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9285483 No.9285483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books on male virginity?

Fiction/non-fiction, whatever

>> No.9285487

Anything by Schopenhauer

>> No.9285489

my twisted world

>> No.9285494

This isn't virginity. This is just insecurity and egocentricism.

>> No.9285499

Its not intended towards an audience with over 90 IQ

>> No.9285505

I walk like this but I'm not a virgin. What do?

>> No.9285534

Nothing, you're fine. Someone just took the walkimg characteristics of a chad and used the opposite. You're just>>9285494

>> No.9285546

Ham on rye, Charles Bukowski.

>> No.9285563
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>> No.9285597

>hair seems to overreact to the wind

>> No.9285633

what does it mean? i fit the OP image too well to understand what i'm doing wrong and don't know about

>> No.9285769

The fuck does "autowalk" mean?

>> No.9285782

insecure people will react to their hair getting fucked up in the wind all the time because they're afraid it makes them look ridiculous

>> No.9285796


>> No.9285810

why are there so many socially damaged young men like this? It's saddening and you see it every day

>> No.9285811
File: 122 KB, 750x657, 1489729609745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I don't wear fucking NBs.

>> No.9285820

Do you were your virginity like a desperate boy scout?

If youre really that sexually frustrated you can get sex through romance or paying a high class escort.

>> No.9285822

>secretly hates people who walk slowly when side-by-side
Ya got me

>> No.9285823

Everybody will identify with at least a couple of these. That's the point. The image throws a bunch of generalisations out knowing the reader will self-identify with a couple, and conveniently discard the others which he doesn't identify with. It's the same way horoscopes work.

>> No.9285829

Bro wtf. Is someone spying on me? Where did you get this information?

>> No.9285831

Pick one.

>> No.9285834


>> No.9285838

I go to a stem school and I am surrounded by it, it's fucking soul-crushing to see sometimes.
So many genuinely nice people who by all outward appearances are almost always anxious and uncomfortable. Some subset of them embrace it and look awkward but clearly don't give a fuck, so they're happy. Others, if you pay attention, are constantly self-conscious and uncomfortable about the slightest situations. I can't imagine them relaxed any time other than being alone in their rooms.
It's sad but so morbidly fascinating that I find myself watching engineer-autists around campus a lot. The shoes are always a dead giveaway.

>> No.9285840

What if you get just about all of them?

>> No.9285845

what about the shoes give them away

>> No.9285847

Don't know if I'm bisexual or lonely.

>> No.9285848

the hell does any of that have to do with angry loners?

>> No.9285851

It means it's time to die anon

>> No.9285852

t. woman

>> No.9285858
File: 105 KB, 570x736, st-gregory-of-nyssa2_zps8f2d875f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Gregory of Nyssa, On Virginity



Now we declare that Virginity is man's fellow-worker and helper in achieving the aim of this lofty passion. In other sciences men have devised certain practical methods for cultivating the particular subject; and so, I take it, virginity is the practical method in the science of the Divine life, furnishing men with the power of assimilating themselves with spiritual natures. The constant endeavour in such a course is to prevent the nobility of the soul from being lowered by those sensual outbreaks, in which the mind no longer maintains its heavenly thoughts and upward gaze, but sinks down to the emotions belonging to the flesh and blood. How can the soul which is riveted to the pleasures of the flesh and busied with merely human longings turn a disengaged eye upon its kindred intellectual light? This evil, ignorant, and prejudiced bias towards material things will prevent it. The eyes of swine, turning naturally downward, have no glimpse of the wonders of the sky; no more can the soul whose body drags it down look any longer upon the beauty above; it must pore perforce upon things which though natural are low and animal. To look with a free devoted gaze upon heavenly delights, the soul will turn itself from earth; it will not even partake of the recognized indulgences of the secular life; it will transfer all its powers of affection from material objects to the intellectual contemplation of immaterial beauty. Virginity of the body is devised to further such a disposition of the soul; it aims at creating in it a complete forgetfulness of natural emotions; it would prevent the necessity of ever descending to the call of fleshly needs. Once freed from such, the soul runs no risk of becoming, through a growing habit of indulging in that which seems to a certain extent conceded by nature's law, inattentive and ignorant of Divine and undefiled delights. Purity of the heart, that master of our lives, alone can capture them.

