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/lit/ - Literature

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9288157 No.9288157 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/, I'm finishing The Brothers Karamazov tonight and need to know which book to start tomorrow. I'm feeling overburdened by my backlog but would like something short or easy to unwind a little bit (I finished Book of the New Sun this week as well), so I've shortened the list down to a few.


Also, general discussion about the books in the poll/Brothers K

>> No.9288504
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>> No.9289778

Don't know why I'm thinking this but read Tolstoy's The Cossacks for something both light and easy and interesting.. Or, read a Wodehouse or Compton-Burnette novel for something light, easy and absurd..

>> No.9289901

Will look into that

>> No.9289905

I hate you.
You actually read stuff.

>> No.9289911

You know when the last time I actually read a book was?

Back when they still made books.

>> No.9289913

Westerns are cool. They have some of the Wests most absurd moralists. You can't help but be inspired.

>> No.9289915

Like fucking Shane. That guy had balls. Threw his badge right in the fucking dust.

Its not really something I want to see being remade with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker.

>> No.9289921

I can't fall for the communist spiel again. I can't start believing in western mans spark or I will go mad. God damn i wanted to finish Crash Flux.