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9329471 No.9329471 [Reply] [Original]


> The details that emerged about Harper-Mercer’s online life made it difficult not to resort to stereotyping. On a dating site, he had listed pop-culture obsessions typical of “beta” shut-ins, including “internet, killing zombies, movies, music, reading,” and added that he lived “with parents.”


Damn... And the article was written by a woman! Even non-Staceys consider reading a "beta" activity!

>> No.9329487

Women age quick whereas men are constantly face to face with eternity I.E. Don't worry about what women think. You have forever to get them whereas they have an expiration date

>> No.9329492

>appealing to the "real man" meme

Typical manipulator

>> No.9329498




>> No.9329501

lmao what a beta

>> No.9329549

>Stop enjoying your recreational and intellectual hobbies, anon! I know they are the only thing between you and stuffing the barrel of a loaded shotgun in your mouth, but that time could be better used making money for me and one of my three kids!

>Here, I'll offer you one of my slimy holes on the weekend (maybe) if you swear off enjoying yourself. Man-up!

>> No.9329981

Sad but true.
>real men
These bitches wear hair/ wigs, fake nails, fake eyelashes, push up bras, shit load of make up, corsets, spanx, fake eyebrows... and they have the audacity to call us fake? Even if she isn't wearing make up in that pic, you can tell that she cakes it on, from the discolorations on her face.

Your entertainment is reading. Their entertainment is taking shaft while wearing the most fake shit to seem appealing.
>men not real

>> No.9330057

The day I let a woman tell me what a "real man" is, is the day I cut off my cock and balls and toss em in the fire. A real man doesnt take shit from ugly women.

>> No.9330067

>browsing the internet
Wew lad I don't know what else I'm supposed to do at home besides the chores
I suppose playing with my birds. At this point it would seem parrots are smarter and more entertaining than some of those girls. I'd go as far as to say that some women (emphasis on 'some', gib italics please) belittle the activities listed above because they know that men find that more engaging than their boring personalities. And it's not that they don't have anything to offer, because most of them aren't like that, but it's that they built themselves that way: The girls who spend 3 hours a day in front of the mirror are going to get a guy who only wants them as a trophy, because they pretty much made their face and body the only engaging things about themselves.
But what do I know, I'm just a guy posting in 4chan, so I'm below them :^)

>> No.9330098


lol I love how triggered everyone is by this image. that said I think many women look for a leader when looking for a relationship -- so while obviously woman differ greatly in personality and interests what women want in a partner is more malleable than many think including themselves.

>> No.9330116

>Wew lad I don't know what else I'm supposed to do at home besides the chores
you're supposed to be out and about with friends. the implication is that you don't have anything to do in the evening other than keeping to your books. Which implies low social status and low attractiveness, which implies bad genetic stock. Which is why its considered beta to spend all day reading, playing vidya, listening to music, thinking etc. Yes, you're more intellectually stimulated than other men. No, you're not a higher value male because you lack a social network and access to pussy. If women see you as not being sought after by other women and networks of attractive men (to hang out with) then they assume you're an unfun, dysgenic, loser. And they're probably right in making that assumption.

>> No.9330122

Who cares? You're not supposed to have sex before marriage anyway.

>> No.9330131

Why do you guys seek this shit out if it triggers you so much?

>> No.9330135

it's like picking a scab

>> No.9330139

>Angela Nagle is the author of the forthcoming book Kill All Normies: From 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right


>> No.9330175

Do normal people really give a shit about what goes on online on sites like these?
All she is gonna get as readers are worried parents , faggots like you who want to get pissed at some stacey missing the point again or simply acknowledging you and her mom who reads all the shit her little girl spews out.
Even if you try to make it irl with shootings and bullying losers into suicide No One Fucking Cares!

>> No.9330178

>Hey everyone, bully the losers more!

It's just high school shit with more artifice to it.

