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9314235 No.9314235 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that made you cry

>> No.9314323

that's the worst of John Green's novels imo. I never understood the appeal.

>> No.9314372

What is the best John Green novel?

>> No.9314393
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>> No.9314399

Lol how?

>> No.9314453

At the end when he dies

>> No.9314456
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Cry from boredom

>> No.9314561

All of them

>> No.9314579
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>> No.9314592

You cried reading the The Crying of Lot 49? Is OP being a faggot or did I miss something? I don't remember a tugging in the well of my soul reading that.

>> No.9314624

you're pleb

>> No.9314671
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>> No.9314691

I understand now that you haven't read it and think you are funny,picture my surprise when someone here memes a book they haven't read

>> No.9314697

My Dairy to be desu

>> No.9314713

I'm not a sci-fi kind of guy but Flowers for Algernon made me cry like a little bitch.
Victoria by Hamsun is also heartwrenching

>> No.9314836

the count of monte cristo
assassins apprentice and that series in general

>> No.9314963

Harry Potter

>> No.9314993

>I understand now that you haven't read it
Huh? Yes I have read it. I cried at the end when Arthur dies

>> No.9315085

desu desu desu

>> No.9315113

Oh. The one from his perspective? I see I thought you were memeing it's a decently popular book so it's something people would probably shit on it here for no reason. As a genuine question did you find the "climax" anti climactic? I did. It didn't ruin it for me just felt like a wasted opportunity

>> No.9315126
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>> No.9315143

I'll be honest it's been a few years since I've read it, I think 2014. Is the climax where they run into those bandits?

>> No.9315175

The bit where that random kid kills the antagonist and then commits suicide

>> No.9315307

White fang and the illiad made me cry like a baby

>> No.9315328
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not that they are really that good, b-but.. TFIOS. I've read it three times.

now hold on there.. I did it the other two times to study it dry and figure out what makes it so popular so I too can become the next author that gets shit on around these parts.

>> No.9315718

i cried from Mrs. Dalloway, Stoner, and Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.9315738

none cause I'm not a homo

>> No.9315745

that was an awesome book, nothing like it

>> No.9315751

The disintegration of Mucho and Oedipa's relationship is p sad

>> No.9315762

Virgin suicides
Never let me go
Remains of the day
Mason and dixon

>> No.9315788
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This one hit home for me more than others.

>> No.9315790
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This one wrecked me. Really powerful and tragically sad. Made me reconsider my life and make significant changes to it.

>> No.9315803
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Man, the first 2-3 pages had be bawling

>> No.9315887

You actually read the whole thing!?

>> No.9315900
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The Fault in Our Stars, because I made a deal with my gf at the time that I'd read it if she would read a book of my choosing, and it was the most retarded, whiny piece of shit I'd read since Harry Potter in 8th grade. I told her to read Moby Dick. She said the descriptions in the first two chapters were pretty and then stopped reading.

>> No.9315950


Les Miserables and East of Eden both have powerful, emotional endings where the main character dies but I still don't find myself crying despite loving both of the books and how they end.

But then I've cried like a bitch at movies.

>> No.9315963

Dickweed, you offered to read a 150 page book if she read a 400 one.

>> No.9315964
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what made me cry was the epilogue actually, you read and it suddenly stops and then there's the epilogue that says what happened afterwards

>> No.9315985

In my defense, I thought it would be a fun read. I went through Moby Dick when I was a teen and loved it despite not really "getting" most of it.

>> No.9315989
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This faggot did it to me in public ffs

>> No.9316278
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What part of the Dragon Reborn made you cry, OP? Pic related for me.

>> No.9316360



>> No.9316376

Cry for humanity maybe.

>> No.9316384

No book has ever made me cry, because I am not a woman.

>> No.9316387
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I finished pic related on a train back to college after thanksgiving break. I began to sob hard after the fürst pückler and after reading that Bolano's children decided to publish the book as one novel rather than 5. That moment changed my life and has instilled a sense of deep belief in literature.

>> No.9316393

I took a creative nonfiction course with him at Ponoma back in '94. We weren't allowed to show anyone our essays outside of the class for some reason. He seemed naturally intelligent, didnt need to look at any notes or textbooks or prepare for any lectures, he just knew his stuff and was super casual.

I saw him talking to a girl on campus one day. He uncharacteristically wore a Fila sweatsuit, the kind that looks like it's made from the same material as parachutes, and trainer sneakers with a matching bandana. That was his pussy hunt outfit apparently. Several times a week, same outfit, I'd see him hitting on women in it. I once saw him wearing it while carrying an identical outfit from the dry cleaners, he had like 4 sets of same Fila sweatsuit.

I asked him about it in class and he said we aren't allowed to discuss anything unrelated to class while inside class, the same way we can't show anyone outside of class our essays. A student called out "but Dostoevsky isn't in this class and last week you talked about replicating his black tea obsession to test its affects on your own writing". Wallace stared blankly at the student with dead eyes for 30 seconds in dead silence then said "you just got knocked down a full letter grade. Any other smart asses? Didn't think so." and pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

I remember telling myself this guy will either be super successful or kill himself.

