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/lit/ - Literature

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9322560 No.9322560 [Reply] [Original]

>Bloom says, “You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ [regarded by many as Wallace’s masterpiece] is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.”

>It’s all a clear indication, Bloom notes, of the decline of literary standards. He was upset in 2003 when the National Book Award gave a special award to Stephen King. “But Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace. We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him. I even resented the use of the term from Shakespeare, when Hamlet calls the king’s jester Yorick, ‘a fellow of infinite jest.’

It's time to wake up, /lit/.

>> No.9322567

Now everyone who (rightly) hates IJ is now a bloom parrot according to /lit/. It's an ocarina of time situation.

>> No.9322571

Bloom has no talent

>> No.9322578
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I can't cook, I can't eat, there's no discernible nutrition.

>> No.9322583

>In 2004 author Naomi Wolf wrote an article for New York Magazine accusing Harold Bloom of a sexual "encroachment" more than two decades earlier, by touching her thigh. She said that what she alleged Bloom did was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, and she did not think herself a "victim", but that she had harbored this secret for 21 years. Explaining why she had finally gone public with the charges, Wolf wrote, "I began, nearly a year ago, to try—privately—to start a conversation with my alma mater that would reassure me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted sexual advances of this sort weren't still occurring. I expected Yale to be responsive. After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact—as secretive as a Masonic lodge."[53] When asked about the allegations in 2015, Bloom stated, "I refuse to even use the name of this person. I call her Dracula's daughter, because her father was a Dracula scholar. I have never in my life been indoors with Dracula's daughter. When she came to the door of my house unbidden, my youngest son turned her away. Once, I was walking up to campus, and she fell in with me and said, 'May I walk with you, Professor Bloom?' I said nothin

Alpha as fuck, can bloom be lits Armond White and piero scaruffi

>> No.9323725

>It's an ocarina of time situation.

People who don't understand Zelda's status as the greatest achievement in vidya have no reason to feel superior. Nothing else in the medium has been created with such cohesion, where so many aspects contribute meaningfully to the whole at once, where the context of everything in relation to each other matters. Anyone who has fully experienced Ocarina of Time can talk to someone else who has done the same and know that the richness of that experience was shared between them. I don't know of any vidya that isn't Zelda which people can honestly speak of the same way.

>> No.9323747

you can't quote an aesthete authoritatively. his standards are totally idiosyncratic.

>> No.9323759


Genuinely, what the hell is the point of Bloom in 2017?

>> No.9323765

I'm sad Bloom is getting so old.
He might have extreme opinions, but when he dies the study of literature will truly belong to the SJW's.

>> No.9323772

Outrun is better.

>> No.9323787

I tried to play that game thrice and got bored halfway through every time. All 2D Zelda games are superior to that piece of shit.

>> No.9323823

Adventure of Link is underrated though.

>> No.9323827

I haven't played a Zelda game I would put above even Story of Thor desu.

>> No.9324131

Different Strokes for Different Folks.

>> No.9324138


>> No.9324155
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Harold Bloom is the world's last Man of Letters of any import.

When he is gone the study of literature will just be tumblr

>> No.9324316

Dark souls 3 maybe?

>> No.9324323

Not sure if serious...? SJW's are an internet thing, at real universities most people wouldn;t know what it means

>> No.9324330


America is not the world (inb4 /int/ butthurt memes).

>> No.9324331

Those who can't create, criticize.

>> No.9324342

name one (1) critic more important than Harold Bloom who is working today

>> No.9324352

>Stephen King is Cervantes compared with David Foster Wallace

Opinion discarded, that could be a 4chan shitpost from some English major with an IQ of 95

>> No.9324360

Bloom is nobody in the non-English world. Other critics never talk about him, not even to trash him.

>> No.9324371

even if there isn't one that's not a high bar, critics are not useful.

>> No.9324379

James Wood

>> No.9324402


>> No.9324418

Not sure if serious.....? The SJW mindset is cementing itself further and further into universities because of students and pandering to those students, including the study of literature.
Even if the "students boycott Shakespeare, too many white men" stuff is sensationalized, it's still happening on a more subtle, though still not very subtle, level.
Harold Bloom bitches about this constantly.

>> No.9324422

david winters

>> No.9324430
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>Bloom stated, "I refuse to even use the name of this person. I call her Dracula's daughter, because her father was a Dracula scholar. I have never in my life been indoors with Dracula's daughter. When she came to the door of my house unbidden, my youngest son turned her away. Once, I was walking up to campus, and she fell in with me and said, 'May I walk with you, Professor Bloom?' I said nothin
what an alpha

>> No.9324435
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I actually enjoyed Infinite Jest and thought it made for a meaningful read. Some parts were annoying, though.

