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/lit/ - Literature

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9304798 No.9304798 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most money you have made off of writing, /lit/?

>> No.9304813


>> No.9304815


What was it for, anon?

>> No.9304816


>> No.9304825


What was it for, anon?

>> No.9304871


>> No.9304895

In a week? Almost $13.00 US

In a month? So far, $21.84 US

In a day? I had to check some stuff. If I had to guess, around $4.10 US

I haven't been a published author for a full year yet. All in all, honestly, I think I'm doing pretty good for someone who is brand spanking new. By the way, I have another free promotion on the go. I'll link my first book Living amongst the Dead; got it going for free until tomorrow (March 29th). Go grab it if you're into zombies and/or survivalism and/or realistic usage of firearms. There's even some sex and boobs and stuff.


>> No.9304923

Couple grand at a journalism internship with the federal government in which I published a few articles.

>> No.9304939


>> No.9304979

Just got 342 KENP reads which equates to roughly $1.60 US, so now I'm at around $23.64 which I'm happy to say is over $31 Canadian which means for the month of March I've officially averaged a looney a day and there's still 3 days to go. Honestly though, the vast majority of that money has been made since March 13th, so it's more like I've been made just about $2 a day for the past 2 weeks. For someone who's only been writing books since August and has only been a self-published author since October, I'd say that's pretty damn good.

>> No.9304986

I've made about 70 bucks in two years with my self-published stories. Guess I should be happy, considering I can't bring myself to do any promoting.

>> No.9305166

Damn. You guys are actually worse than /ic/.


>> No.9305182

250 bucks for the top thesis in the department.

>> No.9305257


>> No.9305514

I got paid like $100 for writing articles on hearthstone so I guess that

Where do you guys self-publish? Amazon? I feel like Amazon would be extremely full of self-published people if it were easy

>> No.9305532

woah, another Hearthstone player on /lit/? Want to link to an article? No shame for being video game journalist.

I got a 500 dollar grant to take part in a writing workshop once. The most I've been paid for a freelance article is 250$ USD, but I just finished an article that will be 500$.

Most of the time, I'm getting 150$-190$ for 500-700 words.

>> No.9305551

I'm doing some copywriting in exchange for a return flight to Malaysia and up to 4 months accommodation there. Fairly sure it's not a scam, I said I'd do it for free but they insisted they had to pay somehow.

>> No.9305619

I once made 100 dollars letting a guy take pictures of me in various stages of undress.

>> No.9305709

Yeah I'm not posting the article because it's short steps from the username I wrote under to my real name. It wasn't anything special, some guy saw one of my reddit comments and asked me to write for his site. I wrote two articles about the only decks I knew and then stopped.

>> No.9305736

Thats fair, I don't post my stuff here either. No need to dox yourself to 4chan, nor reveal to the rest of the world that you use 4chan.

We will forever live in shame.

But I'm surprised you got 100 dollars for video game journalism, I'd have guessed the rates were much lower. What site was it? Maybe I should hustle some hearthstone articles.

>> No.9305806

It was two years ago, Hearthstone was a lot bigger and primed to grow even more. I think a lot of sites were trying to invest in getting a content base for the long term because there were competitors hiring a ton of low-legend players as well. So I guess it was just a good market.

>> No.9305960

Could I just copy and paste the sentence "spread honey all over my balls" 1000 times into a book and self publish it on amazon?
How does it work?

>> No.9306018

you can. There is an obnoxious meme book titled "Something Something about Democrats" and the entire book is blank pages.

In erotica, it is often common to buy a book and find that it is 55 pt font, so 500 words takes up 80 pages or someshit.

>> No.9306075

I published a couple of poems in a christian magazine and got about $15 but i felt bad cos i played it up a lot so i gave it away

>> No.9306610

A rich friend of mine paid me to read Wikipedia articles and write easy to memorize versions of them based on bullet points. $15 an hour for a few months.

>> No.9306713

This is why you guys should get into law.

Literally get paid $100 hr just to read or write shit.

>> No.9306748


>> No.9306897

In general? More than $100

>> No.9307433

To date, over $50,000.

Fetish writer.

Kind of ashamed of it but whatever.

>> No.9307440

about $4000 lifetime on freelance music columns

>> No.9307449

I made $60 writing some half-gook's econ paper in college

>> No.9307455

I made a little over 200 bucks writing smut for this asian chick who would get wet over how I would customize them for her

>> No.9308059

How does one get into smut writing?

>> No.9308314


Should've, but I fell for the "only smart guys can study law, just b urself ;^)" meme. Since starting my own business I've had to read up on laws and court decisions and it's the dumbest, most overpaid shit ever.

>> No.9308442

Lump sum for one work? $25k GGLA for a novel, Fiction.

>> No.9308449

Write smut; sell it; write it more; then sell it more. Continue like this.

>> No.9308542

I just won a short story competition with a $1245 prize.