>> No.9330196

>normie woman who got through college off of unpaid student loans and her parent's generosity calls men betas
>is a beta women herself
>probably been cheated on multiple times
>has unhealthy looking hair, low Estrogen physigonomy
>in general isn't aesthetically appealing
>thinks talking down to above average iq men is worth her time
they just keep digging a deeper hole

>> No.9330211
File: 1.31 MB, 250x333, who is this 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former normie turned /r9k/ poster and current autist here. You guys are mostly spot-on except for those two points. The normie standards of interesting and fun aren't really things to strive for. Fun and interesting are interchangeable to pure breed normalfaggots with the exception being that a normie will call a hobby interesting if a person they are attracted too engages in it even if the normie does not think that that hobby is fun. Being called interesting by a normie is often not a judgement of you but a judgement of what you have done or how attractive you are if the person calling you interesting is a woman. If a normie calls you boring, it's because the things you do would not make that normie feel good. Being called fun is nearly identical, but can be more genuine.

Basically a normalfag's judgement is based in how they experience a person as opposed being an attempt to describe how that person actually is

>> No.9330214

The Virgin is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a weeb, NEET, faggot, retard, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Virgin and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.9330232

Did you tards even read the article?

>> No.9330261

>It's another "dumb bitch goes on 4chan and can't tell the difference between sincerity and satire episode."

>> No.9330270

I dunno man. being a weird naive loser has always gotten me laid. some women are way into it.

>> No.9330293

This man knows.

>> No.9330312

having a tinder and looking through the endless sea of vapid, borderline mentally retarded women with unreasonably high standards is both extremely funny and yet deeply depressing

>> No.9330346

context hasn't mattered since the 20th century, shrimp

>> No.9330352

The modern female is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a slut, a bitch or a bitter man hating feminist and it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her to fix her eyebrows and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.9330357


Yes I did. She's more honest than most journalists and captured nuance better, but only with the intent of framing nerds as being merely a different kind of sexist.

>> No.9330375

>movies, music, reading
Movies and music are probably the two most popular hobbies on earth. Not only that but you literally cannot play sports every night. You body will be destroyed. What on earth are you meant to do?

>> No.9330383

4chan is full of sexism. you're not being a dishonest hypocrite now are you?

>> No.9330387

>a woman deciding who is a "real" man

Just no.

Only men can define what it means to be a man.

>> No.9330388
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chat with your friends and have sex you weirdo virgin

>> No.9330391


>> No.9330423

What if I'm ugly

>> No.9330434


It is, but she ends the piece with a portrayal of the two dominant internet subcultures as being inherently binary after calling out that very binary fashion of thinking by labeling all critics of women as part of the same patriarchy.

Sure, there's sexism all throughout 4chan and all of the other imageboards, but it's disappointing to hear someone come full circle through all of the heaps nuance back to a binary conclusion.

>> No.9330447

where does she say the are apart of the same patriarchy? she only mentions one trend that is old, while the rest is new. sounds like you're forgetting to your reading.

>> No.9330455
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just bee yourself

>> No.9330485

What if myself just likes to play video games and read

>> No.9330487

>fucking idiots ITT

Although killing zombies and living with parents are weird, the rest are only mentioned because they are the kind of thing you only write about if you have zero personality. Everybody does these things

>> No.9330490

It's worse than that, these hateful creatures aren't concerned with your honesty. When a woman tells you "real men" or "real women" are a certain way they are telling you how their idealised version of a person should be, because they can't handle the real world they withdraw to this imaginary land where they get exactly what they want from others. Also
>women telling men how to be men

>> No.9330495

>slimy holes
I was just thinking about this earlier today. God, if i date another girl with a fucked up vag i'm just gonna go gay. The penis is way better than the pus

>> No.9330496

is the baffler good

>> No.9330499


Do you even reading comprehension?

>> No.9330506

not an argument.

>> No.9330517

>he likes dry pussy

>> No.9330519

>It's another normie conflating personalities and hobbies
Reminder that the average "interesting" normie is just a boring person who does a lot of Facebook photo worthy things.

>> No.9330539

I made it a few paragraphs in, she really doesn't get the joke, it's kinda sad

>> No.9330545

Listing off random activities is boring as shit

Go into some detail

What kind of books do you like? What films? What music? Why do you have these tastes?

