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/lit/ - Literature

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9293114 No.9293114 [Reply] [Original]

Has your writing ever impressed a girl, or got her to like you?

>> No.9293123

a handful and they're tumblrinas

>> No.9293125
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>have my drug-addled, sleep-deprived, rambles impressed a girl

>> No.9293126

All the ones I show, ya.

>> No.9293133

I once confessed my love to a girl I went to high school with on MySpace. I ended the message with, "did you like me back then?" A few days later she responded and I saw the message preview started with "HAHAHAHA WHAT A LOSER", so I never opened it. What's worse is that her boyfriend sent me a message as well.

>> No.9293142

You still got the note?

>> No.9293148
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I wish there was a pill to erase memories.

>> No.9293158

I wish there was a pill to erase you

>> No.9293164

No, but I can summarize:
>I see you're doing well now with your adult life.
>I used to have a crush on you.
>Did you also happen to like me?
There's a lot more backstory to this that makes it extremely cringey and sad; I'd go into it, but it makes me depressed.

That would be nice, but there is something to be said for living with it and understanding that I was young and immature. I'd prefer to never see her again though.

>> No.9293167

There isn't a pill to erase memories, but you can learn from them and be able to train yourself to look back on them with less shame and hurt and more as a silly story to tell people.

fuck off faggot


>> No.9293190

>I see you're doing well now with your adult life.
>I used to have a crush on you.
>Did you also happen to like me?

This all sounds very normal. She's obviously a huge cunt, unless that backstory is really outrageous.

>> No.9293197
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Do my threads impress and empresses?


Is it all in the timing?


Waited for it?


Ur thoughtz plz

>> No.9293228

No, but my general attitude and appearance screams 2d.p.4u tortured genius to dumb bitches so they believe me when I say I write. Doesn't work often, but it does work.

>> No.9293251
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Fuck it I like it when our threads touch?


Sprinkle Some L O V E ?


Hip to be square?


Lookin Better Seein More

>> No.9293255

what a stupid cunt she was

>> No.9293259

I know a girl who's ten times the writer I could ever be, but she claims she likes my writing. I think she's just being nice. I kind of wish i could date this girl but I'm married

>> No.9293275

well, my 60 year old english teacher likes me essays

>> No.9293281
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I boned two different girls in the same writing workshop in college one semester. They were both pretty, fit, and pleasant to talk with. They claimed that they were impressed by my writing.

I also used to date a girl who would get uncontrollably aroused from watching me study or write. That's not what you mean, but I just told you about it anyway.

>> No.9293283

no. grow the fuck up kid.

>> No.9293290
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Yes. Many.

>> No.9293297
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Name in Lights?


Is it good enough for yeauh?


DJs in the Shadows, wat do u think?

>> No.9293301

I need to stop looking at craigslist

>> No.9293315

I use my writing as a pickup on tinder frequently and it works to varying degrees. A 16 year old girl thinks I'm a bad boy because of my American psycho working class Australia appropriation/rip off satire that I'm writing and wants to fuck but she's too stupid and I'm torn.
The only girls I'm actually interested in are the ones smart enough to see how bad my writing is but they think I'm a bad writer and a wanker so that's hard work

>> No.9293318

no, but this might have something to do with the fact that i don't write

>> No.9293319

yea twice

>senior in HS in 2012
>shitty poem gets into literary mag
>girl facebook messages me how much she loves it and wants to meet me
>shes eh/10
>dont do anything
>female cousin is friends with her and 5 years (few months ago) later tells me she was pissed at me and still is for that
kek oh well

and like 2 months ago
>attempting long distance relationship with this qt i met on catholicmatch (shut up)
>same shitty ass poem
>she loves it
broke it off because >3.5 hour drive

>> No.9293359

Do girls from catholic match put out?

>> No.9293366

All the time. I've refused more pussy than you've likely ever known.

>> No.9293371

>admitting to using online dating services
What's it like living in memeland?

>> No.9293372


>I was in middle school
>Wrote her a poem
>she and her mom were so impressed
>girl took it as a platonic gesture
>not too surprised
>I should've guessed she was straight

>> No.9293373
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yzat, anon?


Do u find the writing pretty beautiful?


Awaiting your responsive responses...

