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/lit/ - Literature

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9318515 No.9318515 [Reply] [Original]

I just read this last night and I spent the entire time repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for those last 30 pags it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky sci-fi lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

>> No.9318519

I'm so glad that I never fell for this meme. Why do normies always recommend such shitty books? I had this recommended to me so many times when I was younger.

>> No.9318529

It was reddit years before reddit existed, in the same way your dad was a pleb years before you existed.

>> No.9318561

literally fedora-core
Many nerds copy their humour from this book and think they're very funny
I hadn't have a smile while reading

>> No.9318564

never read a word of it or reddit

>> No.9318566

The opening of the second book is the only decent part.

>> No.9318717

Is it really that bad? Everyone recommended me these books but I'm hesitant because of the meems. I may try to read it unbiased, could that make it more enjoyable?

>> No.9318780

jesus fuck some of you people need to spend a little less time on the internet

>> No.9318790

It's not the greatest or funniest book ever but has its moments. There's a great bit when Marvin complains that due to various time travel slip ups he is now something like 17 times as old as the universe, and has been suffering the entire time. Such pathos!

>> No.9319792

It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be here but it's way, way worse than people make it out to be on other sites. I actually read it because it was $1 at a used bookstore and I wanted to experience the meme. It's written at like an 8th grade reading level and has extremely entry level philosophy concepts. Some of the jokes are clever but some of them are repurposed from the radio show and come out awkwardly.
The worst part was my pleb roommate telling me that he "loved Adams's prose"

>> No.9319796

i read these recently and didn't like them past book 1

the humor is a very particular kind of "witty" nerdcore dr. who humor. it definetely grates on you across 5 volumes

>> No.9319835

I read them when I was 13 or so in the late 90s. I quite enjoyed them at the time, but I think now I'd have a similar reaction to OP.

>> No.9321192

Fuck off. I need to spend more time on the Internet.

>> No.9321199

uuuh... its a book for kids you doofus

>> No.9321200

It's a fun read, but /lit/ loves to be contrarian and tears apart this dumb comedy book as if it was supposed to be some great text.

>> No.9321214

It's okay. Nothing deep or profound but then it's not supposed to be. Ignore the memes and make up your own mind about it.

Been a few years since I read it though, I might feel differently about it now.

>> No.9321218

In most cases they're neutral to the book but hate the people who like/perpetuate it

basically >>9318561

>> No.9321238

I have a boss who is a Linux Sysadmin who opens up every email with some reference to these books.

Subject: I want to ask you about...
Body: Life, the Universe, and Everything....