These things are important.

>> No.9330583


I didn't say that she said that. I said that she criticized mainstream thinkers for lumping the two together as standard old fashioned patriarchy. Christ mang.

>> No.9330618

right but that dichotomy is the patriarchy, "battle of the sexes". she's not saying Tumblr/Chan is a dichotomy. she's saying.they are cannibalising images of the old but one strain is killing people.

>> No.9330679

Oh man you have no idea how bad dicks can get.

>> No.9330696

this basically.

They apply that rule for being female and feminist, so i feel it's only fair we get to do the same.

>> No.9330710

but /b/ and /pol/'s ideas suck so bad

>> No.9330723


Memes are like diseases. The overly lethal ones burn themselves out. The really dangerous ones are the ones that don't.

>> No.9330725

last girl i dated had a nasty pus though.
>meat flaps the size of my testicals but moister and fleshier
>the feel of the other inner membrane, all cold and slimy on my tongue
>looked like dried sploosh from earlier times around the vag and thigh.
>Her wetness was thick, almost like boogers

Gonna make myself sick just thinking about it.

help me out, brother, and enlighten me

>> No.9330740

I'd be retarded if i let /pol/ or /b/ define what is masculine.

I meant it in a case by case way.
> Men get to define masculinity

> /b/ defines /b/
>/pol/ defines /pol/
>/lit/ defines /lit/
>all boards add some identity to 4chan

>> No.9330758

sure. makes sense. i just don't think repeating the mistakes of the feminist movement is a good idea.

>> No.9330784

ok, I can see what you're saying.

Guess it's better to be careful to not fall into the precedent they've lain out when it has plenty of flaws by itself.

>> No.9330806
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feminism was a mistake...

>> No.9330818

so were you.

>> No.9330903
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>your value is derived from these [insert social constructs]
untermensch detected.

>> No.9330914

>unironically using the word "dysgenic"


>> No.9330936

I'm well aware of that, but I never asked to be born so I may as well spend my time irritating you.

>> No.9331061

Angela Nagle if you are reading this please be my gf

>> No.9331261

And what do you write about if you have a personality?

>> No.9331292

Angela Nagle here.
Sorry, I don't date beta faggots like you. My pussy is for Chad only ;)

>> No.9331299

>thinks he's irritating me
>so sad

>> No.9331306

Angela nagle isn't in the OP guys. She's actually much uglier. OP pic is a QT trolling.

>> No.9331345

>the people who say that you can decide what biological gender are you complain about some anonymous dude who read books for fun

>> No.9331417
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If i'm watching traps why u think i'm even interested?

>> No.9331463

Most men aren't suppose to reproduce. Why berate men for enjoying things like reading? Shouldn't they be happy that they won't have to interact with as many betas?

>> No.9331540

Geez sperg down a bit
I was specifically talking about things to do at home. If you take away all the things I mentioned I don't know what else I'm supposed to do while there. Next you are going to tell me I should never be at home though. As for the rest of that post, I won't even bother.

>> No.9331555

>most men aren't supposed to reproduce
no like 33% aren't supposed to reproduce

>> No.9331556

As much as we all love and admire Elliot Rodger, there is no evidence that he posted here.

>> No.9331565

i didn't think they really existed...

>> No.9331648

>Movies and music are probably the two most popular hobbies on earth

That's the point. If you have to list those as hobbies you're probably not very interesting and are just filling up space. You can get away with it if you're more specific (instead of just music, say jazz and classical, or instead of reading say modernist poetry and Elizabethan drama), but just movies or music is a sign you're a loser.

>> No.9331655


Active productive hobbies. For example, instead of just "music" you say you play an instrument.

>> No.9331749

>i just don't think repeating the mistakes of the feminist movement is a good idea.

The mistake of the feminist movement was that it was run by women.

>> No.9331806
File: 205 KB, 800x711, 800px-Totila_fa_dstruggere_la_città_di_Firenze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving much importance to girls

for fuck's sake you claim to be fucking intellectuals and can't cope with bird brained individuals like girls?
I am a nazi and I hate minorities of all kinds, gays, and atheist people, I wish death to all of them. but I don't fucking tell that to women, I tell them what they want to hear. you can do the same with your interests.