>> No.9324439
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>One morning last month, I called Professor Harold Bloom at his home in New Haven to ask him, among other things, whether he recognized the name David Duchovny.
>Bloom needed no further prompting to say that he did. ``He was one of my graduate students,'' Bloom said. ``I remember him as a pleasant young man.''
>Bloom couldn't volunteer much more than that. He was aware Duchovny is now the star of television's ``The X-Files,'' but said he'd never bothered to watch the show.
>I told Bloom that Duchovny, in one of those long ``Playboy'' magazine interviews to which the sexually charismatic are entitled, had talked about being in Bloom's graduate seminar on the Romantic poets when he was at Yale University in the mid-1980s.
>In the interview, Duchovny recalled that an annoyingly brilliant undergraduate named Naomi Wolf (who herself went on to achieve modest celebrity as a feminist writer, and more recently as advisor to Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore) had been the only student daring enough to speak up in class.
>Duchovny continued: ``Bloom was always bemoaning something in his lilting, sad voice, asking about what something would be like, and we'd all be silent, afraid to be exposed. But Naomi Wolf would raise her hand and respond, `It would be a world without adjectives.' And he'd say, `Exactly, my dear.' And I was like, I'm in the wrong place. Not only did I not know the answer. I did not even understand the question. A world without adjectives? I just didn't get it.''
>It was about that time that Duchovny, who was deep into the notoriously bleak playwright Samuel Beckett, abandoned his pursuit of a doctorate in favor of acting.

>tfw Bloom is directly responsible for The X-Files

>> No.9324443

sjw's are just a product of society(post-modernism, intersectionality, and post-colonialism), they're a fading movement who will lose their material purpose as society progresses.

>> No.9324508

this is Bloom's only real achievement.

>> No.9324568

We can't be sure of that, and with the passing of teachers like Harold Bloom, and in years to come the teachers who over time came to play into the Politically Correct way of doing things, we will eventually have the teachers who were taught with Political Correctness in their minds at all times.
It might pass, but I'd like to see it pass before I die.
I hope you are right and it passes soon.

>> No.9324613

Not him, but I think we're reaching maximum levels of SJW-ness because the ideology knows it's already dying, thus it has to double down to keep on existing.

It's similar to excessive puritanism in the 19th century, which was more rigid than ever, while the underlying faith was actually declining, and almost completely disappeared today.

>> No.9324623

paranoid fantasies, straight from breitbart.

>> No.9324637

Infinite Jest is a good book imho

>> No.9324643

The fact that SJW fiddlers like Judith Butler or Homi K. Bhabha are revered professors in the top U. S. universities is symptomatic, and not a fantasy.

>> No.9324665

as a college student in california, sjws absolutely are a thing and most people know who they are and what they're about.

>> No.9324714

I voted for Hillary. This is really not at all related to politics, or even identity politics in the way Breitbart talks about them.
It's not social issues, it's social issues put above literature, in the study of literature.

>> No.9324729

Bloom was SO butthurt that DFW called him out in the book

>> No.9324775

(((Harold Bloom, David Duchovny, Naomi Wolf)))

>> No.9324912

>the non-English world
Lmao who cares

>> No.9324927


>> No.9325208

ebin meme :DDDD

>>>/int/ for more ebin low-IQ posts

>> No.9325232

>Breitbart's audience
>reading literature


>> No.9325247

Didn't he say later that he had been to hard on him and that it really wasn't that bad or something like that?

>> No.9325278

lol no it won't, that's just an illusion bloom dangles before you so that you suckers will continue to give him the time of day

>> No.9325290

christopher ricks

daily reminder that bloom is a nobody

>> No.9325325

Actually, in his book The Daemon Knows, Bloom said of Infinite Jest that "It didn't live up to it's literary ambition" or something along those lines. I think he said the same about Franzen's Freedom.

>> No.9325355


The exact quote is:

>We confront a crisis in scale when contemporary works are unable to sustain their ambitions (David "No Discernible Talent" Wallace's Infinite Jest, Jonathan Franzen's Freedom).

I think these are the only times he's talking about DFW.

>> No.9325377

I read Breitbart every day, voted for Trump, and I'm at an Ivy getting an mfa in poetry

>> No.9325393

ever considered a quick end to your miserable existence?

