize just as easily with people who obviously 'haven't suffered as much as me' on several layers at once. People who've 'had it easy' are just as worthy of compassion as anyone else, if only for the reason that it takes a degree of hardship to clarify what matters in your life, and people without this clarity are also worthy of sympathy for just that reason.

>> No.9333320

You will only spend a century alive at best. Death is eternal, why are you rushing it?

>> No.9333334

if life is that terrible when i'm 95 why would i continue? my hope is things won't be that bad by the time i get there and doctors will have a cure for all of the really terrible things about getting old, but if not i don't see why i shouldn't kill myself when it gets unbearable.

>> No.9333336

sell your life as a screenplay to andrea arnold

>> No.9333355


I should say you have control over your life. But then again, anyone can die from a freak accident.
I guess the bright side is you finally see what's beyond life when you do kill yourself.

However, as long as I can breathe I will do what it take to improve myself and others around me.

>> No.9333438

This to be honest. Learn to enjoy your suffering because you will never escape it. Let it be your drive to create something magnificent.

>> No.9333443
File: 80 KB, 500x421, depressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 24, still live with parents, and have no education. I don't have a job and it's a painful experience. I also have a sleuth of health problems which causes so much depression that I can barely get out of bed.

So it could be worse. At least you'll probably live a normal life-span and will be able to change your life if you ever decide to.

>> No.9333447

>because you will never escape it.
wh bout suicide

>> No.9333452

go on antidepressants

>> No.9333816

realise that success is an empty concept that's merely that which you don't have right now, realise also that the nature of desire perpetually shifts your standards for what is and is not success, failure &c. try to free yourself of ideas, they just get in the way of things. if you can pay attention to what's happening in front of you and enjoy the sound of a bird calling or a car passing you're pretty much set for life. it's not too complicated, man.

>> No.9333823

If it makes you feel any better, I'm 25 and in the same position. Hang in there.

>> No.9333848


Not trying to be a faggot redditor but how would you "accept your failure in life" when you're 24? You've barely even started life.

Almost all the literature about the "my life is a failure" feel is gonna have 50+ year old protagonists.

>> No.9333860

>expecting 4chan to be this reasonable

>> No.9333861


Save up $1000 and go to South America. When you get bored go to Europe. Every time you run out of money bartend for a few weeks to make it back.

It's probably the hedonistically best way to spend your 20s, but career-driven people can't do it because they're working 80-hour weeks tobeat Chad to VP.

Pity them, not you.

>> No.9333911

I didn't start college until 26. And as americans, (I assume you're american) we've the weird ones for expecting people to be self-sufficient in their early twenties. It can't be done nowadays without a lot of luck. Nobody has any skills in their early twenties. Put your face in a book and quit bitching.

>> No.9333933

>still living with my parents and have no education
Have you tried getting an education and moving out? This whining is pathetic.

>> No.9334245
File: 1.19 MB, 514x828, TheHustler1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9334254

> I have a dead end job that is just a painful experience
What is it, if you can tell? What other job would you like to have?

>> No.9334305

Tfw comfy stable consulting job

>> No.9334520 [DELETED] 


Tfw your job is to keep somebody stable when you are only outwardly so.

>> No.9334526

What the fuck is even a job?

Answer me, faggots, I want to hear your autistic screeching.


>> No.9334567

Exchanging time and effort for money

Also these threads are the only reason I come here. Whenever I feel like a loser with no prospects it's comforting to know that I'm nowhere near the bottom of the barrel

>> No.9335321

25 is the new 50 our generation moves twice as fast and people become obsolete twice as quickly

>> No.9335331

when someone gives u money to do some shit for them

except society is built around this transaction and u are forced to do a certain amount of jobs in order to not die

>> No.9335675

Really makes you think, eh bros?

>> No.9335731

and it gets even worse than these guys. at least they're all inside of the barrel. plenty of people's lives are beyond hope, and you don't even have to leave the country (whatever your country happens to be) to see that.

>> No.9335974

>its better to find books that provide escapism rather than making you feel better about your shit life

Satan get thee behind me