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/lit/ - Literature

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9296673 No.9296673 [Reply] [Original]

This place needs fixing. It keeps getting more and more mediocre.

Please leave and never return if you agree with any of the following;

>you read any form of genre fiction
>you think fantasy, science fiction, detective fiction, young adult fiction or horror are literature
>you barely know your classics
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>you speak a single language
>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>you read for the plot
>you read for entertainment
>you rarely read nonfiction
>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon (muh african authors)
>you mostly read contemporary literature
>you believe 'the author is dead'
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>your rarely read poetry
>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

This is a board about literature. You're not welcome here. Please take your plebeian garbage to /b/ or reddit, where you will find both a demographic and a general atmosphere more consistent with your tastes and your culture.

Also, what is the patrician book you are reading right now?

>> No.9296698

>what is the patrician book you are reading right now?

You first. Plus i want a thorough analysis or i'm taking away your patrician cred.

>> No.9296722

I'm not reading anything right now.

>> No.9296734

I want to Fuck this girl.

>> No.9296752
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How often do you post the same thread with that same picture? Like once a month?

>> No.9296766

Great thread.

I'm currently reading Winesburg, Ohio. I'd offer some analysis but it would be premature. Off to read for an hour or two!

>> No.9296795
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I don't match with any of those

>> No.9296808

Not realising there is infinite beauty in everything and all human creations even the 'lowest' among them, let alone 'genre fiction', but even stuff like infomercials and radio jingles are precious fragments of Being through which you can commune with the Absolute

>> No.9296850

>>you believe 'the author is dead'
please leave, authorial intent is the most plebian of assertions

>> No.9296854

t. americuck

>> No.9296856

Why is Delillo still posting?

>> No.9296871

He is an Arabian ventriloquist.

>> No.9296876

If you had taken an entry level semiotics class, you'd realize how mistaken you are.

>> No.9296878

I agree with all of these except
>reading for plot
In good literature the rise and fall and interweaving of arcs is of core importance to the work. You cant tell me the late climax of Hamlet and the early climax of Macbeth isnt an important aspect of the plays. Though of course reading only for plot is for plebs.

>> No.9296879

I fail in:

>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer

>Also, what is the patrician book you are reading right now?

Don Quijote.

>> No.9296881
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hahaha who fucking cares my man

>> No.9296886

if you have ever made a thread like op
if you have ever strongly had a thought like op

then you are craving hard for attention in your life, an attention lack that only increases your burden. if you dont find a way to properly vent it it will come at you sooner than later.

and no, making these threads wont help.

>> No.9296889

>>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
pretty pathetic desu

>> No.9296891

>blowing smoke

>> No.9296895
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>tfw no Novalis husbando

>> No.9296897

tonight's a keknight

>> No.9296898

Is the purge.

>> No.9296907

Semiotics is a subcategory of epistemology, you moron.

>> No.9296958


Unpopular opinion incoming:
I wish all of these philosophy fags would go to /his/ so that people enjoy talking about their reading and (gasp!) read for pleasure could have a decent time.

>> No.9296963

edit: people *who enjoy

>> No.9296967
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>he thinks any above-superficial enjoyment of any literary work is possible without a deep philosophical and critical understanding of the culture around him

>> No.9296981
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>still here replying around semiotics



>> No.9296996

I fucking hate students

>> No.9296998

>he thinks that finding pleasure in reading is a waste of time
>he thinks people are too dumb to think about literature without reading the entire damn canon first

>> No.9297000

when the dog farts

>> No.9297006
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>> No.9297016

I unironically agree with this

>> No.9297051

>above superficial
Found the pleb. U gotta go back sonny boy.

>> No.9297061
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>you think fantasy, science fiction, detective fiction, young adult fiction or horror are literature

your move OP

>> No.9297076

The fact that this is the best place to discuss literature on the Internet is sad

>> No.9297080

That's a pretty spectacularly bad choice if you want to convince OP SFF/horror can be literature.

>> No.9297084

It really is difficult to wrap your head around. You look around, it's shit, you search for other places, and they're worse.

It's like finding out you're God.

>> No.9297088


Frankenstein is literally literature

>> No.9297091

Really shit literature.

>> No.9297112

I agree with you totally OP. But what do you mean by
>>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton

I have the latest scholarly editions of the texts, are you talking about "adaptations"?

>Also, what is the patrician book you are reading right now?

German language textbooks...

>> No.9297120

It's gotten too busy, I don't know why all the retards decided to flock here, but the posting rate has gone up like 5-8x in a year. All shitposters and memes.

I just stopped coming here, only rarely to make my own threads.

Which I would highly suggest, there's so little of value here (and on 4chan). Why spend your time with trolls and fools?

OPs list is an impressive feat of autism though. I don't understand what would you drive you to care enough to type out all that shit for free. It's not even funny, just kind of sad.

>> No.9297145

Because it's fun to chitchat about literature? That's all there is to it. you holier than thou bitch.

The reason posting rates have gone up is that /v/ and /a/ and the rest, typically hobbies for teenagers, tried to be serious instead of lowly gamers so they go to /pol/ and /his/ and /lit/, and make threads about shitty politics gossip and Le SJWs and tiptop their tippy hats all over this place as the self-anointed saviours of Western Civilisation and have a great load of circlejerks here in between gaming and anime and porn and building an intellectual reputation at r/The_Donald and on Steam and YouTube comments sections.

>> No.9297153

God I want to suck Novalis von Hardenberg's Ofterdinger so bad.

>> No.9297157

Very sad.

>> No.9297164

"Modern translates" with modern words.

>> No.9298079

>Please leave and never return

How about you? Pretentious pseud.

>> No.9299434
File: 26 KB, 291x395, tumblr_inline_nuowcfrRxO1t7jsuw_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck having more then 5 people left on this board.

also thinking Aeschylus is relavent. WEW LAD.

>> No.9299454

the author is dead (top pleb opinion if you don't agree desu)
my greek tragedy knowledge is weak (but growing)
reading a lot of contemporary lit is fine and to be encouraged (as long as you have a good grounding in older works)

rest is pretty solid, and magnificently autistic so i approve

>> No.9299455

This is what pseuds think makes an intelligent or patrician person but none of these retards live up to their own standards, and they're wrong anyway 95% of the time

>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you believe 'the author is dead'

These two cancel each other out; a solid grounding in philosophy will lead you to the conclusion that the author is dead

>> No.9299459

tell us what it's like to be this insufferable

>> No.9299469

You forgot the most important one
>you think the amount of partners woman had matters

>> No.9299477

>your erect penis exceeds 4 inches in length

>> No.9299499

enjoy plowing that nasty hoe pussy of that gf of yours bro. I'm sure she was a nice girl otherwise and would make a great mother : ^)