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/lit/ - Literature

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9307526 No.9307526 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to write about a night of debauchery in South America that resulted in me developing feelings for a prostitute and rethinking gender relations(not in a nu-male way)

Should it be an essay or a short story? Who would I submit it to?

p.s. I have been published and work as an editor, so I am not some random dipshit

>> No.9307768

Yeah, no one actually (((reads))) anything other than clickbait pulp articles in their facebook feeds, so no one will ever actually know what you did anyway.

>> No.9307943

Wanna tell us about it? I sadly have little advice to offer.

>> No.9308185


>(not in a nu-male way)

Not saying embarrassing shit like this could go a long way.

>> No.9309327

basically the last night of a bachelor party results in a friend and I getting hookers

We were kind of annoying and on drugs, so we wasted a lot of time with them and got lost on the way back. One was a total bitch who sort of robbed me. The other was an understanding sweetheart. And she's the one that I developed feelings for.

Long story short, it turns out she didn't even live in that South American country. I told her she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and that I could tell she had a good heart. And I guess I was right. She told me that she had only temporarily been working, and she just wanted to see her son again. She was from Venezuela, so presumably the economic catastrophe there pushed her into doing this.

She was also religious, like me. And I just feel fucked up about how atomized I and everyone around me is compared to her.

I actually have her WhatsApp but I don't want to bother her. I guess I could write to her to answer questions to help me write it

>> No.9309367

Have you considered that she was lying, perhaps? Placating you?

>> No.9309369

Your trip was to Colombia, isn't it? :)

>> No.9309403

Do it as a short story. Most people don't give a shit about random essays without a topic related to their interests.

>> No.9309431


Are you >implying that normies don't like red-pilled literature? My story has a very strong MGTOW message, and will probably BTFO (((roasties))) once and for all, kek.

I don't see what's so embarrassing about that.

>> No.9309620

It would be better if instead you developed feelings for the one that robbed you.

>> No.9309736

So far it sounds like "I caught feelings for a literal whore in South America and now I think I'm Hemingway or something"

>> No.9309757



>> No.9309766

>p.s. I have been published and work as an editor, so I am not some random dipshit

lol I can guarantee you are

>> No.9309769



>> No.9310755

thanks. Should I fictionalize it then?

>> No.9310819

All writers base their work because we want it to be as real as possible

The story of you sticking you're dick in prostitute and getting attached can be any genre but fiction is probably the best route

>> No.9311353


>> No.9311653

How does someone sort of rob you?