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9327195 No.9327195[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to submit some of my garbage for publication

Every publication and market I find has shit in their guidelines about wanting authors from "marginalized" or "underrepresented" backgrounds

My name gives away that I'm a white guy right away

Should I submit under a different name and pretend to be a poor teenage girl from Ghana in my cover letter?

>> No.9327201

If it's garbage just throw it away.

>> No.9327205

>wanting to be published prehumously

>> No.9327238

It's really good garbage

>> No.9327446

change your name. there are tens of thousands of nigerian scammer names out there. choose one.

>> No.9327829

Maybe you should think about the fact that way too many people like you have been published already. The future doesn't belong to you, you don't own it, and you don't get to have respect or power just because you're white. Let's have a century of only non-whites published, like whites had for hundreds of years, then we can consider your "garbage" again.

>> No.9327861

Fuck off. I know you're just shitposting, but it's still not funny.

>> No.9327914

If you think that she is shitposting and it is not an actual point you still have a long journey to walk. Probably you are not getting published anyway if you are that stubborn yet. But don't worry, for sure you are just too young.

>> No.9327948
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>ITT: OP acts like whether or not to use a pen name out of insecurity is worth a whole thread

>> No.9327949


>Maybe you should think about the fact that way too many people like you have been published already.

Why should publishing be inclusive? Why not just publish the best works (or in reality the works you think will sell the most) ?

I really don't understand this attitude, it's like saying that the olympics should be inclusive and that every race should take turns winning the gold medals.

>> No.9327955

>games where every shitty country and every shitty sport is included
You stupid or something, bro?

>> No.9327964

The literary spectacle as it exists today is completely dedicated to representing itself, 'books' are just by products

>> No.9327978

It is some kind of filter. Since subjetivities like yours have been published more often is quite probable, and that your novel about existencial pain and the angst of being alone in a cruel world is almost just a copypasta of the general white male imaginary, for which you have already thousands of books.

I sincerely think that it is not that difficult to understand.

>> No.9328049
File: 15 KB, 300x400, Yi-Fen Chou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a white poet a couple of years ago who couldn't get his stuff published anywhere, so he started using the name Yi-Fen Chou and quickly got published, including making it into a Best American Poetry collection.

Of course when he got found out all the fuckwits who made things this way attacked him for it.

>> No.9328066

Like most memewriters, that is the limit of your understanding, only objecting when it hurts you and you don't get it. I am genuinely sad for you.

>Google "Fi-Yen Chou" poet
>5 results
>3 blogs and 2 reddit

The BAPs are mostly vanity publishing. Don't fall into the trap. I sort of regret sending clicks and a link their way.

>> No.9328085
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>>Google "Fi-Yen Chou" poet
>>5 results

Try Yi-Fen Chou and you'll get more.

>> No.9328111

When you're hot, you're hot. And people want to read you.

Surely a great intellect can appreciate the cruelty of supply and demand?

>> No.9328123
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yes let's be diverse

>> No.9328158

People want something different once in a while. A good vendor will provide that. What's the problem, exactly?

>> No.9328173
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>novel about existencial[sic] pain and the angst of being alone in a cruel world

As opposed to all the unique and interesting brown chick novels about racism, sexism, oppression, etc. Trust me, reading thousands of Toni Morrison rip offs will get just as boring, you just empathize with these people more because you're some sort of minority or a homo or something.


It doesn't hurt me though, because I'm not a writer. I just don't get this entitled attitude minorities have where they think that they should get hired or published or cast in movies just because they're brown and/or female. If you want to be published, earn it by writing good works. Is it because they grow up on welfare, in someone else's country, that they have this "gimme" attitude in life?

>> No.9328188

The entitled attitude is more of a reasonable expectation that the special in play for their group should apply to them, too. The expectation is created by the demand side (studio/publisher/what have you), which in turn is created by a mixture of politics and their own demand side. Of course there are always morons who believe their own propaganda, but that's hardly something minorities or women have a lock on.

It's the same shit when as a white person I expect something that has been the historically the case to continue to be so, it can sometimes be essentially a sort of unjustified entitlement. This shit happens, no big deal.

>> No.9328194

I have literally never seen this in any guidelines for a publisher ever. Show me.

>> No.9328199


>It's the same shit when as a white person I expect something that has been the historically the case to continue to be so, it can sometimes be essentially a sort of unjustified entitlement.