>> No.9308598 [DELETED] 

I used to get weed from a guy in exchange for writing papers for his classes at the local HCBU. Does that count?

>> No.9308604

$30. i had a short story in a collection by Circlet Press called "technosex".

that is all.

>> No.9308614

I used to get weed from a guy in exchange for writing papers for his classes at the local HBCU. Does that count?

>> No.9308737

Where? Do you take request?

>> No.9308743

£500 per day for a six month contract
i've had higher daily rates but they have tended to be for short jobs or commissions

>> No.9308748

Sauce please.

>> No.9308754

>That one customer review

Your fooling no one.

>> No.9308762

Hahaha I must be schizophrenic then because I contacted the person who wrote that review just a few days later and since then we've been swapping emails just about every day. He's already bought the sequel and has loved that one as well. He also has a blog which I occasionally write guest articles for, of course plugging my survivalism/firearm-related books at the end of said articles. Normally I do it when I have a promotion on the go, like right now with the first Living amongst the Dead book being up for free.

>> No.9308769
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>Zombie Survival

>> No.9308777

I haven't made any, b-but I've learned a lot

>> No.9308783




>> No.9308786
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No educated person wants to read zombie rehashes, familia. Try reading some crazy shit like Tsukihime for inspiration.

>> No.9308822

Yeah, needless to say, those are my worst-selling ones. Still, it was fun to write, and I think they're not bad in their own right.

I don't care if the people who read my stuff are educated or mentally autistic, really. I'm not writing to try and advance the modern view of literature or to try and create the next philosophical masterpiece which will influence thought for the next several centuries. I write because I love to write, and surprisingly enough my Living amongst the Dead book is steadily increasing in sales. Firearm Valhalla isn't doing too bad either, and the sequel Living amongst the Dead: Dark Days is also off to a respectable start. So you can say and believe whatever you may. I'll continue to write my fiction, and I'll continue to love to write my fiction, no matter what some parts of /lit/ thinks of it.

>> No.9308948

Another update. Got another sale for Living amongst the Dead:Dark Days this morning. So I've earned over $25 US this month though about $21 of that has been gained between March 13-29. That's over $35 Canadian for the month, or almost $30 for those 17 days. Almost $2 a day, which if I can maintain it, and I do believe I can, is probably about $600 a year. That's essentially a free month's rent per year simply for doing something I love.

Seriously, if anyone reading this has a book idea that they've wanted to write for a long time but never got around to it, just do it. I've wanted to write my realistic zombie survival novel for something like 5-10 years. I finally did it, and even if it never sold well I'd be proud of it none the less. I can give tips on how to self-publish it, but really there's LOADS of videos on Youtube showing how to do it. Check out Derek Murphy or Tim Knox, they have a lot of highly informative vids you can watch. There's a MASSIVE learning curve in self-publishing, but it's not impossible, and if you're a good enough writer than you can indeed start making a bit of money from it in time. From everything I've heard, most self-published authors would be lucky to make $100 in their first year so I seem to be a little bit ahead, but I've been writing as a hobby for almost a decade and a half so I've already got something of a boost in terms of writing abilities.

Don't write for money though; write because you love to write; because you're passionate about it. If you write for money, then chances are you're going to disappoint yourself quickly. My first book was self-published just over 5 months ago, and I started writing books just over 7 months ago, yet I have not yet received a penny. I think within the next few days I'll get my first payment, but it's literally only going to be about $5 maybe. My next payment will be in about 3 month's time which will be higher, but not by much; I haven't made a whole Hell of a lot of money between January-March so I might get $40 Canadian or something like that in late June/early July. Meanwhile in that time, I'll be writing more, self-publishing more, increasing my viewer base and exposure via promotions and marketing, so by the time I get paid for April-June in late October/early November, I'll theoretically be getting much more money. Still not enough to write full-time, I imagine, but I'll be well on my way.

Most self-published authors don't manage this much, this quickly though. So write that book, enjoy writing it, and just keep writing. Unless you 'strike gold' as I call it and end up being the next J K Rowling with a mega-successful first book publication, then it will probably take A LONG time before you start making money, but if you're passionate enough and good enough, it will happen eventually. Just keep in mind that you might never be a full-time author. It's something I had in mind starting out; "I might never make money from this, but it's damn fun."

>> No.9308962

>tfw still have the integrity not to be writing genre fiction for the $2 ego boost

>> No.9308967

I feel a deep, bubbling antipathy for you

>> No.9309028
File: 188 KB, 371x596, Firearm Valhalla Front Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that, but I love writing, and I don't intend on ever stopping. Especially since thus far I've gotten almost nothing but support and words of encouragement even though my own family and IRL friends don't yet know about the books themselves, though I have told some that I've self-published a few books. In about a month's time I'll do another promotion with my first 4 books being free and my 5th being at a discount. By then I may very well have a 6th book but I don't yet know 100% what it will be or what I will do with it, but it will probably be a third book in the LatD series. I'll likely bring it up once it happens; who doesn't like the opportunity to get some free books? If you think they'd all probably be crap then you don't have to get any of them, but some people on /lit/ have complimented me on my work. Not many, but some, particularly on my opening of Firearm Valhalla even though that's a book I practically wrote with /k/ in mind.