>> No.9331870

I read it as Nagel and got excited for a second

>> No.9331889

>they delete the communist thread but leave up this flimsy troll thread
>the mods do it for free

>> No.9331945

i hate the analysis of the feminist response in this article

feminists latched on to elliot rodgers because they have literally nothing else to latch on to, similar to how islamaphobic people secretly relish terror attacks because it gives them something to point to, feminist secretly hope that more men will go out and do what elliot rodgers did so they can build a case against them, but despite the hysteria and the assurances of "no this isn't just an isolated incident, this is a cultural issue" there was never another elliot rodgers

the reason why feminists latched on to elliot is because our society, for w/e reason, has decided that victimhood is a perverse form of social currency, and it has decided this at precisely the time where women have stopped having legitimate grievances (that is not to say we have perfect equality, it's to say that the inequality that exists is so trivial that envy and resentment are the main motivating factors against them, not legitimate economic/political disadvantage), hence why things that no sane human being could care about such as 'manspreading' and 'being rude to people on twitter/harassment' have become serious social issues, because women need social capital and they need to invent problems to get it

note that literally nothing is accomplished by discussing something as a "systemic issue", this reinforces my point; if you want people to stop being killed by men with guns then you specifically argue for x legislation against gun ownership, however if you enjoy the perverse pleasure of feeling like you're oppressed and you want that to continue then you go for a systemic critique because nothing will ever materialise from it, literally no nation on the face of this planet has "had a national conversation about x" to fix x.

people point out how cynical it is that mass shootings have become so normal as to be "background noise" but the response to elliot rodger is legitimately one of the most cynical, disgusting things i have ever experienced

>> No.9332703

>Women gets BTFO by traps

>> No.9332864


>Not calling them roasties

See, your low power level is showing.

>> No.9333009

>Her wetness was thick, almost like boogers
man i got some bad news for you but this is a normal part of the menstrual cycle. any healthy girl is going to have this. dont know why it disgusts you though, the feeling of degeneracy in rubbing my hard cock against a tunnel of intermingling bodily secretions always makes me cum the hardest

>> No.9333063 [DELETED] 


>I wish death to all of them.

Typical alt-right """Christian""".

PROTIP: Divinity is silent to you as long as you wish death upon people who simply haven't heard His word yet. You're just a common propagandist with an axe to grind. Work on that empathy of yours, it was Heaven sent and it exists within you for a reason.

>I tell them what they want to hear.

Stop being a coward and stand by your word. How can you stand his His, when you can't even stand by your own?

>> No.9333076

lmao no, that's 100% sign of a vaginal infection(usually yeast). Hate to break it to you like this, but your girl lied to you lol.

>> No.9333092

But the vast fucking majority of normies would list those as some of their hobbies.

Does that mean the average normy is a loser? I think the answer is yes, but what do YOU think?

>> No.9333108

my hobbies are drinking tea and carpentry
what does that make me

>> No.9333116

... Jesus?

>> No.9333166

>But only one side of this new Internet gender rivalry is producing killers, and despite what polemicists such as Yiannopoulos are saying, it isn’t the feminists.

Well, no shit. Men are more aggressive than women and are more likely to kill in the first place, regardless of ideology.

>> No.9333215


Give it a minute. Wait until a few shootings push the Left to the brink. Then we will see.

>> No.9333219

I gave up having proper friends a while ago now. I have a girlfriend who I fully intend to marry so I'm almost entirely family and career oriented.

I have one friend I go to the football with every couple of months or so, or I go to the odd stag party, but otherwise it's worthless. "Going out with friends" isn't a fucking hobby. It's something you do purely when you have nothing else of value to do with your time. Sure, when I didn't value my time I'd go to the pubs and clubs, but that's literally the most worthless thing I can imagine doing these days. It isn't just a waste of a weekend, it's a waste of hours spent earning that same money throughout the week.

