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File: 96 KB, 334x518, LordOfTheFliesBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9284528 No.9284528 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Classics that are actually hot dogshit

>> No.9284541

LotF is too tame to be dogshit.

>> No.9284621

you're not kidding, I feel like I've read Babby's First Big Book of Extended Metaphors.

>> No.9284710

The author was an actual pedo i read like 50 pages and had to stop

>> No.9284795

:O jeez guys it wasn't that bad!

>> No.9284799

Ya, I said that already

>> No.9284811

the book itself is the Lord of the Flies, because flies are attracted to shit

>> No.9284816

The last time I read it was as a kid and I actually enjoyed it, probs one of my childhood favourites alongside Kensuke's Kingdom. Dunno if it'd be good now

>> No.9284834


>> No.9284844


That book is neither classic nor dogshit.

>> No.9284845

More like extended metaphor in the singular. "People are evil" + hundreds of pages of kids sitting on logs and calling each other niggers.

>> No.9285339

Why are pseuds so triggered by simplicity?

>> No.9285343
File: 985 KB, 600x884, 1463861165903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9285364
File: 31 KB, 200x292, hemsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9285365


>> No.9285366

I've always wondered why this boards frowns upon Catch-22, what is inherently wrong about it? I mean obviously it doesn't hold a candle to Slaughterhouse-5 and the little character arcs whilst obviously played for humour can be a little contrived, I really don't see what is so bad about it though.

>> No.9285369

>obviously it doesn't hold a candle to Slaughterhouse-5
really? I enjoyed Catch-22 a lot more while I thought Slaughterhouse-5 was just decent.

>> No.9285560


>hundreds of pages of kids sitting on logs and calling each other niggers

So 4chan then.

>> No.9285741

Lord of the Flies is a perfectly good book. Was transformative for me as a young teen. All you pseuds can go back to wanking over meme books now.

>> No.9285779

Agree with this anon. I think Slaughterhouse 5 had more poignant moments but, Catch-22 gave a more well-rounded perspective and i think overall is the better book. The humor was top-notch

>> No.9285862

C'mon anon

>> No.9285874

Lord of the flies is great, it's like heart of darkness for normies and children

>> No.9287572
File: 283 KB, 640x946, Catcher-in-the-Rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There is no argument.

>> No.9287587


>> No.9287601

I think Vonnegut needed to throw in a few more "so it goes", he didn't say it enough.

If you remove every "so it goes" you have a short story.

>> No.9287627

Ulyssess boring as fuck desu

>> No.9287650

It makes more sense when you're older.
making this required highschool reading was a bad call.

>> No.9287667


>> No.9287673

ITT: Mandatory High school reading

>> No.9287676

Are you kidding? The only time this drivel makes sense is when you are a misguided and hormonal teenager, convinced that no one understands you. And certainly the language itself is of no difficulty.

>> No.9287717


>> No.9287725

Lord of the rings

>> No.9287745

you're right, you can't argue with a retard

>> No.9287766

Every post XVIth century anglo ""classic""

>> No.9287789

As I Lay Dying.

>> No.9287792


I feel people take the humor criticism a bit too far when talking about this book. While it is hilarious it also must be appreciated how well illustrated each setting and character and remark and gesture is. Each chapter provides a base to build off of. A situation. And well so. Apart from the dialogue the events themselves consist of the most subtle of humor. Well besides the humor, cleverly woven messages not just about war or death but moral character, paranoia, love, religion, service, and many others are contained in some of the best of chapters. Sometimes the entire character or a feeling is put into deeper perspective with just one sentence, often changing the whole chapter and story. Truly a very well written story

>> No.9287794

>he dislikes Catch-22
it has some of the best quotable aphorisms espoused by a protagonist I've ever read in a contemporary novel.

>> No.9287799

If you are a misguided and hormonal teenager convinced that no one understands and you think that the book makes sense to you because you believe it confirms your way of thinking you are not actually making any sense of it.