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/lit/ - Literature

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9308228 No.9308228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9308232

I am not going to read all of that.

>> No.9308236



>> No.9308237
File: 141 KB, 500x662, redpickup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read Kite Runner? Pic related is me xD

>> No.9308246


>> No.9308273

she soubds very entitled and full of herself. but still better than most

>> No.9308400

>my man eating days have come and gone
This used up whore has hit the wall and believes she is a unique and special woman. From everything in that picture she sounds like a female fedora tipper desu.

>> No.9308423

Fuck I'm actually in love.

>> No.9308458


She doesn't sound that pleasant. It's like there is no social filter with her and all the arrogant thoughts that he has in her head she literally commits to a profile about herself with zero hesitancy. Who does that?

>> No.9308460

Would not date this bitch. Didn't even read her fucking essay. Lol

>> No.9308461

>She doesn't sound that pleasant. It's like there is no social filter with her and all the arrogant thoughts that he has in her head she literally commits to a profile about herself with zero hesitancy. Who does that?


She's just the like a lot of the worst posters here.

>> No.9308470

Nice troll

>> No.9308471


She is open-minded in the right areas which is great but damn is her attitude off-putting. She hasn't read 1/100th of enough to warrant that level of attitude. Not even close.

>> No.9308490

when will this meme end

>> No.9308492

>the epic of Gilgamesh


This is either an elaborate bamboozle or this bitch has serious mental problems.
Not one woman on earth currently alive has read most or any of that shit she has listed, I work at a rather large library and have done so for many years, and can say with all honesty woman do not rent such books. This is written by someone who browses /lit/ looking for responses I can guarantee.

>spend most my time thinking about alchemy, metaphysics, philosophy.

In other word she ponders over bullshit all day long.


Remember lads if she doesn't exercise or mention healthy eating or related, you must drop her.

>> No.9308494

Sounds like she's going crazy because she couldn't attract a man to settle down?

>> No.9308496

They used to call it "a slut"

>> No.9308504

>My man-eating days have come and gone, and I'm OVER it okay.

>> No.9308508

Forgot to add she spelt guardians wrong and listed scifi as her favourite films.
That was the proverbial bullet in the foot.

>> No.9308510

some people actually have money to buy books instead of rent them... library goers are not representative.

>> No.9308511

All women are ruthlessly calculating twats. This bullshit appeal to your intellect (obviously wasted on LITARDS) is just a shit test to see if you are Chad material.

t. man exhausted with female bullshit

>> No.9308518

more than that, what is open-minded, what does it even mean, say you are a young artist who is open to life and empathises with animals, is a vegan, goes to a metropolis and talks with people, studies paganism and christianism and esoterism, goes to various political rallies to hear what everybody says, reads the most contemporary philosophy of its day and really empathises with people and animals

is that open-minded?

what if you then take control of germany, invade poland, and gas 6.000.000 jews

>> No.9308530


Holy shit you guys are tedious sometimes. It literally takes nothing to activate your autism.

Must anon really walk on eggshells around you like this all the time? For fear that you might randomly sperg out over a phrase as innocuous as "open-minded"?

>> No.9308533

>gas 6.000.000 jews
That's unbelievable!

>> No.9308539

Open minded just means you don't shoot ideas and/or experiences down without giving them a fair chance.

How can you be so retarded.

>> No.9308544

I'm not sperging out, I'm pointing out that women that describe themselves as open-minded are more often than not sexually promiscuous. It is a useful heuristic to have in mind if you are looking for relationship material.

>> No.9308549

I thought it merited the space in this thread more than the obvious troll in OP does

It does in the dictionary, but it doesn't mean that IRL, its used differently, thats why i ask, is open-minded indulging fascism?

>> No.9308550


You're not telling me anything that I don't already know, lad. What you're really doing is finding the least excuse to soapbox a bit. And it's tedious.

>> No.9308557
File: 729 KB, 531x272, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah but women are dumb sluts who will rationalize anything in such a fashion as to never admit guilt or misdoing. AM I WRONG?

>> No.9308558

look who'se sperging now

>> No.9309774

Lol this bitch thinks she's a real intellectual because her professor mentioned Nietzsche in class once. Look at her fucking book list, it's full of weird hippy Egyptian shit and some other weird stuff that could only be described as 'retarded'. It's like she just looked up 'what books to read to seem intelligent but also quirky and deep.'
Also note the gulf between the relatively obscure books and the pleb tier science fiction flicks she watches.
I bet she hasn't read any of those books at all.
And i wasn't aware that Hinduism is a 'critical thinking conundrum'.
>I spend a lot of time thinking about: LITERAL PSEUDOSCIENCE
Anyone who 'thinks alot' about the fourth dimension is just someone who has a pop culture understanding of what it is to be 'smart' and 'deep' and apes it to provide some semblance of identity because they have nothing else going for them. This woman is a mentally ill pseud.

>> No.9309796

Nice feet, post more bae

>> No.9309810

She was kinda cute and only mildly disabled until it gets to her reading list

>> No.9309815

I kinda feel bad for these women
They've had beta orbiters feed their egos their whole life so they think acting like this is the actual way to a man's heart
They're just as poorly socialized as we are, they just aren't aware of it

>> No.9309842

Difference is that she will always have options because there are men more pathetic than she is always waiting on the periphery

>> No.9309955

it trolls me she clearly hasn't read heidegger at all. it trolls me more than her misunderstanding nietzsche.
6.2/10, irritating enough to bump reply, but i could probably find equal things to annoy me if i went looking for them like you do

>> No.9309963
File: 88 KB, 540x562, Debate+me+bro+the+his+memes+are+real_9dd918_5736236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Reading list":
>Aristotle, Socrates, Plato

What did she mean by this?

