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File: 33 KB, 800x430, AynRand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9300112 No.9300112 [Reply] [Original]

>believes the health issues concerning cigarettes to be a conspiracy theory because it undermines her philosophy
>dies in agony of said health issues

what philosopher could possibly hope to rival her epic failing?

>> No.9300240

Such a cute hairstyle for such an ugly woman desu

>> No.9300254

>conspiracy theory because it undermines her philosophy
her philosophy was ...that cigarettes are good?

>> No.9300266
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>believes the health issues concerning AIDS to be a conspiracy theory because it undermines his philosophy
>dies in agony of such health issues

>> No.9300272

The difference is dying due to AIDS ridden BDSM is not a failing.

>> No.9300321

>implying he wasnt seeking out an understanding of the power dynamics between humanity, sexuality, and disease
>implying a belgian traveling salesman dumping a hot load of poz cum into him in a bathhouse in san fran wasnt the culmination of his lifes work.

>> No.9301255

>this is what faggots actually believe

>> No.9301495

in her utopian worldview entrepreneurs would never abuse the free market by knowingly putting something with harmful effects onto it whilst trying to keep these effects silent

>> No.9303312


I read about a student of Cartesianism who was a court philosopher and OD'd on pate whilst explicating the seperation of mind from the body.

>> No.9303388

that's fucking retarded.

>> No.9303397

Welcome to Rand

>> No.9303446

There's ways to control for pollution/externalities in a free market. And Rand was a libertarian, not an anarchist. Doesn't undermine her philosophy.

>> No.9303511

wasn't rand's entire literary portfolio just one huge hate-boner against the USSR?

>> No.9303521

How exactly does one OD on pate?

>> No.9303534

Morons will always hate and fear Russian power, just look at the latest conspiracy theories about Putin's Russia.

>> No.9304202

She had two major beliefs about cigarettes. The first is here
The other is - cigarettes were the power of fire in the hand, a symbol of Man's domination over Nature through Reason. Since the use of Reason to tame Fire was obviously 'Good', smoking couldn't be bad for you.
Yes, she really wrote that down.

>> No.9304208

>Doesn't undermine her philosophy
WHAT philosophy?!
She never presented a philosophy!

>> No.9304233

So, Objectivism was founded by Plato?

>> No.9304252

Objectivism isn't a legitimate philosophy.
Alsol, she never presented it as a complete philosophy in her lifetime. Peikoff was forced to cobble stuff together after her death in an attempt to make a coherent case for "Objectivism".
He failed because it is incomplete and incoherent.
That's why philosophers don't really delve into it - there's nothing there.
Not a surprise, really - who expects a 3rd rate science fiction writer with a rape fetish to create an coherent philosophy?
The funny thing is the Ayndroids that try to be Objectivists - its like people who cosplay as Klingons.

>> No.9304270

>legitimate philosophy
>legitimate philosophy
>legitimate philosophy
>legitimate philosophy

Can not continue reading, ssru

>> No.9304310

Why not?
Are you triggered?
Let me take more time to explain this to you, since you seem delicate.
-Rand never explained all of what she meant when she referred to 'Objectivism'. She wrote about some concepts, spoke about other concepts, but never formally presented "Objectivism" in one place.
>Imagine a book where some chapters are written, but other chapters are just a paragraph scribbled on a napkin here, a paragraph spoken in a pub there. And all were created out of order, and sometimes revised, but this wasn't noted. The various elements were never gathered by the author into one place and it looks like chapters are missing
>That isn't actually a novel - that's a bunch of writing. And talking. And debates.
>One of the writer's fans tried to gather all of the stuff together, but it becomes evident that chapters *are* missing; characters seem to have different names in different portions; some sections directly contradict others; there is no narrative arc or plot structure; and there is no real plot. Many of the paragraphs suffer from terrible grammar to the point the meaning is lost, the writer seems to misuse a fair number of common words, most of the chapters are incomplete, and worst of all, there is no first or last chapter.
>"Why won't critics review this novel?"
Objectivism is worse than that.
Clearer, now?

>> No.9304322


>> No.9304344

Nop, I even don't care for Ayn Rand/Libertarianism anymore.

Just don't agree with that pedantic categorization of what is or not a philosophy.

>> No.9304353

Yes, she is.

>> No.9304461

How do you know she believed that?

>> No.9304473
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>> No.9304666

not that anon, but it's not pedantic.

>> No.9304741


Vitamin poisoning

>> No.9304745

American + female = no rival in failing

>> No.9304755

Jesus fuck.

Does Rand has a Defense of Cigarettes somewhere i can read?

>> No.9304758

Cigarettes and cigars make you woke and cool. Weed makes you unwoke and uncool. Easy choice.

>> No.9304761

-Plato never explained all of what he meant when he referred to 'the Forms'. He wrote about some concepts, spoke about other concepts, but never formally presented "the Forms" in one place.

>> No.9304785


>> No.9304905
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>is against censorship and federal intervention
>literally report his critics to the FBI as communists under McCarthyism while having no proof of it
What a sad human being.


>> No.9304915

>He wrote about some concepts, spoke about other concepts, but never formally presented "the Forms" in one place.

He described extensively through the myth form.
Objectivism is just how people should act and look like according to Rand, without offering any strong argument for such a preference (which is usually the main criticism against her """"philosophy""""")

>> No.9305333

How can someone be this pathetic?

>> No.9306712

>achieving death (the ultimate goal) through sex (the ultimate achievement) is failure

>> No.9306724

i think its reasonable to say that a philosophy that is both incomplete and has no living practitioners is not legitimate

>> No.9307391

Alan Greenspan died?

>> No.9307729
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>He hasn't read Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
Not even a Randhead, but you gotta give credit where credit is due.