>> No.9285863

Usually they're cheap tennis shoes, new balances or asics most commonly, that they buy in a utilitarian mindset because they want to be able to only have to own one comfy pair of shoes. They see caring about the way you dress on any level as superficial, so they literally don't think about it at all and just wear their nbs with poorly-fitting 90s jeans every day.
There's nothing wrong with the mindset really, I'll be the first to admit that my clothing choices stem from narcissism and materialism, but the combo of out-of-place shoes and bad jeans is almost always a sign of autism.

>> No.9285869



>> No.9285881

i literally have all of these, except glasses (i should wear them tho, astigmatism), and i am 21 virgin loser

>> No.9285885



>> No.9285895

What does it mean if I conciously force myself completely erect, hold my head high, swing my arms broadly and stare others in the eye as much as possible?
Am I the most powerful man in this thread?

>> No.9285897

the image said that the *hair* overreacted to the wind

>> No.9285900

I have all of them other than the shoes, and I always stare straight ahead instead of down. I managed to get laid. Don't let an internet meme stop you from gaining some self confidence.
To make people insecure. The whole point is to make autists think that everyone knows they're a failure at a glance.

>> No.9285911

>tfw knowing this meme I post-ironically bought a pair of new balances

>> No.9285913

what about chastity in marriage etc etc

sometimes i think these guys are just trying to justify their life choices. Celibacy is something you can choose yeah, but to say that it's better than marriage is a bit haughty

t. Christian virgin

>> No.9285916

this. no male over 16 has neither managed to get laid nor raped. claiming otherwise is just political correctness

>> No.9285918

This desu

>> No.9285927

Only in the sense that if you pretend to be something for long enough, you may actually become it.

>> No.9285929
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>walked past a dude in his 30s the other day
>he said out loud that people rarely walked faster than him
>I didn't make small-talk

>> No.9285932

>It's the same way horoscopes work
This is said a lot but in actuality horoscopes are much worse than this. Try actually reading them.

>> No.9285933

Daily reminder that Paul was so salty about tfwnogf that he encouraged the entire church to avoid marriage and said it was basically worthless and only hindered God's plans.
t. another Christian virgin

>> No.9285936

>tfw this was me in middle school but I grew out of it when I started wanting to date girls in highschool

Thanks, self

>> No.9285966
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Elliot Rodger manifesto

>> No.9285968

at least he admits that he's speaking for himself and not for God.

>> No.9285969

I have almost all of those characteristics
But every time I try to be normal I just end up looking even more weird

>> No.9285982


>> No.9285986

inb4 my diary desu

>> No.9286002

just keep trying anon. I could hardly talk to cashiers a couple of years ago, and now I'm passably good at smalltalk. Just look for chances to talk and be around people, and you will get better.

>> No.9286012

Internet gives men porn and video games, women attention/confidence in social media

>> No.9286021
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>> No.9286024

I do all this but ironically so I'm good

>> No.9286032

There is literally nothing wrong with New Balances. Nikes have no arch support and are shit.

>> No.9286042

This describes me but I'm not actually a virgin.

I had sex, once.

>> No.9286044

Sounds like a poor tradeoff

>> No.9286065

>Not having sex twice with the same person before she dumps you without telling you why
Ahahahahahahahaha you LITERAL cuckold

>> No.9286071 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 800x1200, 1490370927020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My short story is a great start...