And to meet who, the vapid troglodytes like this woman who have no passions at all? For starters, if you have no discernible interests I seriously doubt you can hold an intersting conversation. More importantly, if you don't take an interest in reading you have absolutely no business writing a book.

If for some reason you're in a scenario where you find yourself needing to list things you enjoy, you're only going to come off as either an idiot or a pompous knob if instead of saying "movies, music and reading" you spout out a list the length of your arm of directors and authors. Ask /fi/t what their hobby is and
I'm sure it isn't just "deadlifting", as /sp/ and it isn't "kicking".

Nobody is interested in what you like to read until you know that 1) you both like to read and 2) you both enjoy the same kind.

>> No.9333297

you're underestimating how much i like deadlifting

i do feel an odd kinship with you after reading this post, i'm turning 30 this year and have drifted away from many friends now, i play summer hockey with the same people for an hour on fifteen tuesdays a year, lift weights with my gym bro when our schedules coincide, and occasionally i'll do some kind of thing that some people i know are doing, but beyond that i guess i'm friendless, it probably sounds odd to a lot of people but i just don't care to spend the time and energy changing that when i've got so much other stuff to do

honestly i think this whole thread was op asking for help filling out his online dating profile, if you are reading this op then pull up, it's not worth it, there's a whole tier of women down there who use dating sites and you don't want anything to do with them, just do your own thing mayne

>> No.9333333

>intent of framing nerds as being merely a different kind of sexist.
And she is right. Alt right fags do clamour for reactionary or conservative values

>> No.9333341
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Here it is boys

>> No.9333346


First of all, nice hex.

Secondly, yes. That's how she should have ended it. The new binary is a new version of patriarchal values expressed by fringe elements of nerd culture, and the new feminism is embodied by tumblr folks who alienate allies and spend valuable political capital on fights punishing microaggressions. This is the new binary that the internet generation has pushed out. Sad, almost funny, and deeply scary both to those who understand it and those who do not.

>> No.9333383

I argee. I must admit she ended the article over dramatically but that's hardly dilutes her article. Hell I struggled to determine if your post was repeating her opinion or your own, it was qutie similar

>> No.9333389
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Thicc digits

>> No.9333391


She lays the groundwork but provides no image of what is to be anticipated beyond the vaguest of descriptions. I see no followups, no metrics for scoring political conflict, no thermometer for the internet's temperature as hot or cold. She leaves the work to be done, and I suppose that is what most irks me.

>> No.9333474
File: 95 KB, 720x1280, tmp_30979-image-0-02-02-8aefe6047962dc5d4bb6d6dd36fc360c20d5168ccbdb96dd06b7927148ce24f3-V-1762161696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this image even

>> No.9333505


>> No.9333510

>tfw your genuine hobbies of reading and travel that you pour time and money into have been coopted by normies who think going to London and Paris once makes them expert world travelers and that reading Tuesdays with Maury makes them literate and sentient beings

>> No.9333521

>“internet, movies, music, reading
What the fuck is it okay to like then?

>> No.9333524


>met girls on spring break
>start talking about where we were born
>girl says she's from Afghanistan even though she's a white American girl
>assume that she must be from a military family
>tell her that I'm in a similar situation, having been born in England while my dad was in the service
>spent my entire childhood bouncing from base to base
>this is met with incredulity, doubt, and arbitrary skepticism

Women are so used to bullshit move and countermove these days that they see everything as hollow posturing until proven otherwise.

>> No.9333550

Tbf It was not hers to make as she is merely an observer and outsider in this struggle

>> No.9333563


>that moment when you realize that the battle over cultural trajectory this generation is being fought in skirmishes that 95% of the population doesn't understand, follow, or participate in
>r/SRS/ doxes alt-righters
>alt-righters make rape and death threats, driving feminist bloggers and internet personalities off their platforms
>tumblrites lobby successfully for redundant anti-revenge porn laws
>alt-righters subvert a neutral online community with spammed propaganda but drive away the neutral userbase they sought to convert
>strategic moves and tactical blunders all around

Bizarre times we live in.

>> No.9333675

You don't need to keep saying "some". Just call them all cunts.

