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/lit/ - Literature

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9329109 No.9329109 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into William Faulkner?

I started with his short stories thinking they would be easier to digest before diving into his novels but I'm just scratching my head here.

The Southern accents are annoying as fuck, his sentences have such a weird structure and go on forever so that by the time you're at the end of one you forget what the original point was supposed to be, his characters are one dimensional, nothing happens in his stories, and every time I get to the end of one I say "Why would anyone ever take hours out of their life to write a story about a guy hiccuping? Is this what passed as comedy in the 20s?"
I just don't get it. And I'm usually able to tell what an author was trying to go for even if I may not be a fan of their style, but Faulkner is a mystery to me so far.

If I don't like his short stories, should I not even attempt the novels?
Please help me not to be a turbo pleb.

>> No.9329184

you don't have to read Faulker to not be a pleb. I enjoyed Faulker but I don't think he's absolutely required reading

life is too short to read things you don't really want to

maybe go read something else and then come back to Faulker in a year or two and see if you feel any better

>> No.9329290

Either this, or just jump headlong into The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, or Absolom, Absolom!

They're some of his most worthwhile novels, so it's worth trying to get into one of them. If it still doesn't click, just move on and maybe try again later.

>> No.9329297

By picking up any of his books that sound interesting to you and reading them. Please consider killing yourself before making shit threads like this. Thanks. Faggot.

>> No.9329315

Sorry I made a thread on /lit/ that's about literature.
You can go back to your regularly scheduled programming of feels threads and Joyce shitposting.

Would you say the novels are similar in style to his short stories though?
I can imagine that his style might work in a novel format. It would hopefully give him the opportunity to flesh out characters a bit more.

>> No.9329330

jesus christ just go to the library and borrow a book by him there's nothing to be afraid of
if you can't read it you don't need to tell anyone

>> No.9329332

Faulkner is sophisticated, and sometimes hard work. You're probably just not ready yet. Come back to him in five years.

>> No.9329339

Is everyone on /lit/ always this autistic?

>> No.9329346

As I Lay Dying -> Light in August -> The Sound and the Fury -> Absalom, Absalom! -> Whatever you want but his earliest and latest works are kind of crap

>> No.9329350

what's autistic is not being able to read something without the approval of some anonymous people

do you ask /ck/ before you go grocery shopping as well?

>> No.9329380

Faulkner is a fucking hack. Don't fall for the stream of consciousness meme, you wretched faggot.

>> No.9329382

No, dude. You are the autist. Faulkner is genuinely not that difficult except for maybe a section or two out of The Sound and the Fury.

Try out Absalom, Absalom or As I Lay Dying.

If you really are so quaking about approaching one of his novels, try reading a Rose for Emily. I personally don't care for his short stories but people love that one, and it's good, but not as great as his novels

>> No.9329402

I'm not asking for approval. I'm curious to know if all of his work is in the same style so I don't spend money and time worrying about progressing with him.
Nothing I said should make you angry or upset in any way.

Fucking hell, /lit/ and /mu/ truly are the worst boards. Filled with aspies who get triggered over the tiniest things.

>> No.9329406

I'd say that Absalom is leaps and bounds more difficult than The Sound and the Fury

>> No.9329409

Read The Hamlet! It's sheer magic--

>> No.9329419

Please never visit us again.

>> No.9329424

Should I delete my account too?

>> No.9329461
File: 73 KB, 500x490, so_edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /a/ with you, sonny.

>> No.9329499

Delete your life pleb.