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/lit/ - Literature

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9288004 No.9288004 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any systematic efforts to organize real life /lit/ meetups? How do I meet /lit/ posters close to me?

>> No.9288007

Pls b in Glasgow

>> No.9288011

Sorry, I'm in San Francisco (California).

>> No.9288099

Don't take this the wrong way but I'd never want to meet up with any of you people IRL

>> No.9288127

I'm down to meet up in Chicago, but only with other unpleasant jittery autistic retards who are incapable of judging anyone because they have been judged by normies their whole lives.

You can legit just describe plane engines to me for four hours or whatever the fuck your autistic brain likes to do. But if you start doing normalfag shit like getting upset when I describe my own autistic hobbies, I'm going to fucking cry in public and possibly bite you.

>> No.9288133

I'd only meet up with people who have read gaddis and mcelroy at least. If you haven't read them yet you are a pleb and I don't want to know who you are.

>> No.9288134

if i found out anyone i know irl used /lit/ i would ghost them

>> No.9288139

I don't like you as a person, Timothy Smith from Maine

>> No.9288142

Same. I just come here to shitpost and laugh at all these bizarre chimpanzees. Anyone who actually uses /lit/ as a platform for serious discussion or talking about literature is most likely a braindead retard.

>> No.9288143

I don't want to ever meet you loosers.

>> No.9288208

This boards a fucking joke. Maybe when they rename it /books/ or something so we can discuss actually entertaining books instead of the pseud shit everyone pretends to read.

>> No.9288337

nobody has to meet anyone but you could join this discord I just made https://discord.gg/fkXBG48

>> No.9288348

This is about the 8th lit discord

>> No.9288422

I would really like a meetup. Goodreads is awful for social relationships and it would be nice to hang out in person, talking late into the night, discussing favourite book scenes, debating philosophy, etc.

>> No.9288446

fuck discord

>> No.9288462

I will be at Mellon Park, Pittsburgh, tomorrow from 1-4, maybe longer.
I'll be wearing a black hat.
If you wanna hang out, come up to me and say "Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know." So I know you're legit.

First person to find me gets a first edition of Lookout Cartridge by Joseph McElroy.

>> No.9289294

Anyone in /Edinburgh/ ?

>> No.9289318


>> No.9289330

Well? So am I.

>> No.9289334

er meant to arrow

>> No.9289381


>> No.9290441

St Andrews boiis

>> No.9290539

Sup Philly bro. Which hood you in?

>> No.9290556

>San Francisco
Disgusting. That's where SJWs are from.
You're not an SJW are you?

>> No.9290595


well... what happens now?