She was standing in the door frame, her thigh-high socks had a glossy sheen under the summer sun, her chiffon dress wafting as she poked her toes out to feel the breeze; the roses and lilies printed on her dress danced. I was sat on the staircase behind her, admiring her healthy thighs that showed between her dress and socks. Though she was my older sister, I still wanted to protect her, so when my friends had made comments about her body I told them to stop and moved the conversation along. But sat on the staircase, seeing her curves outlined by the sun, my penis had become hard and engorged.

>> No.9286074

>tfw I wear Merrell's hiking boots all over campus because I used to live in actual mountains and they were useful shoes, and now I'm reluctant to spend the money on a new pair of shoes because I can barely afford textbooks and these Merrell's have already lasted me 4 years anyway so might as well keep going
r8 my aesthetic

>> No.9286097

Has Coach Z fallen on even harder times?

>> No.9286132

can r9k and pol please leave this place

>> No.9286139

>I can't imagine them relaxed any time other than being alone in their rooms.
y-yeah what a bunch of l-losers right

>> No.9286147

What kind of person do you think reads books as a hobby? Virgins or the politically minded, if we exclude the "hurr look at me I'm a guuuuurl I loooove boooks #dumbledoresarmy #resisttrump" crowd

>> No.9286155

The Sot Weed Factor by John Barth

>> No.9286157

>healthy and adjusted people don't read books

nice to see that all those books you "read" are expanding your worldview

>> No.9286160

Wtf? I fuck and walk like that. What am I?

>> No.9286163

It's not that they don't, it's that they don't use 4chan to discuss them.

>> No.9286172

>and i am 21 virgin loser
Virgin master race turning 23 next week

>> No.9286173

Half of Americans are barely literate to begin with.

>> No.9286174

>healthy and adjusted people don't read books
Not the anon you were talking to but the truth is that if you don't take YA readers/posers/pseuds into account then all you're left with (99.9%) are social outcasts.

>> No.9286175
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>healthy and adjusted people

>> No.9286188

citation required

>> No.9286199

>citation required
Sure thing buddy.
>The 15% figure for full literacy, equivalent to a university undergraduate level, is consistent with the notion that the "average" American reads at a 1st or 2nd grade level which is also consistent with recommendations, guidelines, and norms of readability for medication directions, product information, and popular fiction.

>> No.9286201

Does virgin shame ever cease, lads? Like, even if I got laid tomorrow it will always have taken me 23 years to do so, and I can never change that. We're forever beholden to our past and I hate it.

>> No.9286210

Dude nobody fucking cares

If people find out they'd just think its wierd and then forget about it, and why would people find out anyway?

Your autism is the problem, not your "virginity" (males cant really be virgins)

>> No.9286244
File: 97 KB, 309x250, etobce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>males cant really be virgins
>virgins actually think like this

>> No.9286283

Nice (shit) reading comprehension but the post was explicitly about internal shame

>> No.9286286

>explicitly about internal shame
No it wast explicit

If you feel bad internally about not being able to get laid then get laid you fucking loser

>> No.9286435

Jesus you're bad at this. Do you even read or do you just like to hang out here? The idea (laid out explicitly) is that the bad feelings probably won't upon getting laid, the anxiety that we're forever chained to what we were even when we overcome it.

>> No.9286465

It's actually extremely obvious when you see a virgin. You don't even need to know body language, subconsciously they project a terrible image and subconsciously humans can pick up on it. Even if you take perfect care of yourself, with a chiseled body, expensive clothes, clear skin and so on, it is obvious.
>Controlled breath
>controlled voice
>shoulders forward
>chin down
>face tense, or exaggerated expression

>> No.9286470

What about voluntary abstainers? Do they project the same insecurities?

>> No.9286480
File: 88 KB, 1024x1024, ^97F45D98F840C4DA9476F72A5DB7683E4E855EF988F29C66C5^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss being 17. The world was so much simpler. Clear winners and losers. Rules to follow. Prizes to be won.

>> No.9286506

That is not virginity, but a specific psychological pathology that is related to but not directly with virginity

you are retarded

>Waaah i'll always feel bad about losing my virginity at age 23 for the rest of my life

and you have the nerve to criticize me? fucking loser

>> No.9286522

I'm a bunionboy™ and wide NBs are some of the more comfortable shoes I've found.

