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/lit/ - Literature

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9329699 No.9329699 [Reply] [Original]

So what is it? In your opinion, what is the one book that everyone should read, has replay value, and is timeless enough to be the most important of all. This isn't a what's your favorite book thread. It's if a person went their whole life without reading this one book they are living an incomplete life.

>> No.9329705

Gravity's Rainbow

it says a lot about humanity


>> No.9329739

The Bible ya dip.

>> No.9329742

my diary desu

>> No.9329787

The Protocols of Zion answers nearly every question on why the state of the world is the way it is.
And it's not a """""hoax."""""

But if that's too heavy for you, then I'd have to say The 48 Laws of Power.

>> No.9329793

In search of lost time

>> No.9329798

Good job /lit/

>> No.9329820


>> No.9329827

KJV Bible with apocrypha

>> No.9329856

if you accept Pynchon's central idea that we're all repressed sexual deviants who express our lust through pretty much all human achievements (art, science, technology, war) then this isn't an unfair claim

>> No.9329897

Schopenhauer - The Art of Being Right

>> No.9329939

Me - This hella dank post
check 'em

>> No.9330010

Men insecure about their masculinity and penis size is the source of a good chunk of evil in this world

>> No.9330021

I know, I hate blacks too.

>> No.9330029
File: 18 KB, 350x500, thefoundation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Make everyone read this now and awaken everyone and restructure society completely. No more destruction and ignorance.

>> No.9330037

the Bhagavad gita

>> No.9330046

Of course it's a hoax. If the elders of Zion were really the long-winded, empty-headed, astrology-tier retards that the PoZ represents them as, there's no way in hell they could have successfully led a scheme for ruling the world behind the scenes.

>> No.9330062

why do you think /pol/ spams cuck porn on other boards? they're insecure, sexually repressed suburbanite virgins who play video games and watch anime

>> No.9330151

The Glass Bead Game

>> No.9330172

i and thou by martin buber

>> No.9330329

The Iliad