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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 593x456, fitlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9332079 No.9332079 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished reading Yukio Mishima's 'Sun and Steel' because of the /fitlit/ exchange. While I am waiting for recommends, I'll see if I can find some good scholarly articles on it.

In the meantime, what are other essays, books, or fictions, which extol the physical, and/or try to collapse Platonic dualism (which doesn't actually exist within Plato; see Plotinus re: emanation).

Literature which would also get me into the mood for working out, or dragging myself for physical discipline would also be acceptable to recommend.

Thank you in advance.

>> No.9332096

Don't be a mental curlbro, read literature about other stuff. Maybe read another book from Mishima if you liked him.

>> No.9332119

>Steppenwolf - Hesse
>Fathers and Sons - Turgenev
>The Iliad

>> No.9332128

Im feeling like a funky monkey

>> No.9332147

This thinking is precisely what Mishima is disavowing.

Heck, to answer my own quesiton, I am looking for a philosophy of the body which holds the body neither as subject nor as object (that is - a throwing under, or a throwing against). Something along the lines of Nietzsche, or Montaigne, both of whom praise the thinking of the body, and its shaping.

Mishima, to me, seems a more direct linkage between Nietzsche and his thought compared to others who have taken up the body recently in post-modern French philosophy.

I saw a film version of Steppenwolf which I did not enjoy. I'll toss the book low on the list. I should read the Illaid. I'll finish that next. I have never heard of Fathers and Sons; I'll look it up. Thank you!


>> No.9332281

After reading the Wikipedia page for 'Fathers and Sons', I must ask: why did you recommend it?

>> No.9332292

shoo shoo

>> No.9332294

Ride The Tiger, pretty much everything Evola. The Iron Pill is the path of /fitlit/.

>> No.9332301

You sound like you might already be a fan, but check out Frank Yang if you haven't already.

He also occasionally has book reccs

>> No.9332336
File: 137 KB, 650x464, 1461708785166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. Couldn't you use the version I made and edited it? That dirty carbon is triggering my autistic ocd.

>> No.9332339


I followed him when he still posted on /fit/ (even sent him a link to The Holy Mountain trailer -- he liked it) but gradually lost track. What's he been up to lately? The last stunt I saw was when he tried to become the Hodge Twins.

>> No.9332620

What do you mean by "reddit-spacing"? The dude putting an extra line in between each block?

>> No.9333729

I hear people say its shit, whats it like?

>> No.9333948

Thanks for joining the discussion. Your participation prize can be found on your way out.

Can someone explain what 'iron pill' is? I can only find vague-ish memes about it.

I'll give it a look.

Next time, pal.

>> No.9334226


>desiring foul language on a christian image board

no you are the edgy redditor

>> No.9334258

>Christian meme
It wasn't funny years ago, and it still isn't funny now.
Next thing you real hardcore Christian are gonna come and try to brute force shit. Same shit with pol and real faggots.

>bunch of ppl use n word in /b/ since 2008 and before
>no problem
>real stormfront comes in thinking this place is a racist's haven
>moot had to delete /new/
>spread all over the site fucking over everyone's fun
>moot makes a containment /pol/, and makes it ban worthy to polpost outside of it

>people calling each other fags for years
>op is a fag, furfag, lolifag, etc
>some cunt on /b/ started forcing his linetrap threads to try and make us all gay
>real gays came thinking it's a haven
>everyone pissed off
>/lgbt/ containment board is made

If you keep forcing that stupid meme we might end up with /chur/ because real bible thumpers (other than the ones in pol) will try to cleanse the site.

>> No.9334362

i think what youre looking for is deleuze and guattari

>> No.9334443

I think the Iron pill is supposed to be like

Evola's philosophy also gets grouped with it.

>> No.9334629

what is /fitlit/?

>> No.9334660


>> No.9334681


/fitlit/ was the April Fools joke that moot played on /lit/ and /fit/. The boards were combined for the whole day. Now, /fitlit/ is a secret board that has been frozen.

Shame, it would have been a fairly successful board imo.

>> No.9334685

ah ok, that does sound somewhat interesting. Surprised it was frozen, theres a few places on 4chan that don't deserve a board

>> No.9334690

Read "Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

>> No.9334701

Storm of Steel by Erst Juenger (fucking keyboard without umlauts)

>> No.9334804


>> No.9334891

>I am looking for a philosophy of the body which holds the body neither as subject nor as object
Why? What difference does it make. You already have the idea