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/lit/ - Literature

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9308326 No.9308326 [Reply] [Original]

>girl in class says she loves theatre
>ask her who are her favorite playwrites
>"uhmmmm I dunno lol i like Hamilton"

>> No.9308328

women only use art as a fashion statement.

>> No.9308329
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>girl in fascism says she loves fascism
>know that if it were communism instead she'd love the communism instead
>tell her "that's good, dear"
>always feel some distance from her

>> No.9308333

>steals a post
>makes it worse
>starts a thread

>> No.9308336

>girl tells me she's into theatre
>ask "what sort of theatre?" (As in genre)
>she says "ummm Cineplex"

>> No.9308338

so you know the thing where women are statistically more likely to be in the center of the IQ bell curve?

ya my dude just find a hot one and try to put up with her. that's what they're there for. don't waste your time boring her with >muh interests

>> No.9308339

what if I told you I was the original poster of that, and I wanted an excuse to frogpost

>> No.9308342

>be me
>go to Wesleyan
>the rest writes itself.

>> No.9308347


>> No.9308348

then you should have saved your thought instead of parceling it out.

as I said, it was superior in it's forst iteration, just as whites are superior to women desu vult

>> No.9308353

No different really to the following:

>guy on 4chan says he loves art
>ask him what is favourite painting is
>ivan the terrible and his son by ilya repin

People are generally talking about the 'potential' they see in the medium, and that their current favourite sets a precedent for other potential favourites that are assumed to be in that medium.

If you're truly patrician you don't have favourites.

>> No.9308361

>I say I like something to my friend at a party
>Some fat guy, smells like axe is suddenly there
>"Oh yeah, prove it!" he says, smiling smugly
>Pretend to be retarded so he'll leave
>He chuckles and shakes his head and walks away
>Me and my friend roll our eyes

>> No.9308367

>mock people rather than offering arguments
>make sure to emphasize own superior social status
>belittle people who try to start conversations about shared interests with you
>attack people behind their back
7/10 impersonation not enough selfies

>> No.9308384

>guy comes over with obvious intent to belittle women
>women: go away
>women are bitches and whores!
10/10 you nailed it, buddy!

>> No.9308390


>guy comes over with obvious intent to belittle women

Wasn't obvious to me. Sounds like you have a persecution complex, my female friend.

>> No.9308404

>prove you like this thing!
>not obvious

>> No.9308412

not him but how is that supposed to indicate your gender? it's not like men don't often ask other men to prove things.

>> No.9308416


How hard could it be? Just name a play.

Why would anyone be so insecure?

You sound catty and childish just like >>9308367 pointed out.

>> No.9308421


>> No.9308431

i sincerely don't get it. i don't even doubt that the axe-scented guy in question meant to belittle women, i just don't think your post really indicated that.

>> No.9308436

>prove you like this thing!
don't remember reading that in the op desu sempai

>> No.9308451

Maybe. I wasn't really planning on getting into it, since It was just supposed to be a throw-away post on a troll thread, but...

You're right, but it's sort of this stereotype that Nerds in particular have this obnoxious victim complex where they demand women to prove they actually like a thing. Just google it- stories where strange men walk up to women and demand to know- if you REALLY like star trek, tell me what happened in episode 13. Fandoms are nerds' "safe space" and they want to perpetuate the idea the women are all whores instead of maybe they're just stupid assholes and that's why women don't like them.

We're talking Nerds(tm) and not nerds.

If the guy wanted to start a conversation with an equal, he'd say "I like X too, what's your favorite?"

Saying, "Oh you like X? Prove it," means he's trying to catch her in a lie. It's just an asshole thing to do.

>> No.9308466

What was it? Was he one of those retards that goes
>noone really likes literature xdxdxdxd

>> No.9308467

>star trek
I have equal disdain for nerds(tm) as you call them, and poser "gamer grrrl" types, and really anyone who considers that a group worth belonging to. Not sure what that has to do with theatre, though, which is a field well-populated with genuine, well-educated women.

>> No.9308472

she wants your dingus in her balingus

>> No.9308477

i am familiar with that kind of behavior, and it is definitely rude. it's just that when i first read >>9308361 i didn't see any indication of the gender dynamics at play, just some smug guy being a dick to two partygoers. i saw an obvious attempt to belittle, just not an obvious attempt to belittle women specifically. but i guess now this is cleared up.

>> No.9308482

That's not fair, you didn't say you were a grill

>> No.9308506

Did she say "lol"?

