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File: 34 KB, 214x358, p22-gattig-mishima-a-20150726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9297680 No.9297680 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on mishima?

>> No.9297756

gay manlet

>> No.9297768

thoughts on his writing, faggot

>> No.9297778

stop asking vague questions, faggot. Make substantiative threads and you might get substantiative answers.

>> No.9297785


>> No.9297801

Wrote too much about gay manlets with body image problems.

>> No.9297840

any less gay recommendations?

>> No.9297862

Gay midget.

Confessions of a Mask was like some faggot's blog.

>> No.9297897

Naked Lunch

>> No.9297905


>> No.9299374

That chapter with the cat fucked me up. Fantastic book though.

>> No.9301122
File: 46 KB, 600x253, B-L_IjuCEAA_cMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here, have a complimentary rare Mishima
Only read Confessions of a Mask and found it really good throughout the first half (good use of imagery and narrative flow) but then the second half turn quickly to shit.
I think he started to struggle with content (and how to meaningfully tie the whole thing up nicely) and so the second half is overly solipsistic to a point of almost no action taking place and instead the character starts drifting away in some internal trite psychological bullshit.
Liked it overall tho and am currently reading The sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.9301499

that cover is dope. also a good book. read it. it's like 100 pages.

>> No.9302073

Which is better the sailor who fell from grace with the sea or the temple of the golden pavilion

I read confessions of a mask and patriotism and liked them both

>> No.9302078

confessions of a mask made me feel better about being born a mentally ill pervert

>> No.9302085

D'Annunzio, it's equal to Mishima but hetero

>> No.9302196

you quit liking it when it got less gay

>> No.9302308
File: 35 KB, 500x646, Gabriele-DAnnunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less gay

>> No.9302358

I just finished reading that exact book in the OP
its hard to say, some parts of it made me a little angry with the characters, but honestly only because what they said I felt to be true on some level but didn't want to admit it (at least not so aggressively)

even the eluded to killing of Ryuji after the ending seems more like a sympathetic gesture than a cruelty, which did upset me a little because of the sympathy I felt for him and the mother.

>> No.9302680

>mfw you maybe right