>> No.9333700
File: 1.67 MB, 1918x1080, 1472265612075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2016 was crazy. The highlight for me was when Hilary Clinton mentioned a cartoon frog in one of her campaign speeches.

>> No.9333810

Interesting. Show us. Please please

>> No.9333846

that quote isn't real is it? That sounds like something out of

>> No.9333849

Doing chores, fixing cars, lifting weights, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, you know, things that normal men do.

>> No.9334100

>normal men
Pure ideology.

>> No.9334720

god dammit i've been searching all of this board for 40 min

>> No.9334723

I do all those things and still normal evades me.

>> No.9334820

>le other people aren't sentient meme

>> No.9334842

>we didn't mean all the bits you didn't like
pol is unironically full of nazis

>> No.9335051

Sometimes I wonder if a fulfilling social life and sex life really comes easier to some people
or if it's also a pain in the ass for them, but they're more willing to suffer the bad sides of it for the good sides.

>> No.9335092


Can you imagine her reaction the first time she saw pepe?

>> No.9335204
File: 12 KB, 320x335, 1304027872742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one is producing killers
>it's not feminism
Such an idiot. It's clearly a reaction to feminism. In fact, the "betas" are more feminist than feminists, because they actually see women as equally contributing to the damage of society. In her article she claims that some people view masculinity as a problem in our culture, then, she goes on to say that the Beta's say femininity (toxic femininity, perhaps) is ALSO a problem in society, and no one gives a shit about it. But she can't understand. She's too trapped in her ideology. Feminism is creating killing by creating losers in the sexual game. She has no sympathy for anyone other than herself. Maybe she should have a son, and see if her view changes. It's weird how many of the women involved in MRM are women with sons.

>> No.9335258

> Feminism is creating killing by creating losers in the sexual game.

so the "betas" have no responsibility for their actions? got it, lol.

>> No.9335265

>It's weird how many of the women involved in MRM are women with sons.
Huh, really?

>> No.9335364

Something made the lesser males of society worse now than they were 2 or 3 generations ago. We haven't always had such a strange underclass.

>> No.9335380

yes, it's called the economy. this isn't the first generation to have such problems. the "lost generation" weren't a happy bunch either.

>> No.9335420


>Feminism is creating killing by creating losers in the sexual game.

France created the killings of the holocaust by having Germans sign the treaty of Versailles.

Come on lad. Come on.

>> No.9335443

Feminism uses the court system, the Duluth model, and social stigma to create and encourage systemic violence against men. The violence is structural.

>> No.9335455

cute but evidence says otherwise.

>> No.9335456

Surely we can arrive at a comfortable middle ground of attributing agency to the perpetrators while also acknowledging the broader circumstances that informed their actions, no?

>> No.9335474

/pol/ is just a honeypot at this point
It's FBI and atf agents trolling each other. It was pretty funny when the ATF trolled the FBI into rigging the election for Trump though.

>> No.9335479

Some sort of even more autistic spinoff of princess points I guess.

>> No.9335488

fuck boypussy disgeread roasties

>> No.9335516

this is virgin advice

>> No.9335523

So what's the sexually-active advice?

>> No.9335531

lets get some drinks and fuck later

>> No.9335542

Do you not know how scare quotes work?

>> No.9335546
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>article starts with comments from /r9k/

hmm yeah
im not a pussy

>> No.9335575

I was a virgin till 22. I met a 9/10 girl D cup tits and an amazing ass, and she has been my girlfriend for a year. I am what people would describe as beta: shut-in, anxious, likes vidya etc. I literally never tried to get laid. She initiated contact with me and after a few conversations on Facebook we met and made out. Somehow I managed to land this beautiful woman with whom I am very much in love with. I can see it in the eyes of my jelly friends when we're hanging out. Funny thing is that one of my friends buys into that typical PUA garbage and has been trying to get laid for years without much success. This is the kind of guy who buys into that 'alpha beta' garbage.

My point: don't fall into that 'red pill' garbage, it's a meme. Women and men are very individualistic, what appeals to some may not appeal to others. If you are so concerned with acting alpha, you are probably... well... not alpha.

