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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 257x400, 797218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9302761 No.9302761 [Reply] [Original]

I'm highly interested in reading The Gas by Charles Platt. Can anyone tell me where I can download it for free?

>> No.9303116

I have the book. Since I don't know anywhere you can download it for free I will try to scan it and upload at a later date. Its a really wild book.

>> No.9303170


>> No.9303616

bumping for 2nd gen new wave sf. sort of.

>> No.9304416

That would be incredibly decent of you, sir.

>> No.9304485

I wouldnt count on anon keeping his word

>> No.9304606

I have to put my hope in something I suppose.

>> No.9305006


>> No.9305472
File: 1.03 MB, 2550x3509, g160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished scanning now for reformating and making it into a pdf. I wouldn't show anybody you know this book.

>> No.9305733
File: 88 KB, 854x770, Delivery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9305758


thank you very much anon!

>> No.9306196

I love you so much.

>> No.9306230

i love you, too. care to tell me which setup you use to scan books. i've recently begun scanning books, but i still having some technical difficulties.

>> No.9306235

You are doing God's work, anon.

>> No.9306244

After book page 145 it's unreadable.

>> No.9306255

I think you mean The Adventures of the Titwitch of Cockhair. That's what I'd call it at least, based on that cover.

>> No.9306259

I'll fix and upload it again.

>> No.9306315

Disregard this link this is the fixed version http://www.mediafire.com/file/vjvhi1gt82c8us9/Charles_Platt_-_The_Gas.pdf

What do you mean by setup? I scan the pages, cut and paste the scanned pics to take out all the blank space into paint, use djvutoy to make it into a djuv file than covert it into a pdf using the same program. I'm sure there is a better way but I don't know of it.

I'm curious to see what people think about the book after reading it. That part with the boy and the scfi comics was pretty cheeky and the physical descriptions are amazing, really pressing home how ugly some people are.

>> No.9306318
File: 88 KB, 992x744, e722dd2feab68061ada9926cb4a387f9_you-da-real-mvp-u-da-real-mvp-meme_992-744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Words cannot accurately express my gratitude so have this.

>> No.9306327

You have gone far above and beyond the call of duty, friend.

Also, can you please confirm or deny that this is the 1980 Savoy printing of the book?

>> No.9306341

Nevermind, I see it now. It's the 1980 Savoy version for sure. It has the special introduction. Again, thank you so much, anon. You're the greatest.

>> No.9306356

How did you acquire your copy of the book?

>> No.9306381

Ordered it online years ago from a second hand book store that I can't remember since I couldn't find a version of it online after hearing about it. After I got it I was afraid to talk to anybody about it because of its content.

>> No.9306416

I haven't read it yet, but if I finish while this thread is still active, I'll start posting again. You've done us all such an amazing favor, man. I wish we knew each other so I could take you out for a beer.

>> No.9306626

you mean you're actually using a scanner? it must take ages to scan a whole book. i use a digicam, it's faster, but you have to get the lighting right. my biggest problems however are filesize/ocr'ing/converting to mobi/epub. a book with 200 pages is a pdf with ~30 mb when i do it, ocr gives shitty results, thus i needn't even try making a mobi/epub out of it.

>> No.9306655

>it must take ages to scan a whole book
It is a pain in the ass. I only do it for rare books like this one or hard to get academic works.

Do you have a folder with all the files after you are done taking pictures of the book? If so an easy way to avoid having giant pdf files is turn it into a djvu file using DjVuToy then convert it into a pdf afterwards. I don't have any experiencing converting works into mobi/epub files.

>> No.9306939

Does using a scanner like that damage the book at all?

>> No.9307746
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1487829931490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck anon i love you

>> No.9307855

It weakens the spine. Some people rip all the pages out of the book so they get perfect lighting and don't have worry about certain creases cutting off words.

>> No.9307919

and on this day the very earth beneath our feet trembled, as Anonymous Delivered.

i should really get my finger out and OCR that copy of Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis' "The Dynostar Menace" i bought on amazon.

>> No.9307929

if you think it takes ages to scan a book as a series of pictures.. a long long time ago the people i worked for got some mac OCR software, and i spent a weekend taking the pages out of a Grove Press imprint of De Sade's "Justine" and converting the pictures into readable text.

i wouldn't say it was a labor of love, but it was a hell of a lot of work for little to no return.

>> No.9308880

>Do you have a folder with all the files after you are done taking pictures of the book?
yes, first i take a photo of all the left pages, then all the right pages (it's easier and faster that way). i wrote a small python script to sort the pages. then i use scantailor to clean up the pages and make a pdf.
>an easy way to avoid having giant pdf files is turn it into a djvu file using DjVuToy then convert it into a pdf afterwards
thx, i'm gonna try this

>> No.9309900

I started reading last night. I'm about 50 pages in and liking it so far.

>> No.9311516

Does anybody know of other rare/banned books like this?

>> No.9312869

There should be a thread trying to get PDF's and stuff of books.

>> No.9312966

rare? i consider it rare if i try to get an epub or a pdf, and i can't, within the first fifteen minutes.

how about "The Torture Garden" by Octave Mirbeau?


Re:Search reprinted it a while ago.

>> No.9313005

>Disregard this link this is the fixed version http://www.mediafire.com/file/vjvhi1gt82c8us9/Charles_Platt_-_The_Gas.pdf

just started reading this.
see you in a few hours.

>> No.9313365

damn, i want someone to make his into a movie - even a porno will do.

>> No.9313524

halfway through.

would cum again!

Charles Platt was a glorious /b/astard even before /b/ ever existed.

>> No.9313694

i've read my fair share of literotica,but this one takes the cake by miles.
i guess it'll make me cum at least half a dozen times more by the time i'm finished with it, totaling to about a dozen.

>> No.9314028

I'm surprised people can fap to this. The part at the beginning with Vincent and Cathy? Sure. The part went Vincent is in the village? Maybe. The part where Vincent is rage fucking the priest in the plane or the event with the landlady? I would be impressed if anybody could fap to that.

>> No.9314052

the best one was, "He's my daddy!" Made me cum for the, i'm not sure, eighth time, I guess.

I would love to know what platt was thinking while writing this.
did he really thought he'd get this published? back in the late 60s?

>> No.9314053

>I would be impressed if anybody could fap to that.

you just need to like planes, or hate priests, that much.

>> No.9314068

>The part where Vincent is rage fucking the priest
that's like 12 of my fetishes

>> No.9314078

damn, my fetishes are vanilla in comparison.
just fapped for the 9th or 10th time to the epilogue's incest.

>> No.9314130

It kinda does has a old /b/ feel.

The most interesting thing about the book to me is how well written it is for what it is. Vincent is sort of the "straight man" in the story, the descriptions are on point, it has a lot of "is this porn or not?" moments, it has plenty of cheeky moments, and the author moves through multiple character perspectives in a way that doesn't make it jarring.