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9288645 No.9288645 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best book in the Bible /lit/?

>> No.9288651

Job or the Gospel of John

>> No.9288654

Book of Jamal

>> No.9288657


>> No.9288664


>> No.9288680

Job is such a challenging book. Just think how many people it has turned away.

>> No.9288754

Proverbs. The only book that doesn't seem written by a bunch of death cultists from the sand.

>> No.9288781

Esther. Its all about how a small foreign tribe seized control of the apparatus of the Persian state and used it to carry out its goals.

>> No.9288790
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Ecclesiastes cuts the mustard for sure.

Up until G-o-d is dropped it reads like a modern text.

Not exactly a "book" but Christ's parables in general are a great didactic way of leading people towards simple yet fundamental philosophical truths.

>> No.9288797

Probably Job or the Book of Samuel.

>> No.9288815


I´m looking foward to Jeremiah as well

>> No.9289242

Wisdom of Sirach

>> No.9289246

OT : Isaiah

NT: 1Corinthians

>> No.9289305

OT: Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs
NT: every gospel but John

>> No.9289308

John, Genesis, Psalms, Acts

>> No.9289352
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it would be either the Book of Susan or the Book of Hairdryer.


>> No.9289354

Best to least best:
1 Samuel

Song of Solomon

Everything else

Indescribably boring (subset of Intolerable):
Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Psalms, Proverbs
All the prophets except maybe Ezekiel and Jonah (there's a theory that Jonah is a satire)

>> No.9289372

>Joshua, John intolerable
>Psalms, Isaiah indescribably boring

hot stuff, anon

>> No.9289440

Am I the only one who has found most of Numbers and Deuteronomy and Leviticus fascinating, or at least interesting, and not boring?

>> No.9289475

this is the most patrician answer desu

>> No.9289508


>> No.9289531


All those books require effort, which is why most people simply see them as boring legislation or census, but you're far from the only one.

Truthfully, any simple historical reading of the bible is not valuable for a Christian. I'm not saying that it isn't history. I'm saying that it's most certainly not included because it is history. Even things like the two genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke are telling theological truths rather than simply recounting history. People have pointed out that Matthew counts the generations in groups of 14 (the name "David" adds up to 14 in Hebrew) and the Matthew genealogy is concerned with Christ as Son of David, whereas Luke traces to "Adam of God" and is concerned with Jesus as Son of Man (sharing the same common ancestor as all humanity).

There's lots of great scholarship on the meaning of these books. People who dismiss them are pseuds who can't be bothered putting in the effort.

Also, here's a entry-level, basic outline of Leviticus that shows the genius of its structure:

>> No.9289537

Thank you very much, this is amazingly well edited.

>> No.9289568

You have to concede, large parts of Genesis belong in Indescribably boring.

>> No.9289571

Kys pos

>> No.9289574

Hosea. It's fucking brutal.

>I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs, and will tear open the covering of their heart; there I will devour them like a lion, as a wild animal would mangle them.

>> No.9289576


>> No.9289591
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>> No.9289597
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The one that proves god's existence. OH WAIT-

>> No.9289612

If I was the philosophical dunce that Dawkins is, I'd be pretty embarrassed to go out in public.

>> No.9289620

I've never seen someone use the Bible as proof that the Bible is true

>> No.9289632
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>> No.9290700
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top kek

>> No.9290706


>> No.9290721

Either Samuel 1, Psalms, or Proverbs.

When will this meme end?

>> No.9290742

My favorite personally is Peter 2

>> No.9290757

Whats your favorite psalm?
Psalm 4 for me

>> No.9290770


Job would be but it is too dialogue heavy.

>> No.9290778

Gospel of John, Job and Qohelet (Ecclesiastes).

>> No.9290780

Malachi is underated desu

>> No.9290784

Patrician answer.

>> No.9290809

As a distributionist christian, i prefer to cherry pick the bible to make myself seem much better than others.

>> No.9290819

>NT: every gospel but John

>> No.9290859

Gospel of John

>> No.9290888
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i don't believe in God, should i read the Bible anyway? is this better than the Odyssey?

>> No.9290945

Read the NT at least

>> No.9290971

thanks, i will, i'm not a fedora tier atheist so i want to enjoy this

>> No.9291861

Ecclesiastes. /thread.

>> No.9291869

You've never met an evangelical

>> No.9291873

Psalm 82 because it makes God sound like Zeus

>> No.9291877

Do genesis and exodus too. It's important to examine Jesus through the lens of the old testament to see the significance of his actions and sacrifice. The rest of the OT is great but if you're trying to get into the NT fast there's no harm.