To each their own I suppose. Sorry to hear that pursuing my passion gives you a deep-seating hatred for me... I guess it doesn't help that I had to look up the word 'antipathy' just to make doubly sure that I knew what it means. It would have seriously been hilarious though if I took it as a sign of affection so started thanking you for your support.

>> No.9309628



Keep it up anon.

>> No.9309678

Is there a market for it? I know people who make furry porn artwork are disgustingly well paid, but I can't see there being an equivalent market for fiction.

>> No.9309688

Thanks, just gotta get over this God damn flu first. First time in a long time that I've been sick. By the by, I got another eReader sale along with some KENP pages, so now I'm at $4 CAD today. What's that, $1400 per year if I can maintain it? That's two month's rent plus money for booze! Might not be a whole Hell of a lot in the big picture, but considering it's basically what I'm getting just for doing something fun, it's fucking awesome. I mean seriously, writing is just about as much fun as playing videogames, and I fucking love videogames. Imma try figuring out a start to LatD3, see what I can come up with. Who knows, maybe I'll start it now even though I'm still sick. If I can get it started soon and the ideas are forthcoming then I could easily pump out a solid 5000 words before the day's out. It could be more, but being sick, it's probably going to be slowed down somewhat.

>> No.9309710

I think the way it works is you write short stories (3500 words or less) that can easily be written in one sitting. You take that, and you put it on KDP Select so that people who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited can read it on there. You get paid for page reads. You write them, you write A LOT of them, and try to cover a bunch of different genres. Incest, interracial, LGBT, rape, historical fiction, fantasy, western, and so on and so forth. In time, theoretically, you can start getting LOTS of page reads which leads to a fair bit of income.

That's not my kind of thing, but it sounds to me like a decent little strategy provided you're still a half-decent good writer. I mean, if you can barely make a full sentence without a grammatical error, consistently lack capitalization, and often have run-on sentences... you're not going to have a good time of it. Neither is your readers. I prefer writing novels, or at least novellas and novelettes, so even though I can see potential in making money that way I don't really bother with it myself. I tried writing some erotica with "When her No means Yes" but even that turned out to be a small novel. JUST over 40,000 words, about as small a novel can be without being a novella, though I didn't do that with intent. I think I consider it my worst book, but I still like the characters I wrote, I like the story, but I don't think I did well with the beginning and that can really kill a book.

>> No.9309715

200€ for a Translation of dance competition rules.

>> No.9309724

>No shame for being video game journalist.

>> No.9309728
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Say something nice about her and I'll give you sauce. And since you guys are good at writing it better be impressive! :^)

>> No.9309751

Your eyes are blinding diamonds among the astral clouds in the face of God.

Now show me those melons.

>> No.9309763

>inb4 humorless atheist whomst've gives denial based on God

>> No.9309818


That's good.

Let's hear one more then you'll get your sauce.

>> No.9309943

Alright, I'm not fucking joking, I just got ANOTHER fucking sale for Living amongst the Dead: Dark Days! That's almost $7 Canadian I've made so far today! Also, of the free copies of the original Living amongst the Dead, one has gone to Italy! During my last promotion with my first 3 books going for free (for the eReader/Kindle version of course), I ended up having 2 free copies downloaded in Japan and 3 free copies downloaded in Denmark! Also at least 1 in Australia and 1 in Brazil! Naturally most went to the US with another large bunch going to UK and then to a smaller extent Canada, but it's none the less incredible that there are digital copies of my books all around the globe. To my knowledge, the only continents that digital versions of my books haven't been are Africa and Antarctica. This is so fucking cool... this is gonna happen, and I'm gonna bloody well MAKE it happen. I'm going to be a full-time author someday. FUCK YEAH!

>> No.9310043

doing legal research for a firm isnt that literary dude

>> No.9310075

Ran->Sem: Hakudaku Delmo Tsuma no Miira Tori

>> No.9310081

something a bit under 1000e. Pretending to be a girl online/ a professional liar isnt a full time job for me

>> No.9310898

I helped this russian immigrant chick with her english homework in 9th grade and she sucked me off in the school toilet if that counts

>> No.9310905

stop promoting your book here, you mongrel

>> No.9310907


>legal research

No one does that shit anymore, bruh.

>> No.9310971

BookS. Plural. Also, it's relevant to the thread. Not only that but in being so new to the self-publishing thing, I enjoy discussing the matter. I even went into length on a method of trying to make money via making short story eroticas of a wide variety of genres to give quick fixes to probably mostly lonely housewives who want something to schlick to since they've finished all the 50 Shades books for the umpteenth time. Not only that, but who are youmst calling a mongrel? Learn to utilize capitalization and proper ending punctuations, peasant.

