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/lit/ - Literature

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9303075 No.9303075 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw haven't read a single one

>> No.9303166

i don't think anyone here has read a single book desu

>> No.9303196

I think the fucking hilarious thing here is none of us actually do... we just buy these things, stack them next to us, then browse this shit all day.

internet pwnd us, guys

>> No.9303215

This, op played himself.

>> No.9303235

That's because you faggots that don't read flooded this board to look at pretty pictures of books and fell into the trap like the useless, idiotic consumer you are.

>> No.9303340

What the bloody fuck are you doing with the principia, do you really think that somewhere in the second volume something'll click in your asinine head and suddenly pave the way for your intellectual enlightenment? Here's some help OP: stop buying multivolume works and read a fucking book before consuming the opininons of others in order to form your own.

>> No.9303389
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>> No.9303492

Man, this stack was relatively manageable down through the Penguins and maybe Ulysses and definitely War and Peace, but once I saw the untouched complete Aristotle and, to a lesser extent, Plato, I knew you were fucked. Those 3 volumes are months of reading just for a first run-through without any secondary commentaries.

Not sure how hard the principia is, but I imagine it's not light reading. What else is at the bottom of that stack?

>> No.9303503

the absolute madman

>> No.9303510

I'll read them give them to me.

How can you possibly browse one of the slowest boards all day? I am currently eating while posting this, just stopped reading to eat. What the heck man

>> No.9303527

/lit/ -> check on other boards -> back to /lit/ -> repeat

>> No.9303601

Give me your complete Plato volume.

>> No.9303608

feels good

>> No.9303630

no time like the present
get to work

>> No.9303633

You should at least buy nice editions.

>> No.9303702
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OP you retard

Buy books you think you'll actually enjoy, not the ones /lit/ memed you into buying

Also wtf is with that Mein Kampf? Are you a nazi? At least get the Stalag Edition because anything else will get you literally cucked by the ZOG.

>> No.9304121

>At least get the Stalag Edition
Thank God someone else knows about this. Do this OP.

>> No.9305095

Ah so you meant all of 4chan when you said browse this shit and not just /lit/

>> No.9305302

Well I'm mainly interested in what goes on here and post here mainly. The other boards are distractions while I wait for /lit/ posts to be made.

>> No.9305314


>> No.9306171

Where can I get that edition of In Search of Lost Time, op?

>> No.9306277

How long would it take for the usual /lit/ user to read the entire stack? It would probably take me years to get through it all. I'm reading the Bible since Summer last year and just recently got to the end of the Old Testament. I've read some books in between but long books take a shit ton of time to go through properly.

>> No.9307679

get a better camera faggot

>> No.9307701

probably take me a week at the outside, depends how often my dick gets in the way of my handsome face when im reading with perfect vision

>> No.9307704

I can't even read.

>> No.9307708

That's cause the picture is low res and blurry you dumb bastard

>> No.9307895

Faggot here.


The box is readily available on amazon apparently, albeit perhaps secondhand. Like Capital, I have seen "Volume I" actually in stock on shelves many a time, but you have to actually ask about the next two volumes since no one actually even attempts to read those, including me (so far).

I can remember two times actually trying to get into the Overture, topping out around page 50, but for whatever reason I just didn't stick with it.


Please describe in some concrete detail exactly what the differences are between the Ralph Manheim translation and the other, superior versions which /pol/ also mentions at times (I've never actually looked into this). It is obvious from Manheim's Translator's Note that he is unsympathetic, but what are some good, concrete changes in the /text/???

>> No.9308079
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i got you bro

add City of God and you're done.

>> No.9308119

Principia is hard as fuck unless you actually understand what's happening, and even then. Being basically just hundreds of pages of numbers and symbols and equations, it's really not something you can just brute-force your way through.