>> No.9286529

>you are retarded
Perhaps, but at least I can take some comfort in knowing that I'm less retarded than the guy who repeatedly failed to comprehend a simple post.

>> No.9286532
File: 41 KB, 640x633, pepe haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I didn't repeatedly fail to insert my penis into a vagina

>> No.9286541
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>voluntary abstainers
You mean Tibetan monks?

>> No.9286544

He will NOT recover from this

>> No.9286547

I hum a beat when i notice im walking manually. Or i sing; it's good excercise for the lungs

>> No.9286550

I'd say virgins on suicide watch, but no one cares if virgins kill themselves.

>> No.9286559


>> No.9286567

You've got me there, but I can nonetheless honestly say it's given me solace to remember that I post here with retards like you. I may be a virgin loser but at least I'm not a virgin loser with your brains. Keep on keeping on mate, you've improved my mood immeasurably.

>> No.9286569

Virgin dork on suicide watch

>> No.9286578

How can you be smart if you could never even convince a girl to have sex with you?

>> No.9286579

i had to find a source outside wikipedia to confirm but it appears that you're unfortunately correct, mostly due to the qualifier "barely" but still.

>> No.9286583

>nbs with poorly-fitting 90s jeans
that's /fa/ af

>> No.9286585

My nigga you like a thirsty American at a 711
Graspin for straws lmboookkkkk

>> No.9286587

I mean puritans

>> No.9286592

>if you so smart why aint you rich

>> No.9286600

I am you dumb virgin fuck

>> No.9286603

Shit reading comprehension strikes again. Never said I was smart, in fact I literally admitted I was probably retarded. I'm just not as dumb as you, and that's something at least.

>> No.9286613
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>> No.9286622
File: 136 KB, 1023x986, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not me

This is>>9286613
Its a pic of your butthurt self

>> No.9286623

You sound like fuckin' Patrick Bateman, obsessing over what brands people wear. Just chill and be less judgemental, you'll be happier.

>> No.9286633

Sure thing pal, now here's a post describing your reading level: >>9286199

>> No.9286638
File: 12 KB, 259x194, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mary was a virgin
>Mary gave birth
>Need to have sex to conceive child
>Therefore possible to remain a virgin even after having sex


>> No.9286641

t. new balance wearing big jeans autism motherfucker

>> No.9286649
File: 24 KB, 225x224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a perfect score on the reading SAT so I dont care what your awkward self says

Go jerk yourself to sleep, at least you can look forward to becoming a fully fledged wizard of autismo

>> No.9286652
File: 167 KB, 529x705, 4738927423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he virgin walk?

>> No.9286661

Yet you still repeatedly misinterpret simple 4chan posts. Living proof American education is a sham.

>> No.9286677

>perfect score on SAT cr
>Still appealing to accomplishment

>> No.9286689


>> No.9286690

Appealing to accomplishment within a nation notoriously poor for its reading ability lmao

>> No.9286698
File: 2.58 MB, 1440x960, america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. butthurt eurocuck virgins



>> No.9286700

tfw im 18 and everyone knows im a virgin because I go to such a small school in a foreign country and am too awkward to have intimate connections in such a setting

>> No.9286702
File: 547 KB, 2477x3500, 1463366815522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a group of teenagers text-walk in a tight hallway
The SAT is piss-easy. The reading section is basically the equivalent of our 9th grade provincial reading examinations.

Not even our university-entry exams, our mandatory and province-wide exams that one would basically have to be retarded, mourning a death, or going through surgery to skip.