But nah, I do think I'm probably getting obnoxious at this point, I'll tone down the shilling. But hey, I DID mention that one of my books are going for free today so it's not like it's ALL shilling. The free promotion ends today though, tomorrow the eReader/Kindle version of Living amongst the Dead will be $0.99 again, so if you want it you best get it quick before it expires in a few hours. 100% free until March 30th for the Kindle/eReader version!

>> No.9310996


that's $15 if I ever saw it

>> No.9311003

I once made $500 writing a college term paper for the daughter of an African warlord.

>> No.9311053

I never made money directly from writing, but made lots and lots indirectly from it, as a tool.

>> No.9311299

You've piqued my curiosity...

>> No.9311753


>> No.9311823

I got a couple of imported Hershey bars for helping a girl with her homework.

Most productive literary work Ive ever done

>> No.9311944


Basically being a shill for political/financial orgs.

>> No.9311981

Probably my $148k scholarship to university, desu

>> No.9311995

why did they waste such a hot character on such an awful hentai

>> No.9312084

>Most of the time, I'm getting 150$-190$ for 500-700 words.
For writing what, and how often?

>> No.9312120

$400 writing an admissions paper for some kid going to UC berkley -- he got in.

>> No.9313004

I once got reddit gold for a long comment

>> No.9313007

Grabbed Living amongst the Dead with Kindle Unlimited, I'll check it out and let you know what I thought.

>> No.9313208

Right on, thanks. I don't know if many readers realize this, but when you read a book on Kindle Unlimited then money still goes towards the book. It averages to be about .47-.5 cents per page. So if you read 200 pages on Kindle Unlimited and the author is still alive and receiving royalties, then they get roughly $1 US. Anyways, thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I've got my other 4 books on Kindle Unlimited too so you can read those as well if you want, including the sequel to Living amongst the Dead (Living amongst the Dead: Dark Days). There's also an action (Firearm Valhalla (which I dedicated to /k/), a drama (Another One Please, to Dull the Pain), and well, an erotica which thus far has easily been my least-selling book. When her 'No' means 'Yes'. I still think it's a half-decent story in its own right, but all the same, it'd probably be best that you avoid that one. I doubt it's your kind of thing. Anyways, thanks again for taking interest in my work. I hope you find something that interests you! Though whether you do or don't you can always look up my books and scroll through the pages to the end to throw me some cash. Just Saiyan!

>> No.9313221

I used to write for Cracked.com. Made around 250 for 3 articles

>> No.9313827

No shilling. Just an update; I'm now at $31.22USD for the month of march, which is $41.66CAD. About $26.01 of that was made between March 13-30 (today) which is $34.71CAD in 18 days, well, more like 17.4 days since the 30th is only just starting where I am. This is from paperback sales, eReader sales, and KENP page reads. That's where it's estimated. Divided the number of pages by 0.47 since it seems as though it averages at .47-.5 cents US per page though it varies month by month so I might make a LITTLE bit more than this estimate.

Now it's pretty awesome that I've been maintaining a toonie per day for over 2 weeks. I'd say that's fucking amazing for someone who's only been a self-published author for about 5 months and 10-11 days. I anticipate, however, that my sales will decline in the coming weeks until my next promotion in about a month from now, at which point I'll probably have another book written. So chances are I won't maintain this $2 a day that I've had going on, but we'll see. I'll continue to write and to self-publish. If I weren't so damn sick I would have had much more than just 1500 words written yesterday. I might try to write some more today but I feel like absolute shit with this flu or cold or whatever. Once I get better I'll start having days with 4000-6000 words written so it won't take long before my next book is done. Hopefully I can have a day similar in productivity to March 14th when I wrote 15,500 words. That was a good day... well... kinda...

My payment for Oct/Nov/Dec is only around $4.50CAD, and for Jan/Feb/March (which I'll be paid for at the end of June) will be about $43-44CAD at this rate. I'm looking forward to what I'll earn in April/May/June though, which I'll be paid for at the end of October just a little over year after having become a self-published author.

>> No.9313975

>at the end of October
Actually the end of September. Fucking derp. Also another derp; all my paperbacks are on CreateSpace instead of Kindle even though Kindle handles both now. Kindle's system is paying you every 3 months, but CreateSpace's system is paying you monthly... at least... when you've made at least $100. It's also separate for dollars, pounds, and euros. So I could have 99 pounds but I can't get it until I get 100, but actually I need 108 because 8 is spent on sending the cheque (they won't give direct deposit to Canada for some reason, which has a different system if memory serves), but meanwhile if I have that 99 pounds I could keep getting the $100US payment as I continue to amass $108 for the cheque to be sent bu that 99 pounds will continue to just sit there until I get another 9 pounds.

