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/lit/ - Literature

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9297101 No.9297101 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good French litératurë?

Hard mode: No depressing, gay, boring, pretenious, too sincere, genre fiction, too old books.

>> No.9297110

I wonder how many times I've saved this picture to never look at it again.

I think the part I find the sexiest is the hair. Also, there's just no way to imagine this woman without a pretty face.

>> No.9297113

>No depressing, gay, boring, pretenious, too sincere, genre fiction, too old books.

So fantasy?

>> No.9297118

Patrick modiano. If you want fun, read after the circus. If you want literature, read out of the dark

T. Resident modianofag

>> No.9297121

>current French lit
>not pretentious

Pick one.

>> No.9297126

Madame Bovary

>> No.9297127
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I thought the sexy part was fantasizing about rape.

>> No.9297186 [DELETED] 
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>too old books.

On a un grand intellectuel ici...

>> No.9297202

Mafame Bovary is too boring.

>> No.9297246

back to /fr/ stp.

>> No.9297434

Read Houellebecq and Sartre, and that's all you need from French fries

>> No.9297583


>> No.9297633 [DELETED] 

Step aside son, let me show you how it's done..

>> No.9297644
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>> No.9297662

Checked - thanks for the follow up anon.

Now, on topic - anyone like Paul Verlaine?

>> No.9298493

I look at that girl and I feel nothing

get on my level

>> No.9298569

Dear Lord that ass
Have mercy

>> No.9298616

I'm reading Works by Edouard Leve, and it's pretty fun. It's a list of art projects that he's conceived but not realized (at the time of the book's publishing; he went on to complete some later). Some are kind of dull or difficult to imagine, but each idea is generally only given a few sentences of description, so it's not like you're wading through a swamp. And the ones that are good are so good you'll be angry you didn't think of them first, or else just angry that you can't witness them.

>> No.9298682

I'm not into aids

>> No.9298685

>No depressing, gay
Well that's just impossible

>> No.9298891

Où est le bec
Jean-Pierre Martinet
Jean-Patrick Manchette
Et ça >>9297118

>> No.9298994

L'Etranger de Camus, or if you're into plays, Antigone by Anouilh or Le Dieu du Carnage by yasmina Reza. Pretty much high school classic books but they're short and interesting so go ahead

>> No.9299045

Have you read his "Suicide" and "Autobiography"?

>> No.9299172

La Horde du Contrevent

It's about farts.

>> No.9299410

what's leon bloy's best?

>> No.9299789

Against the Grain (it means "Le Jardin des supplices")

>> No.9299816

You should try Jean Echenoz "Je m'en vais", or "14", or "Courir" or ...

This is not pretentious, this is fun, this is clever, does not serve any political cause, just very fine literature.

>> No.9299850

>No depressing, gay...
What?! Then it's not french.
Fucking define "french".

>> No.9299871

haha, great comment!

>> No.9299879

Thank you fampai!! :D :P

>> No.9299902

my pleasure ;D

>> No.9299913

>Jean Echenoz
It is pretty pretentious.

Subpar Chevillard anyway.

>> No.9299932

Elaborate please

>> No.9299947

I read Les Absences du Capitaine Cook from Chevillard, you can hardly make a book more pretentious than this

>> No.9299976
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>> No.9300022

Camus - The First Man

>> No.9302130

bumpin dat ass

>> No.9302224


>> No.9302241

damn she is THICC

tfw no degenerate gf

>> No.9304120


Also Christian Oster is fine for you OP

>> No.9304139
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mathias enard

this + street of thieves

>> No.9304178

>Subpar Chevillard
Chevillard is subpar any of his influences, so what does that mean

>> No.9306076

That magnificent ass can't be allowed to fall off the board!

>> No.9307257


Pick two.

>> No.9308927

I'm not gay

>> No.9309128

butterface, might as well be a dude

>> No.9309762

>Maple Leafs
fucking triggered

>> No.9310222


>> No.9312030

>no depressing books
>madame bovary

>> No.9312070
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>Beautiful shapely body and face
>Can only think of a dude.
You might have issues, guy.
Is it a makeup fetish?

The Red and the Black by Stendhal is great stuff. Highly underrated by this board.

>> No.9312079

Being asexual is worse than being gay

>> No.9312100

>good French litératurë?
>No depressing, gay, boring, pretenious
I suggest you try a different country.

>> No.9312114
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>> No.9312329

You need to post the link where someone hikes up her skirt and fucks her. I'm way into that fetish. I see the website down on the corner there but it hadn't helped