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File: 40 KB, 460x385, SerenityPrayertattoo_460x385_0_0_460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9326770 No.9326770 [Reply] [Original]

pic slaughterhouse five

>> No.9326775

i know someone with a big T little t tattoo

>> No.9326780


>> No.9326830

Tattoos are for faggots

>> No.9327482

God a tattoo of that is the opposite of the meaning of slaughterhouse-five, same with those "so it goes" tattoos. They make me cringe the most because the person clearly didn't get it

>> No.9327486

It's also not originally from S5 anyway

>> No.9327490

I freeze up when I come across someone who doesn't understand irony, especially in this culture. Could it be that they've been so overexposed to it that they think irony is sincerity?

>> No.9327495

Tattoos always look so bad on white people

>> No.9327496

That's the serenity prayer, you dense plebeian.


>> No.9327508


The most /lit/ tattoo is the lack of one. Adolf Loos was right.

>> No.9327511

I think in the case of S5 it's a result of the book's over-memeing when its actual message isn't immediately obvious. People read it, they like the easy prose, miss the point and want to memorialize the fact that they read it

>> No.9327517

Can someone explain why Plebbit and Slaughterhouse 5 fans love the quote "So it goes..." so much? It sounds so lame.

>> No.9327519

But I do agree it's an overexposure thing too, and even purity politics that a "classic" book is inherently sincere

>> No.9327524

Have you read it? Any time there is a death mentioned the narrator says "so it goes", for like, bugs, main characters, Jesus, you get it.

>> No.9327621
File: 273 KB, 601x801, Wallace-for-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9327792

I've considered getting a bit of Shakespeare tattooed, intentionally with the context twisted. "Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires".

>> No.9327911
File: 29 KB, 621x386, confused nick young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9328008

So what's the context? Shameless pleb here.

>> No.9328225

because it's le epic literary reference my good sir *holds up monocle*

>> No.9328387

What? Tattoos only look good on white skin, wtf are you on about?

>> No.9328395

>tattooing paragraphs of text on your body
How fucking gay
Only symbols are acceptable or some very simple drawings

>> No.9328398

Pretty sure that saying is from AA. Or if it's just a religious saying that HAPPENS to be used heavily by AA then it still has that connection to AA.

I like this quote...

"Alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, may produce all the effects of drunkenness."
-Oscar Wilde

>> No.9328931

are you mocking the retarded or just retarded?

>> No.9328937

"monads have no windows"

On my forehead

>> No.9328950
File: 2.97 MB, 2063x3095, 'David'_by_Michelangelo_JBU0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a tattoo is like erecting a shopping mall in a nature reserve

It's sacrilege and never looks better than not having it

>> No.9328984

Depends on who you ask. Some people think the naked body is boring unless it's got permanent art injected onto it. I'm not like that; I prefer women to be quite conservative with their ink, however I can respect having little touches here and here. Preferably no tramp stamp. Personally I've got a flag on my shoulder, and I'm proud to have it. I plan to get another tattoo some day once I have my first successful hunt, and I'll probably someday get yet another tattoo in celebration of being a self-published author. Yeah, I think I'll make a note of that. On the one-year anniversary of me being a self-published author, I'm going to get a tattoo. I don't know what it will be, but I'm going to do it, and it might very well end up being paid for by said books. I'm already making money yet I haven't been self-published for even 6 months yet.

>> No.9329067


>> No.9329082

Good, good.