What did you mean by this, can you give me an example?

>> No.9328200


>> No.9328204

It would be hilarious if you got famous as a poor girl from Ghana, then you were invited on some talk show and it turned out you were a white guy.

>> No.9328217

What, you can't think of literally any scenario where you might expect an depreciated status quo to hold?

>> No.9328236

>repetition gets boring, fashion marches on
You don't say?

>> No.9328251

I thought you were trolling with really good bait before but you're serious. Anon you were talking to already replied but holy shit where does anyone get off saying "your experience does not matter." This is the cancer that will kill us. Fuck off with your affirmative action for literature.

>> No.9328256

google it yourself you lazy fuck. Tor's submission page, I know, has some of these guidelines.

>> No.9328257

It IS bait, you nong. This whole meme that there IS affirmative action for literature is bait. See >>9328194, with lo and behold, NO RESPONSES.

>> No.9328264

Oh yeah, I'll google "publishers have affirmative action" and find the 1% of publishing bias that actually does this. Have you SEEN tors fucking catalogue?

>> No.9328271
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fucking ninja'd you m8. i'd tell you to google it yourself as well but i know you won't so here you go. a screenshot from


In case you can't work the logic out for yourself, I've highlighted the pertinent bits for you. It's a lot of words to say: NO WHITES

>> No.9328282

Tor publishes niche themepark genre fiction. Why does it surprise you that they might want to round out their catalogue? Would you prefer they wasted people's time?

For fuck's sake, I thought you had a real complaint for a moment there.

>> No.9328284

Contact a latin american publisher. They'll eat your shit up.

Then, a couple of novels later, you can use the fact that spìcs published you as CV brownie (as in, nigger brown) points.

Let's take this one, for example:

10 or so years ago, there was an event at my college (engineer here though, but I still went) where the main editor and a writer were presenting a book, and their whole shill point was how it was one of the most borrowed books in the Jew York public library scene or something.

>> No.9328286

That doesn't say "NO WHITES." That just says they don't want the same Arthurian fantasy shit that Tor has been publishing forever. If anything, they're to be commended for their stance even if it's an incredibly lazy way to get more innovative new fantasy.

>> No.9328288

I remember one time in uni some "concerned feminists" complained about a popular writing campus writing club for having "nontraditional boy meets girl" as the theme of one of their quarterly writing contests.

>> No.9328292
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>thinks white people can only write worlds based on European cultures

>> No.9328295

>we want the Avatar: The Last Airbender market, the submission guidelines

>> No.9328301

>Why does it surprise you that they might want to round out their catalogue? Would you prefer they wasted people's time?

You could say this for ANY publisher. You gave a non-answer that blithely disregards the truth of my assertion. Affirmative action exists in publishing, and not in a good way. Ideas should reach the consumer on their own merits, not because the publisher wants to move upmarket or is embarrassed of its trade. No one is stopping teenage girls from Ghana from sending their experience to Tor. Why stop Cletus McFedorahat from sending his also shitty prose? Samurai hats and dragon tattoos don't pay for themselves friend.

>> No.9328310

You know, I hate liberals and the whole sjw thing, but there's nothing wrong with wanting a diversity of settings in your genre fiction catalogue. I'm sure that they just already have 100s of medeival fantasy books, and want something new to not bore their audience. Nothing in this even implies that they're descriminating based on race.

>> No.9328313

>your invalidation of my point is true for any publisher
That somehow makes my response less cogent?

It's not affirmative action, it's making sure not to solicit manuscripts you're not interested in publishing. What about this is hard for you?

>> No.9329193

The only thing white people can exclusively write about is getting acclimated to being marginalized like the rest of society. So stop bitching, welcome to the club, and write about that

>> No.9329425

>you still have a long journey to walk
... into an endless maze of intersectional navel-gazing and competitive grievance. Not to mention open discrimination on grounds of race, sex, sexuality etc. At no point does actual merit come under consideration.

Take your copy of the Guardian and stuff it up your snowflake.

>> No.9330087

Link to competition?

Also, submit under a pseudonym . Something like "Ray Ray LaBeouff"

>> No.9330093

>being treated like a normal person is marginalization
Oh, fuck you. Fuck all complaining white people, too. Jesus Christ when did human beings become so pathetic.