>> No.9286705

Does she help you read the big words on the menu lmao

>> No.9286716

There are no big words on American menus
>beeeg maaacc

>> No.9286720

I order the same thing everytime, no need to read britcuck

Double Cheeseburger and an orea milkshake

>> No.9286722

>claims to have good reading comprehension
>backs up claim by appealing to authority
>assumes posters he is responding to are European just because they are critical of his 1. use of logical fallacies and 2. country

How can you possibly think you are good at reading

>> No.9286733

>"no big words"
>item literally called 'big mac'

When will Americans learn?

>> No.9286734

This desu. It doesn't matter how many times I have sex, I'll still be a self-conscious wreck.

>> No.9286735

I'm not judging people based on brands, I'm not some /fa/ kid talking about designers. The point of the post was that people can often read an autist at a glance because of these >>9286638 and because they will have no understanding of how clothes fit.
I don't automatically dislike somebody based on things like this, I know lots of these people that I would consider friends, but they present themselves terribly.

>> No.9286738
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>trying to change the subject of his virginity

nice try

>> No.9286744

That wasn't me (the 23 year old loser virgin retard)

He is right though lol

>> No.9286749
File: 7 KB, 250x248, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be a different person to save your own ego


>> No.9286750

it's actually the Asperger walk

>> No.9286752


>> No.9286753

I'm a complete loser when compared to most people but I'm a Chad compared to the average 4channer.

>> No.9286764

fuck thats exactly how i walk

>> No.9286773

>having such a fragile ego you literally defer to the SATs to prove your smarts and can only understand criticism as rabid samefagging

Sad indeed

>> No.9286797
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>projecting your fragile ego
>being a virgin

>> No.9286798
File: 27 KB, 1080x279, Screenshot_20170324-112912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally talking with a friend right now about my virginity

>> No.9286806
File: 27 KB, 333x500, 1488672782478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks you're such a loser that you'd fall in love with her

>> No.9286818

>getting friendzoned THIS hard

>> No.9286829

I want to get off the ride

>> No.9286834

dude she (im assuming) is giving you an in. if you can say soemthing funny and NOT super autistic and weird you can totally bone

>> No.9286837

Women don't need anything else to be satisfied.This is why you must never make compliments if you wanna get laid(and you aren't an 8/10 or more)

>> No.9286840

>telling a woman who won't fuck you that you're a virgin
Have fun never having sex ahahahahahahahaha

>> No.9286841


>implying most men who has never experienced intimacy aren't that big losers

>> No.9286842

Tell her you love her already so there's nothing to lose

>> No.9286843




>> No.9286845

>in the United States
that's because everyone is retarded there

>> No.9286847

I'm a girl and this would turn my gash into a sloppy mess

>> No.9286848

>healthy and adjusted
adjusted to what exactly?Society?
Why would a healthy and adjusted person with no doubts or problems care to expand his horizons?What would he want to "fix"?

>> No.9286853

>haha virgin!
>literally the first thing I've admitted to which this entire discussion has been predicated upon
My inadequacies have been well-established and were never in dispute. I just want you to admit to your own ones (aka stupidity). Really I'm looking out for you bro, the truth sets you free.

>> No.9286856

not a virgin and i think like this
try again

>> No.9286862

>in a very selfish spot in life
is this the most bitch thing to say?

>> No.9286864

this statement in conjunction with it's intended meaning doesn't hold up to closer scrutiny

>> No.9286865

Don't you think people may read because they like it, or are naturally interested to a subject? Do you think people who graduated and work wouldn't read? I'd say that a healthy person has a natural curiosity and enough attention to foster a literary interest. Most people I know read a book a year, at the very least.

>> No.9286866
File: 41 KB, 645x851, tfwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My inadequacies have been well-established and were never in dispute. I just want you to admit to your own ones (aka stupidity). Really I'm looking out for you bro, the truth sets you free.

>Using big words to apear intelligent
>Be obvoiusly compensating for awkward and pathetic virginity
>mfw I ran out of laughing.jpgs because I already laughed at you so hard

>> No.9286869
File: 403 KB, 599x715, 1475484522966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The humanity is here thanks to men choosing to take pride in serving women and thanks to women loving to be served.
=>Nobody likes a virgin boy

being a virgin means you suck at making women cum, or more generally at entertaining them, especially if you are old, while other men are already proud of fucking women and the one girl that you try to be noticed by.