>> No.9335587

redpill/pua stuff seeks to map out a general model that can be applied to the sexual market place

i'm happy for you but you're like someone who's won the lottery saying "don't fall for all that going to school and getting a job bullshit"

>> No.9335589

Everybody talks about /pol/ and /v/, but /r9k/ is the board that probably genuinely needs to be deleted. Those are the people we truly don't need on this site.

>> No.9335597

nah r9k is harmless
look at how eeg man turned out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAslvNM9tsU

>> No.9335600

holy shit eggman

>> No.9335601

>redpill/pua stuff seeks to map out a general model that can be applied to the sexual market place
No, at most it teaches you to act like some buffoon in a bar which might get you some drunk slut home. In the long run it does not teach how to engage in meaningful romantic relationships because all these fake alphas quickly fall through as needy and insecure men after a few weeks of dating.

>> No.9335616

>No, at most it teaches you to act like some buffoon in a bar which might get you some drunk slut home.

the point is that if you don't take her home some other guy will so why miss out

>In the long run it does not teach how to engage in meaningful romantic relationships

i don't think it's really about that though, it's about maximising your options

>> No.9335619
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>women want

stopped reading desu

>> No.9335622

I'm mostly just tired of them coming here and thinking they're welcome. I'm tired of their shitty sob story threads on the front page of /lit/. Read a fucking book if you want to come here.

>> No.9335629

>redpill/pua stuff seeks to map out a general model that can be applied to the sexual market place
It teaches a false sense of confidence, a 'fake it till you make it attitude'. Remember how PUA advice their 'students' to talk to as many women as possible. Wow no shit, if you talk to 100 women at least one will give her number! On top of that for these PUA people it's simply a numbers game, some masturbation for their ego. If you need to get laid to require self esteem and a sense of self worth then yea... you are not so alpha after all.
PUA and Red Pill are pathological, it serves as an escape for the anxiety of young men in an age where sex is everything. Notice how TRP tries to dehumanize women by acting they're all the same and only looking for some 'beta guy' to marry with after they have a period of sluttiness. If you believe this, then wow you are so above women and you dont need to be afraid of them again woooooooow.

>> No.9335635

i agree with everything you say except this part

>Notice how TRP tries to dehumanize women by acting they're all the same and only looking for some 'beta guy' to marry with after they have a period of sluttiness
this is kinda true and we have a name for this called gold diggers. but thats NOT every girl and there's some blame on the male if he falls for this tbqh.

>> No.9335671

/r9k/ is pretty bad, i'll never forget this one time a pic of a female friend who cosplays got put up there and through the one picture they obsessed over her until they found her twitter, facebook, etc
i dont think the beta-ness and poor reputation comes from being nerdy fucks but more from being creepy fucks

>> No.9335676

it's a narcissistic way of engaging with sexuality

in fact it's hard to measure how good pua techniques actually are because they're mostly being used by people who have never attempted pick ups before so who's to say that the techniques are whats helping and not just the approaching as you said

when you approach a girl and earnestly present yourself as you are then it can be quite painful to be rejected, especially regularly, so pua offers an alternative: fake it and approach girls using these techniques, if you get rejected then it's the techniques which are at fault, not you

the problem with this as a way of navigating the world is that it also works the other way, what happens when you do pick up a girl using these methods? "well she wouldn't have gone out with me if i was being myself"

>Notice how TRP tries to dehumanize women by acting they're all the same and only looking for some 'beta guy' to marry with after they have a period of sluttiness.

i don't think this is dehumanising i think its just being realistic

>> No.9335685

i dont think they're "beta" just prefer being creepy voyeurs

>> No.9335694

Extroverts please go.

>> No.9335699

What really makes a "beta" is that they are perpetually sucking in but not putting out.

The fix to this is to grow some balls, be ur self and and actually do shit and gain some agency.

Nothing gets a girl to recoil more than someone who doesn't do anything and just wallows away.

What you need to do is to make art, be public, talk to people or get a fucking degree or a job instead of waiting for these things to be given or just come to you.