>> No.9293448

Yep. Too bad she was a huge slut. Smart tho

>> No.9293457

Yes back in HS a bunch of girls I knew told me I was a good writer because of various tumblr posts I made.

I've long since deleted my tumblr.

>> No.9293465

not since high school. despite not being a singer in our band, i wrote most of the lyrics, which were posted on a geocities website that was linked in my aim profile. a girl that i later ended up dating said they were really good.

they were really shit, though.

>> No.9293492
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Anyone enjoyed these Creative Cogitations?


Many Paths...
All Ways Be in Love?


>> No.9293495

No elaborate pieces, just a notebook full of ideas and observations.

She added the word potential to the book and wrote in some back page about how people come into your life to help define who you are. This happened on what would possibly be the last day we'd ever see each other so I'm going to guess she was being sweet.

Should've smashed desu.

>> No.9293497
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>> No.9293517

i wouldnt know, im celibate

the girl i was seeing wasnt that kind of girl, but believe me. plenty of girls there arent exactly hot about the whole purity thing


>> No.9293519

holy kek this is spot on if youre commenting on how everyone's photos are

>> No.9293550
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Think it's time we danced?


>> No.9293582
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Nobility to your light?



>> No.9293584


Hole's a hole bruv

>> No.9293632

Annon,are you ok?

>> No.9293704
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I sure hope so. The movies didn't lie to me, did they?

>> No.9293717

me too

>> No.9293725

I'm pretty good at texting, so yeah.

>> No.9293756

Become a swingers couple

>> No.9293758

no, never

>> No.9294151

Yeah, my psychologist.

>> No.9294161

I've had a few girls approach me after seeing my writing but I don't really want to take it anywhere with them, nor am I sure I know how to.

>> No.9294166


Yes, I have even made a couple women leave their husbands with my writing although it wasn't intentional.

>> No.9294195
File: 6 KB, 249x168, hopeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I wish I was an american and tumblr was actually a thing in my country. My tumblr is so "cool arty teenager who likes tea and french poetry", all the tumblr edgy bitches would love me.

>> No.9294200


>> No.9294201

Yes, when I was in high school there was a girl who willingly read my short stories and enjoyed them.

>> No.9294204

Fuck them, anon.

>> No.9294993

Just two; but I'm ugly, so it has never led to anything physical.

>> No.9294996




>> No.9295002

It's the main reason why my last three relationships came about, at least initially. May have something to do with the fact I always meet then in academic environments.

>> No.9295003

>vocals half-step out of key

>> No.9295622

>Be me
>Go to poetry slam workshop because bored and he did it for free
>Says you need to bring texts so I scribble down one 10 minutes before the start, really just a piece of diarrhean literature
>go to workshop, room filled with girls, only 2 dudes
>everyone was supposed to perform his stuff, hirls all head neatly printed texts
>I have some scribbled, crumpled papers with my lunch still visible on them
>get to "perform"
>read out text, hand visibly shaking
>everyone laughts
>finish text
>silence, then applause
>shit ton of applause
>Guy asks at the end if someone wants to register for Poetry Slam at bar, asks me specially
>Say no, but 3 girls apply pressure, try to bring me into going there so I agree

My personal height in terms of writing, right after my fish fingers ballade in grade 7

>> No.9295629

Yes, and it made me like her less. My writing is utter trash-tier

>> No.9295769

tumblr isn't really a social media thing here either (at least in like the facebook/twitter sense)

>> No.9295909
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>all the goddamn time

>> No.9295998

Wrote some poems for a girl, went down well. Found it easier being kinda forward in writing which broke the ice for me being equally as forward while flirting. Would recommend if you're any good - some good old school shit.

>> No.9296128

I was courting a girl who I barely knew and I gave her a translation of a Baudelaire poem that I wrote out on my typewriter and she thought it was the greatest thing a guy had ever done for her, so yeah I guess. Didn't even require any creative energy.

>> No.9296158

you have autism

>> No.9296221

>tfw no Lorde gf

>> No.9297020


Well played.

>> No.9297037

who is this girl

>> No.9297040

Worked for me. I let her read my sci-fi novel. She liked how is wasn't over saturated with description but created a futuristic world she could envision. Plus, she loved the action.