For virginity in girl, betas think that motherhood is a redemption from slutiness, or non-virginity.
Of course, today, motherhood is delayed by women, if not even disliked, precisely because women want to enjoy the cock carousel for far longer then before, so the motherhood as redemption is replaced by being in a relationship.
Men accept these compromises because they never have the choice when it comes to women and even invent the meme ''our society will continue in the future so it is good that women spread their legs''.

proving my point. virgin = weaklings, not real men

this indeed. why ?
-because people know that women cannot keep their legs closed
-because people know that most men never amount to anything besides wishing to fuck women

virginity is the best discriminant for people:
-good women are not tramps
-good men manage to make something of their lives (but most men are too pathetic to do something that fucking women).

naturally, this non-hedonistic utopia never occurs:
-women spread their legs chasing their fun, especially through sex, thanks to the men ready to serve them
-very few men go beyond women
men never amount to anything besides providing entertainment for women, since providing for women is the easiest thing (even though, most of the time, they will get their orgasms from other men), especially when it comes to giving them gifts.

>> No.9286870

t. virgin


*breath in*


>> No.9286873

Joke's on you, I wear very nice shoes and am a total autist around women.

>> No.9286874


990 v4 narrow are the most comfortable shoes ive ever worn and they also werent made by a practical slave that has passed because of their factory collapsing on them.

>> No.9286876

>ANY of those
>'big words'
>from someone who LITERALLY bragged about his SAT score to appear intelligent

Nice projection brother

>> No.9286882
File: 1.38 MB, 320x180, thatsright.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Changing the subject AGAIN

>> No.9286890

You changed the subject to compensation lad, I'm just pointing out that it's you who is compensating, likely for some sort of intellectual deficiency. And really, fucking 'inadequacies' a big word? Wasn't that on the SATs bro?

>> No.9286899

Just want you to know that it feels great when a girl cums on your dick
Dumb virgin lmao

>> No.9286908

And I want you to know it feels great to read a book page without having to constantly reread the tough passages lol

>> No.9286911

>implying you read

>> No.9286925

I can tell you've never been to a decent university with a post like that.

>> No.9286947

Every day homie, that's what brings me to a literature board. Now what are you doing here? Grow bored of /v/ or something?

I mean obviously I've read dense and difficult works that require constant rereadd, the insinuation was supposed to be that >>9286899 needs to do that for everything no matter how simple. But hey I'm just a lonely cuck virgin tard so cut me a bit of slack man

>> No.9286957

I didn't know if you were pretending to be a virgin until I read this post

>> No.9286960

Yep, that post was gushing with gamma male

>> No.9286963

That just makes you dumber than I am since I've been pretty obvious about it this whole time. Come on /lit/ what's with the poor reading comprehension epidemic we've got going on itt?

>> No.9286970
File: 115 KB, 960x640, tfw book is gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart to loser virginity

go fuck your softcovers, cuck. Leather bound books with your tears as lube is the closest you're getting to real pussy

>> No.9286974

But I'm an idiot, I've said as much repeatedly itt. Jesus /lit/ your reading abilities are deteriorating at a disconcerting rate.

>> No.9286975

I'm not being dumb. The rational, intelligent man finds it hard to imagine a male virgin over 17

>> No.9286978

Idk bro that sounds like the thinking of an idiot to me. And I'd know because I am one.

>> No.9286987

>have had sex with far more different girls than most guys my age have
>do about half these things
then again girls actually are looking at me often judging by the amount of anonymous numbers I get

>> No.9286991

>judging by the amount of anonymous numbers I get
Bitches just come up and give you their number and shit? Do you look like Michael Fassbender or something

>> No.9286998

I have an angular face and dress like I'm in a boyband(not by conscious effort it's just easy to wear black skinny jeans and random shirts)
on top of that I've been told lots of times I'm mysterious but really I just don't like talking
undergrads still far for that I guess
also I'm not short, fat, or balding and I'm white with bright blue eyes and dark hair

>> No.9287001

is hedonism poster the most autistic /lit/anon?