>> No.9325394

you sound gay

>> No.9325699

maybe outside of america

fucking merifats fucking everything up with their bullshit

>> No.9325734
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It is funny that he is actually the resented one.

>> No.9325742

I can't wait him to die.

>> No.9325768

>implying ds3 is better than ds1
pleb detected

>> No.9325805

Well, Oot is definitely more coherent than IJ.

>> No.9325872

Even if /pol/ loves to make a big deal out of it, that doesn't mean it's not a real thing.
Bloom was really concerned about these people, so was Rorty who was especially disappointed at the fact that these people liked to throw Foucault and Derrida around which led to these thinkers and postmodernism in general being labeled by them.

>> No.9325981

I suspected as much all along from the fragments I've read. It is good to see my intuition is still on point, as usual.

>> No.9325982

>muh literary critics.

where is not-Bill Murray when you need.him

>> No.9326101

Demon's Souls is the best followed by Bloodborne.

>> No.9326113

I hate this meme. Just shut the fuck up

>> No.9326118

Demon's Souls is a much more cogent game than Dark Souls but it fails to reach the same narrative/emotional heights of ds1

>> No.9326120

It's not a meme, you just have shit taste.

>> No.9326123

Good thing those are irrelevant in computer games.

>> No.9326157

If they weren't relevant than you would have 0 reason to play anything but tetris or chess.

>> No.9326163

You have shit taste, kys, etc. DeS is barely better than DaS2. Just edges it out for worst in the series.

>> No.9326164

You either mean zero reasons or no reason.
Anyway, you're wrong. I play games for the gameplay. I don't follow narratives or anything so irrelevant.

>> No.9326188

You are a retard. Das2 is better than 3. 3 is the worst in the series.

>> No.9326335

But where does King's Field rank??

>> No.9326655

If nothing else, it contains probably the best description, in any medium, of cannabis addiction. Slightly exaggerated in some parts, but on the whole something I could identify with. The weed-fiend portions are the only bits of the book I still re-read from time to time, especially now since I'm trying to quit pot again.

>inb4 weed addiction no real...no one never suck cock for weed...etc.

>> No.9327351

I go to a NESCAC and your wrong kiddo. The moderate position in the dominant culture is something along the lines of "not all conservatives are bad people some of them are just uninformed/ignorant", my point being there is very little notion that opposing views are based on actual opposing values rather than misinformation/ignorance/maliciousness.

>> No.9327403

He is well respected in the Hispanic world. I'm mexican.

>> No.9327416


>> No.9327466

Mexicans butcher the Spanish language.

>> No.9327528

holy... talk about pwned

>> No.9327543

>trying to quit pot


>> No.9327582

Majora's Mask is better, plebeian.

>> No.9328496

I never said that that a preference for MM wasn't valid, I'm including all the top Zelda games here, but I just happen to prefer OoT and agree that it is the greatest while MM is more flawed despite sharing a similar level of ambition (hopefully along with BotW, which I have yet to play).

>> No.9328936

Go back to youtube.

>> No.9328951

Bloom? Isn't he the guy who thinks Shakespeare invented modern consciousness? Pleb.
As for Wallace, have never read him, but the kind of people who like his stuff make me think that it probably sucks.

>> No.9329027

no u

>> No.9329038

Wow thanks for your completely uninformed opinion

>> No.9329056


Maybe not, but the discussion is.

>> No.9329917

If you haven't read the entire Western canon, you don't get to question Bloom.

>> No.9329943

Not even bloom has read the entire western canon

reading translations doesn't count

>> No.9330129

>I don't know anything about linguistics
Don't worry, we got that loud and clear.

>> No.9330363

Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 are the Odyssey and Iliad of video games, respectively
majora's mask is the aeneid

>> No.9330385

Almost every one of the authors which make up the Western Canon read translations.

>> No.9331160


pretentious pseuds

>> No.9333128

No one has

>> No.9333152
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Why do his opinions matter at all again?

>> No.9333173

because soon he will be a dead white man, the only demographic to have mattering opinions.

>> No.9333188

>It's suc a weird concept man. Hey ever seen Bloom destroy a book? Jamie pull that video up. Jesus Christ, he must be 400 pounds, that guy will tear your prose to shreds.

>> No.9333267

she is a strong woman, I respect her.

>> No.9333323
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A viewpoint of literature that isn't only not a faggot, but also extraordinarily well read. He doesn't pander to the lumpen literati

>> No.9333335
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>> No.9333338

Great way to engage with their work!

Fucking waste of space.