>> No.9292155

sorry I don't read fiction lol

>> No.9292186

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

>> No.9292196
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There is no better story in the Bible than Exodus, it's a true epic that could stand toe to toe with the Odyssey.

>> No.9292212

I'm currently reading KJV, Cambridge Classic (beautiful book), only up to Exodus but I have 2 questions.
>Mount Horeb is a holy site
Is it holy because Moses later gets the 10 commandments there?
If there is only the lord then why did the magicians get powers?

>> No.9292213


>hurr muh celestial North Korea

>> No.9292215



>> No.9292218


>> No.9292223

Y u no like Ecclesiastes


>> No.9292245


>> No.9292247

Lol no Hitchens is a hack, that quote is by Richard Dawkins.

>> No.9292266

1&2 Samuel, Genesis, Joshua, Judges, Job, Psalms (KJV); the Gospels, the Acts, 1&2 Corinthians, James, the Revelation of John the Divine.

>> No.9292279

I never said I didn't like it, anon. All I'm saying is, I don't think it's the best book. I get it's about the meaning of life and whatnot. But there are more important books, like Genisis or Samuel 1, For instance.

>> No.9292300

Genesis, Job, Ecclesiates, Luke, Letter to the Romans or Apocalypse, definitely.

>> No.9292305

Pentateuch, Isaiah, Song of Songs, and Epistles of Paul.

>> No.9292317
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Sometimes I forget people can be this fucking stupid

>> No.9292347

Are you saying OT God didn't do those things?

>> No.9292357

Dude, both Chronicles, due to the sheets of genealogy, are the most indescribably boring books of the Bible.

>> No.9292361


>> No.9292363

Ezekiel, because it's the weirdest book.

>> No.9292392

Major Prophets are certainly highly underrated

>> No.9292455

He didn't name things. He named human character traits and attributed them to god. Its a stupid interpretation.

>> No.9292494

>human character traits and attributed them to god
Because of the acts God did.
How would you interpreted God's actions

>> No.9292505

>How would you interpreted God's actions
perfect in every possible way and not attributable to humans or human emotions/traits.

>> No.9292515

How perfection mean he can't do acts we can define?

>> No.9292528

Pretty sure the magicians were using demonic forces or were optical illusionists. I'm not Christian though so I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.9292538

Humans define perfection.
God traits/actions and can't be defined by humans
I don't believe you're following your own logic

>> No.9292555

you can define his acts but it doesn't mean your definitions will be accurate.

not a human perfection but a divine unquestionable perfection which can't be comprehended by humans.

>> No.9292568


>> No.9292586

>you can define his acts but it doesn't mean your definitions will be accurate.
Tell me how many ways you can define killing all the first born's of a nation.
You can say it was justified/Gods will etc but it's still the death of humans by a divine being.

>> No.9292619


>> No.9292650

Sure there are totally more important books, but Eccs seems like the comfiest one.

>> No.9292690


>> No.9292896

It was his response to the direct killing of the sons of the Israelites by the Egyptians. It was God's justice and thus it is the unquestionably perfect action.

>> No.9292927

Sorry for an off-topic post, but can anyone recommend a good overview of the Crusades?

>> No.9292935

none because i'm an atheist

>> No.9292976

Your face

>> No.9292981
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>> No.9292995

>Pretty sure the magicians were using demonic forces or were optical illusionists.

The answer is debatable but it's one of these two. Same with the Witch of Endor.

>> No.9293011

I never quite understood the point of the crusades when Jesus commanded Christians to die for their enemies

>> No.9293018

chronicles of the crusades is good i heard

>> No.9293025

>Jesus commanded Christians to die for their enemies

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

>> No.9293104


t. Calvinist

>> No.9293160

job is good but you can skip the entire middle part its very repetitive, first page and then the last few will suffice

>> No.9293211

So we can agree that it's an unorthodox argument (i.e. straw man)?

>> No.9293230
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in my opinion, it's these numbers

>> No.9293240

What's the best order to read the books of the Bible in?

>> No.9293242

Apparently they never read my diary desu

>> No.9293424

Read it. It's basically the foundation of all western culture.

>> No.9293534

103 without a single doubt

>> No.9293545

What parts pacifically

>> No.9293567

Since converting to Catholicism, I've been really into the Deuterocanonical books (since I had never been exposed to them prior).

My favorite being 2 Maccabees

>> No.9293592

>He named human character traits and attributed them to god
The bible does exactly that?

>> No.9294091

Samuel 2

>> No.9295576

That is a human in a story in the bible doing it yes. What's your point exactly? Its obvious that there is a greater reason and purpose for the command to not build altars and graven images but he uses the idea of jealousy to get the point across.

>> No.9295605

I consider Samuel 1-2 and Kings 1-2 to be one book so I would have to say that.