>> No.9287011

So, bitches just come up to you and give you their number. Bitches you've never seen before. And this happens often?

>> No.9287014

Can't speak for him but it's definitely true for me.

>> No.9287015

what's it like being spooked

>> No.9287017

Why is virginity so funny? Is it because it's so hilariously easy to get laid that you would have be some literal down syndrome type of person not to be able to do it? And why should that be funny? We don't laugh at down syndrome type persons. Or at least if we like to think we are in the least bit decent humans we at least try to stifle our laughter.

>> No.9287022

I'm sure you can say whatever you're trying to say in English.

>> No.9287023

you've basically got it
it is a socially acceptable way to laugh at autism
there's a stigma of making fun of disabilities because they can't be helped but virginity is based on action so the stigma doesn't hold

>> No.9287027

Why is slutdom so funny? Is it because it's so hilariously easy to get laid that you would have be some literal down syndrome type of person not to refrain doing it with just about anyone? And why should that be funny? We don't laugh at down syndrome type persons. Or at least if we like to think we are in the least bit decent humans we at least try to stifle our laughter.

>> No.9287029

>Is it because it's so hilariously easy to get laid that you would have be some literal down syndrome type of person not to be able to do it?
>implying I want to get laid for real and not experience some sort of idealized fetish relationship instead of fucking ugly, boring women

>> No.9287033

>talking with a friend about my virginity

>> No.9287035

Except it's an open question whether the virgin is responsible for his virginity. Some people are born ugly. Some men are born with micropenises. In both cases it's not their fault. In both cases many people are inclined to laugh at their misfortune anyway. Why is this? Laughter is an involuntary, irrational reflex. There is no justifying it logically.

>> No.9287036

Sex with prostitutes is no different from masturbation.

>> No.9287039

I'm not defending it I'm just saying that it's disconnected 1 more step so people are more comfortable making fun

>> No.9287040

>Virgins are fucking retarded
You said it first hahahaaa

>> No.9287055

>and now I'm passably good at smalltalk
That's what you think.

>> No.9287057

Why? I've had to tell people something like this a lot. I'm not going to be with someone unless I'm in love with them. I don't mind fucking them as long as they understand that.
If they don't understand then you have to tell them you can't do anything because future actions you take will hurt them. Often I just want to ignore people, but I don't and it starts to tick away at my ability to sustain any calm in my life. I feel trapped, I start to act out.
It's not bitchy to tell people not to expect a whole lot from you.
She should still fuck him though, having sex isn't falling in love. She's worried about the virginity thing.
Is a funny line.

>> No.9287059

it's front loaded at the beginning of the schoolyear and then I get a lot before breaks
here's a letter I got from a girl in my biology class yesterday
I've gotten probably 20 unsolicited numbers this year but I've settled down with a girl
I'll add I don't have any social media if that's pertinent

>> No.9287063

and seen before but not talked to
I go to college so it's not like I'm walking past new people every day

>> No.9287065

This makes a good point too. I think building a quality relationship with a quality person obviously takes skill and effort, which is inherently the opposite of laughable and ridiculous. Questions of personal responsibility underpin all of it.

>> No.9287070
File: 2.89 MB, 3024x5376, IMAG0422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't attach pic

>> No.9287076

give me one reason why I shouldn't kill handsome people

>> No.9287084

I can't
I support you

>> No.9287105

give me one reason why i shouldn't kill fugly people

>> No.9287112

being alive is punishment enough

>> No.9287118

I want to fucking vomit.

>> No.9287128

Do it. You won't.

>> No.9287132

Too much effort - you could just wank, nap, or have some soup instead.