>> No.9316415

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. IQ tests are unreliable with scores beyond 200, and we're talking about a man with an estimated IQ score of 250, 300, possibly higher. His masterpiece, Infinite Jest, is a shoe-in for greatest book of all time by anyone who has ever read it completely and truly paid close attention on every page. 99% of people who try reading it will give up less than halfway through, because it's too long, they're not paying close enough attention to what they've already read in it, and they more just want to say they finished the book than actually understand the messages. It is for this reason that Infinite Jest has such a negative connotation from most people, while amassing an extremely active cult-following amongst those who have the testicular fortitude to actually follow through with reading the entire book, so do not go by the down votes on reddit regarding Infinite Jest posts. Regarding how it builds your inteligence: To finish the book with full attention paid to it in itself will build mental strength and discipline to accomplish most mental tasks within reason. There are hundreds of "sections" instead of chapters, and if you are reading them closely enough and understanding the messages David Foster Wallace is sending you, you should have an existential crisis followed by a life altering realization for every single section. And every time you re-read Infinite Jest, you will find something you missed, the same phenomenon will occur, in a wonderfully vicious endless cycle, truly living up to the "infinite" theme of the book in a very practical way -- the brilliance of DFW.

>> No.9316440

Anna Karenina, The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, Hamlet, Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats, Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen (two poems but I don't care), Infinite Jest and Brief Interviews With Hideous Men.

>> No.9316467

The Grapes of Wrath has a more emotional ending than East of Eden imo. East of Eden's ending really didnt upset me afai remember.

Also Im reading Les Miserables now unabridged so im excited for it more now that you liked it

>> No.9316534

Where the red fern grows, Flowers for Algernon, and the Great Gatsby

>> No.9316576

10/10 pasta

>> No.9316586

Yeah, i'm sure that you just ironically read a John Green novel THREE times for "research"

>> No.9316620
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The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I know it spells out what happens to Bunny in the beginning, but still.

>> No.9316855
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Every book after Gardens of the Moon made me tear up at least once, and I cried like a baby a few times throughout.

>> No.9316951


>> No.9316971
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>> No.9317033

Shut up Penis Herb you should have given her something shorter like Catcher in The Rye or some shit.

>> No.9317054


tfw you'll never be 12 years old again bawling your eyes out in your grandmothers comfy, flowery garden while reading the last harry potter book and listening to mika - happy ending, on repeat.

>> No.9317114
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It was like Lord of the Flies with psychopathy and abusive parents

The Death of a Salesman was pretty sad too

>> No.9317129
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>Deathly Hallows came out ten (10) years ago

>> No.9317200

It's been sitting for months now in my shelf.
I might push it closer on my backlog

>> No.9317208

Where? I love that play but it doesn't make me want to cry

>> No.9317319

noo the first time was to impress a girl and actually kick started my love for reading, again, some years back. b-but the other times desu

>> No.9317531

one of those is not like the other

>> No.9317558

wrong dosto book, you posted the comedy

>> No.9317949
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>> No.9318041

I think everyone teared up at the end of the Return of the King

>> No.9318044


>> No.9318107

in the early parts of the book when his friend dies and their fighting over who gets his boots and he just runs into the night just trying to feel alive is my favorite part

>> No.9318152

Jude the Obscure, cottdamm.

>> No.9318212

The ending of Stoner gave me teary eyes, but my uncle was dying of cancer at the time which probably made me unnecessarily sensitive to it.

>> No.9318282

It didn't make me tear up, but it did hit pretty hard. Though tbqh I don't cry with any fiction.

>> No.9318305

I genuinely cried you know when during Go Tell It on the Mountain.

>> No.9318317

what part did you cry on?
I just felt a deep disgust after I read what happened to Villefort, had to put the book down for a while after that.

>> No.9318326

Cried at Deadhouse Gates sure enough. I don't think any other book has managed that since my childhood.

>> No.9318338

Unironically none, some left me with a feeling of emptiness and despair, but none made me simply cry

>> No.9318344
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>> No.9318355

fucking this

>> No.9318358

Yeah I just finished the book earlier today, and I found a lot of it silly. The messages that come through the complex metaphors are really interesting. Still, I was not moved emotionally by any of it. Even the parts where she is isolated from everyone left with only her crazy conspiracy felt like it was a satire of dramatic scenes in books. A lot of it felt like satire. Muchos radio station is KCUF (FUCK backwards), the whole seen with dr hilarious flipping out is nothing but wacky, the excessively comprehensive descriptions of the play and the histories of thurn and taxis and tristero seemed more like a way to show how unnecessarily deep she was looking into everything for loose connections. I honestly believe if the book made you cry, you missed the point or you relate to Oedipa more than you should.

>> No.9318359
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I have come to the depressing realisation that I enjoy children's books more than the books favoured by the intellectual elite, and that has made me question my own brain. I have found Pooh to be both funnier than any other book I have read, and sadder.

