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9281253 No.9281253 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Zizek hate paganism and glorify Christianity?

>> No.9281259

Žižek belongs on /lit/ as much as e-celebs belong on /tv/, i.e. he doesn't.

>> No.9281269

Because the old gods are dead. Götterdämmerung.

>> No.9281275

He believes the only way one can be truly Atheist is through the Christian faith:


>> No.9281298

What an ugly man

>> No.9281305

Of course, he's a communist

>> No.9281330

Because communists are Christians, usually of the " in denial" kind but he doesn't even bother with that

>> No.9281354

because hegel

>> No.9281355

>Those sweat stains

>> No.9281370

Žižek has a nice Hegelian thesis about the necessity in society and psychic life of abstract imperatives, and the alienating role of abstraction. Paganism and the modern return to nature worship he rightly points out to be a fake ideology and cultural regression. Paganism also supports a mystified love of an organicist system, where everybody has their 'natural' place, as in China And India, which have always been brutal class regimes.

Take the abstraction of human right: a natural ethnic community is totally separated, deprived, abused, having to beg or starve, pimp themselves, as happens often. What do they still have according to Žižek? Not their human right as recognised from outside, the human rights organisations etc, but they do have a universal dimension in their deprivation, a universal humanity you could say, without any essence though, these people are simply lacks, blank spots, and that's What Žižek considers modern subjectivity to be, and the original case of such a universal identification was the people of many nations and races and social standing, who came to hear Christ talk.

Through the suffering and abjection Of Christ's cry on the cross, the mob first identifies with a single model individual (see, Lenin, Stalin And Mao also), and then watches the exemplary man die in agonising pain, rejecting his own God's plan, rejecting the otherworldly God who sits apart from the suffering and struggling of the world in his supreme narcissism. Christians see first the death of the Godhead and then, secondly, the holy spirit of Christian love which binds the universal community even in the absence of Christ there as a leader. Christ himself steps down, he's now incarnated, killed, and dispersed through the world in the believer's communion, the followers even eat his body and blood.

>> No.9281375

>that picture
Žižek looks like he's dying inside to get out of there.

>> No.9281395
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Quality explanation

>> No.9281410

Where can I read more about this??

>> No.9281417

Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion

>> No.9281443

Christians are cucks who worship a weak god

>> No.9281449

Monstrosity of Christ, Puppet and the Dwarf, The Fragile Absolute

All are complex lacanian business. Žižek is odd in that when lacan made a defence of the Catholic and baroque, Žižek defends Protestantism, Calvinism. Lacan Is France, Žižek is Germany.

>> No.9281450


>> No.9281463

> Žižek is odd in that when lacan made a defence of the Catholic and baroque, Žižek defends Protestantism, Calvinism. Lacan Is France, Žižek is Germany.

I don't think thats true at all, I think you're drawing a binary which doesn't really exist. For instance I don't think Zizek subscribes to the Calvinist reading of pre-determination but rather simply expresses it as a legitimate problem to overcome

>> No.9281742


Thanks fellas. Do I need to take the plunge and read shit leading up to Hegel (Greeks, Kant, etc) or can I just jump right in with Hegel and even Lacan?

>> No.9281755

Zizek is a part of the new nazbol world order, he knows that in fact Christianity is a revival of the true indo-aryan primitive religion, and that "paganism" are effeminate degenerations of that religion created from infusion of neolithic farmer fertility cults with the worship of the sun/war god of the aryans (Jesus Christ)

>> No.9281772
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>War God

>Grec-Roman Religion

christians are some the most hopelessly deluded people in the world

>> No.9281783

The primordial form of Jesus Christ is one of the sun and the sword, the true spirit of Christ was that of the warrior.

Greco-Roman religion, like all civilized religions is indeed effeminate, it is built on worship of the woman, the earth and the belly.

>> No.9281788

Actually, Zizek's essays on the Monstrosity of Christ are extremely straighforward and easy to grasp, the problem lies with Millibank.

Also, is the Puppet and the Dwarf about the Thesis on the Concept of History? If it is, I gotta have it mein gott

>> No.9281794

>The primordial form of Jesus Christ is one of the sun and the sword, the true spirit of Christ was that of the warrior.
Evidence? Argument? Never heard of this, seems like complete bullshit but am open to being corected

>Greco-Roman religion, like all civilized religions is indeed effeminate, it is built on worship of the woman, the earth and the belly.
Civilization is indeed effeminate compared to pre-civilization, but the rest I dont understand at all

>> No.9281796

Its an old Nazi theory that is directed towards explaining how Christianity was a German religion the entire time

>> No.9281804
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Oh, kek

German Idealists at it again

>> No.9281929

Look up "žižek Calvinism" on YouTube. QED

>> No.9281941

Paganism is just dirtpoopism with some poorly written fiction on the side.

>> No.9281943

>christian projection

>> No.9281944


>open video
>immediately says his orientation would be either Protestants or maybe Catholics who are closest to Protestantism like Pascal

Again he describes Calvinism as Christianity at its purest but he doesn't mean that in a good way but rather as to be understood in terms of perversion.

