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9301196 No.9301196 [Reply] [Original]

Help, it seems completely arbitrary to me what Kant makes up to be a priori in Pure Reason and Prolegomena.

>> No.9301379


>> No.9301729

he describes it pretty clearly in the introduction to both. But a priori means a proposition that isn't grounded in experience while a priori propositions are. Analytic a priori propositions are propositions whose concepts are contained within its subject like tricycles have three wheels. Synthetic a priori propositions are the focus of the cpr because they are what can limit pure reason, or what we can know by pure reason alone without referring to experience. You'll notice though that a proof that Kant uses for the possibility of synthetic a priori truths (which HUme was denying the possibility of) are arithmetic proposition such as 7+5 = 12. kant claims this is synthetic because nothing in the concept of 7+5 will lead you to twelve and so one must refer to their intuition to come to 12 which is supposedly a proof that we can extend concepts without experience.

>> No.9301735

Have you read Leibniz?

>> No.9301740

Dude if you don't get this you should start with the Greeks

>> No.9302001

whoops meant a prior vs a posteriori in the first sentence

>> No.9302111

>are arithmetic proposition such as 7+5 = 12. kant claims this is synthetic because nothing in the concept of 7+5 will lead you to twelve.
Wrong. Read Principia Mathematica.

>> No.9302133

I know it's wrong, amigo, but this what Kant thought. Also Frege proved it was wrong before PM

>> No.9302135

But if you didn't know it was wrong PM would be the best thing to read to learn the truth.

>> No.9302195

how is it wrong

>> No.9302208

Read PM, brainlet.

>> No.9302282


But it's completely defeated by Godel's incompleteness theorems. So...

>> No.9302297

No it wasn't. Do you even know what the incompleteness theorem is? It does not disprove the base of arithmetic that Russell and Whitehead set, if you had any idea what Gödel's theorem means you'd know that.

>> No.9302311
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lol DO YOU

it totally disproves the base of arithmetic that Russell and Whitehead set

if you had any idea what the incompleteness theorems were about you'd know THAT

lol brainlet BTFO


>> No.9302319

Look, kid, you clearly just read the wikipedia article on PM and now you think you've discredited it. But you don't even know what the purpose of the incompleteness theorem was.

>> No.9302326


>incompleteness theorem

Oh boy.

>> No.9302355

Not an argument.

>> No.9302359
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lmaoing at ur life rn to be honest

>> No.9302380

So you looked up what the first theorem actually means and now you're in damage control? Just delete your posts.

>> No.9302398
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>first theorem

so you actually googled 'incompleteness theoremS' and realized you're a memeing retard but can't admit that either to yourself or me so you continue to shitpost as if i'm the one compensating for a lack of erudition??????


>> No.9302404

No, I'm clarifying for you. Nice try, but you need to delete your posts and go back to redbit.

>> No.9302409


the only thing you're clarifying is the true depth of your ignorance and insecurity my dude

>> No.9302416

Stop trying. You've said nothing of substance and have brought nothing to this discussion. You're too stubborn to admit you were wrong.

>> No.9302420

Neither of you has demonstrated any understanding of incompleteness or PM. Even one coherent sentence with substance would win the argument

>> No.9302428


That is completely beside the point of this exchange.


lol now ur just mirroring my comments like a kindergartner

>> No.9302438

I've only been proving him wrong, as he seems to have no understanding of either. I studied mathematics for six years, I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.9302440
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>I studied mathematics for six years

what, in high school?

>> No.9302443

Holy shit stop fighting you idiots. You're acting like fucking kindergardens. Worse actually.

>> No.9302446


That is actually the point of this exchange.

>> No.9302448

At Cambridge.
Stop being so passive.

>> No.9302454


i didn't know cambridge had a daycare

that makes sense tho they are a large university

>> No.9302455

why do series put such a large cramp in my head?

t. brainlet in calc 2

>> No.9302457

I don't know you well enough to say. Maybe foetal alcohol syndrome?

>> No.9302476

ok but can someone actually explain how its wrong thanks

>> No.9302498



>> No.9302528
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This asinine argument, is a perfect arguement to try and keep STEMfags with a cursory interest in philosophy OUT OF /lit/.

I'll tell you if you wanna know why.

>> No.9302546

Kant has been discredited by mathematics.

>> No.9302591
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Why don't you faggots in this thread post an argument with substance instead of just asserting that the other party is dumb all the time?

>Kant has been discredited by mathematics.
HOW? I want to know WHY?

>> No.9302602

Read PM.

>> No.9302636


Only because the realm of "absolute values" only exists in mathematics. Anyhow, how is coping with the fact that the theory of whole numbers above 2 being non-existant treating you... oh wait, that was disproved a long time ago; in 1992.

>> No.9302650

Stop skimming wikipedia, brainlet, you know not what you speak.

>> No.9303058
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Thanks for the (You), but I don't make a habit of responding to ad hominem attacks. But here's one back at'cha, for the effort.

>> No.9303079

So smug with no substance.

>> No.9303097


I'll play your game. Hit me with your best shot.

>> No.9303167

What game? I just told you to learn before you speak, white boy.

>> No.9303185


Didn't expect to see the other cheek did you nigger?

>> No.9303322

But he says gold is yellow metal this we know a priori. But how? Youd have to know what metal is, what yellow is, what gold is before making that statement, so what in that statement comes out of pure reason and judgement? .Or is he saying all these are in.the definition of gold? But that forms an endless arbitrary loop where there are no limits to what can be such and not ne such a priori knowledge out of reeasin and judgement

>> No.9303354


>> No.9303355


the term a priori denotes a logical, not a temporal, priority--as in, a justification of a statement that does not require reference to a given state of affairs, but either to synthesis of pure concepts, or to the contents of a concept.

>> No.9303377

That's a pretty good burn. I like how it implies anon failed two years.

>> No.9303383

It looks to me like the shitposters are /lit/fags with a cursory interest in math.

>> No.9304213

What seems arbitrary? His transcendental aesthetics or his analytics?

>> No.9305004
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>Only because the realm of "absolute values" only exists in mathematics. Anyhow, how is coping with the fact that the theory of whole numbers above 2 being non-existant treating you... oh wait, that was disproved a long time ago; in 1992.

>> No.9305436

Oh. So. Yeah my issue is not even an issue. Oh wow.

Fuck me for being such a fucking brainlet for somehow thinking my issue was even an issue.

>> No.9306154


Don't let /lit/ make you feel insecure. If someone uses the latest 4chan jargon to make fun of you, it's safe to assume *they* are worried about the same jargon applying to themselves.

Kant is very difficult - that's what makes him rewarding. I'd highly recommend Howard Caygill's Kant Dictionary, along with the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's articles on Kant.

>> No.9306167

thats. nott what i meant. i meant that the post in question cleared alot for me.