>> No.9333342

He really isn't.

t. Mexican with an English Literature degree

>> No.9333343

But all english majors have an I.Q of 95.

>> No.9333375

Above everything because it's the best thing From ever did. I'm sick of Souls. We need another Otogi or something.

>> No.9333412


Have you even been to university?

>> No.9333463
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>wanting to go to university

>> No.9333465

Can someone please give the name of this qt?

>> No.9333484

Made me chuckle, good post

>> No.9333565

I think it's Elsa Jean

>> No.9333580

I will cite a random page, opened just now from my copy of IJ. You judge if Bloom is correct
>Leave your lazarettes and oubliettes, I'm reading this right here, your closets and cellars and TP Tableaux, find Nurturing and Support and the Inner resources to face your own unblinking sight, is what this goes to say, a bit overheatedly maybe.
Let me do another one:
>You could see why the U.S. made them cut the buzz. The air un the room got overclear, a glycerine shine, colors brightening terribly. If colors themselves could catch fire.
>The very air of the room bulged. It ballooned. Facekelmann's screams about lies rose and fell, hard to hear against the arterial roar of the Sun.

>> No.9333584

Its mandingo (weird name for a girl, I know, pornstars, huh?)

>> No.9333698

And I bet these pseuds also haven't read the Bible in the original Hebrew. Pseuds.

>> No.9333705

some would say IJ might even be the best book. tbqh

>> No.9333744

I checked out a few pages of his Shakespeare: Modern Human or w/e it's called and his Othello essay is at the back of my copy of the play. Literally every paragraph:

>name-dropping like a mofo
>unexplained interpretation of some character from the play or another book entirely, written in one offhand sentence after another as if it's just fucking fact

And yeah, I get that most "serious" writers/intellectuals write only with their peers in mind, but this shit is straight-up unreadable.

I feel like the lit crit crowd is just insecure about how they don't have their own Einstein or Bach and just threw out some random dude's name.

>> No.9333758

I'm left-leaning.
Let me present you with some of the advanced courses for English Lit. at my Uni: "Black Literature and Post-Colonialism" "American Feminisms" and "Shaping Queer Theory: American Narratives". The only one that has a non-SJW vibe is called "Keats and Romanticism".

>> No.9333804


Maybe the "SJW" bogeyman is an internet thing, but the bullshit they spew comes straight out of universities.

It's the very reason that publishers like Ignatius (a Catholic book publisher) went and made their own critical editions of classic works (Shakespeare, Melville, etc). Not to make "Christian editions" of any of these works, but to simply present the works in the time they were written as they have traditionally been understood. Because critical editions coming out of universities have gone so far into the weeds at this point.

>> No.9333980

Don't know where else to ask this so I figured this bloom thread if good.
Do you girls read criticism of a book or play or anything before you read the work, alongside it, or afterward?
I've been reading criticism of Shakespeare plays before reading the play.

>> No.9334247

>I can still read faster than you

>> No.9334539

Damn, what uni? At least tell me how expensive it is, because my uni only requires one multicultural course like that, and there's tons of traditional high level courses (Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare Tragedies or Comedies, Bible as Literature, etc.)

>> No.9334636

also coptic greek and arameic you super pleb.

You would need all these for western canon:
> * greek
> arameic
> hebrew
> german
> frisian
> old norse
> italian
> latin
> russian
> spanish
> portugese
> french (not rly, lol)
> english
> dutch
> magyar
> czech
> polish
> slovenian
> croatian
> serbian
> irish
> flemish
> arabic
> persian
did I miss any?

>> No.9336138

What's peoples problem with bloom?

>> No.9336170

>Mexican with an English Literature degree
get cucked

>> No.9336966

His love of literature is so hardcore that normies are put off.

>> No.9337219

> french (not rly, lol)
>not rly

you're just fucking around, right? I'm no francophile, but you can't possibly deny the importance of French literature within the Western tradition.

>> No.9337447

Uses big pretentious words for no reason

>> No.9337502

>tfw u realize mulder is a cuck

>> No.9337810

He was good in the simpsons

>> No.9337830

post a big pretentious word of his, I want to see

>> No.9337914

>the arterial roar of the Sun

>> No.9337925

>forgetting old english
u hwæt m8

>> No.9337936

idk man i read somewhere you have to have like an I.Q. of 115 to even get a 4 year

you don't have to be low I.Q. to be a mentally inhibited functional retard

>> No.9337940

You need Provençal to read the troubadours

>> No.9338439

I really want to punch him in the face. is this notmal?

>> No.9338784

It's like he's trying to pretend he's Eliot.