>> No.9308522

No it was obvious, much like the fact you have autism.

>> No.9308543

the only thing obvious was that someone was being a jerk to others, much like you're doing now :(

>> No.9308545

>OP is about women
>that anon makes a post about a common cliche surrounding women
>"OMG how was I supposed to know the narrator is a woman???"

>> No.9308552

>people on 4chan never break from the rigid parameters of an original post
>women-bashing threads never transform into general pleb-bashing threads

>> No.9308555

Anon, the only way you could think that post wasn't a lolsofunny perspective-switch of OP is if you had clinical autism.

>> No.9308576

not really, the perspective was switched but the situation was completely altered so it doesn't recognizably subvert the op.

>> No.9308582

Man it's gonna suck for you when you start reading Ulysses.

>> No.9308583

Im sure there was probably a lot of context in the real life situation that other anons in this thread didnt see first-hand hence the heat.

Cant really make any assumptions unless you were there I suppose.

>> No.9308600

already read it several years ago and had a difficult time following but the language was pretty anyway. i think that in citing ulysses, a notoriously difficult read, you kind of admitted that the meaning of the post wasn't truly clear, though.

>> No.9308603

Actually I was calling you new and also the kind of memer who would leap into the Meme Trilogy.

>> No.9308609

i've been here since salinger died and every other thread was about ayn rand, buddy.

>> No.9308612

Then you must have clinical autism.

>> No.9308628

better than clinical rudeness :/

>> No.9308632

You think autism is an insult? That's pretty rude buddy.

>> No.9308689

You can like specific paintings more than others though, that's not plebeian in the slightest.

>> No.9308766
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>where they demand women to prove they actually like a thing

I wonder why that is?

>> No.9308789

Woah, sexist!

>> No.9308792


>> No.9308796


>girl at work says she loves literature
>ask her who are her favorite authors
>"uhmmmm i dunno lol i like Anne Rice"

>> No.9308820

>girl says she likes something
>tfw she's only pretending
>she wants to be seen as [...] (smart, interesting, more-than-a-piece-of-meat?)
>tfw its precisely her compelling need to worry about how she IS SEEN from outside what makes you consider her a piece of meat without any substance
>tfw she can't help it, it's her nature. Yes, her NATURE
>tfw you tell yourself that theres a woman out there different to all others, a woman that genuinely cares about something by itself
>tfw you realize that woman is for sure 100% sexually unattractive

Such is life (?)

>> No.9309080
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>> No.9309760

reddit loves that painting too

>> No.9309783


> men

> some boy says he likes Literature
> Oh neat like poetry or good novels or theatre or
> Well I dunno I really like Tommy Pynchon, it's like really zany but says something really deep about capItalian also I really like David Foster Wallace but James Joyce is my favorite because Shakespeare is so has-been
> mmm yes we'll get back 2 u

>> No.9309798

>tfw I know a woman who is intelligent, unpretentious, witty and not narcissistic in any way
>tfw she's also a golden haired goddess
life is good

>> No.9309849

I don't believe you. And if I did, I wouldn't trust your assesment of this lady. And if I did, I would envy you.

>> No.9309857

Hm, on the last part I think I meant "But if I did (...)".

>> No.9309869

most girls don't like explaining shit.
anyway i've done this sometimes to see if we had the same taste so our conversation could develop further.
tho if we don't. i'll ask whats x about to learn it better if they want to talk about it. if not then i assume they don't like me and I move on with my day.

>> No.9309876

you can convince yourself than anybody is sexually attractive if you put your mind to it. pleb.

>> No.9309880

I can't blame you for not believing, but it's true. Not that she doesn't have problems - she's got a good dose of depression and cynical contempt for a lot of people, and she's flatchested
She's pretty litminded, but studying electrical engineering for the career options.

>> No.9309884

Your retardedness is showing.

>> No.9309901

>...if you put your mind to it

Or your liver.


>> No.9309969


Plenty of women have interests. Do you want a woman who has your interests? If so, they exist and there's probably a way to go find a bunch of them now. If you don't care what interests as long as they are passionate about something worthwhile, go down to the local ballet academy or something. You'll find a bunch of girls who live and breathe an art. And they are plenty attractive.

>> No.9309990

>Appearance is reality
Going down to the local ballet academy wouldn't solve anything. I'm pointing at something different than that.

>> No.9310035


It isn't a matter of appearance. People don't train for decades to work in a not so lucrative profession because they want to appear cool and have a family to support.

Explain what you mean.

>> No.9310049

You have a point.