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/lit/ - Literature

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9312689 No.9312689 [Reply] [Original]

"No syntax, no style! he doesn't say anything any more! he doesn't dare!"

Ah, the turpitude! that's a shameless lie! ... I've got oodles of style! ... that's right! ... what's more, I'll make the rest of them unreadable! ... every last one of them! wilted impotents! rotten with prizes and manifestoes! I can lay my plans in all security, the epoch belongs to me! I am Literature's favorite child! anyone who doesn't imitate me is through! no doubt about it! okay, let's see where we are! gutted barrels, flooded terraces and urinals! vast despair! ah, grand crosses of all the Legions, super washouts, eminent jerks! ... I'd feel sorry for you if I could, but I can't ... not anymore! ... what can I do with all these snivelers ... and their "studio-light" pseudo-fin-de-siècle chromos ... I told them to go out and get some fresh air, they wouldn't listen, serves them right! let them rot, stink, ooze, end up in the sewer ... they keep wondering what they can do in Gennevilliers ... east! fertilize the fields! ... why should I worry my head about the sewer? they'll get there and produce the sludge that's needed ... I see Mauriac, the cancerous old drip, without glasses in his new look maxi-cape, the family idol, "work hard, my dear child, and you'll grow up to be like him" ... tartufferie and neoplasm, the perfect formula for success under every regime ... every cockeyed state ... drums and trumpets! taraboom! guts, epiloons, and cerebellums all over the sawdust ... the true sense of History .. and what we've come to! jumping this way! ... whoops! and that way! the death dance! impalements! purges! vivisections! ... twice-tanned hides, smoking ... spoiled skulking voyeurs, let it all start over again! guts ripped out by hand! let's hear the cries, the death rattles ... a national orgasm!
"Hey there! you've gone off your rocker!"


>> No.9313960

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9314046

>reading translations

What did he gain by this?

>> No.9314089
