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9318600 No.9318600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book captures this kind of historical calamity?

>> No.9318607

I have a suspicion it will be a subject of future books.

>> No.9318609

Submission and camp of the saints

Are you a tourist, I thought everyone on lit knew that answer

>> No.9318678

I don't understand these kind of headlines. You don't have to let them in. It's like someone threatening to come into my house and beat me up. I know he's coming, but it doesn't mean I have to open the door and let him in.

>> No.9318684


>> No.9318687

What's Jewish about what I just said you mongoloid? I'm against them coming.

>> No.9318691

Blacked.com has a set of informational videos on this topic

>> No.9318703

>cause climate change to make their land unlivable while looting them blond
>having to deal with the fallout

Seems fair to me desu

>> No.9318707

It definitely will be, no doubt about it.
but i'll say it's gonna take another 5 years at least before a successful book is released

>> No.9318713

I think he was just implying that you are portraying the exact opposite opinion of what the media wants to, and so you shouldn't be surprised that it's not backed up

>> No.9318714

Because they were definitely making use of their land before we came, weren't they anon. They're just fucking retards.

>> No.9318718

>looting them blond

they wish

>> No.9318721

They fell for the "all humans are created equal" meme.

>> No.9318724

It's not "looting", it's just free movement of capital which always, undeniably comes with free movement of "labour" (that is, people). If you want to stop immigration, stop the movement of capital from and to Africa, even if that decreases standards of living in Europe. If you want to keep those standards, lube up

>> No.9318734

>it's just free movement of capital which always, undeniably comes with free movement of "labour"

Why do you think that? It would be an easy task to restrict the movement of people, assuming there's a public will to do it.

>> No.9318750

"The Camp of the Saints", google it. Haven't read it but damn, that looks good.

>> No.9318779


Free movement of capital being inseparable from free movement of labour (more commonly called 'human beings') is merely an economic model. There is no reason why they cannot be separated, and there is no universal law to say that they must go hand in hand.

It is a reflection of the narrow-minded thinking in economics currently. Someone says that this is the way to do it, and everyone sticks to it. It is one of the reasons Brexit happened. Europe will not stray from the idea that capital, labour and goods must all flow freely, and must all flow together.

>> No.9318794

Gee I wonder what happened to make their nation full of conflict.

It's not like the West interfered with numerous assassinations and coup attempts.

Besides, this thread doesn't belong here.

>> No.9318807

cocoa props don't have free will, white devil was pulling the strings and throwing his voice all along.

whiteman, you've done it again.

>> No.9318811

Which is to say, they fell for the christian morality meme

Even in death christcuckery destroys europe

>> No.9318812

Ah my bad

>> No.9318816

The Holy Bible.
The Fault in Our Star II: Blacked

>> No.9318819


I'm not talking with your stink.

You stink man.

>> No.9318820

They've been independent for five decades, almost as long as colonialism lasted in most of Africa. They've had plenty of time to sort their shit out

>> No.9318824

not who you're responding to but yes they were living there for eons until Arab and European slave traders first started moving Africans around the globe by force, today population movement is going to happen because every climate model is predicting that a lot of agricultural land is going to become useless causing living conditions to plummet forcing movement

that's a really fucking stupid and impossible idea, Europe and the world is dependent upon African resources to maintain modern living standards you can't just cut off trade with a continent

>Free movement of capital being inseparable from free movement of labour (more commonly called 'human beings') is merely an economic model. There is no reason why they cannot be separate
capital, without controls, will just move to where it can find the lowest costs of production, due you even understand what equilibrium means? without free movement of labour there's no reason that global wage rates will necessarily ever equilibrate or that economic development will occur since people can't vote with their feet, preventing one of the key factors of production from mobility means costs of production will stay artificially high. capitalism literally makes no sense without labour mobility

>> No.9318832

>implying europeans wont wake up and start shooting the invaders after the coming economic collapse


>> No.9318846



Look deeper for understanding. Knowledge is power. Don't let ignorance be pitted against you.

>> No.9318849

not my fucking fault

i too am a humanitarian sweetheart but there's a point where self-interest goes before anything else. i don't want my economic stability and much more importantly my cultural heritage wrecked by a projected 20-30% african/ME muslim population.

i don't want further decay of social cohesion that will inevitably come with it, or the ever increasing competition in the low wage segment that'll destabilize and impoverish whole demographies and is only in the interest of fat multinational companies.

it would be cheaper to care for migrants in africa.

the people who are going to suffer aren't the ones who caused the mess in africa.

the US will continue to carpet bomb the middle east and central africa will continue to be a shithole ruled by warlords and sucked dry by rare earth multinationals.

nothing is solved by pumping ten million afghans into sweden

>> No.9318855

What the fuck are you talking about? It's really simple, I don't want niggers in my country because they're subhumans. Can't wait for the great purge of third world trash from Europe.