>> No.9297105

>final year of sixth-form
>each have to make or host an event as part of our drama course
>decide to work with the english department to put on a poetry slam
>barely anyone signs up and it ends up being me and three tumblrina queer-pan-demi-genderfluid-sexualkin
>packed audience though, everyone and their parents have payed to be there
>they all go up and read basically the exact same poem but structured differently about beauty being on the inside
>i go up and thank everyone for coming, apologise for it being a terrible event
>i was pretty depressed at this time and was near tears on stage
>i pull out a folded up piece of scrap paper
>i knew where in the audience she was sitting but the lights blinded me
>read my shitty "slam poem"
>walk home alone
>get a call halfway
>it's her
>hi anon... was that about us?

Ended up being my first real gf, goodtimes. She moved to New Zealand though for uni

>> No.9297368

well, have they?

i've gotten pussy wet with some truly abhorrent cliche-rich poetry before
it's ridiculous man

>> No.9297440


>> No.9297514

A girl wrote a poem for me once. I remember my crush handed it to me in an envelope. I opened and read it. When I finished I looked at her and she let out a giggle. Then, the friend she was always with, who I hadn't noticed but was at the other side of the room, waved at me with a smile.
Thinking back, maybe I wasn't that much into my 'crush' either, because I wasn't disappointed at all that it wasn't hers.

>> No.9298008


r u rly sure desu?



>> No.9298031
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n btw anon,
iznit more artistic than autistic?
an aurtist per chance?

>> No.9298103

It has, once. The only time I've ever shown another person my writings. Unfortunately, it was a drug addled, 2 page reinterpretation of Pokemon. Women are strange creatures indeed.

>> No.9298407
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How do you even meet a 16 year old? I'm 20 and I look young. How u get that fresh pussy?

>> No.9298497

Assert yourself over your wife, and take the girl on a date anyway. If she doesn't like it, then maybe she should step up her game (the wife).

>> No.9298507

Like a Scribophile or something?

I have my doubts about your stories but they're intriguing. Did you go there to bone them or were you trying to get work done?

Get triggered, projectofag.

Uh, why celibacy?

Reject over regret, try to smash any time you can.

>> No.9298733

Pedo fuck, get out Nabokov

>> No.9298740


I acquired a fuckbuddy through my poetry once, so yes.

>> No.9298781

>sharing your shit with girls


>> No.9298812

Just two. It was an entry-level community college english class: Expository Writing.

One of them was impressed because she was obsessed with getting good grades and I was the only person who consistently received a higher grade than her, and I found out later the other was because I wrote about things she learned about from her father.

They're both married now. I hang out with the second girl's father on a semi-regular basis still. Don't see either of the girls ever. The class was almost 3 years ago now.

>> No.9298835

Kinda, I published an essay in a magazine and one of the other writers (a woman my age, though she regularily publishes in that magazine) really liked it, awsell as a girl from literature (i study philosphy) who wrote a poem for the same issue -I didn't liked her poem though so I lied and told her I haven't read it yet-. But nothing developed into a sexual relationship.

>> No.9298866
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Wow, girls seem to really like writing. I think I'll practice my writing skills again, my writing has always been praised since I was very young, but I never took it particularly seriously. Coupled with my music and drawing skills, I could attract any qt in the world.

>> No.9298884


>> No.9298997

Good story anon

>> No.9299019


>> No.9299142

>be me
>loner autist college dropout
>basement dwelling NEET
>spends days reading, nights taking opiates/writing
>written poems since 16 but never shown them to anyone
>younger sister's friend comes out of breakup
>18yo schoolgirl who looks like Eliza Dushku
>take MDMA and impulsively ask her to dinner
>she accepts for some bizarre reason
>(average looking manlet)
>show her Italian art film
>get drunk
>show her some poems
>she becomes visibly aroused
>high level of drunkenness causes bravado
>I move in with uncharacteristic confidence
>we fuck bareback for over an hour
>first time I've had sex with a non-prostitute
>three weeks later
>she rejects me
>right some half-decent erotica w/ heavy Henry Miller references
>am leaving the country for a month so have excuse to see her
>show her it
>she starts biting lip and sighing
>too insecure to move in
>t-that was wonderful, anon
>please send me anything you write anon
>autism accelerates
>next hour is spent impressing her with poems and watching expressions of delight play across her face while I silently spaghetti in the background
>literally learned some of her obscure language to translate stuff for her