So technically it could even be 107 pounds I guess but until I get that last one I have to wait. Kind of fucking annoying, and also wastes some of the money I earn just to send me a cheque. So although I have to wait for my paperback payment, and although I won't get the $43 or so that I anticipate at the end of June (unless I also get $108 on CreateSpace in which case I'll get another $100 on top of that... unlikely), I have still made $41.66CAD so far in the month of March. It's just unfortunate that it'll be slightly broken up in two different payment methods.

>> No.9314546


What's your inspiration for writing stories?

>> No.9314553

I won $30 in a high school essay contest once

>> No.9314585

$50 for placing third in an essay writing contest when i was in high school.

>> No.9314705

Whatever comes to mind. It all started years ago when at some point probably 5-10 years back I wanted to write a really realistic and nitty-gritty zombie survival novel one day that included some actual aspects of survivalism. I suppose part of my inspiration were the Hatchet/Brian's novels by Gary Paulson that I read as a kid, but anyways, I finally decided to sit down and write it in late August 2016. I had the story and about 77,000 or so words written in less than a week. I then spent a couple months editing, which turned out to be largely wasted time since there were inherent grammatical errors in my writing that I didn't even know about so in January/February I spent another long while editing that book to fix those mistakes and now I know not to make those mistakes. The final version of it is pretty much perfect now, in my eyes. Perhaps a LITTLE too sex-driven towards the end, but it all goes in with the story and character development in my opinion. Oh yeah, and I also seem to ADD more than I TAKE AWAY in editing; it's currently something like 81,000 words.

I'm more of a "discovery writer" than an "outline writer". I get an idea and I roll with it, rather than plotting out the story first. The story just sort of unravels as I go, as ideas come to me, and sometimes I'm even surprised at the turns it can take. Very fun! I honestly think I enjoy writing just about as much as I enjoy reading! Even though I'm sick as a bloody dog, I got another 1000 words written, so I'm pecking away at it. Once I get healthy again I'll start cranking out page after page after page. What about you? Do you write?

>> No.9314767

it's so funny when failures try to lecture people on how to succeed

>> No.9314770

roughly 1.4million over my lifetime as a technical documentation writer.

>> No.9314772

is this bait? am I falling for it?

>> No.9314806

>If I weren't so damn sick I would have had much more than just 1500 words written yesterday. I might try to write some more today but I feel like absolute shit with this flu or cold or whatever. Once I get better I'll start having days with 4000-6000 words written so it won't take long before my next book is done. Hopefully I can have a day similar in productivity to March 14th when I wrote 15,500 words.
goddamit I fell for it didnt I?

>> No.9314871

I'd only fail if I stopped writing now. Only 5 months and 11-12 days or so into being a self-published author and I'm already starting to make money. Most self-published authors don't even make $100 in their first year, but I've already made almost half that and my sales are slowly but steadily increasing. More promotions will expand my readerbase.

You'd have to tell me how it's bait.

You too. I realize that most authors say that 1000 words a day is good, but I can honestly do so much more than that. I'm sick yet I had 1000 words written in just a half hour's time from 12:25-12:55. Being sick is really killing my imagination though so I can't go on a nice 3-4 hour session like I sometimes enjoy doing. I can write about 60-80 words per minute when my ideas are flowing nicely, and I've been obsessing over grammar for I don't even know how many years. Seriously, even texts or when chatting with friends I have to write as grammatically correct as I can manage. I don't push them into doing it; I'm not a grammar Nazi, but I like to try and perfect my grammar through repetition, so my 1st drafts really are quite clean.

I'm not about to compare myself to Mozart; nobody's going to be reading my shit 200+ years from now, but he could write a musical piece and make it PERFECT without making any alterations. As he wrote it, it just completed itself. I believe I can do the same, though still I do some editing for some of my books (LatD series mostly) and even the ones I self-published with just the first draft I intend to read-over someday to make sure it's clean. Someone already read AOP,tDtP and he loved it, even though drama really isn't his thing. Didn't mention any grammatical errors.

I feel I'm breaking some sort of /lit/ rule, like genre fiction is cancer and people should be ashamed to rear or write it, yet I'm unabashedly proud of my stuff and optimistic for the future.

>> No.9314896

You're a cool dude doing what you like. of course /ic/ hates you

>> No.9314967


Do you imagine the zombies to be African American in order to help the violent scenes?

>> No.9314970

Oh shit... I actually never even seen that board before. I mostly just stick to /k/ and to a lesser extent /lit/. They seem to for the most part really enjoy my stuff over there, as you'd expect considering ALL my books thus far include firearms to some degree or another, but two of them only have a brief little scene or two with them. Three of my books have firearms almost always present, and this sixth one I'm working on now, yet another sequel to the LatD series I've got started, is of course also going to have quite a bit of firearm stuff in it.