>> No.9330371

Get over it. Flee, youthful lusts

>> No.9330422

No. Credit where credit is due, scorn where scorn is due.

>> No.9330505

what about those submission guidelines suggests that Cletus won't be published by Tor, if Cletus writes something that Tor wants to publish?

>> No.9330523

Wow! I don't know why but I dig your attitude

>> No.9331861
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This OP, be just like Malba Tahan.
PS: I got the impression you're BR, good luck anyway OP.

>> No.9332945

Do you have any idea how preloaded your premise is? I guarantee you are at most 23, right

>> No.9332957

I'm more than a decade older than that. I'm sure you'll come up with another snappy aspersion on my character based on my age, though.

>> No.9332964

Of course they will. You still don't agree with them, so it changes from "you must be new" to "wow you're that old and aren't WOKE yet huh?"

>> No.9332969

I'm starting to think you were marginalized for a good reason

>> No.9332976

Please extrapolate upon your premise then! (No offense but you did a shit show of a job establishing your position)

>> No.9332984

You're arguing against the free market whilst holding onto some Boogeyman of said free market that is against you. That sounds paranoid

>> No.9332985

Let me guess, second generation poo in loo college kid, or shitposting neckbeard?

>> No.9333035

I feel one should give credit where credit is due, and scorn when scorn is warranted. A certain symmetry is invoked, you see.

I don't know how much clearer I can say it.

>> No.9333052

>everyone is marginalized
how the fuck does that even work?

>> No.9333053

>Tor wants fantasy settings that aren't generic Arthurian-Tolkien fantasy

>> No.9333103

if your writing is shit or you're not well connected, you have no excuse to not to self publish your work

>> No.9333300

They feel an ennui rooted in a longest for a simpler past that never was, except in their childhood and the ignorance of individuals.

They think pulling people down to level is better than raising them up. But we should and will make a good world for everyone.

>> No.9333361


Your English is not so good my man. The word "depreciated" is an accounting term, you can't "depreciate" a status quo.

I mean yeah, I can think of some things that I'd like to stay the same, but who knows what immigrants will do to the country in the next 60 years. I don't think of it as "unjustified entitlement" though, I don't know why you would have that attitude. Why would you ever have to "justify" your culture or your way of life if you're a native citizen? That kind of shit is what immigrants have to do, or should have to do, not us.

>> No.9333372


Read the next sentence.

>> No.9333411

What is the typical response if a white person writes something based in a non-white culture?

You get blasted for cultural appropriation.
Read between the lines. If they want non-medieval European fantasy, and they won't like african/asian/native american fantasy written by white people, then they basically are saying "no whites."

>> No.9333685

>not knowing that plenty of people of color have written guides on how to write people of color in fiction
>tumblr, the site that everyone seems to hate, has masterposts that exist for this reason

Of course you'd advocate for reading between projected lines. You've never read anything outside of them.

>> No.9333711
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Why should a writer have to follow some "official" guide when writing a fictional novel? Should Melville have consulted with Polynesians before writing Moby Dick?

Whatever happened to artistic freedom? Do you imbeciles even know what that is? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.9333726

>expecting some stupid nigger from tumblr to have basic reading comprehension

>> No.9333727

It's not an "official" guide; I'm responding to the earlier point about how "if a white person writes X, they get called out for appropriation."

Write a fucking tire-fire if you want. No one's stopping you from being panned for being as irrevocably terrible as your reading comprehension skills.

>> No.9333730

Oh, you're from tumblr. That explains it.

>> No.9334530

No one is stopping you from writing what you want. Talent will be recognized. Projecting Boogeymen isn't going to help. I mean can you honestly claim the most influential authors of the past 20 years haven't been white? They seem to have succeeded just fine. Thanks

The only reason I wondered about your age is bc the world is not fair and crying foul at that will never get you anywhere. Everyone has some sort of leg up on someone else. This absolute meritocracy you yearn for will not only never come into existence but it has most likely never ever existed.

>> No.9334851

Except a fantasy concept based on European culture, but in an entirely different and original way, would fall foul of these guidelines. Whereas The Lion Kang 2: Fantasy Boogaloo would pass.

It's a very crude attempt at forcing originality, which they could be selecting for on the individual merits of submissions anyway.

(((Diversity))) does not make original fiction.