>> No.9318370

The " What did I expect?" Just echoed in my head after I put the book down. Definitely one of the most powerful endings to a book I have read.

>> No.9318376

It's a shit book.

>> No.9318388

Pine cone has said that you can't expect an artist to always make better and better work. To him lot 49 was a point where he plateaued.

>> No.9318389

Don't you understand humour in CRYING A LOT OF 49 makes you CRY

>> No.9318395


And so is Stoner.

I am still thinking about what exactly it is that makes modern literature so terrible. I think it might be an absence of glory. Even Vanity Fair, bleak and miserable and unenjoyable, had the character of Dobbin provide some virtue.

Perhaps that is it. Virtue. The progressive writers of today are absent of virtue, and so are their readers. So they cannot identify with the virtuous character, or themes, in older classics. And so they do not include virtue or glory or the like in their writing. And so virtuous people, such as myself, do not enjoy them. Instead they include things that they and their readers and the modern academic elite can identify with: lousiness, nihilism, immorality, etc.
What they do do, of course, is fill their mostly plotless stories with lots of baggage and wait for the critics to think up a reason why this baggage makes the novel great.

Yes... I remember Stoner. I remember thinking "what is the point? Why is this a story?" Reading Stoner and enjoying it is like wallowing in your own mediocre, hopeless life, devoid of ambitious themes.

>> No.9318397

Bit of a stretch.

>> No.9318415


You are not wrong about your last point. The whole book has the blatant message of mediocrity. The way they deal with it is fairly interesting. The wife hates him for it and tries to take revenge in small ways. The daughter drinks if I remember correctly but stoner in the face his life's lack of glory doesn't become nihilistic and resentful. He still achieves a fair amount and pours his energy into what makes his life meaningful. Whether it's his daughter his books or his teaching. At the end I was really motivated because it shows that even mediocre lives can have meaning. You don't have to be glorious and heroic to be doing something that justifies your existence. Being honest and passionate is almost worth more than that.

>> No.9318579

t. Thermidor blogger

>> No.9318586


Suttree, Lolita.

>> No.9318591


A great piece of fiction indeed.

>> No.9318663

How much of a massive tit do you need to be to cry to any of the books mentioned here

>> No.9318706

I cried in the end of Crime and Punishment, it reminds me of when I was groveling in front of my mom for being a NEET failure.

>> No.9319946
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>> No.9320470

Lolita ;_;

>> No.9320494

not cried, but I got a lump in my throat during the scenes of respite in The Road where life almost goes back to normal for brief moments, and instances when the man does some serious Dad stuff

>> No.9320496

this tbqh

>> No.9320502

anything I had to study at school was utterly ruined for me.

>> No.9320511

Brothers Karamazov, the part with the dying kid and the dog, with the father trying not to cry in front of his son.

>> No.9320527

>The Road by mccarthy

>A farewell to arms by hemmingway

>The plague by camus

The sun also rises filled me with some pretty gnarly melancholy,any hemmingway i guess

>> No.9320762

Oh it wasn`t Bunny who made me cry....

>> No.9321186

what got me feeling about my own mortality was when Baumer said about his friend Tjaden during the artillery strike, about having to scrape him from the trench walls.

>> No.9321207

Good bait

Most obnoxious holomemoir I've read. Had to write 2000 words on it, too.

>> No.9321322

What's a book about growing older and noticing that time moves faster

>> No.9322129
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The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati

>> No.9322219
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i read it in early highschool late middle school. Essentialy about about a blonde mexican kid whose family goes into exile because his dad served under the president deposed during the original mexican revolution and the book chronnicles there jounry to seek a asylum in baja california. What broke me is when the kid sister gets severely ill and the father is more or less forced to do a mercy killing while the boy watches or something like that.

>> No.9322230

>nb4 those typos
its 3 am and I dont even know how i found this thread or board. I was on /co/ a minute ago

>> No.9322356
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The Waves makes me cry by just thinking about it. Definitely one of the most beautiful works of literature.

>> No.9322645

Bless your sunken senile heart.

>> No.9322863

>The Plague

That kid withering away minute by minute

>> No.9322876
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I could relate so much to the character, and that ending was so crushing even though I knew it was going to happen. Truly the robot's plight.

>> No.9322890

of mice and men
many books made me sad, but that's the closest one to bringing me to tears

>> No.9322907


Wait is this right? I must have been 13 at the time then, I suppose. I thought I was much older...

>> No.9322928

The last paragraph of Moby-Dick and Abaddon el exterminador always make me tear up.

>> No.9322981
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>> No.9323066
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>> No.9323145


Also, Clannad.

>> No.9323206
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Pretty much everything he's ever written has made me cry.

>pic fucking related

>> No.9323506
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Not even kidding

>> No.9323514

What part of crying lot is so sad?

>> No.9323546

Muh nigga

>> No.9323564

The crying bit

>> No.9323586

Probably the worst book I've ever read.

>> No.9323605

Fuck off

>> No.9323619

I'm upset with you.