Thanks for being supportive. Next month when I get my third promotional thing on the go, I'll be sure to bring it up at some point in /lit/; who doesn't like free books? My first four will be free, fifth one will be heavily discounted, and my sixth will probably be finished within 2-3 weeks. I won't want to put that brand new book up for free at the same time, and I also have to wait 30 days before I can use Kindle Countdown, so that will have to remain at its full $2.99 price which I'll be putting it at. So the free ones are there to take by anyone who wants em, meanwhile for those who likes my stuff they can buy the more recent books if they want. I don't exactly get a HUGE amount of sales, as you can imagine, but each and every one of them motivates me to keep going, and for the past week I've been getting 1-3 sales daily, plus getting KENP page reads most days, so there's been a lot of motivation to go around! Cheers!

>> No.9314997

Some of the zombies are black, but no, I don't have anything inherently against black people except for the 'gangsta' culture in the US that causes much of the gun crime that gives legal and law-abiding gun owners a bad name. Liberals like to look at the statistics and say "Look! Look at all the shooting!" They don't take into account that most of that is due to black-on-black crime in low-income areas where they listen to rap which glorifies gangs, glorifies gun violence, and also promotes rampant disrespect to women.

Now I'm not entirely AGAINST disrespect to women; I've met women who enjoy disrespect, even get off to it, but it's hilarious how the left have made this BLM movement. The funny part is, it seems to be the black people who don't think that black lives matter, and the music that the 'gangsta' black people basically outright shits on women, objectifying the fuck out of them, so the 3rd wave feminist leftists should be appalled but instead they pretty much support it.

Anyways, back to the book. For the violent scenes, I just try to be realistic. Things don't always go how you want them to. People can make mistakes, people can miss, people can anticipate one thing but another thing happens, and so on. Even made a fairly violent sex scene in LatD:DD, which the LGBT community might not like, but I think it added an interesting spin to the character dynamics. Fun stuff! I enjoyed giving some pretty vibrant imagery during that scene.

>> No.9315038

Making about $30 dollars a day on amazon. Things are about to upshift as I realease more books in the series.

>> No.9315105


It would be difficult to be born into the ghetto with people looking down on you, for sure. The culture is just a ghetto American dream, the only dream they're offered.

re your second paragraph, just too many buzzwords, bias and generalisations for me to compute.

Just to be fair and all.

>> No.9315128

>"'evidently-potent eyeballs'"
>Awkward verbosity within dialogue
>not already killing yourself

>> No.9315142

Kek'd a bit

>> No.9315169

$30 a day? Noice! That's most certainly a pleasant addition to whatever income you make from your day job. Looking forward to the day I start consistently making double-ditchets every day. Over 3000 words for my sixth book thus far now.

I have no sympathy for people in the ghetto being looked down upon. Just about everyone is looked down upon for one reason or another, whether it's because of where you come from, what your race is, what your religion is, how much money you make whether a lot or a little, so on and so forth. Being looked down upon isn't an excuse to start causing crime and violence. The destruction of the American family is probably a contributing factor. It's stereotypical for black kids to not have fathers, but statistically what is it, 70-80% of black mothers are single mothers? Many of them doing so willfully! Have sex, get pregnant, pin the man for child support, get custody of the kids (women get custody about 85% of the time, but of the 15% of the time that men get it about 7% of it is uncontested so really it's more like 93% of the time women get custody when they fight for it), probably go on welfare, and boom.

Single mom stays home, eating and drinking on the father's dollar, fucking whatever man might look at her, meanwhile the child has a statistically high chance of ending up a criminal. If I recall correctly, 80-85% of prisoners in the US come from single mom households. Society lifts these single moms up as "strong, independent women", but for the most part they're a scourge on society. Now the ones who are single due to ACTUALLY abusive husbands, or widowed due to the father's death, they deserve some help if they can't make it on their own. It's the mothers/wives who WILLINGLY break off with the husband even though he didn't do anything wrong. It's THOSE bitches I have a problem with. Anyways, best not get into it, I hate that topic of conversation. No-fault divorce is bullshit; "'til death do you part" means absolutely nothing anymore and thus about 50% of first marriages end in divorce. Around 60% of second marriages, 70% of third, and so on and so forth. NOT worth it... so I have to admit, I see where those MGTOW guys are coming from. This must be the WORST time in human history for a man to get married or end up knocking a chick up accidentally. The courts are so biased against anything with a dick that it's sickening.

>> No.9315177

>evidently-potent eyeballs
What? Oh, you mean
>evidently-potent balls
Meaning testicles. He was just after telling her that he got checked by a doctor; it's not his fault that his wife can't get pregnant.

>> No.9315195

whats that like? Genuinely curious

>> No.9315198

Comfy, I imagine.