>> No.9318857

*tips viking helmet*

>> No.9318867


>> No.9318868

>population movement is going to happen because every climate model is predicting that a lot of agricultural land is going to become useless causing living conditions to plummet forcing movement
that's something that may happen in the future but it's not, by and large, the cause of the current mass economic migration, at all.

>> No.9318869

>not who you're responding to but yes they were living there for eons until Arab and European slave traders first started moving Africans around the globe by force, today population movement is going to happen because every climate model is predicting that a lot of agricultural land is going to become useless causing living conditions to plummet forcing movement

But they don't have a single city that resembles the first-world that wasn't built by white people. They leave the railways we built to rot. They shit and piss in their streams and then complain when the water gives their children all manner of horrible diseases. They're the worst people on Earth.

>> No.9318871

Stop being like this

And be more like this

Colonialism was more "humanitarian" the just giving them free food medicine to reproduce like crazy, theres going to be mass death in Africa because of the artificially high population

I look forward to it

>> No.9318884

white people have a lower % of human dna than blacks on account of neanderthal admixture, so whites are the subhumans

>> No.9318885

>people come wanting to work
>economic system is so dysfunctional your only option is to divert all resources towards killing them all

maybe handing control of your economies over to a bureaucratic monetarist regime in the form of the EU was a bad idea? you could use all that labour to terraform the sahara desert ffs and get a big return on investment

if you think a bunch of "niggers" is the reason Europe is going to become a hellhole and not your commitment to statism and conservatism you're delusional, your going to end up an irrelevant continent of old people on welfare

>> No.9318889

Oy vey! You goy! Don't you know your precious country will die if you don't import 30 million black people RIGHT NOW?!? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR WHITE MAN?

>> No.9318893

>the cause of the current mass economic migration
people leave where living standards are low to where living standards are high then living standards start to drop there and the people there move to where they were low and they start to rise there, it's called equilibrium and it's what economics are all about
capitalism doesn't work without economic migration

>> No.9318895


With the kind of attitudes in this thread I'm inclined to believe that.

>> No.9318903

Hahaha I get this meme!

>> No.9318905

>Colonialism was more "humanitarian" the just giving them free food medicine to reproduce like crazy, theres going to be mass death in Africa because of the artificially high population

Who do you got to thank for that? Christian NGO's and western governments subsidizing their domestic agricultural industries in a roundabout way. You could give funds or invest directly into developing nations instead of making them depend on FDI or food "aid"

>> No.9318908

>it's a /pol/ doesn't know the context and only reads headlines episode

>“If we fail to resolve the central problems of African nations, 10, 20 or even 30 million migrants will come to the European Union in the next 10 years.”

>> No.9318921

>your going to end up an irrelevant continent of old people on welfare
yes and britain will collapse into crisis if they leave the EU right? and the US economy will collapse if trump gets elected ye? oh wait neither of these happened. i didnt like neither but i'm not going to base my political opinions on the projections of pollsters and pundits who seem to increasingly have lost track of what the fucks going on in the world today and how to interpret it
1. i was only saying that the migration we're experiencing is not climate related
2. fuck unregulated free market capitalism

>> No.9318923

Or I could not give a fuck about them!


If core human traits are creativity, intelligence and culture then whites are more human than africans
>wanting to work


>> No.9318925

neanderthals übermensch confermd

>> No.9318926

>if it didn't happen in the course of a year it won't happen

Gamers should stay away from politics

>> No.9318930

Modern whites are %95 neanderthal btw, not memeing this will be common knowledge in 20 years

>> No.9318952

projections said it would happen immediately. they also said neither trump nor brexit would be voted for. one day before election some polls said trumps chances are around 20% or lower.

when trump came into office there was a momentary dip in stocks and everyone liberal pundit between new york and LA was having a good passionate wank on the news about how that was to be expected and will surely continue indefinitely, then it rose back to record highs

all i'm saying is pollsters and political experts haven't had a great record with their predictions lately.

and besides that, how about this
> pop decline
> reason likely cultural
> solution: basically import human resources from the ME
> the integrate and adjust culturally, cool, we'll probably have the same problem again later
> they don't and europe is kil

it's a shit end of the pipe solution. the fact that there's zero discussion about the cultural reasons for people just stopping to procreate never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.9318962

i recon ur memeing but actually that's likely true. as with all humans.

the DNA overlap between chimps and humans is 96% so in all likelyhood the overlap between any human and a neanderthal will be higher

>> No.9318965
File: 126 KB, 402x398, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh economy

Fuck modern economies
>work 40hrs a week
>lose at least half of potential income to the government
>after work you do chores for 2 hours because the wife has to work
>can't afford children
>cant get welfare cuz too "wealthy"
>Government spends your tax money to import dumb violent forigners who hate you and outbreed you
>when you disagree with this people call you a nazi bigot who wants the poor to starve because they were indoctrinated by the tax funded public school system and the billionaire run media companies

We were unironically better off in the stone age

>> No.9318972

Its not cultural but economic and biological reasons

Middle class people living in the city can not afford more than 1-2 children and high population density city life makes people less wanting of children.