>> No.9281966


I mean Christianity has some Idealism on top of the Scripturalism and some empowerment on top of the Prescriptivism, unlike "paganism" which has neither.

>> No.9282031


And that's why I discarded him.

>> No.9282048


>zizek likes impractical loopholes for their aesthetic value

Yeah whatever. Christianity is a fucking disgusting death cult that caused as much destruction as communism did. No wonder he loves it.

"Let's try again! The theology is so complex for complexity's sake!"

Fucking intellectuals.

>> No.9282074

worship of strength is spiritual weakness

>> No.9282080

I'm gonna say now. You don't know wtf you're talking about

>> No.9282083

There's literally nothing wrong with death cults

>> No.9282085

As opposed to worshiping weakness?

You're retarded and contradictory, like christcuckery in general.

>dies by being tortured to death by humans


>> No.9282088

>death cult
Christianity is about life

>> No.9282091
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>Poorly written

The Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Upanishads, the Rig Veda, and the Havamal are all objectively better written than anything in the Bible. Even St. Augustine acknowledged the superiority of pagan literature, and wrote about how guilty he felt for enjoying it more than the Bible.

The pagan philosophical traditions, such as Platonism and Stoicism, are far more substantial than any form of Christianity.

>> No.9282100
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>> No.9282105

t. larper/schizophrenic

>> No.9282116

Something can not be about life without also being about death

>> No.9282119

kill yourself my man........

>> No.9282120

Yes, but to be about life removes all doubt.

>> No.9282122

>tfw the tritest linguistic formalism is enough to hide the greatest horseshoe

>> No.9282306

All I ask you to do is to entertain, for a moment, the possibility that what you see as a contradiction is actually a paradox.

>> No.9282309

ok. redpill me on proactive/reactive love real quick

>> No.9282318


Reactive love is cleaning up the same mess over and over again. Proactive love is cleaning the basal causal agent of that mess once.

>> No.9282329

that sounds like the definition of treating the symptoms and the source of the disease, respectively.


>> No.9282365

Idk, Jesus conquered death, that's pretty strong.

>> No.9282435
File: 40 KB, 509x660, why though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing love is the motivation for both of those actions
>being unironically plugged in like in those those /x/ meme images

>> No.9283339

He looks unwell.

Fuck if I know. What I do know is that paganism is great fun and a lot more active than Christianity, which is just reading the bible, going to mass if you're that brand of Christian, and doing your prayers.

With paganism, you can actively worship by going outside and wandering in nature. You can marvel at the beauty of the trees and the flowers and be thankful for your tiny part of this ecosystem. You can glory in the fact that you live from the earth, both directly and indirectly, and when you die you go back to the earth. It's here and now and you don't have to worry about what some guy said 1600 years ago.

>> No.9283355
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>> No.9283358
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>> No.9283365
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>> No.9283383
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>> No.9283384

Lel yeah. Anyone who doesn't subscribe to religion despite the lack of rational evidence (both empirical and theoretical) for the existence of a deity and the ritual practices and belief system associated therewith is just a pretentious autistic tryhard who lacks both intellectual integrity and social competence. The idea that one might reject the intellectual basis of religion and be aware of the existential and psychological factors that bias individuals and societies toward the adherence of religion is just preposterous, I say!

That being said, I respect individuals like Saint Augustine, Kierkegaard, and Wittgenstein who exhibit true genius maintain an intellectual perspective on religion, while also recognizing the inherent incomprehensibility of religious teaching and the existence of god. More such figure lack the fatuous conceit and condescension of individual such as yourself, who laugh at non-believers as if they know any better themselves. I get the impression that you yourself will never truly understand either religion or atheism.

>> No.9283439

Zizek is a crypto-jesuit. He literally partakes in the consumption of the body of christ

>> No.9283461

So have many Gods, who were better than him

>"E-Everybody I dislike is ugly!! S-See? I even made completely shit tier memes it must be t-true!"

>> No.9283472

>Unironically tips his hat at a passing lady

>> No.9283496

>Implying I would show ANY respect toward modern day women

I have token the redpill and am MGTOW, in this modern misandric and gynocentric world us men have to stick together.

>> No.9283516

He looks like he would smell very similarly to a BigMac.

>> No.9283518

>rejecting his own God's plan, rejecting the otherworldly God who sits apart from the suffering and struggling of the world in his supreme narcissism.

Of course (orthodox) Christians believe that Jesus is that very same God. He is doing the will of his Father, not rejecting it.

>Christians see first the death of the Godhead

Christians do not believe that the Godhead died. We can correctly say, "God died," but this must be understood as a reference to the divine person who suffered death in his humanity. He did not suffer death in respect to his divinity; such a concept is absurd to begin with.

>Christ himself steps down, he's now incarnated, killed, and dispersed through the world in the believer's communion, the followers even eat his body and blood.

Interesting absence of the resurrection here.