>> No.9315244


Lower economic classes + welfare system creates an environment where single mothers and their children do not suffer...it's not a race argument unless you make it to be (in UK, for example, you'd find probably similar stats for 'white' single mothers). In Catholic households/communities divorce is heavily frowned upon. That's not to say white people frown on one another for divorcing, its just cultural influence.

I agree the institute of marriage has eroded since secularity took hold. But social ills are that, symptoms of an ill society, and I'm careful not to blame individual persons for behaving in ways they've inherited from the culture or a bias media..because they act and think ignorantly, chastisement only provokes the anger of that ignorance.. The best solution to social ills are understanding and empathy, not hysterical hyperbole, anger and hatred.

>> No.9315293


It's my dream to be a full time writer. At first I wrote a bunch of smut because of how easy money it's supposed to be, even though it's not what I want to write. I believed it was wise to prioritise sustenance over self-indulgence. But about 4 short stories later, I was so ashamed of myself I couldn't bring myself to sell it on KDP.

Then I went for the "write because you love it and not because of the money" meme, and churned out a bunch of short stories that are supposed to go into a fantasy anthology I've always wanted to write. I had such a blast writing it, and I was pumped about showing it to the world, as if a child excited to show off some stupid shit he managed to create.

As someone very concerned about the quality. I revised each short story about 4-7 times at least, before so very proudly letting my friends read them. Though the stories are short (5k -25k words), I've really put in a lot of effort. I genuinely thought that they were, if not above average, not absolutely garbage.

So when my friends told me that they couldn't get past the first few paragraphs because they didn't understand what's going on, or that they didn't like my style, or that it was too boring, and those that did make it through had nothing more than "it's not bad" to offer, I decided to retract my work.

It hits the hardest when the precious work you've been putting so much effort into and had more faith in it than anything else you've ever done for yourself is so easily dismissed. I suppose I have to admit that I'm not inclined towards writing. The world of literature has already become shit enough, and doesn't need my extra 80k words polluting it. I won't give up writing though. I'll continue to write and build this fantasy world, but I'll keep my writing private. Nonetheless, it's time to move on from the "I want to have a career writing" dream.

woops sry everybody I didn't mean to ramble on like a drama queen this much

>> No.9315325


No worries. Sorry to hear you failed and are a rambling bad writer. Persisst writing under a different name and a change of style, you might get somewhere.

>> No.9315339

$50,000 (minus taxes) so maybe like $46l~

>> No.9315356


thanks anon, I will.

It does anger me a little that trash like fifty shades' topping all the charts and even got it's own movie franchise. The dumb cunt author's swimming in cash, while I'm sure there are thousands of other talented writers out there that can't even get the slightest exposure.

>> No.9315373


I'm sure you'd make money from peoples ignorance if you're a hypocrite. I couldn't do it, but some do, for the love of money.

>> No.9315383

fucking kek. Just goes to show how similar these boards are.

>> No.9315386

You're your own worst problem. Hope you're <17, tho I've seen shitty people grow up as late as 22

>> No.9315405

>You're your own worst problem.

I accept this, but care to elaborate? I do want to improve myself.

haha woops I just turned 20 so I suppose I'm a late bloomer

>> No.9315435

'Dumb cunt author.' Saying that without being funny is disgraceful. Let alone the self pity. If you give a shit about writing, approach it like a job. If you've never succeeded at anything in your life, then you're not ready to do that. Be a burrito shithead at chipotle, work your way up to manager, and then you'll understand how to care about something that has nothing to do with your specialness. Do yourself a favor and stop whining.

>> No.9315438


All right, thanks anon.

>> No.9315449

I wrote some video game reviews in 2010 and made $40. It wasn't great but it was pretty fast money for an hour's worth of work.

I kind of want to get back into it but all sites want a person that writes news (rewording PR emails) and hype, and I'm just not into that.

>> No.9315511

I was not singling out black single mothers. I was talking about ALL single mothers. I'm not trying to make some sort of anti-black argument here. If anything, anti-gangsta and anti-willing/unnecessary-single-mothers of ANY race. If you're looking for an argument, you've come to the wrong dude; I don't like arguments, especially the least-productive ones of all; internet arguments.

>> No.9315693

I used to write college admission essays in High School during senior year. I went to school with a bunch of rich kids who didn't know how to write. I would charge $50-100 depending on the essay length, but the most I made was not from money. I was paid a quarter of an ounce of high quality medical marijuana from Oregon once for an essay which was quite a nice payoff.

>> No.9315701


>> No.9315716

smells like insanity shilling in here.

>> No.9315786

Yup, I shilled it up pretty bad, but in my defence I was also giving away free copies of my book so there's a bit of give and take, no?

>> No.9316682

Trust your instincts, never give up and never surrender. Learn from your mistakes and the first step in anything will be filled with doubts and failure. I believe in you anon

>> No.9316720

You sound like you're <17 yourself, m8y. Did you take your pills this morning?

>> No.9317036

I'm at $12 for two stories so far. Each ~10k words.