Add to this the government/corporation funded feminism


>> No.9318975

>the fact that there's zero discussion about the cultural reasons for people just stopping to procreates never ceases to amaze me
Any Western country with an aging demographic has a choice:
1) support the procreation of your own people
2) import millions of illiterate, backwards, in all ways inferior subhumans and waste resources in a desperate attempt to integrate them
I have no idea how insane you have to be to go with the latter.

>> No.9318977

dumb forgposter

>> No.9318981

Why is it our responsibility? They can fuck off and sort it themselves, like all European nations have done since time immemorial.

>> No.9318983

>using racist imagery

>> No.9318984
File: 246 KB, 731x860, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove me wrong faggot

I welcome the coming world wide economic and societal collapse, may all cities burn to the ground (after I move out to the country plz)

>> No.9318988

You do realise the West is like actively fighting people in the Middle East, right? Like, uhhhh, yeah sure if Europe was dealing with it's own shit then like there wouldn't be this huge problem with terrorists?

>> No.9318990

Fucking coward. kys

>> No.9318992

>he thinks niggers want to work
They don't have the mental capacity for any kind of work apart from the lowliest physical labor and they're lazy so they don't want to work in the first place.

>> No.9318993

How about you prove me wrong instead or is that too much 'work' for you?

>> No.9318994

most people could afford children [central europe speaking]. in fact i'm pretty sure those who could afford them most are the ones who have the least, on average.

the decay of the family structure for whatever reasons, yeah, i think that's closer.

that's what i'm saying.

>> No.9318995


Dumb cuckposter

>> No.9318998

Maybe if "the West" was was dealing with it's own shit then there wouldn't be this huge problem with terrorists

>> No.9319001


>White Americans are reportedly dying faster thanks to a silent 'epidemic' of deaths from suicides, drug and alcohol poisoning.




>> No.9319003

I hav nothing to prove wrong retard

There are no IDs on lit

>> No.9319006

>Eugenics is white culture


>> No.9319007
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1471277521445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody buys ironic nigger posting

>> No.9319008

Yes you are a retard

>> No.9319010

lmfao was invented by whites

>> No.9319011

So was everything else, doesn't mean niggers haven't ruined it

>> No.9319015

Doesn't mean I'm 'ironic nigger posting'

>> No.9319016

We're talking about Africa you dope. I don't agree with Western interventionism but half the time we're shamed for not intervening and the rest of the time we're lambasted if we do. We can't win.

>> No.9319018

Ok is "unironic wigger posting" better for you?

>> No.9319022

No if you killed yourself that would be much appreciated

>> No.9319026

Sorry, Id rather have 7 sons and fight for my race

>> No.9319044

>African countries a literal shithole before europeans arrive
>Kill each other in larger numbers before the arrival of europeans
>Many countries receive greater quality of life, etc from europeans
>europeans eventually leave, many countries go back to a lower quality of life, unable to reach any previous achievements even after 50+ years

>> No.9319051

This chatroom is fucking gay and full of half-serious 'prove-me-wrongers' who understand the world through sensationalist headlines and don't care about truth or reality. I fucking hate this fucking site, I hate the internet, it's a bunch of shitty memes and retweets about retarded shit because some shit-slinging ape managed to say something that resonated with the other 100,000 shit-slinging apes bashing on their keyboards and it becomes a truth only because the shit-slinging apes are too busy slinging shit to understand if they're being bamboozled by THE OTHER TEAM of shit-slinging apes, because there's fucking TEAMS now and all argument is is fucking retarded "bants" for faggots who secretly hate themselves because they're so out of touch with reality they have no idea what not being some idealised version of an ahistorical, misinformed bastion of some fake tradition that they believe simply because they grew up with it and their dumb child mind can't interpret anything properly. I hate every last one of you and you should kill yourselves because you live shameful lives.

>inb4 some fucking meme response for idiots

>> No.9319053
File: 474 KB, 1895x1000, michael brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard yurope 3 is going to be all about muslims and africans taking over europe

>> No.9319055

What book was this?

>> No.9319056

t. reddit

>> No.9319057

wtf is going on here pals?

my diary desu

>> No.9319058

"Meme response"

- I. Diot

>> No.9319061

not everyone can be so smart and enlightened as you

>> No.9319080

>we'll be 1 billion soon
>doesn't know how to math

>> No.9319083

>not writing a dystopian novel warning against the dangers of cultural integration and social darwinism and how merging cultures doesn't cause both cultures to flourish, but rather both are diluted and the artistic and scientific advancements that each group used to occupy themselves with will diminish to avoid stepping over each others toes as they try to live together without any supposed "racism or xenophobia".

>> No.9319087

see >>9319053