Tldr. Be ur self and do what you want to do an achieve tangible shit, don't be a pussy that can't do anything.

>> No.9335710

>Something made the lesser males of society worse now than they were 2 or 3 generations ago. We haven't always had such a strange underclass.
They haven't been going to war. Medical care has also improved. However, economic change has made it more difficult for betas with average ability to get enough status to get married and keep the woman interested.

>> No.9335725

>smily holes

gagged desu, dirty women

>> No.9335727

>Nothing gets a girl to recoil more than someone who doesn't do anything and just wallows away.
People are like this because there's something not working in their heads, and being on imageboards or the internet if you're mentally ill isn't going to make things better.

>> No.9335739

>being on imageboards or the internet if you're mentally ill isn't going to make things better.
yeah but if it wasn't for this board i wouldn't have discovered all this great Art.
i went from being an alcoholic edm kid who dropped out of hs to starting college for programming who makes ambient music in his spare time. yeah i don't hang out with ppl much because of my sober choices but where else could i go?

>> No.9335740

Men just wallow away because there is no longer any incentive not to do so, to be honest.

That said, most women are desperate and easily manipulated because they're also lost and degenerate and getting laid is easy even if you're a drunk on welfare.

>> No.9335747

>i don't think this is dehumanising i think its just being realistic
So who then marries the alpha male?

>> No.9335748

>germans deserve to be held accountable for not wanting their country to get fucked in the ass by international jewry, and colonial Europe.
There's two good things the nazi's did, destroy Europe as a global superpower, and make the kikes cry.

>> No.9335763

there are always exceptions, but I think sites like this can really distort how you view reality, and interact with people.

>> No.9335766

women do actually differentiate between the types of men they want to impregnate them and those who they want to provide for them though.

this while 'women are opportunistic whores' meme isn't thousands of years old for no reason.

>> No.9335773

meant to reply to the post you replied to desu

>> No.9335782

All narratives can when you immerse yourself enough in a single one of them. You can see the same thing taking place with people who only watch smug liberal talk tv for example.

>> No.9335793

yeah I agree with that. it's addicting to be able to get discussion on subjects you like here instantly than other websites and forums. while reddit is happier lots of post seem to hold back in fear of getting downvoted.

>> No.9335798

Apparently the one thing you truly need for a gf isn't passions or a /fit/ body, but confidence. So basically I'm forever fucked.

>> No.9335812

smug liberals who bitch about white men are significantly more harmless then those who want to throw anyone left of them off helicopters, or enact racial genocide.

>> No.9335813

confidence is easy to get. just know something really well

>> No.9335828

reddit is 'happy' in the same way women who hate each other smile at each other at parties

shitloads of passive agression and virtue signalling

>> No.9335832

I think there's a difference between confidence in your knowledge of a hobby or field of study and what we talk about when we talk about self-confidence

>> No.9335843

The former tend to have more legislative power though, so while you might get angry shitposts from alt-right kids, people can actually face court for triggering 'progressives'.

They also have control over most of the mainstream media and universities.

>> No.9335877

Smug liberals invaded Iraq, Libya, and Syria.

>> No.9336123

Probably just didn't want to hear your life story desu m80. You're supposed to ask them questions you goon, chicks love talking about themselves.

>> No.9336150

let's be real here, that's the corporate elite and the heads of the financial institutions of the world; not smug liberals who are just useful idiots.

>> No.9336162

The problem is that these same people will deny that terrorist acts commited by Muslims has anything to do with Islam, saying they aren't real Muslims, they're crazy extremists, etc. Feminists protecting Islam and Arabic cultures from criticism is going to breed far more misogynists and killers than some meme-board on 4chan.

>> No.9336213

good point, but let's not gloss over how useful their idiocy is to the corporate elite

>> No.9336280
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>> No.9336446

And at the same time they will say conservative people are dangerous, the cognitive dissonance is amazing.

>> No.9336613

Did any of you faggots actually think reading wasn't a "beta" hobby? I can't think of any other reason why you'd all be this butthurt.