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File: 198 KB, 830x506, Tolstoy-List-Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9284167 No.9284167 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tolstory overrated?

>> No.9284169

i thought tolstory 3 was, the first two were pretty good though. that purple bear guy wasn't a very convincing antagonist

>> No.9284176

Tolstoy 3 made me cry desu. So did Tolstoy's Master and Man.

>> No.9284184

Not at all. What makes you say that?

>> No.9284232


>> No.9284258

Definitely not. Read his stuff.

>> No.9284279


He's better than Dostoevsky.

>> No.9284288

It's pronounced tolst-WAH.
one must clench one's fist with conviction to emphasize the second syllable.

>> No.9284343

Very very biased because he's my favourite writer of all time and to be honest has turned my life around from the brink a few times, but no he's definitely not.

Tolstoy, whatever he was like as a person ( I don't judge him as harshly as some, but people are troubled by the details of his life), truly understood the composition of people, not as isolated and atomised psychological units, as did Dostoevsky (just as great technically but nowhere near as important to me personally), but as entangled in complicated social networks, capable of the best and worst actions and feelings.

His writings on Natasha's affair in War and Peace for example perfectly encapsulates this incredible way he has of nestling into the mind of another, in a situation totally disimilar to his, the most uncomfortable perspective for anyone, that of a cheating romantic partner, which plays on the most essential insecurity we have, in such a way as to transcend it and understand their exact motivations.

It's this way of keeping the best aspects of the human soul in mind, even when laying out some of the worst actions we can perform, that makes Tolstoy so refreshing to read. The man was a true optimist, in a genuine and authentic way which will be opened up to any reader if they are receptive to his ideas.

Seriously, just read him, starting with a smaller work to get used to his style and diving into War and Peace, not paying attention to the technical aspects (which are spectacular in their own way, but hardly the point of the work), but instead being attentive to the characters, their nuances, their unfolding over time (often from childhood into adulthood), the slow breaking down and building up of people which occurs only in times of trauma, such as war, and which Tolstoy depicts so brilliantly.

P.s this sounds v. Profound to me but I'm drunk so have a good one and sorry if this doesn't make sense

>> No.9284877

Tolstoy is great.
However, it is not good to become Tolstoy principle.

>> No.9284955


>> No.9284995

War and Peace is not a novel

>> No.9284996

Dunno, don't speak Russian.

>> No.9285007

Thank you, for inadvertently proving your plebery

>> No.9285137

What about reading his books to get a conclusion?

>> No.9285356



>> No.9285384


>Not typing it in cyrillic

>> No.9285387


School of Life pls go

>> No.9285890

Lev Nyikolajevics Tolsztoj

Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij

>> No.9286008

Leo Nikolajewitsch Tolstoi

Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski

>> No.9286530


>> No.9286543
File: 127 KB, 729x1096, fyodor_dostoevsky_by_marylinfill-d4zzbzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it then?
Фёдop Mихaйлoвич Дocтoeвcкий
Both transliterations are acceptable, But yours is the more correct of the two.

>> No.9286565

Everyone is overrated

>> No.9286584
File: 197 KB, 1200x627, FB-tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tolstoy said War and Peace is "not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less a historical chronicle".

>> No.9286597

Plebeian: Dostoyevski is better
Contrarian: Tolstoy is underrated
Patrician: Dostoyevski is better

>> No.9286977

I agree that his characters are very good. He has a good eye for people and discerns their thoughts and motivations. His characters are very varied and true to life. In comparison Dostoevsky, while also a great psychologist, has an understanding of people that is very internally based so his characters come off as different versions of himself frantically running around in his head. His insights on human nature are great but his characters are not very believable.
Still one thing I didn't sense about Tolstoy's writing is sympathy. Dostoevsky cares about his characters. Tolstoy always plays favorites. It doesn't reflect on the quality of his writing but it's hard to miss in his tone and attitude. He's very good at accurately depicting people and their behavior but it's like they never really touch him in any way. At least that's the way I feel about it. Maybe it's just the effect of their different approaches but I find it kind of disquieting.

>> No.9287400

dostoevsky is better translated, but in russian you can really see why tolstoy is considered great

>> No.9287439

>14 children and had a profligate sex life in his youth
>then writes Kreutzer Sonata, where he espouses the virtues of celibacy and how anything associated with lust whether its infatuation or just sending love poems is pointless and a waste of effort that could go towards more nobler purposes

>> No.9287445

he would know

>> No.9287468

Tolstoy is like a master artist - his work is on an epic/ grand scale - but Dostoevsky is more about passion and fire

>> No.9287595

But, . . . Still . . . What is it then?

>> No.9287609

Tolstoy's label for what War and Peace was has no equivalent in English. Translated literally Tolstoy called it "a really cool thing."

>> No.9287610

tolstoy's nose is a tragedy

>> No.9287622

Tol Story 2: a pixar film

>> No.9287639

God forbid someone have an experienced understanding of what they're talking about

>> No.9287697

A rollicking historical novel written for the general reader

>> No.9287802

a peasant nose for a peasant at heart

>> No.9287810

i'm also drunk and i endorse this post

>> No.9287824


Tolstoy is a GOD

>> No.9287846
File: 222 KB, 500x657, 3366634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9288443

how do you say it in russian?

>> No.9288476

most certainly. he was also a slave rapist hypocrite.