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File: 295 KB, 996x663, futurism_heroic_boccioni_the_city_rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9323496 No.9323496 [Reply] [Original]

>The oldest among us are not yet thirty years old: we have therefore at least ten years to accomplish our task. When we are forty let younger and stronger men than we throw us in the waste paper basket like useless manuscripts! They will come against us from afar, leaping on the light cadence of their first poems, clutching the air with their predatory fingers and sniffing at the gates of the academies the good scent of our decaying spirits, already promised to the catacombs of the libraries.

>But we shall not be there. They will find us at last one winter's night in the depths of the country in a sad hangar echoing with the notes of the monotonous rain, crouched near our trembling aeroplanes, warming our hands at the wretched fire which our books of today will make when they flame gaily beneath the glittering flight of their pictures.

>They will crowd around us, panting with anguish and disappointment, and exasperated by our proud indefatigable courage, will hurl themselves forward to kill us, with all the more hatred as their hearts will be drunk with love and admiration for us. And strong healthy Injustice will shine radiantly from their eyes. For art can only be violence, cruelty, injustice.

>The oldest among us are not yet thirty, and yet we have already wasted treasures, treasures of strength, love, courage and keen will, hastily, deliriously, without thinking, with all our might, till we are out of breath.

>Look at us! We are not out of breath, our hearts are not in the least tired. For they are nourished by fire, hatred and speed! Does this surprise you? it is because you do not even remember being alive! Standing on the world's summit, we launch once more our challenge to the stars!

What does /lit/ think about futurism?

>> No.9323527

We had stayed up all night — my friends and I — beneath mosque lamps hanging from the ceiling. Their brass domes were filigreed, starred like our souls; just as, again like our souls, they were illuminated by the imprisoned brilliance of an electric heart. On the opulent oriental rugs, we had crushed our ancestral lethargy, arguing all the way to the final frontiers of logic and blackening reams of paper with delirious writings.

>> No.9323544
File: 140 KB, 800x747, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will you disembarrass yourselves of the lymphatic ideology of that deplorable Ruskin, which I would like to cover with so much ridicule that you would never forget it? With his morbid dream of primitive and rustic life, with his nostalgia for Homeric cheeses and legendary wool-spinners, with his hatred for the machine, steam power, and electricity, that maniac of antique simplicity is like a man who, after having reached full physical maturity, still wants to sleep in his cradle and feed himself at the breast of his decrepit old nurse in order to recover his thoughtless infancy.

>> No.9325051


>> No.9325579

Dudes involved were horrible people and literal fascists but they knew how to write compelling literature.

Their art was pretty alright, but they didn't do enough mixed media/Dada shit because of politics which hurt them in the end (although no real sympathy because see above).

They stand as an example of how masculinity can be romanticized to a soul-stirring extreme and yet must be balanced with actually decent real-world politics. Fascists should be killed.

>> No.9325618

In addition: What I found most enjoyable when studying them is their true willingness to throw away "the old" (Greek classics and such; something that /lit/ could really take a hint from), but they never seemed to replace it with what made the modern world actually modern. I know I'm going against the grain here, obviously, but replacing one form of masculine hegemony with the same goddamn thing (but with shinier chariots) is not only lazy but inherently leads to bad ideology. Their investment in the oppositional binary of "woman-man/masculine-feminine" as if they're not trying to reinvent the Man-Wheel or whatever is asinine and should be done away with for the good of modernity: diversity, all peoples, etc. But again, we're talking about fascists here, so they kind of never would have cared.

Something to consider when writing/making one's own art, though. You can do the same thing that shitty supremacist edgelord-ists were doing while being inclusive, and I truly believe that the latter is important to all people.

>> No.9325628
File: 131 KB, 1014x768, 1014px-Filippo_Tommaso_Marinetti_-_Zang_tumb_tumb_-_Hoge_Rijndijk_8,_Leiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't do enough mixed media/Dada shit
That's just false

>> No.9325644

>but replacing one form of masculine hegemony with the same goddamn thing (but with shinier chariots) is not only lazy but inherently leads to bad ideology
What are you talking about, bro? Their idea of replacing the old with the new was about form, styles, aesthetics

>> No.9325684

I'm more saying that, to me, their non-mixed media stuff wasn't as interesting as their mixed media stuff, hence *enough* as a key word. I find the collages fantastic, but their early works and sculpture kind of fall flat nowadays/haven't aged as well. That's my opinion, though, not really part of the analysis.

Yes, but those forms and aesthetics and such were rooted in idealized philosophies - and they are already pretty connected to ideologies that the futurists purported. Hitler's exhibition of great art, for example, clearly showcases this. So I'm saying that a lot of their "doing-away" with stuff was performatively ironic because even years later the stuff they wanted to destroy was/is inscribed with the futurists' ideals of fascism, supremacy, etc.

>> No.9325725

bretty cool paintings
absolute madmen

>> No.9325733
File: 98 KB, 314x233, futurism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futurist artwork

>> No.9325756
File: 74 KB, 700x528, 4c39bdae20057e3a05d24c0ba2595bdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY fast horse running at incredible hihg speed

>> No.9326495

The fact that they were the first avant-garde movement and thus annoy lefties and stop them dismissing all non-leftwing art as kitsch makes me happy.