>> No.9309987

>female nihilists


>> No.9310010

yeah but its not quality options. its just those guys putting up with her in exchange for sex. until she never gives it to them or they get it and he moves.
she will never probably(if this girl actually exists) be in a stable relationship just a bunch of temp ones(nothing is wrong with this)

>> No.9310024

It literally means "open to new experiences". Are you so fucking paranoid about women that even common language is part of the conspiracy right now?

>> No.9310030

>She still values new experiences


>> No.9310182

>Being the eternal Sophist

Why would she brag about this? Does she not know what that term is used to denote? Is she trying to be ironic?

>> No.9310193

maybe she means she expects to be paid

>> No.9310201


>> No.9310203

but what about her 'scathing' critique of capital: "but at the end of the day, cradle to grave, that money is not coming with me!"?

wow, she's just got layers upon layers, mane.

>> No.9310209

Wow she's pathetic. How surprising

>> No.9310280

she also says she rocks the shoe game, so maybe she means she not only expects to get paid, she expects to spend it on sandals that would make socrates jelly

>> No.9310526

it doesn't, nobody would say "oh wow how openminded!" if you went to a nazi rally

However they would say "oh wow how open-minded" if you were an anarcho-communist vegan gender-queer swinger your whole life and never bodered to try anything new

>> No.9311752

Gardians of the Galaxy and Philosohy. Sign Me up.

>> No.9311786

what a sperg, this deserves to be on r/justneckbeardthings

>> No.9311809

>some poor cuck numale unironically thinks this psued is a le true intellectual just because he wants to get in her pants
>they probably go on 4chan and reddit and argue that women are OBVIOUSLY intellectually equal to men because his girlfriend is, like, so deep

>> No.9311833


>> No.9311846


>> No.9311851

>t doesn't, nobody would say "oh wow how openminded!" if you went to a nazi rally

Actually, I imagine they would, if it seemed like you were generally going there not as an ideologue, but just as someone who wants to see what its all about.

>> No.9311861

Many of them are entirely aware of it. There are female versions of 4chan, you know.

>> No.9311884


>> No.9311913
File: 25 KB, 524x400, endit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Things I'm really good at
>nihilism haha

>> No.9311928

He meant Facebook

>> No.9311942

I feel your pain. When will this meme finally end?

>> No.9311943

Look up lolcow

>> No.9311965

facebook obviously doesn't count.
lolcow is a word used to describe someone like chris-chan, do you mean a website called lolcow?
as far as I know, there are only a handful of places girls tend to be bitter pieces of shit and it's either tumblr or /cgl/

>> No.9311967

>Not one woman on earth currently alive has read most or any of that shit she has listed,
That's not true, my girlfriend has read more than I have (read: most of the classics). But then, her parents are a librarian and an English teacher, so she grew up surrounded by good books, and it has made her kind of lonely and misanthropic (she feels most girls don't talk about the things she likes, so has few friends).

>> No.9311973

>That's not true, my girlfriend has read more than I have (read: most of the classics). But then, her parents are a librarian and an English teacher, so she grew up surrounded by good books, and it has made her kind of lonely and misanthropic (she feels most girls don't talk about the things she likes, so has few friends).

That's the same about anyone who likes books, regardless of gender.

We also tend to think there are less of us, because we are invisible, alone, inside, reading,

>> No.9311978


>> No.9311983

>lolcow is a word used to describe someone like chris-chan, do you mean a website called lolcow?
>as far as I know, there are only a handful of places girls tend to be bitter pieces of shit and it's either tumblr or /cgl/

You just don't recognise it, because girls hide their bitterness, and it can only be understood in girl speak. It can only be understood by them, because of their hyper-level social nuances.

>> No.9311985




>> No.9311986

Yeah, but I think she struggles because a lot of men who like books (like the ones in this site) feel she's either a) fake because "hurr durr women can't read" or b) want to go out with her. The only girls who read read YA. Oh well, at least we have each other.

>> No.9311990
File: 15 KB, 640x137, IMG_0807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9311993

>The only girls who read read YA

I thought this was just a meme. Is this a US thing? Most adults I know don't read YA.

>> No.9311996

It's like 4chan but targeted towards women

>> No.9312000

I like her style. She's mean with a purpose. To end the suffering of dingbats vying for her attention. The stuff she's spouting off like that makes some degree of sense, at least. Also her taste is fun. I'm into a lot of her book choices, but not all of them. Thoth and so forth. Basically there's a strange attraction there, I must admit. Overall though a woman who suffers from wanting intelligence, or this sort of book smarts, has turned out wrong.

>> No.9312002

We're young adults, I guess (she's 20, I'm 21), and we're Australian. Honestly, no one reads, period. It's a very anti intellectual culture.

>> No.9312006

t. autist

Considering the main activity of the website is bitching about attention whores, I could believe it

>> No.9312007

Pretty rogue capitalization for someone who claims to be really into books.

>> No.9312022

What about if she's on the Kanye work out plan?

>> No.9312184


Or are you the autist because you don't recognize the gap between the complexity of male and female socialization?

>> No.9312203

>We're young adults, I guess (she's 20, I'm 21), and we're Australian. Honestly, no one reads, period. It's a very anti intellectual culture.

Move to Tasmania or South Australia. There are weird bookish people there.