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/lit/ - Literature

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928539 No.928539 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ It's about time that I ask for your opinion.
I've been delaying a start to reading, for years now,
and I really want to know, what is, or makes a good book? Any genre will do, horror, sad, fantasy, scifi. Any suggestions for a first timer!

>> No.928565

>Any genre
>horror, sad, fantasy, scifi
>horror, sad, fantasy
>horror, sad

>implying sad is a genre

>> No.928578

>>928565 As i said, I'm a first timer

>> No.928584

>first time at stupid

>> No.928588
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>Any suggestions for a first timer!

Completely ignore horror, fantasy, scifi, and any other kind of genre literature. Start with the "modern" stuff in the pic. Come back in a year or two for more.

>> No.928590

you've... you've never read a book before...?

I... I don't know where you'd start...

...Michael Crichton?

>> No.928593

Well, obviously what makes a good book does often come down to a matter of taste. For me, though, it's often a pretty complex set of criteria. Basically, what it boils down to is:
Content (subject, the way the author tackles it , and either a useful subtlety or a successful obviousness)
Characters (descriptions [psychological more than physical, usually], dialogues, and motivations that change or are fleshed out as the book progresses)
Style (use of devices, verbose or simplistic for a reason, and especially if the writer can make the words give a great deal of tone or mood)
Plot (does the plot, or even the lack of one, make this interesting to read? Do I care what happens next?)

Pretty much in that order.

>> No.928595

Probably tragedy would a better word to use instead of sad.

Anyway, for me a good book is about the characters rather than plot. Sure there are good plot driven stories but I relate to a character's conflict and struggles.

Secondly would be technique (style). I can only take so much of "subject verb object punctuation."

>> No.928610

Don't listen to anything these elitist douchebags say! Go to a bookstore, read the backs of a bunch of books and find something that you think you might like. move forward from there.

>> No.928613
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Haven't read a book before? Impossible.

This must be a troll. It just can't be true. At least, I hope not.

Otherwise it's time for any evil geniuses out there to hit the button on their doomsday device. 'Cause it's fucking time.

>> No.928634

When I say first timer, I don't mean to ANY BOOK EVER, i just mean for more complex stories, gentlemen.

>> No.928636

Some of those modern ones are genre fiction, buddy.

But still, listen to this guy, OP. Check out some of those Modern ones, see if you dig them. Humor in that list is:
Slaughterhouse Five (pretty much)
Life With Jeeves

My recommendations for a starting reader from that list:
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,
The Great Gatsby

These are all not very challenging reads and not very long, but still can be seen as quite deep and poignant, as well as pretty enjoyable.

>> No.928652
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Okay, thank god.

If you want something a little complex, there's this book called Gödel, Escher, Bach, it's great for first-timers.

>> No.928670


Yeah, this. Along with Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.928889
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Don't do it these books are super complicated.

These are like YEARS down the road for you.

>> No.929160


Worth a try, if worst comes to worst, I'll just have to stick with, i don't know, roald dahl :|