I'm mostly writing erotica in the shemale or billionaire niches. I just put a new story up yesterday.


>> No.9317707

I wrote out lore for a pen/paper game my friend made a few years back. Made $30 over the course of a couple of days.

>> No.9317996

Only two stories at less than 10,000 words each, but selling for $2.99? I realize the 70% royalty thing is nice, but I really think you ought to knock it down a bit, at least to $1.99. Yeah it's only 35% royalty which is 70 cents per sale instead of $2.05 at $2.99, but for something so short really I personally would feel wrong even putting it above $0.99. My first novel Living amongst the Dead is over 80,000 words but I only have it at $0.99. Granted I'm kind of thinking of putting it up to $1.99 but I really want to try and expand my viewerbase, to get more exposure, more readers, and even though I've unfortunately gotten a couple reviews at 2 and 3 stars I do wish to continue getting more. I also have 5 books out so there's more to choose from.

Anyways, they're your stories, so do what you like with them. $12 is pretty sweet! Took me... God... probably until March 13th or so before I made my first $12, and I self-published my first book on October 20th or so. Almost 5 months before I made that much, though then to be fair I jumped right up to about $50 in total if I had to guess. In the month of March alone I've made about $45CDN so really probably $52-55CDN in total in 5 months and 11-12 days or so. I anticipate April to be a pretty good month for me, hoping to maintain a toonie a day for at least $60 when all is said and done, but I'll be doing a BIG promotion in late April so hopefully that'll help me out. I'm quite confident I'll have my sixth book finished by then as well! Yet another sequel to Living amongst the Dead! Just need to get over this damn flu or whatever it is. Can barely manage 1500 words a day, and that's nothing for me. That's literally only about half an hour, or a REALLY slow hour. To quote a great philosopher and/or gnome; "I'm fast as fuck, boiiiiiiii!"

>> No.9318147

Sounds like you guys should probably have sex or something productive.

>> No.9318170

please tell me what you do so i can try to find some kind of solace with it

>> No.9318276

He's making money from his blog, I'm making money from my books. I get more sales and more free copies given away to the readerbase he's accumulated from over a decade, and I mention his blog in the dedication/acknowledgement section in a couple of my books to potentially help get him more viewers. Said blog is all about survivalism with also a decent bit of discussion about firearms, and well, people who are into zombie survival novels are probably interested to some degree in things like that, so it's a mutually beneficial situation we have on the go right now. He's also gotten a couple other books of mine and so far I'm scoring 3/4. 3 he loved, and 1 that he basically just found 'meh'. I anticipate the 5th (my erotica) will probably be at BEST a 'meh' but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't like it. He's not crazy about smut in books, so yeah, but he's still going to give it a shot apparently.

Already told me that he'll buy my 6th book as soon as it comes out, and he has become really enthusiastic about promoting my books to his 'minions' as he calls them because he enjoys them so much. Anyways, he's getting more people checking out his blog, I'm getting more people checking out my books, he's getting some books that he finds to be seriously enjoyable, and I enjoy reading his blogs on occasion as well so I'd say we're being quite productive. I've already made $45CAD in the month of March, probably about $50 made in total since I became a self-published author in October 2016, and I anticipate the month of April to earn me potentially $60 or more. I can probably consistently self-publish a book every month now that I've got the rhythm under control. As I write more I'll be steadily improving my craft, so there's nowhere to go but up, anon!

I've heard it said that first-time self-published authors typically don't even make $100 in their first year, but I think I can make that in the span of 2 months within said first year. Ideally, by June I'll be making $100+ every month. We'll just have to wait and see, but things are looking quite good!

>> No.9319366

thanks anon

>> No.9319372

If you can read Moby-Dick you can write papers for undergrads, why people waste their time uploading 300-page novels for $10/month to amazon is beyond me.

>> No.9319385

I've made over $2000 writing and editing essays for chinese students in american colleges. i also got $150 for a poem in a youth contest

>> No.9319406

>youth contest
Pfft, small time.


>> No.9319724

Made an estimated $5.07CDN today. Feels good. Over $40 in a 19-day period, nearly $50 for the month of March. Looking forward to April!

>> No.9320481

I reflexively scratched my nose.

>> No.9320547

LOL 'Ichinose', I didn't even see that. Well at least it's not a one-two; Ichi-nii. Or however the Hell it's spelt for one-two in Japanese.

>> No.9320664

Samefagging this hard.

>> No.9321139


>> No.9321145
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>> No.9322198

All of ten bucks for a submission I made that was published in a small anthology.

>> No.9322223
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>> No.9322241
File: 72 KB, 500x702, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is what it takes in this day and age...

>> No.9322406
File: 322 KB, 750x443, 948165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see your work anywhere Mr.

>> No.9322407

I wrote a My Little Pony fanfiction in 2012 for $20

>> No.9322422

All marketing, fifty shades is all marketing.